Uli Jon Roth / Chicago 2013 / 1DVDR

Uli Jon Roth / Chicago 2013 / 1DVDR / Non label

Live at Reggie’s Rock Club, Chicago, IL. USA 17th February 2013

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From the 2013 North American tour that Uli Jon Roth performed to commemorate the “40th anniversary of joining SCORPIONS”, the performance in Chicago, Illinois on February 17th is a happy audience shot with excellent image quality and sound quality. It is a gift release decision.

Uli Jon Roth hasn’t released an album since the release of “UNDER A DARK SKY” in 2008, but his live performances have become more active than ever and he has performed wonderfully in the US and European countries. increase. In particular, on his North American tour from January to March 2013, he showed off a special set that occupied most of the live with SCORPIONS numbers to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Uri joining SCORPIONS. This tour attracted a lot of attention not only from Europe and America but also from Japanese fans.
Due to its high degree of attention, multiple live sound sources and videos have appeared on this tour immediately after the live was performed. Among them, “KENOSHA 2013” released as a bonus title of “THE DARK SKY IN NAGOYA” delighted the fans by enjoying the live performance in Kenosha, Wisconsin on February 15th with a very good audience shot.
This time, the Chicago performance on February 17, which is two days after that “KENOSHA 2013”, is also completely recorded with the highest quality. In addition to the wonderful performance, the song selection that is partly different from the Kinosha performance is also delicious. If you’re a Uli Jon Roth fan or a SCORPIONS enthusiast, this is a must-see!

The most surprising thing about this work is the video. The composition of taking a close-up shot of Uri and vocal Henning Basse from the front row of the audience is almost like a professional shot. The image is so dignified that it makes me wonder if it was taken by the people involved. Many fans, including the opening “All Night Long” and “Longing For Fire”, will be overwhelmed by the shots that can be seen so clearly that Woori’s hands are up and super. Should be. There is no other item that is more suitable than this one for enjoying the guitar play of Uri, which is unmatched in accuracy while being free to change!
The song selection itself is the same as “KENOSHA 2013”, but it is also a big feature that the song order and performances are different in some parts. At the Kinosha performance, “A Day Late And A Dollar Short”, which was a guest performance at Ian Gillan’s “GILLAN’S INN”, was also interwoven, but this time the main set was unified with the songs from the SCORPIONS era. From relatively rare songs such as “Longing For Fire”, “Sun In My Head” and “Evening Wind” to classic songs such as “Life’s Like A River”, “The Sails Of Charon” and “We’ll Burn The Sky” Until then, entertain the set that fits the purpose of the tour.
“Speedy’s Coming” is a big highlight for “Drifting Sun” which was not featured in the Kinosha performance. Above all, the crazy high-tension play of “Virgin Killer” will make you feel the hard side that Uri inherently has (vocal Henning Basse misses the timing of singing, The song itself is powerful enough to remind you of young Klaus Meine). It can be said to be the highlight of the live along with “I’ve Got To Be Free” where the band’s teamwork works well. In addition, Uri also serves as a vocalist in “Polar Nights” and “Dark Lady,” which show the devotion to Jimi Hendrix. The singing is unique, but the energetic guitar play and groovy band sound are really awesome (these songs also pay attention to Ure Ritgen’s bass)!
After finishing the SCORPIONS part with a series of famous songs of “Pictured Life” and “Catch Your Train”, Jimi Hendrix’s number, which Uri loves, is played. “All Along The Watchtower”, “If 6 Was 9” and “Little Wing”, which are standard in Uri’s live performance, will be played in a fun mood, ending the live performance of 2 hours and 40 minutes.

The quality of this work is outstanding in terms of video, audio, and wonderful performance! It is 160 minutes to show off the awesomeness of Uri, a solitary player. Of course, it comes with an original menu only for this work. Please take this opportunity to enjoy the one that would normally be released normally!

★ The best title that can be declared the best among the live images of Uri in the past 20 years. This is a must-have for fans.

