Genesis / 1972 Pop Shop RTBF Master / 1DVDR

Genesis / 1972 Pop Shop RTBF Master / 1DVDR / Amity

Pop Shop, Brussels, Belgium 20th August 1972. NTSC

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GENESIS in 1972 entered Philosophy with Phil Collins & Steve Hackett. The classic classic shot has been upgraded to the ultimate quality.
”The classic pro shot was filmed in Brussels, March 20, 1972. Yes, this is a multi-camera pro-shot when I appeared on the Belgian TV station RTBF music program “POP SHOP”. This video is a treasure of progressive rock. Speaking of GENESIS at the time, I just started a thorough live show by pulling the name board “NURSERY CRYME”. This video is also known as the oldest video with 5 golden people. Let’s look back at the time and check the position of the program.

● 1971
・ August 7-November 7: Europe # 1 (29 performances)
<November 12 NURSERY CRYME ​​release>
・ November 19-December 23: Europe # 2 (26 performances)
● 1972
・ January 1-March 25: Europe # 3 (43 performances) ← ★ here ★
・ April 6-July 28: Europe # 4 (67 performances)
<< Start of production of “FOXTROT” in August >>

This is the overall picture of the activities associated with NURSERY CRYME. At that time, he had not yet entered North America and traveled only in Europe. Most of them were from England, but Belgium was the first foreign country to welcome them. Of course, “tours” that have many performances in Belgium alone are difficult, and the main is the media exposure. “POP SHOP” is one of them. By the way, the large-scale tour was greeted by the above-mentioned “European # 4” in Italy. This work is a pro shot earlier than that.
Even a professional shot from the time of Peter Gabriel is precious, but its value is tremendous if it is early so far. Repeated upgrades from ancient times, has become a classic classic that mania will be surprised each time. This work is the latest version in 2019, the supreme version that will never exceed. Speaking of “POP SHOP”, BLACK SABBATH’s top video “BRUSSELS 1970: THE ORIGINAL“ POP SHOP ”MASTER (Zodiac 346)” is also a new memory, but this work is probably the same. There are no editing differences like SABBATH, but the upgrade is very similar. Speaking of the highest peak so far, the remastered version of our shop’s “POP SHOP 1972 REMASTERED EDITION” is also familiar, but even that beautiful screen is not a partner at all. In the remastered version, the skin was smooth and the clothes were smooth like vinyl, but that was because the details were crushed. Really they have youthful skin with acne and beard shavings, and if they have blood vessels in their hands, they have velvet hair. You can clearly see the costume even the fiber. No, still not enough. As a matter of fact, the image quality of this work exceeds even the scenes of the scene, and the grainy feeling of the film that was filmed is clearly left behind. It is often written as “Highest quality for every hair” as an expression of high image quality, but the image quality of this work is far from that. As long as the film is filmed, it is impossible to achieve an image quality that exceeds the physical graininess. That’s what I said earlier, “I’ll never exceed it.”
The figure drawn with the ultimate image quality is the appearance of five people who stepped into a new dimension. Speaking of Gabriel era images, theatrical performances and images of unusual costumes are intense, but this work was before waking up to that technique. Gabriel’s action feels intense expression that develops into a later mime, but does not connect her passion to expression. She shakes her hair while wearing no makeup in a simple costume with a black outfit, and shows a rock singer-like singing.
And the performance of four people who are pulled by such Gabriel has already fully opened GENESIS World. Of course, from now on, the degree of training will increase in harsh tour life, but the direction has already been established, “NURSERY CRYME” such as “Fountain Of Salmacis” “The Musical Box” “Return Of The Giant Hogweed” The group of famous songs is reconstructed energetic and dynamic. It is exactly the video that will be “moving NURSERY CRYME”. The only number outside the album is “Twilight Alehouse”. It is a song released as the B-side of the later single “I Know What I Like”, but its very early performance can be witnessed by multi-camera pro shots that are more than official.

