Alcatrazz / Definitive Reseda 1983 / 1CD

Alcatrazz / Definitive Reseda 1983 / 1CD / Zodiac

Live at Country Club, Reseda, CA, USA 31st October 1983 STEREO SBD

Play sample :

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An upgrade master of the famous recording, which is famous as “the three major sound boards of the Yngwie era”, has been newly discovered. Introducing a press CD that permanently preserves the apex sound that surpasses the official version.
The “three major sound boards” are the traditional Japanese performance official, the Cleveland performance that is familiar in our “LIVE GAMES (Shades 420)”, and this work. It is a stereo sound board recording of “October 31, 1983 Recida performance”. This show has long been known to have been broadcast on the famous program “CAPTURED LIVE!”, And is now a big staple that has become widely known on the official board “LIVE ’83”. This work is the remastered recurrence. .. .. Rather, it is the newly excavated highest peak renewal master.

[New excavation of the highest peak master in the history of pre-FM] The identity of this work is a pre-FM master excavated by the prestigious “Krw_co”. It is a piece that permanently preserves the sound before getting on the radio wave, not the conventional air check. However, there is one point here. Although this work is pre-FM, it is not the broadcast master LP itself, but is digitized from the reel master copied from it. It’s common sense in the 70’s vintage, but it’s hard to say that Omoto is the best old record. If it is a tape, it may get twisted or stuck due to deterioration over time, and even if it is an LP, it is not uncommon for a copy tape to preserve better sound depending on the board quality. Of course, it would be out of the question if it had been dubbed for many generations, but this work was the 1st Gene that was reel-copied at that time. Only God knows if there are any intact master LPs left in the world, but at least the best sound ever has been digitized.
Some people may think, “Wait a minute. Is it formalized in” LIVE ’83 “?”, But that is out of the question. Formalization of traditional soundboards is not uncommon these days, but many are inferior just by copying outdated bootlegs. “LIVE ’83” is not so terrible, but the sound pressure is higher than our conventional version “IMPRISONMENT FOR LIVE”. It’s incomparable to this upgrade.
Actually, it is an unexperienced area that flows out of this work. The identity is clear from the fact that all the DJs that have been cut in the conventional version remain, but the point is still the sound. Natural and fiercely tight. The shaking and twisting that was felt in the conventional edition (including the official edition) has almost disappeared, and every corner is beautiful. And what is even more surprising is the density of the core. Since it is a sound board, it was close to zero distance even in the conventional board, but after listening to this work, it even feels squishy. To that extent, the core of this work is packed in bread. Don’t get me wrong here, I’m not talking about sound pressure earning by remastering. In fact, the attack sound of this work has no thorns and no elements that hurt your ears. It is not the “strength of pushing”, but the “high density” because even the finest parts are left clean. If you compare this upgrade feeling to the world of official studio work, it is close to high-quality CDs such as Mobile Fidelity and Nimbus Super Cut. How to precisely reproduce the sound recorded by the Omoto Master and digitize it. What flows out of this work is the sound that should be talked about in such a horizon.
The most historic show among the three major sound boards is drawn with such an extreme sound. To explain what that means, let’s unravel the schedule at that time.

● 1983
・ September 1st + 12th: Los Angeles (2 performances)
“October 15” NO PAROLE FROM ROCK’N’ROLL “released”
・ October 31: Los Angeles performance ← ★ Coco ★
・ November 18: San Francisco performance
・ December 21: Huntington Beach performance
・ December 26: Milwaukee performance
● 1984
・ January 24-29: First visit to Japan (5 performances) ← * Official video
・ February 19-April 21: North America # 1 (11 performances)
・ May 23-July 8 (?): North America # 2 (19 performances) ← * LIVE GAMES
《Withdraw from Yngwie → Join Vai》
・ July 13: California performance
・ October 3-11: Japan # 2 (5 performances)

