Uriah Heep / Wacken 2023/ 1DVDR

Uriah Heep / Wacken 2023/ 1DVDR / Uxbridge
Wacken, Germany 3rd August 2023 PRO-SHOT

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URIAH HEEP’s new era masterpiece “CHAOS & COLOR” has received great acclaim and is becoming a presence in another dimension. A professional shot work that allows you to enjoy the latest stage is now available.
This work was filmed at the Wacken performance on August 3, 2023. This is the multi-camera pro shot. In 2022, they will continue their 50th anniversary tour, which was postponed due to the new coronavirus pandemic, and will release “CHAOS & COLOR” at the beginning of the year. Their first new work in five years has received rave reviews everywhere, and even on the major progressive rock site progarchives.com, it has achieved the highest rating since “The Devil’s Feast”. URIAH HEEP, who made use of such a new masterpiece, is also attracting attention for their tour. First, let’s take a look at the overview of their activities and confirm the position of this work.

[“CHAOS & COLOUR” released on January 27th] ・April 13th – May 6th: Europe #1 (11 performances)
・July 22nd – August 11th: Europe #2 (5 performances) ←★Here★
・March 11th-21st: UK (6 performances)
・March 24th – April 3rd: Europe #3 (7 performances)
・April 5th-10th: On The Blue New Horizons performance

This is the schedule for 2023/2024 that has been announced so far. When “CHAOS & COLOR” was first announced, a large-scale Russian tour was posted on the official website, causing controversy, but as expected, it was canceled. In 2023, we held a small European tour. Wacken’s appearance in this work was the third concert of such a summer tour “Europe #2”.
In this work, you can enjoy such a show with Wacken’s elaborate camera work. Nowadays, HR/HM festivals are held in various European countries, and their professional shots are also popular, but it is no exaggeration to say that Germany’s “Wacken Open Air” has become a model for this. A surprising variety of angles that go right up to the top, camera work that moves in three dimensions, compositions that make each member a picture even in a still image, scrolling that takes full advantage of the spectacle of a large crowd…What kind of festivals are there now? However, while repeating a number of techniques that people want to imitate, they show it off more effectively than any other festival.
What is depicted with such Wacken quality is a stage that condenses a career spanning more than half a century. Let’s organize the set here so that you can experience its special richness.

●Byron era (7 pieces)
・Stealin’/Rainbow Demon/Sunrise/July Morning/Lady In Black/Gypsy/Easy Livin’
●Others (4 songs)
・Shaw era: Against The Odds/Between Two Worlds
・Others: The Hanging Tree/Too Scared To Run

…and it looks like this. The only two songs selected from one album are “Rainbow Demon” and “Easy Livin'” from “The Devil and the Wizard.” The rest are all selected from different albums. What is surprising is that not a single song from the critically acclaimed “CHAOS & COLOR” was played. This is not limited to “Wacken”; it seems that they have not performed any new songs live yet. The stage design for this work is also a “50th anniversary” specification, and the full-fledged “CHAOS & COLOR Tour” may be carried over to 2024.
Although there were no notable new songs, there is no doubt that the 50th anniversary set, which was enriched with the band’s potential based on new masterpieces, would be a bad idea. Neither Mick Box nor Phil Lanzon shows any signs of decline, and Bernie Shaw’s singing voice becomes more and more heroic and dramatic. And the rhythm section of Russell Gilbrook and Dave Rimmer, who have been together for 10 years, is amazing. Even Gilbrook will reach his 60th birthday next year, but his drumming, which is said to be the second coming of Cozy Powell and combines power and singing, is still alive and well. It takes the already dramatic HEEP song to another level. It is probably because of his drumming that URIAH HEEP, which has been together for more than 50 years, has reached another golden age.
Bands that started in the 1960s have passed away one after another, and the very existence of the remaining bands has become significant. URIAH HEEP is a miraculous band that is said to be at its musical peak in these modern times. This is a piece where you can enjoy the latest stage with multi-camera professional shots. Their cutting-edge music embodies the ideals of “Fantasy & Classical Hard Rock” and continues to be at the pinnacle of excellence. Please take your time to check this work out.

★Multi-camera professional shot of “August 3, 2023 Wacken Performance”. With the active camera work typical of Wacken, who is a model for European professional shots, the 50th anniversary super concentrated set is also special. This is a must-see video that allows you to experience the cutting edge of URIAH HEEP, who embody the ideal of “Fantasy & Classical Hard Rock” and continue to be at the top of their game.

