Aerosmith / Definitive Zurich 1976 / 1CD

Aerosmith / Definitive Zurich 1976 / 1CD + 1Bonus CDR / Zodiac
Live at Volkhaus, Zurich, Switzerland 30th October 1976 plus Bonus CDR “ROCKS OFFENBACH”

Play sample :

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The legendary original recording that was touted as “the strongest 70’s bootleg” and “the masterpiece of the ROCKS Tour” is reprinted. Appeared on a press CD that permanently preserves the master sound with a new outfit.
“Performance in Zurich on October 30, 1976” is engraved on this work. Strictly speaking, it is a “super-class official recording”. Yes, it was not the audience who worked on this recording. He was a soundman who toured with the band at the time. At our shop, we received a treasured master that was not open to the public for trade and digitized it … that is the true nature of this work.
Its origin alone sounds amazing, but the actual content is beyond imagination. Apparently it looks like a spatial recording with a microphone, but the sound that flows out has no sense of air. The core that turns on violently is very thick and the sense of distance is completely zero. Along with that, if the details are extremely clear, the separate feeling is also great. It was probably recorded with a professional high-end microphone near the PA desk, but if there was no memo written by the person concerned saying “It’s a microphone recording”, it can only be thought of as a sound board, super direct, super fat, super dynamic.・It’s the sound. If you are a seasoned collector, you may think of the equation “ROCKS Tour masterpiece = Offenbach performance”, but this work is above that historical name recording. It is also not a 1st rank 2nd rank, but a masterpiece that stands on a completely different dimension. That’s why it was called “the strongest in the 70’s”.
The master of such shocking people has undergone the latest mastering and has been permanently preserved and pressed as “ROCKS ZURICH (Zodiac 088)”. It was a big hit that was sold out and out of print in no time. This work is a precise reproduction of that daimyo board.
Of course, sound quality alone cannot be called a “masterpiece”. The show drawn with the strongest sound is overwhelming. After all, at that time it was the heyday of the heyday. It’s also a good opportunity, so let’s check the show’s position in the process.

・ April 16-May 1: North America #1a (6 performances)
《“ROCKS” released on May 3rd》
・ May 5-September 13: North America #1b (58 performances)
・October 13-November 1: Europe #1 (12 performances) ← Coco
・ November 10-December 19: North America # 2 (4 performances)
・ January 29-February 9: First visit to Japan (7 performances)
・ June 21-July 8: North America # 3 (11 performances) ← ※ HOUSTON 1977
・ August 13-27: Europe #2 (7 performances)
・September 28-December 8: North America #4a (19 performances)
《“DRAW THE LINE” released on December 9》
・ December 10th-27th: North America # 4b (6 performances) ← * LARGO 1977

This is the 1976/1977 AEROSMITH. The legendary first visit to Japan was also realized in the “ROCKS Tour”, but the Zurich performance of this work was three months before that. It was the 11th performance of “Europe # 1”. In the 70’s AEROSMITH has various masterpiece sound boards / pro shots, but speaking of the latest of this work, the multi-camera pro shot released at the 50th anniversary project “50 Years Live!: From the Aerosmith Vaults” the other day “HOUSTON 1977: UPGRADE (Shades 1580)” is fresh in my memory. Of course, that pro shot was an edited incomplete version, but this work is a complete recording of the full show. There is a lot of repertoire that you can not listen to even in that masterpiece video. Let’s organize the set while comparing here.

● Rocks (5 songs)
・Lick And A Promise/Rats In The Cellar/Last Child(★)/Sick As A Dog/Get The Lead Out(★)
● Others (11 songs)
・Birth of the Beast: Mama Kin/Write Me A Letter (★)/Dream On
·fly! Aerosmith: S.O.S. (Too Bad) / Lord Of The Thighs / Same Old Song and Dance / Train Kept A Rollin’ (★)
・Yamiyo no Heavy Rock: Big Ten Inch Record (★) / Sweet Emotion / Walk This Way / Toys in the Attic
* Note: “★” marks are songs that could not be heard on the Pro Shot “HOUSTON 1977 UPGRADE”.

… and it looks like this. Just enjoying the rare “Write Me A Letter”, “Sick As A Dog”, and “Get The Lead Out” with the transcendent sound of the sound board barefoot is exciting, but the heat of the performance is even more amazing. Joe Perry, who creates an outstanding sense of speed in the intro riff of “Mama Kin”, Steven Tyler, who raises the tension with a hard medley of about 10 minutes, “S.O.S. (Too Bad)”, “Lord Of The Thighs” Brad Whitford, who listens to the best playing rolls, Joey Kramer & Tom Hamilton, who listens to the backing of “Lick And A Promise” and “Walk This Way” mixed with ad-libs.
And then, “Dream On” is a very vivid and emotionally moving “Dream On” that brings all five of them together. Even in the history of AEROSMITH, which made Jon Bon Jovi say, “I would be satisfied if I could be half successful in half their time,” I experienced an overwhelming full show that makes me think that there will be no more heyday. You can.
“It’s a wonderful recording of cultural heritage-class people involved.” If you follow the conventions of the collector world, it will be called “audience recording”, but if you are in front of the sound of this work, such a type is meaningless. One piece that stands at the highest peak of the culture of “recording the sound of a concert” rather than what kind of method it is. A press CD that leaves the shine forever, it is a magnificent reprint here.

★ Superb audience recording of “October 30, 1976 Zurich performance”. Recorded with a microphone by a band official, the sound is so close that you can’t believe it’s through space. The core that turns on violently is very thick and the sense of distance is completely zero. Along with that, if the details are extremely clear, the separate feeling is also great. It is a super direct, super fat, super dynamic sound that can only be thought of as a sound board. The rare “Write Me A Letter”, “Sick As A Dog”, and “Get The Lead Out” are also cultural heritage albums where you can fully experience the delicious heyday of the “ROCKS Tour”.

