Aerosmith / Toronto 1987 / 2CDR+1DVDR

Aerosmith / Toronto 1987 / 2CDR+1DVDR / Shades

Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, ON, Canada 20th October 1987

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そんな本作に収められているのは、1つのショウの2つのオーディエンス記録。「1987年10月20日トロント公演」のフル録音をDISC 1-2、絶景映像をDISC 3に配した3枚組です。熱心なコレクター諸兄なら「PERMANENT VACATION時代のトロント公演ってレア曲あったっけ?」と思われるかも知れませんが、そこはちょっと話がややこしい。その辺をご説明するためにも、まずは当時のワールド・ツアー全景を俯瞰してみましょう。

・1月16日ー2月28日:北米#2(29公演)←※HOUSTON 1988
・6月17日ー26日:日本(6公演)←※EXOTIC VACATION
・7月2日ー9月15日:北米#4(40公演)←※TORONTO 1988他

これが“PERMANENT VACATION Tour”の全体像。ギフトでお馴染みの映像作『TORONTO 1988』もありましたが、あれはツアー最終盤。本作は真逆の最初期4公演目にあたるコンサートでした。
そして、ツアー序盤というのはセットが美味しい。『PERMANENT VACATION』からの新曲もどれが定番になるか定まっておらず、様々な曲を試しては観客の反応を探っていく。本作は、そんなツアー極初期だからこそのレア曲が楽しめるわけです。では、どんな曲が披露されているのか。“PERMANENT VACATION Tour”の象徴でもあるサウンドボードのプレス名盤『DEFINITIVE HAMPTON 1987(Zodiac 594)』と比較しながらセットを整理してみましょう。

・闇夜のヘヴィ・ロック:Toys In The Attic/Big Ten Inch Record/Sweet Emotion/Walk This Way
・野獣生誕:Walking The Dog(★)/Dream On
・飛べ!エアロスミス:Same Old Song And Dance/Train Kept A Rollin’
・ロックス:Last Child/Rats In The Cellar
・その他:Draw The Line/Bone To Bone (Coney Island White Fish Boy)
・パーマネント・ヴァケイション:Dude (Looks Like A Lady)/Rag Doll/Girl Keeps Coming Apart(★★)/Simoriah(★★)/I’m Down(★)
・その他:Lightning Strikes/Let The Music Do The Talking(★)
※注:「★」印は象徴サウンドボード『DEFINITIVE HAMPTON 1987』で聴けなかった曲。特に「★★」印は数回だけの超激レア曲。

……と、このようになっています。『DONE WITH MIRRORS』の「Let The Music Do The Talking」もなかなかな貴重ですが、やはり必聴なのは『PERMANENT VACATION』の新曲群。特に「Girl Keeps Coming Apart」「Simoriah」の2曲は、セットリスト記録ですら片手で指折り数えられる程度しか残っていないという激レア・ナンバーでして、生演奏されていたこと自体ご存じなかった方も多いのではないでしょうか。

●DISC 1-2:大元マスター起こしのフル・ライヴアルバム

あまりの貴重度に大切なことが後回しになってしまいました。そんな激レア・ライヴを伝える本作のクオリティも素晴らしい。まずメインのフル録音(DISC 1-2)ですが、何とも瑞々しいダイナミック・サウンド。決してサウンドボードと間違えるようなタイプではないものの、空間を貫く芯が力強く、特にスティーヴン・タイラーのヴォーカルは機微までハッキリ。近年になって公開された大元マスター起こしでして、アナログ・ダビングを経ていないからこそ、何よりも歪みやヨレが一切ない。それこそ、まるで昨日録音したような鮮やかさでして、スピーカーに頭を突っ込んだら1987年の会場へ通じているんじゃ無いかと思えるほどリアルなのです。

●DISC 3:35年の時空を飛び越える映像美

そんなライヴアルバムに続くDISC 3は映像篇。これがとにかく素晴らしい見晴らし。ステージ左側(ブラッド・ウィットフォード側)のスタンド席から見下ろし気味に撮影しているのですが、客席が急勾配なのかステージが丸ごとすっぽり見放題。ステージ左端までスティーヴンが来ると真下を見るような感じになるので前方客の影も見えますが、そんなシーンは極々わずか。ショウの大部分は遮蔽物もなくステージを独り占めしているかのような感覚に襲われます。


★「1987年10月20日トロント公演」のフル録音+絶景映像のオーディエンス3枚組。ライヴアルバム篇も映像篇もダビング痕のないマスター・クオリティで、激レア曲「Girl Keeps Coming Apart」「Simoriah」も飛び出す“PERMANENT VACATION Tour”極初期のフルショウを楽しめます。

AEROSMITH in 1987 made a dramatic comeback that will go down in rock history. Introducing a must-have live set featuring extremely rare songs that are almost unknown.
This work contains two audience records of one show. This is a 3-disc set with the full recording of “October 20, 1987 Toronto Performance” on DISC 1-2 and the spectacular footage on DISC 3. If you’re an avid collector, you might be wondering, “Was there any rare songs from the Toronto performance during the PERMANENT VACATION era?”, but the story is a little complicated. In order to explain that, let’s first take a look at the entire world tour at that time.

