Blue Oyster Cult / Live In The West 1975 Definitive Edition / 2CD

Blue Oyster Cult / Live In The West 1975 Definitive Edition / 2CD/ Zodiac

Civic Auditorium, Redding, California 3rd July 1975 & Paramount Northwest, Portland, Oregon 4th July 1975 STEREO SBD

Play sample :

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There are a number of collectors items of BLUE OYSTER CULT (hereinafter referred to as B.O.C.), a masterpiece with no line, and a resurgence of both the appearance and quality! 12 years from the first appearance of shock. Please experience “LIVE IN THE WEST 1975” which is highly praised as “B.O.C. live to be heard first” and “the highest peak live source” from a hardcore mania with the best sound in the past, and experience it!

1975 is a special era in rock history. QUEEN produces “Bohemian Rhapsody” and makes a name in history, KISS is a frenzy “ALIVE! In the world]. Then Richie Blackmore found Ronnie James Dio and started his journey to the rainbow. As they keep pace with them, B.O.C., the “cool madness of New York”, also had a leap of leaps from being a male on the Angra scene to a representative of American Rock.
“The history of B.O.C. is separated by the official live works.” … Although it is a used expression, it is still an indispensable saying in speaking of B.O.C. live. It was exactly this 1975 that became the “first chapter”. It is the announcement of “ON YOUR FEET OR ON YOUR KNEES” that became their first official live album.
The film mainly features the US tour in October 1974, and has firmly drawn out the figure of B.O.C., which demonstrates its full potential on the stage. Above all else, it is important that it was a compilation of the initial 3 works, from the debut work to “SECRET TREATIES”. The band’s personality was the most glaring, and it had the figure of a time when the fans were heated hotly, before it was gradually popularized with the birth of “AGENTS OF FORTUNE”, that is “(Don’t Fear) The Reaper” Because!
The tour accompanied by “SECRET TREATIES” has been a long circuit, with the live release of the above-mentioned live film circuited the United States and Europe vigorously until January ’76. Among them, the US tour, which took place from February to October ’75 (even after the live album was announced), was officially recorded at various places, and how BOC at the time responded lively I will show you how I felt.

Let’s look back on the B.O.C. career at that time.

・ December 16th, debut work “BLUE OYSTER CULT” announcement
・ February 11, 2nd album “TYRANNY AND MUTATION” announcement
・ April 5th, 3rd album “SECRET TREATIES” announced
・ April 27th, New Jersey Passeik performance
…… A part is adopted for “ON YOUR FEET OR ON YOUR KNEES”
・ Recorded each performance of the North American Tour from October 5 to 21
・ It becomes the main sound source of “ON YOUR FEET OR ON YOUR KNEES”
-Early July, North American tour with JOURNY. ← ★ This work is Coco
…… Production start of new album from the same period
・ February to April, new album recording
・ May 21st, 4th album “AGENTS OF FORTUNE” announced

After the tour of January ’76, B.O.C. will pick up several songs from the live recordings obtained in the previous year’s tour and create cassette live albums for the people concerned. The live source used at that time was composed of the sound source of the July West Coast Tour as follows.

・ July 3, Performances of California Reddy
・ July 4, Portland, Oregon show
・ Seattle performance in Seattle, Washington on July 5
(One theory includes July 8th, Medford, Oregon)

This work took off the veil in front of the fans in 2007. “LIVE IN THE WEST 1975”, using cassette-live album Daigen Master owned by the concerned, surpassed “ON YOUR FEET OR ON YOUR KNEES” in all aspects. The enthusiastic B.O.C. believers from overseas also highly praised the content of the full set, about 95 minutes, the superb sound and the performance of the masterpiece.
As described above, the previous work was a live source of the decision board class at the time of excavation, but it is also true that the raw material peculiar to the spilled material was strong because the material material only for the concerned parties. Therefore, in this re-release, with the aim of “the ideal form of this sound source”, we carry out remastering that aimed at improving the degree of perfection to a sound with well-balanced overall sound and a sound image in pursuit of more entertainment. An item worthy of the name “Definitive” was born here as a book that appeals the charm of the early B.O.C. to a broad fan!

