Van Halen / Live In Fresno 1992 Japanese Broadcast / 1DVDR

Van Halen / Live In Fresno 1992 Japanese Broadcast / 1DVDR / Non Label

Selland Arena Fresno CA USA 14th & 15th May 1992. PRO-SHOT

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Masterpiece video “LIVE: RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW” from the Sammy Hagar era. A special version of it is here.
Speaking of “LIVE: RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW”, it is a well-known official masterpiece. It is a live work released on CD and video in 1993. This work corresponds to the video version, but it is not a copy of the official VHS or DVD. It is a Japanese broadcast version that was featured in the famous program “Western Music Live Legend” of a certain satellite broadcasting station in 2011. At our shop, we have archived music programs with the finest masters by core recording enthusiasts, and this work is one of them. “LIVE: RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW” has been made into a DVD from a relatively early stage, and the broadcasting quality that is comparable to the official products has been transferred to a DVD with zero deterioration.
And what is more than quality is a production unique to Japan. A commentary section is set up at the beginning of this program, and it is customary for Mr. Chris Peller, who is familiar with dandy voices, to explain the outline of the band and concert. In this work as well, I will explain the famous scene of the main part of the show in the background, but in a short time I will talk about the history of both VAN HALEN and Sammy Hagar, and let me understand the significance of the member change. Although there is no new discovery for those who pay attention to this article, it is a splendid introduction that arouses expectations for the main part of the live while brewing elegance without the sloppy feeling that is common in Japanese media. Also, speaking of the program’s uniqueness, Japanese subtitles. Not only Sammy’s MC, but also the comments of the inserted members and cinematographer Mitchell Sinoway can be vividly understood with subtitles.
Such a unique color is important, but the main character is the show itself. Of course, it is a multi-camera pro shot of “May 14, 1992 + 15th Fresno performance”. It’s a good opportunity, so let’s check the position of the show from the whole world tour accompanying “F @ U # C% K”.

● 1991
《June 18th, “F @ U # C% K” released》
・ August 16-September 23: North America # 1 (19 performances)
・ October 8th-November 15th: North America # 2 (24 performances)
・ December 2-14: North America # 3 (10 performances)
● 1992
・ January 22-March 3: North America # 4 (23 performances)
・ April 3-May 31: North America # 5 (33 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
● 1993
《February 23, “LIVE: RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW” released》
・ March 30-April 29: Europe (18 performances)
・ June 25-August 28: North America # 6 (41 performances)

This is VAN HALEN from 1991 to 1993. Although it took a full two years, the scale of more than 160 performances was a huge tour suitable for calling it the heyday. Among them, the Fresno performance of this work was the 25/26 performance of “North America # 5” at the end of the 1992 edition. Of course, one video work edited instead of the whole two performances. When the official work is played, it is not uncommon for it to be cut short along the broadcast frame, but fortunately this work is a complete recording. However, even though it is a complete version of Omoto’s “LIVE: RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW”, it is not a complete show. Let’s organize it by comparing it with the set that was actually played.

● “F @ U # C% K (all songs)”
・ Poundcake / Judgment Day / Man on a Mission / In’n’Out / Right Now / Pleasure Dome / Spanked / Runaround / 316 / The Dream Is Over (★) / Top of the World
● Others
・ Dave era number: Panama (×) / You Really Got Me / Jump
・ “5150”: Why Can’t This Be Love (×) / Best Of Both Worlds (×)
・ “OU812”: When It’s Love / Finish What Ya Started / Cabo Wabo
・ Sammy’s solo: There’s Only One Way To Rock (×) / Give To Live (×) / Eagles Fly (★) / I Can’t Drive 55 (×)
* Note: The “★” mark is a song that could not be heard on the CD version of “LIVE: RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW”. The “x” mark is a song that was cut while being played on the day.

… And it looks like this. Two songs that are not on the CD version “LIVE: RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW” are delicious, but six songs are still deleted. Apparently, it seems that they are avoiding the cover with “LIVE WITHOUT A NET”, but I wanted them to record all the songs without worrying about it, but anyway, what is emphasized by the cut is “F @ U # to see with the eyes” C% K feeling “. After all, I’m playing the whole album (although it’s not a reproduction because the song order is different). VAN HALEN in the Sammy era was a band that cherished new songs, but all songs are only “F @ U # C% K”, and it is extremely that all songs are all songs in one show instead of replacement. Nozomi (By the way, “Inside”, “Feels So Good”, “Baluchitherium”, etc. were forgotten in other albums). As a matter of fact, “F @ U # C% K” was the core of the 2004 tour that was reunited with Sammy later, and you can see how important it was to them. ..
VAN HALEN, a band that has made a great mark in rock history. Contrary to that feat, there were only two live videos left, “LIVE WITHOUT A NET” and “LIVE: RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW”. This week, the best special versions of those two works will be released at once. Please take this opportunity to fully enjoy the two works together.