[“PERMANENT VACATION” released on August 25th] ・October 16th – December 31st: North America #1 (44 performances) ←★Here★
・January 16th – February 28th: North America #2 (29 performances) ← *HOUSTON 1988
・March 21st – May 22nd: North America #3 (36 performances)
・June 17th-26th: Japan (6 performances) ← *EXOTIC VACATION
・July 2nd – September 15th: North America #4 (40 performances) ← *TORONTO 1988 and others

This is the whole picture of “PERMANENT VACATION Tour”. There was also the video work “TORONTO 1988”, which is a familiar gift, but that was the final part of the tour. This work was a concert that was the first 4 performances of the complete opposite.
And the set was delicious at the beginning of the tour. It has not yet been determined which new songs from “PERMANENT VACATION” will become the standard, so they will try out various songs to find out how the audience will react. This work allows you to enjoy rare songs because it is the very early stage of such a tour. So what kind of songs are being performed? Let’s organize the set while comparing it with the soundboard press masterpiece “DEFINITIVE HAMPTON 1987 (Zodiac 594)”, which is a symbol of “PERMANENT VACATION Tour”.

●70s (12 songs)
・Dark night heavy rock: Toys In The Attic/Big Ten Inch Record/Sweet Emotion/Walk This Way
・Birth of the Beast: Walking The Dog (★)/Dream On
·fly! Aerosmith: Same Old Song And Dance/Train Kept A Rollin’
・Rocks: Last Child/Rats In The Cellar
・Others: Draw The Line/Bone To Bone (Coney Island White Fish Boy)
●80s (7 songs)
・Permanent Vacation: Dude (Looks Like A Lady) / Rag Doll / Girl Keeps Coming Apart (★★) / Simoriah (★★) / I’m Down (★)
・Others: Lightning Strikes/Let The Music Do The Talking (★)
*Note: “★” marks are songs that could not be heard on the iconic soundboard “DEFINITIVE HAMPTON 1987”. In particular, songs marked with “★★” are extremely rare songs that have only been played a few times.

…and it looks like this. “Let The Music Do The Talking” from “DONE WITH MIRRORS” is also quite valuable, but the new songs from “PERMANENT VACATION” are a must-listen. In particular, the two songs “Girl Keeps Coming Apart” and “Simoriah” are extremely rare, with only a record of the set list remaining that can be counted on one hand, so some people may not have known that they were performed live. I think there are many.

●DISC 1-2: Full live album created by Omoto Master

It was so precious that important things were put on the back burner. The quality of this work that conveys such a rare live performance is also wonderful. First of all, the main full recording (DISC 1-2) has an indescribably fresh dynamic sound. Although it is not the type that can be mistaken for a sound board, the core that penetrates the space is powerful, and Steven Tyler’s vocals in particular are clear to the minute. Since it is based on the original master released in recent years and has not undergone analog dubbing, there is no distortion or distortion at all. It’s so vivid that it feels like it was recorded yesterday, and it’s so real that if you stick your head into the speakers, you’ll feel like you’re transported to the venue in 1987.
Moreover, this work is the highest peak updated album that has been refined by meticulous mastering of such a real master. The pitch of the released online original sound was high, the loud cheers were strong, and the performance felt a little buried. This work overcomes these shortcomings. In addition to the perfect pitch, the performance sound and vocals have become much clearer, and we have achieved a balance that makes the loud cheers and spectacle feel delicious.

●DISC 3: Visual beauty that transcends 35 years of time and space

Following such a live album, DISC 3 is a video edition. This is a wonderful view anyway. I took this photo looking down from the stand on the left side of the stage (Brad Whitford side), but perhaps because the audience seats are so steep, you can see the entire stage as you like. When Stephen comes to the left end of the stage, it feels like he’s looking straight down, so you can see the shadows of the audience in front, but such scenes are extremely rare. For most of the show, you will feel as if you have the stage all to yourself with no obstructions.
And, the freshness of the master is also tremendous. The dubbing traces are more noticeable in the video than in the recording, but they are not seen at all in this work. Of course, the resolution is not as good as analog, but the vivid colors and smooth luster are just as you would see with the naked eye.

The energy of a historic revival has just begun, and extremely rare songs that can’t be heard anywhere else. This is a must-have work that includes such a delicious full show with a master quality live album/video. A three-disc set that directly attacks the psychology of collectors. Please enjoy to your heart’s content!

★Full recording of “October 20, 1987 Toronto performance” + audience 3-disc set with spectacular footage. Both the live album version and the video version are master quality with no dubbing marks, and you can enjoy the full show from the very beginning of the “PERMANENT VACATION Tour”, including the extremely rare songs “Girl Keeps Coming Apart” and “Simoriah”.

Disc:1 (46:42)
1. Intro
2. Toys in the Attic
3. Same Old Song and Dance
4. Bone to Bone (Coney Island White Fish Boy)
5. Big Ten Inch Record
6. Dude (Looks Like a Lady)
7. Lightning Strikes
8. Rag Doll
9. Last Child
10. Girl Keeps Coming Apart★
11. Draw the Line

Disc:2 (52:38)
1. Simoriah
2. Walkin’ the Dog
3. Rats in the Cellar
4. Dream On
5. Sweet Emotion
6. Drum Solo
7. Let the Music Do the Talking
8. Train Kept A-Rollin’
9. Walk This Way
10. I’m Down

1. Intro
2. Toys In The Attic
3. Same Old Song And Dance
4. Bone To Bone (Coney Island White Fish Boy)
5. Big Ten Inch Record
6. Dude (Looks Like A Lady)
7. Lightning Strikes
8. Rag Doll
9. Last Child
10. Girl Keeps Coming Apart★
11. Draw The Line
12. Simoriah
13. Walkin’ The Dog
14. Rats In The Cellar
15. Dream On
16. Sweet Emotion
17. Let The Music Do The Talking
18. Train Kept A Rollin’
19. Walk This Way
20. I’m Down

COLOUR NTSC Approx.91min.

Steven Tyler – Vocals
Joe Perry – Guitar
Brad Whitford – Guitar
Tom Hamilton – Bass
Joey Kramer – Drums

Shades 1843

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