[Historical sound board that can be said to be the first step of the guitar revolution] This is ALCATRAZZ in 1983/1984. As a matter of fact, Yngwie Malmsteen and Michael Schenker have not been verified worldwide, and the records at that time are all poor. The above is also a combination of multiple contradictory materials, so please do not believe the details such as the number of performances. In any case, it is almost certain that this work is just after the start of any material, and it is the oldest of the three major sound boards (this sound source is said to be “March 29, 1984”, but it is called the broadcast date. The theory is influential). In other words, this broadcast made the world aware of Yngwie. Of course, “NO PAROLE FROM ROCK’N’ROLL” had already been released, but only those who were interested bought it. On the other hand, this broadcast also hit ordinary rock fans with “What is this!” And “Who is Yngwie !?”. It’s such a historic sound board.
And the content of the show also proves the moment of its dawn. First of all, let’s organize it by comparing it with “LIVE IN JAPAN 1984 (Complete Edition)”, which is the longest of the three major sound boards.

・ Too Young To Die, Too Drunk To Live / General Hospital (★) / Kree Nakoorie / Island In The Sun / Hiroshima Mon Amour / Suffer Me / Jet To Jet
● Other
・ Evil Eye / Since You Been Gone / Desert Song
* Note: “★” marks are songs that cannot be heard even in “LIVE IN JAPAN 1984 (Complete Edition)”.

… And it looks like this. The biggest point is “General Hospital”. As anyone who has noticed this article knows, this song is not recorded in the audience as well as in the other two soundboards. It is a super-rare song only for the Ricida performance, and the fact that it has updated its highest peak means that this work is also the best “General Hospital” in history.
And the performance of spinning the set is also unrivaled. Graham, who was drunk and sloppy at the Japan performance, is in great shape! The high notes also stretched beautifully, and even though it was powerful, you could hear a beautiful singing. Especially intense is “Desert Song”. Graham fake here, but he’s not a silent fake. He is comfortably singing even higher. Perhaps inspired by Graham, Yngwie is also flying in this song. In this work, all the songs and all the songs are godly, but the solo “Tenshoke feeling” of this song is not hampered. Some enthusiasts assert that “Yngwie’s all records and all solos are the best” (although I can’t argue with them because I don’t have enough knowledge to agree).
Yngwie Malmsteen, 20 years old, has overturned the concept of “rock guitar playing”. And Graham Bonnet, who was in great shape, showed a different dimension from the performance in Japan. This is a historical case board where the sound board, in which both males were shining the most dazzlingly, was upgraded. A press CD that retains its brilliant sound forever. Please enjoy it anytime, forever.

★ Superb stereo sound board recording of “October 31, 1983 Recida Performance”. It is a big classic that has become widely known in the official “LIVE ’83”, but this work is an upgrade board by the newly excavated pre-FM master. All the DJs that have been cut in the conventional version remain, but the sound is more than that. It is natural and extremely tight, eliminating the shaking and twisting of the conventional board, and increasing the density of the core. It is a historic new masterpiece that you can enjoy the first step of the guitar revolution with the best sound ever, such as the extremely rare “General Hospital” where only this recording remains and “Desert Song” known for super famous performances.

★ This is an incident. The longest upgrade board. This is the best hard rock title of the year.

その「3大サウンドボード」とは、伝統の日本公演オフィシャル、当店の『LIVE GAMES(Shades 420)』でもお馴染みのクリーヴランド公演、そして本作。「1983年10月31日リシーダ公演」のステレオ・サウンドボード録音です。このショウは古くから名物番組“CAPTURED LIVE!”で放送された事でも知られ、現在ではオフィシャル盤『LIVE ’83』でも広く知られるようになった大定番。本作は、そのリマスター再発。。。ではなく、新発掘された最高峰更新マスターなのです。

「ちょっと待て。『LIVE ’83』で公式化されているだろ?」と思う方もいらっしゃるkも知れませんが、それは論外とさせていただきたい。昨今は伝統サウンドボードの公式化も珍しくなくなりましたが、中には時代遅れのブートレッグをコピーしただけ粗悪品も多い。『LIVE ’83』はそこまで酷くはないものの、当店の従来盤『IMPRISONMENT FOR LIVE』より音圧が高いかな……というレベル。今回のアップグレードとは比較にならないのです。

