Aerosmith / Definitive Boston 1978 / 1CD

Aerosmith / Definitive Boston 1978 / 1CD / Zodiac
Live at Music Hall, Boston, MA, USA 28th March 1978 STEREO SBD(UPGRADE)
Taken from WBCN FM Broadcast 10.5″ Reel Master

Play sample :

Click image to enlarge

The daimyo board, which was highly acclaimed as “The best soundboard album of the 70’s” and “This is real LIVE! BOOTLEG”, has been brushed up. “Broadcasting station master reel / prestigious transfer / GRAF ZEPPELIN mastering” and the birth of a press CD that permanently preserves the ultimate sound that has been exhausted at each stage.
The identity of this work is the stereo sound board recording of “March 28, 1978 in Boston”. This is an upgraded version of “BOSTON 1978: FM REEL MASTER”, which has been loved as a classic and top-notch record. The biggest point of this work is the quality of “extreme”, but the show itself is also important. In order for you to realize the meaning of “Real LIVE! BOOTLEG”, let’s first look back at the schedule at that time.

“ROCKS Tour”
・ January 29-February 9: First visit to Japan (7 performances)
・ June 21-July 8: North America # 1 (11 performances) ← * Official 5 songs
・ August 13-27: Europe (7 performances)
・ September 28-December 27: North America # 2 (25 performances)
● 1978
・ January 7: Jackson performance
・ March 8-April 8: North America #3 (12 performances) ← Coco (8 official songs + α)
・ May 1-26: North America # 4 (10 performances)
・ June 27-August 9: North America # 5 (21 performances) ← * Official 2 songs
・ September 27-December 16: North America # 6 (44 performances)

This is the 1977/1978 AEROSMITH. “North America # 1” to “North America # 5” are “DRAW THE LINE Tour”, and the takes selected from each place are recorded in “LIVE! BOOTLEG” (some 1973 takes are also mixed but). Especially “North America # 3” became the center. The Boston performance of this work was the eighth performance, and it was a concert where “Toys In The Attic” was also adopted for the official board. In other words, this work is a live album that you can listen to through the original story and stage of LIVE! BOOTLEG.
“Now, let’s get to the main topic.”
This work is one that has updated the highest peak of such a most important sound board. The factor extends to all of “source / transfer / mastering”. First of all, “source” is a 10.5-inch master reel that was sleeping in the broadcasting station “WBCN FM”. It is not even a broadcast master, let alone an air check, but it is the ultimate source that has been thoroughly investigated to the original source. Moreover, the excavation was carried out by the prestigious modern collector world “Krw_co”. It is one of the products that a long-established store that has worked on numerous analog masters has discovered and transferred. However, this is the story of the previous edition “BOSTON 1978: FM REEL MASTER”. This work refines such an ultimate source with detailed mastering of “GRAF ZEPPELIN”. We took all possible measures to the very end of the process.
In fact, the quality is the highest ever. If you have read this article, you will know that the method of “GRAF ZEPPELIN” is “faithful to the basics”, “abnormal precision”, and “reproduces the sound output of the site”. In other words, it is a concept like the restoration work of paintings and cultural properties, and it is not a deception with conspicuous sound pressure earning or flashy equalizing.
Of course, thorough (paranoid) adjustments have been made in this work as well. Even 1/1000th of a second deviation in pitch or phase is not allowed, and it also supports random changes rather than constant. Furthermore, we are particular about adjusting the stereo balance and band balance. For example, volume control. Normally, it ends with one normalization, but in this work, one song per song … No, it is adjusted according to the tape state less than that. In addition, the left and right channels are adjusted individually, not collectively, and the balance from high to heavy bass is also neatly adjusted by low-frequency analysis.
“What is that good for?” You might think that, but it’s surprisingly important. For example, if you just look at the overall impression and say, “The sound is low, let’s turn it up,” one channel will overpeak, or, “The treble won’t last,” and the sound pressure will be increased, and the bass will be crushed. The only way to prevent this is to carefully analyze each element of the sound, pinpoint the appropriate countermeasures, and prepare the whole. If you don’t, you could end up hurting even harmless sounds. Of course, this is just one task of “volume adjustment”, and other elements are also checked/compensated with this precision. Backed by that huge amount of work is “GRAF ZEPPELIN mastering”.
The sound of such an “extremity” is exactly what is depicted in the “through show LIVE! BOOTLEG”. Finally, let’s organize the set as well.

● Draw the Line (6 songs)
・I Wanna Know Why (★)/Sight For Sore Eyes/Kings And Queens (★)/Get It Up (★)/Draw The Line/Milk Cow Blues (★)
● Others (11 songs)
·fly! Aerosmith: Seasons of Wither (★)/Lord Of The Thighs/Same Old Song and Dance (★)/Train Kept a Rollin’
・Yamiyo no Heavy Rock: Big Ten Inch Record (★)/Walk This Way/Sweet Emotion/Toys in the Attic
・Others: Rats In The Cellar (★) / Get The Lead Out (★) / Chip Away the Stone
*Note: “★” marks are songs that cannot be heard on “LIVE! BOOTLEG”.

This is a supreme album that has been digitized by a prestigious excavation company from the ultimate material called “Internal Reel Master” and refined with exquisite mastering. The finish is based on the idea of ​​”repairing music art / reproducing the scene”, so there are no meaningless flashy modifications. It may not be “something different” because the source is too extreme, but that is the result. It is the result of pursuing “sound suitable for permanent preservation” that should be handed down to future generations. The ultimate soundboard album that must be left forever as a symbol of “Golden Age AEROSMITH”. Please enjoy the press CD anytime and forever.