Exactly Genesis. This is the highest peak. The oldest professional shot by “Golden 5” is a video work sung with the ultimate quality. Although it was introduced by Amity Label because of its length of about 30 minutes, it is a historical image that is suitable for permanent preservation in value and quality. Please chew as many times as you like.

★ This is a miraculous excavation. Super upgrade version is here! !

その定番プロショットが撮影されたのは「1972年3月20日ブリュッセル」。そう、ベルギーTV局RTBFの音楽番組“POP SHOP”に出演した際のマルチカメラ・プロショットです。この映像は、まさにプログレッシヴ・ロックの至宝。当時のGENESISと言えば、名盤『NURSERY CRYME』を引っさげて徹底的なライヴ三昧を始めたばかり。この映像は“黄金の5人”が揃った最古の映像としても知られているものなのです。まずは当時を振り返り、番組のポジションを確かめてみましょう。

《11月12日『NURSERY CRYME』発売》

これが『NURSERY CRYME』に伴う活動の全体像。当時はまだ北米進出を果たしておらず、ヨーロッパだけを巡業。そのほとんどは母国イギリスだったわけですが、その中でいち早く彼らを迎えた外国だったのがベルギーでした。もちろん、ベルギー国内だけでは何公演も重ねる「ツアー」は難しく、メインはメディア露出。本作の“POP SHOP”は、その1つ。ちなみに大規模なツアーとして迎えたのはイタリアで上記の「欧州#4」にあたる。本作はそれよりも早い時期のプロショットなのです。
ただでさえピーター・ガブリエル時代のプロショットは貴重ですが、ここまで初期となればその価値は絶大。古くからアップ・グレードを繰り返し、その度にマニアが驚喜する定番中の大定番となってきました。本作は、その2019年最新版であり、もう超えることがないであろう至高版。“POP SHOP”と言えば、BLACK SABBATHの頂点映像『BRUSSELS 1970: THE ORIGINAL “POP SHOP” MASTER(Zodiac 346)』も記憶に新しいところですが、本作も恐らくは同じ。SABBATHのように編集違いは見当たりませんが、アップ・グレードぶりは酷似している。これまでの最高峰と言えば当店のギフト作『POP SHOP 1972 REMASTERED EDITION』のリマスター・バージョンもお馴染みですが、あの美しい画面でさえまったく相手にならない。リマスター版は肌つやもツルツルなら衣装もビニールのように滑らかだったものの、それは細部が潰れているのが原因だった。本当の彼らは若々しい肌にニキビやヒゲ剃り跡もあり、手には血管も浮き立てば、産毛も生えている。衣装も繊維までハッキリと分かるのです。いや、まだ足りない。実のところ、本作の画質は現場の光景さえ超え、撮影されたフィルムの粒子感まで克明に残されている。よく高画質ぶりの表現として「髪の毛1本1本まで鮮明」と書きますが、本作の画質はそれどころではない。フィルム撮影されている以上、物理的な粒子感以上の画質は不可能。先ほど書いた「もう超えることがないであろう」というのは、そういう意味なのです。
そして、そんなガブリエルに引っぱられる4人の演奏はすでにGENESISワールド全開。もちろん、これから過酷なツアー生活で練度が増していくわけですが、すでにその方向性は確立されており、「Fountain Of Salmacis」「The Musical Box」「Return Of The Giant Hogweed」といった『NURSERY CRYME』の名曲群をエネルギッシュかつダイナミックに再構築。まさに「動くNURSERY CRYME」となる映像なのです。その中で唯一、アルバム外のナンバーとなるのが「Twilight Alehouse」。後のシングル『I Know What I Like』のB面としてリリースされる曲ですが、その極初期パフォーマンスをオフィシャル級以上のマルチカメラ・プロショットで目撃できるわけです。



1. Fountain Of Salmacis
2. Twilight Alehouse
3. The Musical Box
4. Return Of The Giant Hogweed
5. End Credit

Peter Gabriel – Lead Vocals Steve Hackett – Guitar Mike Rutherford – Bass, Guitar, Vocals
Tony Banks – Keyboards Phil Collins – Drums, Vocals


Amity 569

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