“… Come from New York City! The Amazing Blue Oyster Cult!” And the wonderfulness of unfolding “Stairway To The Stars” and “OD’d On Life Itself”! Core mania will realize the difference in sound at this point. Each part of the band gets a clearer separation, and each ensemble emerges and crosses. The musical tones are sharpened in units of one note, and the cymbal shakes the air as if it were transmitted to its vibration. Three consecutive shots from “SECRET TREATIES” followed by “Flaming Telepaths”, “Dominance And Submission”, “Subhuman”, the sound pressure that gets a solid thickness shakes the listener’s hand. Eric Bloom’s wild singing and guitar sometimes fights and sometimes adds up to the melodious Donald Luther guitar. Furthermore, the unusual keyboard which Alain Rainier brings out fills the space … The magic of this B.O.C. sound! “Astronomy”, which is played at the beginning of Disc 2, is the point and true point of the first 3 works!
And the highlight of the live is 13 minutes’ Buck’s Boogie! The development to the riff to sprint, the solo that emphasized the melody is a play that seems to be the back derm (Donald Luther’s popular name). Furthermore, in response to the bold boogie rhythm, Eric, Alan, Joe Buchard’s play is also terrific. Albert Buchard’s drum solo included in the midfield is also effective, and it is a great take to show the power of B.O.C. as a live band. The closing at “Hot Rails To Hell” and “Maserati GT (I Ain’t Got You)” that swells dramatically is also the best. This live is an achievement of the initial B.O.C. that was polished out on a tour of about 15 months after the “SECRET TREATIES” announcement. This is “The King of the New York Angra Scene” B.O.C. Live!

Although the B.O.C. collector’s items have been dramatically enhanced in type and quality since 2010, the surprising thing is that the Press CD title is only the previous and current album “LIVE IN THE WEST 1975.” In other words, there is no B.O.C. live album that exceeds this title!
He writes his name on American subculture history and continues to influence “SECRET TREATIES”. This work reproduces the tour peak completely, and inscribes into a 2-disc press CD. Please check out the historic live source you want to see for all rock fans, and the original B.O.C. legend that has revived after 44 years!

BLUE OYSTER CULT(以下B.O.C.)のコレクターズ・アイテムは数あれど、並ぶもの無きマスターピースが、装いもクオリティも一新して復活します! 衝撃の初登場から12年。ハードコアなマニアからも「最初に聴くべきB.O.C.ライヴ」かつ「最高峰ライヴ・ソース」と絶賛される『LIVE IN THE WEST 1975』を、過去最良のサウンドで、ぜひご体験ください!

1975年は、ロック史上に残る特別な時代。QUEENが「Bohemian Rhapsody」を生み出して歴史に名を刻み、KISSは狂乱の『ALIVE!』で世界へと羽ばたく。そしてリッチー・ブラックモアはロニー・ジェイムズ・ディオを見出して、虹への旅路を歩み始めた。それらと歩調を合わせるように、”ニューヨークの冷めた狂気”ことB.O.C.も、アングラ・シーンの雄からアメリカン・ロックの代表格へと、飛躍の瞬間を迎えていました。
「B.O.C.の歴史は公式ライヴ作品により区切られる」……使い古された表現とはいえ、B.O.C.ライヴを語る上でやはり欠かせない格言です。その”第一章”となったのが、まさにこの1975年。彼らにとって初めての公式ライヴ・アルバムとなった『ON YOUR FEET OR ON YOUR KNEES』の発表です。
同作は主に1974年10月の米国ツアーを収録し、ステージでさらなる実力を発揮するB.O.C.の姿をしっかりと描き出した。なによりもデビュー作から『SECRET TREATIES』まで、初期3作品の集大成だった点が重要です。この後『AGENTS OF FORTUNE』、すなわち「 (Don’t Fear) The Reaper」の誕生で次第に大衆化していく以前、バンドの個性が最もギラつき、ファンを熱く滾らせた当時の姿を収めたのですから!
『SECRET TREATIES』に伴うツアーは長期に渡り、前掲ライヴ作品リリースを挟んで’76年1月までアメリカ・ヨーロッパを精力的にサーキットしました。そのうち’75年2月から10月にかけて行われた全米ツアーは(ライヴ・アルバムが発表された直後にも関わらず)各地で公式録音されていたほどで、当時のB.O.C.がいかにライヴでの手応えを感じていたかをうかがわせます。


