Billy Joel / Wembley 1984 Upgrade / 1DVDR

Billy Joel / Wembley 1984 Upgrade / 1DVDR / Uxbridge

Wembley Arena, London, UK 6th June 1984

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Billy Joel’s masterpiece “AN INNOCENT MAN” was a big hit not only in the United States but also in the United Kingdom, so a tour of the country was made possible, and the BBC broadcast the recording of the tour on TV. Thanks to this, it has become a classic live video that captures Billy in 1984.
In fact, since the TRIAL label released the best version of this video in 2005, we have been able to enjoy the long-standing staple of Billy live video with the highest quality you could ever hope for.
Unfortunately, since it was a TV broadcast, the audio was probably monaural. However, on this day, the BBC broadcast on FM in addition to TV. As a result, the highest quality stereo soundboard recording was also left behind.

It was clear that the strongest version could be created by combining the audio and video, and in the mid-2010s, a maniac who started this work realized the long-awaited hybrid version and released it on YouTube.
However, the compression rate of the original video was so high that not only did the image quality deteriorate to the point where the motion became choppy (considerable deterioration even compared to the TRIAL version), but more importantly, the quality of the video was not recorded on the CD-R that is believed to have been the source of the audio. It hurts that there were skips and noises that seemed to be mistakes.
As a result, in “Scenes From An Italian Restaurant”, the picture and sound were often out of sync, ruining the hybrid editing.

Due to the failure of that version, it was overlooked for a while, but recently another enthusiast finally tried hybridization again.
First of all, not only is the picture quality the best, but in the case of the “Scenes From An Italian Restaurant” in question, they switched back to the original TV sound in the parts where noise was present, making it stress-free to watch. is. What’s more, the TV’s monaural audio is treated with pseudo-stereo processing to minimize the discomfort with FM audio.
At this point, it’s so complete that it wouldn’t be strange to see it released as a regular live video, and I’m amazed at the quality that not only enthusiasts but also general music fans can enjoy with peace of mind.

And since it was filmed by the BBC, the overacting behavior of Billy and the other members on stage was really interesting. From the opening “Prelude/Angry Young Man”, you will be overwhelmed by Billy’s high tension performance.
In addition, the intense stage actions of band members such as Mark Rivera and David LeBolt clearly have the feeling that they were conscious of TV recording, but the best part is the spectacular drumming of Liberty DeVito, who was completely shaken off from the opening.
It is an amazing live video that shows Billy and the band in “AN INNOCENT MAN” mode in the highest image quality and highest sound quality throughout the whole movie, but towards the end of the live performance, Billy was completely shaken off and the unrestrained performance exploded. In “Big Shot”, you can fully enjoy Billy, who is so violent that he shows gestures that would probably cause a fire today (bitter smile).
Above all, Billy is still young and runs freely around the stage. What’s more, this is the best live video that captures him during his “AN INNOCENT MAN” days, when he was one of a kind, full of famous songs and perfect picture and sound quality!

ビリー・ジョエルの名盤『AN INNOCENT MAN』はアメリカだけでなくイギリスでも大ヒットを記録したことから同国を廻るツアーが実現したのですが、その模様をBBCが撮影からのテレビ放送してくれたおかげで1984年のビリーを捉えたライブ映像として定番の座を揺るぎないものとしています。

そのせいで「Scenes From An Italian Restaurant」では絵と音がズレまくるという最悪の状態でせっかくのハイブリッド編集が台無しに。

まず画質からして最高のクオリティであるだけでなく、問題の「Scenes From An Italian Restaurant」に関してはノイズが入る個所は元のテレビの音声へと切り替えてストレスなしに鑑賞できるよう仕上げてくれたのです。おまけにテレビのモノラル音声に関しては疑似ステレオ処理を施してFM音声との違和感を最小限に留めるという涙ぐましさ。

そしてBBCの撮影が入っているということから、ビリー以下ステージ上のメンバーのオーバーアクション気味な振る舞いが本当に面白い。オープニングの「Prelude/Angry Young Man」からしてビリーのハイテンション・パフォーマンスに圧倒されることかと。
全編を通して『AN INNOCENT MAN』モードのビリーとバンドの様子が最高画質と最高音質で見られる驚愕のライブ映像なのですが、ライブ終盤になるとビリーも完全に振り切れてしまい奔放なパフォーマンスが炸裂。「Big Shot」に至っては今なら炎上しかねない仕草を見せる(苦笑)ほどの暴れん坊ビリーが存分に楽しめます。
何よりビリーもまだまだ若々しくステージを縦横無尽に駆け巡る。なおかつ名曲満載で画質も音質も完璧という一家に一本レベルな『AN INNOCENT MAN』時代の彼を捉えた最高のライブ映像!

1. Prelude/Angry Young Man
2. My Life
3. Piano Man
4. Don’t Ask Me Why
5. Allentown
6. Goodnight Saigon
7. Pressure
8. Leave A Tender Moment Alone
9. An Innocent Man
10. What’s Your Name
11. The Longest Time
12. This Night
13. Just The Way You Are
14. Band Introduction
15. Scenes From An Italian Restaurant
16. Sometimes A Fantasy
17. It’s Still Rock & Roll To Me
18. Uptown Girl
19. Big Shot
20. Tell Her About It
21. You May Be Right
22. Only The Good Die Young


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