・10月31日:ロサンゼルス公演 ←★ココ★
・5月23日ー7月8日(?):北米#2(19公演)←※LIVE GAMES

これが1983年/1984年のALCATRAZZ。実のところ、イングヴェイ・マルムスティーンやマイケル・シェンカーは世界的な検証が進んでおらず、当時の記録も拙いものばかり。上記も矛盾のある複数の資料を組み合わせていますので、公演数などの細部は信じないでいただきたいくらいです。ともあれ、どの資料を漁っても本作が始動直後なのはほぼ間違いなく、3大サウンドボードでも最古(この音源は一部で“1984年3月29日”とも言われていますが、放送日という説が有力です)。つまり、この放送によって世界中がイングヴェイを知った。もちろん、すでに『NO PAROLE FROM ROCK ‘N’ ROLL』もリリースされていたわけですが、あくまで興味のある人だけが買った。それに対し、この放送は普通のロックファンにも「なんだコレは!」「イングヴェイって誰だ!?」を叩きつけた。そんな歴史的サウンドボードなのです。
そして、ショウ内容もその黎明の刹那を証明するもの。まずはセットですが、3大サウンドボードでも一番長尺な『LIVE IN JAPAN 1984 (Complete Edition)』と比較して整理してみましょう。

・Too Young To Die, Too Drunk To Live/General Hospital(★)/Kree Nakoorie/Island In The Sun/Hiroshima Mon Amour/Suffer Me/Jet To Jet
・Evil Eye/Since You Been Gone/Desert Song
※注:「★」印は『LIVE IN JAPAN 1984 (Complete Edition)』でも聴けない曲。

……と、このようになっています。最大のポイントは「General Hospital」。本稿に目を留められた方ならご存知と思いますが、この曲は他2種のサウンドボードだけでなく、オーディエンス録音でも残っていない。リシーダ公演だけの超激レア曲でして、その最高峰を更新したという事は、イコール本作こそが史上最高の「General Hospital」でもあるわけです。
そして、そのセットを紡ぐパフォーマンスも強烈無比。日本公演では酔っぱらってヨレヨレだったグラハムが絶・絶好調! ハイノートも綺麗に伸び、ド迫力なのに美しい歌い上げを聴かせる。特に強烈なのが「Desert Song」。ここでグラハムはフェイクするのですが、声が出なくて低く下げるフェイクではない。気持ちよさげにさらに高く上げて歌っているのです。そんなグラハムに触発されたのか、この曲ではイングヴェイもブッ飛んでいる。本作では全編・全曲で神懸かっているわけですが、この曲のソロの「天翔け感」はハンパない。「イングヴェイの全記録・全ソロでもベスト」と断言するマニアもいる(同意できるほどの知見がないので反論もできませんが)ほどの超絶な名ソロを繰り出しているのです。

★「1983年10月31日リシーダ公演」の超極上ステレオ・サウンドボード録音。公式『LIVE ’83』でも広く知られるようになった大定番ですが、本作は新発掘されたプレFMマスターによるアップグレード盤。従来盤ではカットされてきたDJも全部残っていますが、それ以上なのがサウンド。ナチュラルにして猛烈にタイトで、従来盤のような揺れやヨレが一掃され、芯の密度もアップしています。この録音しか残っていない激レアな「General Hospital」や超名演で知られる「Desert Song」など、ギター大革命の第一歩を史上最高サウンドで楽しめる歴史的な新名盤です。



1 Jim Ladd Intro
2 Too Young To Die
3 General Hospital
4 Kree Nakoorie
5 Island In The Sun
6 Evil Eye
7 Jim Ladd talks
8 Since You Been Gone
9 Hiroshima Mon Amour
10 Jim Ladd talks
11 Suffer Me
12 Desert Song
13 Jet To Jet
14 Jim Ladd outro

Graham Bonnet – Vocals
Yngwie Malmsteen – Guitar
Jimmy Waldo – Keyboards
Gary Shea – Bass
Jan Uvena – Drums



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