新時代の名作『CHAOS & COLOUR』が大好評を巻き起こし、異次元の存在になりつつあるURIAH HEEP。その最新ステージを楽しめるプロショット作品が登場です。
そんな本作が撮影されたのは「2023年8月3日ヴァッケン公演」。そのマルチカメラ・プロショットです。2022年は新型コロナ・パンデミックで延期になっていた50周年ツアーに終始し、年明けに『CHAOS & COLOUR』を発表。5年ぶりの新作は各所で大絶賛となっており、プログレ系の大手サイトprogarchives.comでも『魔の饗宴』以来という超高評価を叩き出しています。そんな新名盤をモノにしたURIAH HEEPは、ツアーにも注目が集まっている。まずは、そんな彼らの活動概要を俯瞰し、本作のポジションを確かめてみましょう。

《1月27日『CHAOS & COLOUR』発売》
・4月5日ー10日:On The Blue New Horizons出演

これが現在までに公表されている2023年/2024年のスケジュール。『CHAOS & COLOUR』発表当初は公式サイトに大規模なロシア・ツアーが掲載されていて物議を醸しましたが、案の定(?)中止。2023年には小規模ながらヨーロッパ・ツアーを実施しました。本作のヴァッケン出演は、そんな夏ツアー「欧州#2」の3公演目にあたるコンサートでした。

・Stealin’/Rainbow Demon/Sunrise/July Morning/Lady In Black/Gypsy/Easy Livin’
・ショウ時代:Against The Odds/Between Two Worlds
・その他:The Hanging Tree/Too Scared To Run

……と、このようになっています。1枚のアルバムから2曲選ばれているのは『悪魔と魔法使い』の「Rainbow Demon」と「Easy Livin’」だけ。後は全部バラバラのアルバムから選ばれています。そして、驚きなのは大絶賛となっている『CHAOS & COLOUR』から1曲も演奏していない事。これは“ヴァッケン”に限ったことではなく、まだ新曲は1回もライヴでやっていないようです。本作でもステージデザインは「50周年」仕様ですし、本格的な“CHAOS & COLOUR Tour”は2024年に持ち越すつもりなのかも知れません。
注目の新曲はありませんでしたが、新名盤をモノにしたバンド・ポテンシャルで濃縮した50周年セットが悪かろうハズがない。ミック・ボックスもフィル・ランゾンも衰えなど微塵も見せず、バーニー・ショウの歌声はますますヒロイックでドラマティック。そして、すでにコンビ歴10年になるラッセル・ギルブルック&デイヴ・リマーのリズム隊はやっぱりスゴい。ギルブルックでさえ来年には還暦を迎えるわけですが、コージー・パウエルの再来とも言われたパワーと歌心を両立したドラミングは健在。ただでさえドラマティックなHEEPソングを別次元にまで引き上げている。結成50年を超えたURIAH HEEPが再び黄金時代を迎えられたのも、彼のドラミングあってのことでしょう。
60年代にスタートした同期たちが次々に倒れ、残っているバンドも存在していること自体が意義になっている。そんな現代において今こそが音楽的に全盛とも言われる奇跡のバンド、URIAH HEEP。その最新ステージをマルチカメラ・プロショットで楽しめる1枚です。「ファンタジック&クラシカルなハードロック」の理想を体現し、最高峰であり続けている彼らの最先端。どうぞ、本作でじっくりとお確かめください。

★「2023年8月3日ヴァッケン公演」のマルチカメラ・プロショット。欧州プロショットのお手本ともなっているヴァッケンらしいアクティヴなカメラワークで、50周年の超・濃縮セットも特濃。「ファンタジック&クラシカルなハードロック」の理想を体現し、最高峰であり続けているURIAH HEEPの最先端を味わえる必見映像です。
1. Intro
2. Against The Odds
3. The Hanging Tree
4. Between Two Worlds
5. Stealin’
6. Too Scared To Run
7. Rainbow Demon
8. Sunrise
9. July Morning
10. Lady In Black
11. Gypsy
12. Easy Livin’

Bernie Shaw – lead vocals
Mick Box – guitar, backing vocals
Phil Lanzon – keyboards, backing vocals
Dave Rimmer – bass, backing vocals
Russell Gilbrook – drums


Uxbridge 1990

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