Winger / Tokyo 2023 The Video / 2 DVDR

Winger / Tokyo 2023 The Video / 2 DVDR / Shades

Shibuya Stream Hall, Tokyo, Japan 5th September 2023 (AMAZING SHOT!!)

Click Image To Enlarge

そんな本作に収められているのは2回の東京公演。「2023年9月5日:渋谷STREAM HALL/9月6日:EX THEATER ROPPONGI」の絶景オーディエンス・ショットをセットした2枚組。先日は両公演セットのフル・ライヴアルバム『TOKYO 2023(Shades 1840)』が大好評を博しましたが、本作はその映像篇とも言うべき2枚組です。ただし、今回は丸ごと完全というわけでもない。その辺の事情をご説明するためにも、改めて今回のジャパンツアー全景を確認しておきましょう。

・9月5日:渋谷(ダイジェスト) ←★本作DISC 1★
・9月6日:六本木(完全映像) ←★本作DISC 2★

●DISC 1:間近席からのド迫力ショット(渋谷)
以上の全3公演。本作は東京2公演を1枚ずつに配しているわけですが、渋谷公演(DISC 1)はフルショウの約半分を収録したダイジェスト版です。もちろん、この渋谷映像もダイジェストでもご紹介せずにはいられないほど強力。再生した瞬間に感じるのは「この撮影者、プロだ」ということ。プロショットではないのですが、一目で素人とは技術がまったく違う。画になるアングルの切り方、雰囲気を捉えるスクロール、ダイナミズムを感じさせるズームの寄り方、そしてスピードも絶妙にコントロールする編集……。単に撮影慣れしている次元を超え、プロ撮影/編集のイロハを押さえている。昨今の世情を鑑みるにYoutuberの可能性もありますが、いずれにせよ映像関係を生業にしているとしか思えない匠の業なのです。
そして、渋谷映像(DISC 1)のもう1つのポイントが「間近感」。ご丁寧に冒頭で撮影ポジションへ移動するまでの様子も撮影されているのですが、その位置はステージ右側(レブ・ビーチ側)の5列目くらい。ちょうどキップとレブの定位置がすっぽり収まるような距離感で、ズームを使わなくても2人がすぐ目の前に感じられる。そこから更にズームで迫るわけで、その光景はステージ真下のカメラピットかのようなド迫力です。

●DISC 2:匠の撮影技が光る真正面ショット(六本木)
代わっての六本木映像(DISC 2)も、実はDISC 1と同じ人物が撮影・編集したもの。冒頭の会場風景から明らかに同じムードの姉妹篇なのです。

肉眼感覚のド迫力でダイジェストした渋谷(DISC 1)と、遠景から作品然とした完成度で完全収録した六本木(DISC 2) 。では、尺も持ち味も異なる2映像でどの曲が観られるのか。最後に2公演まとめて整理しておきましょう。

・ウィンガー:Seventeen/Hungry/Time To Surrender/Headed For A Heartbreak
・90年代:Black Magic/Blind Revolution Mad
・再結成後:Stick The Knife In And Twist/Proud Desperado/Pull Me Under/Deal With The Devil
・イン・ザ・ハート・オブ・ザ・ヤング:Can’t Get Enuff/Miles Away/Rainbow In The Rose/Easy Come Easy Go
・その他:Down Incognito/Junkyard Dog (Tears On Stone)/Who’s The One/Madalaine

素人とは思えない……と申しますか、恐らく素人ではない撮影者が東京2公演を記録した姉妹映像です。隅から隅まで楽しむなら4枚組ライヴアルバム『TOKYO 2023』には及びませんが、目で観る説得力と体験感では映像の本作に勝る物はない。おぼろげな短期記憶を確かな想い出に変えてくれる2枚組。どうぞ、じっくりとご堪能ください。

★「2023年9月5日:渋谷STREAM HALL/9月6日:EX THEATER ROPPONGI」の絶景オーディエンス・ショット。2公演とも同じ人物の手によるもので、渋谷公演(DISC 1)はフルショウの約半分をダイジェストしつつ、間近席ならではのド迫力映像。一方の六本木公演(DISC 2)は遠景ながら強力なズーム機能によるアップも多用され、プロショットのように整った完全映像。素人とは思えない……と申しますか、恐らく素人ではない撮影者が東京2公演を記録した姉妹映像です。

The other day, WINGER’s first performance in Japan in 6 years caused great acclaim. The best footage has arrived. Emergency release has been decided!
This work includes two performances in Tokyo. A 2-disc set with spectacular audience shots of “September 5, 2023: Shibuya STREAM HALL/September 6: EX THEATER ROPPONGI”. The other day, the full live album “TOKYO 2023 (Shades 1840)” of both performances was very popular, and this work is a two-disc set that can be called the video edition. However, this time it’s not entirely perfect. In order to explain the circumstances, let’s take a look at the full view of this Japan tour.