サミー・ヘイガー時代の名作映像『LIVE: RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW』。その特別バージョンが登場です。
 『LIVE: RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW』と言えば、言わずと知れたオフィシャルの名作。1993年にCDとビデオでリリースされたライヴ作品です。本作はその映像編にあたるのですが、公式VHSやDVDのコピーではありません。2011年に某衛星放送局の名物番組“洋楽ライブ伝説”で特集された日本放送バージョンなのです。当店では、これまでもコアな記録マニアによる極上マスターで音楽番組をアーカイヴしてきましたが、本作もそのひとつ。『LIVE: RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW』は比較的早くからDVD化されていた事もあり、オフィシャル品にも負けない放送クオリティを劣化ゼロでDVDに移し替えているのです。
 そして、クオリティ以上なのが日本独自の演出。この番組は冒頭に解説コーナーが設けられ、ダンディな声でお馴染みのクリス・ペ○ラー氏がバンドやコンサートの概要を説明するのが恒例。本作でもショウ本編の名シーンをバックに解説していくのですが、短い時間にVAN HALENとサミー・ヘイガー両方の歴史を語り、メンバーチェンジの意義までキッチリと理解させる。本稿に目を留められる方にとって新発見になるようなネタはないものの、日本メディアにありがちなズッコケ感もなく、気品を醸しながらライヴ本編への期待を煽ってくれる見事な導入です。また、番組独自と言えば、日本語字幕。サミーのMCはもちろんのこと、挿入されたメンバーや撮影監督を務めたミッチェル・シノウェイのコメントもキッチリ字幕付きでビビッドに内容を理解できます。
 これが1991年-1993年のVAN HALEN。丸2年をかけているものの、160公演を超える規模は全盛期と呼ぶに相応しい巨大ツアーでした。その中でも本作のフレズノ公演は、1992年編の終盤「北米#5」の25/26公演目にあたるコンサートでした。もちろん、2公演丸ごとではなく編集された1本の映像作。公式作品が流される場合、放送枠に沿って短くカットされる事も珍しくありませんが、本作関しては幸運にも完全収録です。ただし、大元『LIVE: RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW』の完全盤ではあっても、ショウの完全形ではない。ここで実際に演奏されたセットと比較して整理してみましょう。
・Poundcake/Judgement Day/Man on a Mission/In ‘n’ Out/Right Now/Pleasure Dome/Spanked/Runaround/316/The Dream Is Over(★)/Top of the World
・デイヴ時代ナンバー:Panama(×)/You Really Got Me/Jump
・『5150』:Why Can’t This Be Love(×)/Best Of Both Worlds(×)
・『OU812』:When It’s Love/Finish What Ya Started/Cabo Wabo
・サミーのソロ:There’s Only One Way To Rock(×)/Give To Live(×)/Eagles Fly(★)/I Can’t Drive 55(×)
※注:「★」印はCD版『LIVE: RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW』では聴けなかった曲。「×」印は当日演奏されつつもカットされた曲。
……と、このようになっています。CD版『LIVE: RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW』にはない2曲が美味しいものの、それでも6曲が削られている。明らかに『LIVE WITHOUT A NET』との被りを避けているようですが、気にせず全曲収録して欲しかったところですが、ともあれカットによってより強調されているのが「目で観るF@U#C%K感」。何しろ、アルバム全部丸ごと演奏している(曲順は異なるので再現ではありませんが)。サミー時代のVAN HALENは新曲を大事にするバンドではありましたが、1曲残らずというのは『F@U#C%K』だけで、しかも入れ替えではなく1回のショウで全曲というのも極めて希(ちなみに他のアルバムでは「Inside」「Feels So Good」「Baluchitherium」等が見送られていました)。実のところ、後年サミーとの再結成を果たした2004年ツアーでも軸となったのは『F@U#C%K』であり、いかに彼らにとって重要なアルバムだったのかが分かるというものです。
 ロック史に偉大な足跡を刻みつけたバンド、VAN HALEN。その偉業に反して残されたライヴ映像は『LIVE WITHOUT A NET』『LIVE: RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW』の2つしかありませんでした。今週は、その2作品の極上特別バージョンが一挙リリース。どうぞ、この機会に2作併せてたっぷりとご堪能ください。
1. VJ Talks
2. Intro
3. Poundcake
4. Judgement Day
5. Man on a Mission
6. When It’s Love
7. In ‘n’ Out
8. Right Now
9. Ultra Bass
10. Pleasure Dome/Drum Solo
11. Spanked
12. Runaround
13. Finish What Ya Started
14. Eagles Fly
15. 316
16. You Really Got Me/Cabo Wabo
17. The Dream Is Over
18. Jump
19. Top of the World
Sammy Hagar – lead vocals, guitar
Eddie Van Halen – guitar, backing vocals
Michael Anthony – bass, backing vocals
Alex Van Halen – drums, percussion


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