・1月16日,デビュー作『BLUE OYSTER CULT』発表
・2月11日,2ndアルバム『TYRANNY AND MUTATION』発表
・4月5日,3rdアルバム『SECRET TREATIES』発表
・5月21日,4thアルバム『AGENTS OF FORTUNE』発表



この作品がファンの前でヴェールを脱いだのが2007年。関係者所有のカセット・ライヴ・アルバム大元マスターを用いた『LIVE IN THE WEST 1975』は、あらゆる面で『ON YOUR FEET OR ON YOUR KNEES』を凌駕していた。フルセット約95分の収録内容,極上のサウンドそして圧巻の演奏を、海外の熱心なB.O.C.信者も絶賛したのです。

「…Come from New York City! The Amazing Blue Oyster Cult!」ディスクを再生してまず轟く、バンド紹介の絶叫。そして繰り広げられる「Stairway To The Stars」と「O.D.’d On Life Itself」の素晴らしさ! コア・マニアはこの時点でサウンドの違いを実感するでしょう。バンドの各パートはより明瞭な分離を得て、それぞれのアンサンブルが浮かび出ては交錯する。楽音は一音単位でより研ぎ澄まされ、シンバルが空気を震わす、その振動まで伝わるかのよう。「Flaming Telepaths」・「Dominance And Submission」・「Subhuman」と続く『SECRET TREATIES』からの3連発は、どっしり厚みを得たサウンドが確かな音圧が聴き手を揺さぶる。エリック・ブルームの野趣あふれる歌唱とギターが、メロディアスなドナルド・ルーサーのギターを相手に、時に戦い、時に和す。さらにアラン・レーニアが繰り出す変幻自在のキーボードが空間を満たしていく…これぞB.O.C.サウンドのマジック! ディスク2の冒頭で演じられる「Astronomy」こそ、初期3作品の到達点であり真骨頂です!
そしてライヴのハイライトは13分におよぶ圧巻の「Buck’s Boogie」! 疾走するリフ、旋律を重視したソロへの展開は、いかにもバック・ダーマ(ドナルド・ルーザーの通称)らしいプレイ。さらに重厚なブギーのリズムに呼応して、早いパッセージやフレーズを畳み掛けるエリックやアラン、ジョー・ブーチャードのプレイも凄まじいの一言。中盤でインクルードされるアルバート・ブーチャードのドラムソロも効果的で、ライヴ・バンドとしてのB.O.C.の実力を見せ付ける素晴らしいテイクです。劇的に盛り上がる「Hot Rails To Hell」・「Maserati GT (I Ain’t Got You)」でのクロージングもまた最高。本ライヴは『SECRET TREATIES』発表からおよそ15か月間のツアーで磨き抜かれた、初期B.O.C.の到達点。これこそが”ニューヨークのアングラ・シーンの王者”B.O.C.ライヴなのです!

B.O.C.のコレクターズ・アイテムは2010年以降、種類も質も劇的に充実してきたものの、意外な事にプレスCDタイトルは前作および本作の『LIVE IN THE WEST 1975』しかない。すなわち、このタイトルを超えるB.O.C.ライヴ・アルバムは存在しないのです!
アメリカのサブカルチャー史にも名を記し、今なお影響を与え続ける『SECRET TREATIES』。本作はそのツアー・ピークを余す所なく再現し、2枚組プレスCDに刻み込む。全てのロック・ファンにお確かめ頂きたい歴史的ライヴ・ソース、44年の歳月を経て蘇るオリジナルB.O.C.の伝説を、どうぞ見届けてください!


Disc 1 (48:14)
1. Intro 2. Stairway To The Stars 3. O.D.’d On Life Itself 4. Harvester Of Eyes
5. Flaming Telepaths 6. Dominance And Submission 7. Subhuman
8. 7 Screaming Diz-Busters

Disc 2 (46:34)
1. Astronomy 2. Cities On Flame With Rock And Roll 3. Buck’s Boogie
4. Hot Rails To Hell 5. Maserati GT (I Ain’t Got You)

Eric Bloom – Vocal & Guitar Donald “Buck Dharma” Roeser – Guitar
Allen Lanier – Keyboards & Guitar Joe Bouchard – Bass Albert Bouchard – Drums



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