Yes Epics & Classics Featuring Jon Anderson and the Band Geeks / Westbury 2023 / 3CDR+1DVDR

Yes Epics & Classics Featuring Jon Anderson and the Band Geeks / Westbury 2023 / 3CDR+1DVDR / Amity
The Space at Westbury, Westbury, NY, USA 14th April 2023


Play sample :

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Jon Anderson teamed up with THE BAND GEEKS to launch a new tour limited to YES music. A superb live set that reports the latest tour is here.
This work contains two audience records for one show. It is a 4-disc set with the super-superb recording of “Westbury Performance on April 14, 2023” on DISC 1-3 and the front row video on DISC 4. It’s been a long time since I’ve reported on John’s solo activities, and this is the first time after the new corona pandemic. First of all, let’s organize the current situation after the restart with a schedule.

● 2021
・July 30-August 28: US #1 (12 performances)
● 2022
・ April 6-16: US #2 (5 performances)
・ July 7-August 6: US #3 (13 performances)
● 2023
・April 14-May 16: USA #4 (12 performances) ← Coco

This is the schedule for 2021-2023 that has been announced so far. The sequel to “OLIAS OF SUNHILLOW” is also a hot topic, but on stage, the inclination to YES music is accelerating. Following last year’s “Kiseki” 50th anniversary tour (#3 in the US), the all-song YES tour is being carried out this year as well. And THE BAND GEEKS, who are backing this time, are the house band of the internet program “THE BAND GEEK PODCAST” hosted by Richie Castellano of BLUE OYSTER CULT. At that time, it was limited to PODCAST, but now it has become very popular on Youtube with a group of classic rock masterpieces. There is also a YES number in the repertoire of THE BAND GEEKS, and John who saw it was impressed by the performance that was too similar to the original family, and this tour was realized. The Westbury performance of this work was also the first day of “US # 4” where the collaboration of interest appeared.

[3 CDs: Full recording of impact that can only be heard on the sound board directly connected to the desk] The main feature of this work that conveys such a show is a full live album with shocking sounds. This is another unbelievable super sound. Although it sucks in lively cheering and singing, the essential performance is a complete soundboard class. Even if I listen carefully with headphones, I can’t feel the hall noise at all, and if the core and details are transcendent, I can only think that the separate feeling, stereo feeling, and edge were recorded directly from the IEMs interception or the mixing desk. The microphone used (Sennheiser ME 104) is also open to the public, so it’s an audience. . . Should be. . . but. . .
I’ve come across recordings that make me wonder, “Where’s the audience in this?” Mankind in 2023 has finally become able to leave such sounds with spatial recordings…
A full show filled with YES music is drawn with that impeccable sound. In this work, the show is completely recorded with 3 CDs, but a super delicious bonus track is also added. In order to explain the contents, let’s organize the contents of the set here.

– Third album (4 songs)
・Yours Is No Disgrace / Perpetual Change / Starship Trooper / I’ve Seen All Good People
● Others (9 songs)
・70s: Heart Of The Sunrise/Roundabout/Close To The Edge/And You And I/Ritual (Nous Sommes Du Soleil)/Awaken/The Gates of Delirium(★)
・80s: Rhythm Of Love/Owner Of A Lonely Heart
*Note: “★” marks are bonus tracks from the Reading performance (April 23rd).

… and exactly “THE BEST of YES”. The 80’s “Rhythm Of Love” and “Owner Of A Lonely Heart” are also featured, but everything else is the essence of the 70’s prog. This is still a great piece of symphonic rock! is shown. The full show of the Westbury performance on the first day exceeds 2 hours and 20 minutes, but DISC 3 of this work also includes a bonus recording of “The Gates of Delirium” of Reading, the 4th performance. Actually, John sings this song for the first time in 22 years since “THE SYMPHONIC Tour” in 2001. With a full performance of more than 20 minutes, you can also enjoy a super sound that is comparable to the main Westbury recording.