★ Stereo sound board recording of “March 28, 1978 Boston performance”, which is also the original story of “LIVE! BOOTLEG”. A 10.5-inch master reel that was sleeping on the radio station WBCN FM was digitized by the prestigious “Krw_co” excavation, and “GRAF ZEPPELIN” is detailed mastering. It is a live album of “Kiwami” that has been carefully selected in all processes of “source / transfer / mastering”.



(Remastered memo))

★Adjust left and right volume appropriately

*Phase correction.


「70年代最高のサウンドボード・アルバム」「これぞリアルLIVE! BOOTLEG」と大絶賛を博した大名盤がブラッシュ・アップ。「放送局マスター・リール/名門トランスファー/GRAF ZEPPELINマスタリング」と、各段階で精緻の限りを尽くした究極サウンドを永久保存したプレスCDの誕生です。
 そんな本作の正体は「1978年3月28日ボストン公演」のステレオ・サウンドボード録音。大定番の最高峰盤として愛された『BOSTON 1978: FM REEL MASTER』をさらに磨き込んだアップグレード盤です。本作最大のポイントは「極み」のクオリティにあるわけですが、ショウ自体も重要。「リアルLIVE! BOOTLEG」の意味を実感していただく為にも、まずは当時のスケジュールから振り返ってみましょう。
“ROCKS Tour”
 これが1977年/1978年のAEROSMITH。「北米#1」から「北米#5」までが”DRAW THE LINE Tour”であり、その各所から選ばれたテイクが『LIVE! BOOTLEG』に収録されています(一部1973年のテイクも混じっていますが)。特に中心地となったのは「北米#3」。本作のボストン公演はその8公演目で、公式盤にも「Toys In The Attic」が採用されたコンサートでした。つまり、本作は「LIVE! BOOTLEGの元ネタ・ステージを通しで聴ける」ライヴアルバムなわけです。
 本作は、そんな最重要サウンドボードの最高峰を更新した1枚。その要因は「ソース/トランスファー/マスタリング」のすべてに及びます。まず「ソース」ですが、これがなんと放送局“WBCN FM”内に眠っていた10.5インチのマスター・リール。エアチェックどころか放送原盤ですらなく、大元の大元まで突き詰めた究極ソースなのです。しかも、その発掘を担ったのは現代コレクター界の名門「Krw_co」。数々のアナログ・マスターを手掛けてきた老舗が発掘し、トランスファーも行った銘品中の銘品なのです。ただし、ここまでは前回盤『BOSTON 1978: FM REEL MASTER』のお話。本作は、そんな究極ソースを「GRAF ZEPPELIN」の細密マスタリングで磨き直し。工程の最後の最後まで万全を期したのです。
 実際、そのクオリティは過去最高。本稿に目を留められた方ならご存知と思いますが、「GRAF ZEPPELIN」の手法は「基本に忠実」かつ「異常な精度」であり「現場の出音を再現する」というもの。言うなれば、絵画や文化財の修復作業のようなコンセプトであり、目立つ音圧稼ぎや派手なイコライジングでの誤魔化しではありません。
 それが何の役に立つのか?と思われるかも知れませんが、意外に重要なのです。例えば、全体的なざっくり印象だけで「音が小さいから上げよう」とすると片チャンネルがオーバーピークしたり、「高音が伸びないなぁ」と音圧を上げて低音が潰れてしまったり。それを防ぐには、音の要素を個別にキチンと分析し、適切な対処をピンポイントに行いつつ全体を整えていくしかない。そうしないと、問題のない音まで怪我してしまいかねないのです。もちろん、これは「音量調整」というたった1つの作業に過ぎず、この精度で他の要素もチェック/補整を行っていく。その膨大な作業量に裏打ちされているのが「GRAF ZEPPELINマスタリング」なのです。
 そんな「極み」のサウンドで描かれるのは、まさに「通しショウのLIVE! BOOTLEG」。最後に、そのセットも整理しておきましょう。
・I Wanna Know Why(★)/Sight For Sore Eyes/Kings And Queens(★)/Get It Up(★)/Draw The Line/Milk Cow Blues(★)
・飛べ!エアロスミス:Seasons of Wither(★)/Lord Of The Thighs/Same Old Song and Dance(★)/Train Kept a Rollin’
・闇夜のヘヴィ・ロック:Big Ten Inch Record(★)/Walk This Way/Sweet Emotion/Toys in the Attic
・その他:Rats In The Cellar(★)/Get The Lead Out(★)/Chip Away the Stone
※注:「★」印は『LIVE! BOOTLEG』で聴けない曲。
★『LIVE! BOOTLEG』の元ネタでもある「1978年3月28日ボストン公演」のステレオ・サウンドボード録音。ラジオ局WBCN FMに眠っていた10.5インチのマスター・リールを発掘の名門「Krw_co」がデジタル化した銘品で、さらに「GRAF ZEPPELIN」が細密マスタリング。「ソース/トランスファー/マスタリング」というすべての工程でこだわり抜かれた「極み」のライヴアルバムです。
1. WBCN Intro
2. Rats In The Cellar
3. I Wanna Know Why
4. Big Ten Inch Record
5. Walk This Way
6. Sight For Sore Eyes
7. Seasons Of Wither
8. Sweet Emotion
9. Lord Of The Thighs
10. Kings And Queens
11. Chip Away The Stone
12. Get The Lead Out
13. Get It Up
14. Draw The Line
15. Same Old Song and Dance
16. Toys In The Attic
17. Milk Cow Blues
18. Train Kept A Rollin’
Steven Tyler – lead vocals, harmonica, percussion
Joe Perry – guitar, backing vocals
Brad Whitford – guitar
Tom Hamilton – bass
Joey Kramer – drums, percussion


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