「最強の70年代ブートレッグ」「ROCKS Tourの最高傑作」と謳われた伝説のオリジナル録音が復刻。装いも新たにマスター・サウンドを永久保存するプレスCDで登場です。
その出自だけでもスゴそうですが、実際の中身はその想像を超える凄まじさ。どうやらマイクによる空間録音のようなのですが、流れ出てきたサウンドには空気感がまるでない。猛烈にオンな芯は極太で距離感は完全ゼロ。それに伴ってディテールも極めて鮮明ならセパレート感も絶大。恐らくPA卓付近でプロ仕様のハイエンド・マイクで録音したのでしょうが、関係者による「マイク録音だ」とのメモ書きがなければ、サウンドボードとしか思えない、超ダイレクト・超ファット・超ダイナミックなスーパー・サウンドなのです。年季の入ったコレクター諸兄であれば「ROCKS Tourの代表作=オッフェンバッハ公演」の等式が思い浮かぶかも知れませんが、本作はあの歴史的名録音よりも上。それも1ランク2ランクではなく、完全に別次元の地平に立つ最高傑作。だからこそ「70年代最強」とまで呼ばれたのです。
そんな衝撃の関係者マスターは最新マスタリングを経て『ROCKS ZURICH(Zodiac 088)』として永久保存プレス化が実現。あっと言う間に完売・廃盤になる大ヒットを記録しました。本作は、あの大名盤を精緻に復刻したものなのです。

・6月21日ー7月8日:北米#3(11公演)←※HOUSTON 1977
《12月9日『DRAW THE LINE』発売》
・12月10日ー27日:北米#4b(6公演)←※LARGO 1977

これが1976年/1977年のAEROSMITH。“ROCKS Tour”では伝説の初来日も実現しましたが、本作のチューリッヒ公演はその3ヶ月前。「欧州#1」の11公演目にあたるコンサートでした。70年代AEROSMITHには様々な名作サウンドボード/プロショットがありますが、本作の直近と言えば、先日の50周年プロジェクト“50 Years Live!: From the Aerosmith Vaults”で公開されたマルチカメラ・プロショット『HOUSTON 1977: UPGRADE(Shades 1580)』が記憶に新しいところ。もちろん、あのプロショットは編集された不完全版だったのに対し、本作はフルショウ完全収録。あの名作映像でも聴けないレパートリーも山盛りです。ここで比較しながらセットを整理しておきましょう。

・Lick And A Promise/Rats In The Cellar/Last Child(★)/Sick As A Dog/Get The Lead Out(★)
・野獣生誕:Mama Kin/Write Me A Letter(★)/Dream On
・飛べ!エアロスミス:S.O.S. (Too Bad)/Lord Of The Thighs/Same Old Song and Dance/Train Kept A Rollin’(★)
・闇夜のヘヴィロック:Big Ten Inch Record(★)/Sweet Emotion/Walk This Way/Toys in the Attic
※注:「★」印はプロショット『HOUSTON 1977 UPGRADE』で聴けなかった曲。

……と、このようになっています。レアな「Write Me A Letter」「Sick As A Dog」「Get The Lead Out」がサウンドボード裸足の超絶サウンドで楽しめるだけででも胸アツですが、演奏の熱量はさらにスゴい。「Mama Kin」のイントロリフの抜群の疾走感を醸し出すジョー・ペリー、約10分に及ぶハードなメドレーでグングンテンションを上げていくスティーヴン・タイラー、「S.O.S. (Too Bad)」「Lord Of The Thighs」で絶好調の弾きまくりを聴かせるブラッド・ウイットフォード、アドリブを織り交ぜた混ぜた「Lick And A Promise」や「Walk This Way」の裏打ちで見事なキレを聴かせるジョーイ・クレイマー&トム・ハミルトン。
そして、そんな5人のすべてが噛み合い、あまりに生々しくエモーショナルな大感動の「Dream On」。ジョン・ボン・ジョヴィをして「彼らの半分の期間、半分の成功ができたら満足だ」と言わしめたAEROSMITH史でも、これ以上の全盛はないだろうと思わせる圧倒的なフルショウを現場体験できるのです。

★「1976年10月30日チューリッヒ公演」の超絶級オーディエンス録音。バンド関係者によるマイク録音で、そのサウンドは空間を介しているとは思えないほど超ド密着。猛烈にオンな芯は極太で距離感は完全ゼロ。それに伴ってディテールも極めて鮮明ならセパレート感も絶大。サウンドボードとしか思えない、超ダイレクト・超ファット・超ダイナミックなスーパー・サウンドです。レアな「Write Me A Letter」「Sick As A Dog」「Get The Lead Out」も美味しい全盛の“ROCKS Tour”をフル体験できる文化遺産アルバムです。

1. Intro
2. Mama Kin
3. Write Me A Letter
4. S.O.S. (Too Bad)
5. Lick And A Promise
6. Big Ten Inch Record
7. Sweet Emotion
8. Rats In The Cellar
9. Dream On
10. Lord Of The Thighs
11. Last Child
12. Walk This Way
13. Sick As A Dog
14. Same Old Song And Dance
15. Train Kept A Rollin’
16. Get The Lead Out
17. Toys In The Attic
18. Outro

Steven Tyler – Vocals
Joe Perry – Guitar
Brad Whitford – Guitar
Tom Hamilton – Bass
Joey Kramer – Drums



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