[DVD: Ultra-special seat video that you can get stuck in the front row] Such a full live album alone is a miraculous masterpiece, but this work is far from over. It also includes a full video that allows you to witness the Westbury performance on the first day. Moreover, this is also a shocking front row shot! Although it is at a diagonal angle from the left side of the stage (the side of Andy Graziano on the guitar), there are no customers in front. The camera pit opens wide in front of you, and you can monopolize the stage as if you were watching a rehearsal without an audience.
However, the enthusiasm is definitely a concert live with an audience. John, the main character, seems to be having fun anyway, and shows off his angelic voice at the age of 78. Even though it’s over 2 hours long, the voice, tension and street may be the best in recent years. And THE BAND GEEKS that support such John are also wonderful. John also said, “It’s really like YES (of yesteryear)!” The playing ability and chorus are perfect, and they may exceed themselves in their heyday, such as the stability of the guitar. Especially the castellano of Banmas on the base. It roars a hard driving bass that Chris Squire has transferred, and the harmony is really beautiful.

Only Steve Howe knows the golden age of the original YES. Although I do not want to get involved in barren discussions such as “Which YES is real?” Now, John also launched a new project with plenty of authenticity. This work is a 4-disc set where you can fully enjoy such a remarkable full show with a live album of transcendental quality and front row shots. Please enjoy it to your heart’s content!

★ A 4-disc audience set with the super-superb recording of “Westbury Performance on April 14, 2023” on DISC 1-3 and the front row video on DISC 4. The main full recording has a transcendental quality where you can’t feel the hall noise at all, and if the core and details are transcendental, you can only think that the separate feeling, the stereo feeling, and the edge were recorded directly from the IEMs interception or the mixing desk. The video version also monopolized the stage with super zoom from the front row. It is an absolute work that you can fully experience the evening of YES music that is more authentic than the original.