 ウリ・ジョン・ロートは2008年の「UNDER A DARK SKY」発表後、アルバムこそリリースしてはいませんが、ライヴ活動はこれまで以上に積極的となり、アメリカそしてヨーロッパ各国で素晴らしい演奏を披露しています。特に彼が2013年1月から3月にかけて行った北米ツアーでは、ウリがSCORPIONSに加入してから40年の節目を記念し、ライヴの大半をSCORPIONSナンバーで占めたスペシャル・セットを披露。このツアーは欧米のみならず、日本のファンからも大きな注目を集めました。
 その高い注目度もあって、本ツアーはライヴが行われた直後から複数のライヴ音源や映像が登場しています。中でも「THE DARK SKY IN NAGOYA」のボーナス・タイトルとしてリリースされた「KENOSHA 2013」は、2月15日のウィスコンシン州キノーシャにおけるライヴを大変優れたオーディエンス・ショットで楽しめ、ファンを大いに喜ばせました。
 今回はその「KENOSHA 2013」から2日後に当たる2月17日のシカゴ公演を、こちらも極上のクオリティで完全収録。素晴らしい演奏に加えて、キノーシャ公演とは一部異なる選曲もまた美味しい。ウリ・ジョン・ロートのファンやSCORPIONSのマニアならば、絶対必見の一本です!
 本作で何より驚かされるのはその映像。客席の最前列からウリやヴォーカルのヘニング・バッセを大写しで撮影している構図は、ほとんどプロショットのような印象。余りにも堂々と映しているので、「関係者の撮影なのか?」と錯覚しそうになります。オープニングの「All Night Long」や「Longing For Fire」をはじめ、多くの曲でウリの手元をアップで、それも超が付くほどクリアに見られるショットには、ファンの誰もが圧倒されてしまうはず。変幻自在でありながら正確無比なウリのギター・プレイを堪能する上で、本作ほどふさわしいアイテムは無いでしょう!
 選曲そのものは「KENOSHA 2013」と同様ながら、一部で曲順や演奏曲目が異なるのも大きな特徴。キノーシャ公演ではイアン・ギランの「GILLAN’S INN」で客演した「A Day Late And A Dollar Short」も織り交ぜていましたが、今回はセット本編をSCORPIONS時代の楽曲で統一。「Longing For Fire」や「Sun In My Head」,「Evening Wind」といった比較的レアな楽曲から、「Life’s Like A River」・「The Sails Of Charon」さらに「We’ll Burn The Sky」といった定番曲まで、ツアーの趣旨にふさわしいセットを楽しませます。
 キノーシャ公演では取り上げられていなかった「Drifting Sun」に「Speedy’s Coming」は大きな見所。中でも「Virgin Killer」の狂おしいまでにハイテンションなプレイは、ウリが本質的に持っているハードな側面を強烈に感じさせるでしょう(ヴォーカルのヘニング・バッセは歌い出しのタイミングを誤っていますが、歌そのものは若き日のクラウス・マイネを連想させるほどパワフルです)。バンドのチームワークがしっかりと機能する「I’ve Got To Be Free」と共にライヴのハイライトと言えます。また、ジミ・ヘンドリクスへの傾倒ぶりを伺わせる「Polar Nights」や「Dark Lady」では、ウリがヴォーカルも兼任。歌唱は個性的ですが、エネルギッシュなギター・プレイ、グルーヴィなバンド・サウンドは本当に凄まじいものがあります(これらの曲ではウレ・リトゲンのベースにも注目です)!
 「Pictured Life」・「Catch Your Train」の名曲連発でSCORPIONSパートを締めくくった後は、ウリが愛好するジミ・ヘンドリクスのナンバーを演奏。ウリのライヴでは定番である「All Along The Watchtower」や、「If 6 Was 9」・「Little Wing」が楽しいムードでプレイし、2時間40分ものライヴを締めくくります。
 映像や音声、演奏の素晴らしさとも、本作は抜群のクオリティ! 孤高のプレイヤーであるウリの凄みをたっぷりと見せ付ける160分間です。もちろん本作のみのオリジナル・メニュー付き。本来ならば通常リリースされて当然の一本を、この機会にどうぞお楽しみください!
1. All Night Long
2. Longing For Fire
3. Crying Days
4. Life’s Like A River
5. Sun In My Head
6. Drifting Sun
7. Evening Wind
8. The Sails Of Charon
9. We’ll Burn The Sky
10. In Trance
11. Fly To The Rainbow
12. Speedy’s Coming
13. Virgin Killer
14. They Need A Million
15. I’ve Got To Be Free
16. Polar Nights
17. Dark Lady
18. Pictured Life
19. Catch Your Train
20. All Along The Watchtower
21. If 6 Was 9
22. Little Wing
Uli Jon Roth – Guitar, Vocals Henning Basse – Vocals Ali Clinton – Guitar, Vocals
Niklas Turmann – Guitar, Vocals Ule W. Ritgen – Bass Jamie Little – Drums
Corvin Bahn – Keyboards
COLOUR NTSC Approx. 160min.

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