・September 4th: Umeda CLUB QUATTRO
・September 5th: Shibuya (Digest) ←★This work DISC 1★
・September 6th: Roppongi (complete video) ←★Disc 2★

●DISC 1: A powerful shot from a close seat (Shibuya)
All three performances above. This work has two Tokyo performances on one disc, but the Shibuya performance (DISC 1) is a digest version that contains about half of the full show. Of course, this Shibuya video is so powerful that we can’t help but introduce it in the digest as well. The moment I play it back, I realize that this photographer is a professional. It’s not a professional shot, but at first glance, the technique is completely different from that of an amateur. How to cut the angle to create a perfect image, scroll to capture the atmosphere, how to zoom in to create a sense of dynamism, and editing to exquisitely control the speed… He has gone beyond what he is used to and has mastered the basics of professional photography and editing. Considering the current state of affairs, there is a possibility that he is a Youtuber, but in any case, it is the work of a craftsman who makes a living in the video industry.
Another point of Shibuya Video (DISC 1) is the “close feeling”. The process of moving to the shooting position at the beginning is also carefully filmed, but that position is about the 5th row on the right side of the stage (Rebu Beach side). The distance between Kip and Rev fits perfectly, and you can feel that they are right in front of you even without using the zoom. From there, it zooms in even closer, and the scene is so powerful that it looks like a camera pit right below the stage.

●DISC 2: A frontal shot that shows Takumi’s photography skills (Roppongi)
The replacement Roppongi video (DISC 2) was actually shot and edited by the same person as DISC 1. From the scene at the venue at the beginning, it is clear that they are sister editions with the same mood.
However, even though the technique and style are the same, the results are quite different. First of all, the full show is completely recorded, but the shooting position is also completely different. While looking straight ahead at the center of the stage, I was photographing from a distance from the rear of the venue. If you pull as hard as you can, there is a considerable distance, but the powerful zoom function of the latest equipment prevents you from feeling that distance. Just as I was about to get closer, Kip’s expression filled the screen. And even with such bold attacks, if the image quality is excellent, the stability is also impressive. I think this is also an anti-shake feature of the latest equipment, but maybe a tripod is also used only for the distant view seats.
Furthermore, the camera work is also amazing. Since it’s right in front of you, you can watch not only Kip but also Rev, Paul Taylor, and supporter Howie Simon whenever you want. The highlight of each person was captured perfectly, and the formation of everyone gathered in the center of the stage was captured from a photographic angle.

Shibuya (DISC 1), which has been digested with the power of the naked eye, and Roppongi (DISC 2), which has been completely recorded from a distance to a degree of perfection that makes it look like a work of art. So, which songs can be seen in the two videos, which have different lengths and characteristics? Finally, let’s organize the two performances together.

●Songs with footage from both days (10 songs)
・Winger: Seventeen/Hungry/Time To Surrender/Headed For A Heartbreak
・90s: Black Magic/Blind Revolution Mad
・After reunion: Stick The Knife In And Twist/Proud Desperado/Pull Me Under/Deal With The Devil
●2nd day video only (8 songs)
・In the Heart of the Young: Can’t Get Enuff/Miles Away/Rainbow In The Rose/Easy Come Easy Go
・Others: Down Incognito/Junkyard Dog (Tears On Stone)/Who’s The One/Madalaine

I can’t believe it’s an amateur…or should I say, this is a sister video of the two Tokyo performances recorded by a photographer who is probably not an amateur. If you want to enjoy it from top to bottom, it won’t be as good as the 4-disc live album “TOKYO 2023,” but nothing beats this video work in terms of visual persuasiveness and experience. A two-disc set that will turn your vague short-term memory into solid memories. Please take your time and enjoy it.

★Spectacular audience shot of “September 5, 2023: Shibuya STREAM HALL/September 6: EX THEATER ROPPONGI”. Both performances were performed by the same person, and the Shibuya performance (DISC 1) is a digest of about half of the full show, and is a powerful video that can only be seen from close seats. On the other hand, the Roppongi performance (DISC 2) is a complete video that looks like a professional shot, with many close-ups using the powerful zoom function, even though it is a distant view. I can’t believe it’s an amateur…or should I say, this is a sister video recorded by a photographer who is probably not an amateur, recording the two Tokyo performances.

Disc:1 (45:11)
SHIBUYA STREAM Hall, Tokyo, Japan 5th September 2023

1. Intro
2. Stick The Knife In And Twist
3. Seventeen
4. Hungry
5. Proud Desperado
6. Reb Beach Guitar Solo
7. Black Magic
8. Time To Surrender
9. Blind Revolution Mad
10. Drum Solo
11. Headed For A Heartbreak
12.Deal With The Devil
13. Pull Me Under

COLOUR NTSC Approx.45min.

Disc 2(95:30)
EX THEATER ROPPONGI, Tokyo, Japan 6th September 2023

1. Intro
2. Stick The Knife In And Twist
3. Seventeen
4. Can’t Get Enuff
5. Hungry
6. Down Incognito
7. Howie Simon Guitar Solo
8. Proud Desperado
9. Junkyard Dog (Tears on Stone)
10. Miles Away
11. Rainbow In The Rose
12. Reb Beach Guitar Solo
13. Black Magic
14. Who’s The One
15. Time To Surrender
16. Blind Revolution Mad
17. Drum Solo
18. Headed For A Heartbreak
19. Easy Come, Easy Go
20. Madalaine
21. Saints Solos
22. Pull Me Under
23. Deal With The Devil

COLOUR NTSC Approx.96min.

Kip Winger – lead vocals, bass
Reb Beach – guitar
Howie Simon – guitar,bass
Rod Morgenstein – drums, percussion
Paul Taylor – keyboards,guitar

COLOUR NTSC Approx.141min.(total)

Shades 1850


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