THE BAND GEEKSとタッグを組み、YESミュージック限定の新ツアーを起動させたジョン・アンダーソン。その最新ツアーをレポートする極上ライヴセットが登場です。
 そんな本作に収められているのは、1つのショウの2つのオーディエンス記録。「2023年4月14日ウェストベリー公演」の超極上録音をDISC 1-3に、最前列映像をDISC 4に配した4枚組です。ジョンのソロ活動をレポートするのは久々で、新型コロナ・パンデミック後では今回が初。まずは、再始動後の近況をスケジュールで整理しておきましょう。
 これが現在までに公表されている2021年ー2023年のスケジュール。『OLIAS OF SUNHILLOW』の続篇計画も話題を呼んでいますが、ステージではYESミュージックへの傾斜が加速。昨年の『危機』50周年ツアー(米国#3)に続き、今年も全曲YESツアーを実施しています。そして、今回バックを務めているTHE BAND GEEKSは、BLUE OYSTER CULTのリッチー・カステラーノが主催する、インターネット番組“THE BAND GEEK PODCAST”のハウスバンド。当時はPODCAST限定でしたが、現在ではYoutubeでもクラシック・ロックの名曲群を披露して大人気となっています。そんなTHE BAND GEEKSのレパートリーにはYESナンバーもあり、それを見たジョンがあまりにも本家そっくりな演奏に感動して今回のツアーが実現。本作のウェストベリー公演は、その注目のコラボレーションが姿を現した「米国#4」の初日でもありました。
 そんなショウを伝える本作のメインは、衝撃サウンドのフル・ライヴアルバム。これがもう、信じられないスーパー・サウンドなのです。生々しい声援や唱和も吸い込んではいるものの、肝心の演奏は完全サウンドボード級。ヘッドフォンで耳を澄ませてもホール鳴りがまったく感じられず、芯もディテールも超絶ならセパレート感もステレオ感もエッジもIEMs傍受かミックス卓から直接録音したとしか思えない。使用マイク(Sennheiser ME 104)も公開されているのでオーディエンス。。。のはず。。。ですが。。。
・Yours Is No Disgrace/Perpetual Change/Starship Trooper/I’ve Seen All Good People
・70年代:Heart Of The Sunrise/Roundabout/Close To The Edge/And You And I/Ritual (Nous Sommes Du Soleil)/Awaken/The Gates of Delirium(★)
・80年代:Rhythm Of Love/Owner Of A Lonely Heart
……と、まさに「THE BEST of YES」。80年代の「Rhythm Of Love」「Owner Of A Lonely Heart」も取り上げていますが、他はすべて70年代プログレの真髄。シンフォニック・ロックの大曲がこれでもか!と披露されています。初日ウェストベリー公演のフルショウは2時間20分を超えるわけですが、本作のDISC 3にはさらに4公演目レディングの「The Gates of Delirium」もボーナス収録しています。実は、この曲をジョンが歌うのは2001年の“THE SYMPHONIC Tour”以来、22年ぶり。20分以上のフル演奏で、こちらも本編ウェストベリー録音に匹敵するスーパーサウンドで楽しめます。
 そんなフル・ライヴアルバムだけでも奇跡の名作なのですが、本作はまだまだ終わらない。初日ウェストベリー公演を目撃できるフル映像も同梱しているのです。しかも、これまた衝撃の最前列ショット! ステージ左側(ギターのアンディ・グラツィアーノ側)からナナメ角度ではありますが、前方客は一切ナシ。目の前にはカメラ・ピットが広々と開け、それこそ無観客のリハーサルを見ているかのようにステージを独り占めできるのです。
 しかし、その熱気は確実に有観客のコンサート・ライヴ。主役のジョンはとにかく楽しそうで、ノリにノって78歳とはエンジェリック・ヴォイスを披露。2時間超えの長丁場だというのに、声と張りと通りは近年でもベストかも知れません。そして、そんなジョンを支えるTHE BAND GEEKSも素晴らしい。ジョンも「本当に(往年の)YESにソックリなんだ!」とテンション高めに語っていましたが、その言葉にウソ偽りなし。演奏力もコーラスも完璧ですし、ギターの安定感など全盛期の彼ら自身も超えるかも知れません。特にベースでバンマスのカステラーノ。クリス・スクワイアが乗り移ったような硬質なドライヴング・ベースを轟かせ、ハーモニーも実に美しいのです。
★「2023年4月14日ウェストベリー公演」の超極上録音をDISC 1-3に、最前列映像をDISC 4に配したオーディエンス4枚組。メインのフル録音はホール鳴りがまったく感じられない超絶クオリティで、芯もディテールも超絶ならセパレート感もステレオ感もエッジもIEMs傍受かミックス卓から直接録音したとしか思えない。映像篇も最前列から超ズームでステージを独り占め。本家以上に本物感たっぷりなYESミュージックの夕べをフル体験できる絶対作です。
Disc 1(64:41)
1. Firebird Suite
2. Yours Is No Disgrace
3. Perpetual Change
4. Close to the Edge
5. Heart of the Sunrise
6. Starship Trooper
Disc 2(64:35)
1. Awaken
2. And You and I
3. I’ve Seen All Good People
4. Ritual (Nous Sommes du Soleil)
5. Rhythm of Love
Disc 3(40:09)
1. Owner of a Lonely Heart
2. Roundabout
The Santander Performing Arts Center, Reading, PA, USA 23rd April 2023
3. The Gates of Delirium
1. Yours Is No Disgrace
2. Perpetual Change
3. Close To The Edge
4. Heart Of The Sunrise
5. Starship Trooper
6. Awaken
7. And You And I
8. I’ve Seen All Good People
9. Ritual (Nous Sommes Du Soleil)
10. Rhythm Of Love
11. Owner Of A Lonely Heart
12. Roundabout
COLOUR NTSC Approx.142min.
Jon Anderson – Lead Vocals, Guitar
Richie Castellano – Bass, Vocals
Chris Clark – Keyboards, Vocals
Andy Graziano – Guitar, Vocals
Robert Kipp – Keyboards, Vocals
Andy Ascolese – Drums

Amity 718

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