UFO / History Of Ufo With Michael Schenker Japanese Laser Disc / 1DVDR

UFO / History Of Ufo With Michael Schenker Japanese Laser Disc / 1DVDR / Non label
Taken from the original Japanese Laser Disc (TOLW-3118)

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A 70’s UFO that gave birth to and raised God. The official out-of-print video focusing on the golden age is the gift release decision.
The discontinued video is “HISTORY OF UFO with MICHAEL SCHENKER”. This is the official history video produced in 1992. At that time, UFO was reunited with Laurence Archer, and the new work “HIGH STAKES & DANGEROUS MEN” was also released. This work was produced at a time when it suddenly attracted attention, but it was quickly discontinued due to the fate of music videos at that time. In the 21st century, a DVD with the same title as the UK video “TOO HOT TO HANDLE (1969-1983)” was released, but the content was significantly replaced. On the other hand, this work is a straight reproduction DVD from the Japanese version laser disc released at that time. It is a history work with a specification of about 98 minutes as the original version.
This work is also an unusual history work. The content composed of valuable performance scenes such as live pro shots and promo clips and interviews is formally as usual, but in reality it is closer to music. There are many songs that are almost full performances, and it feels like a short interview is inserted in between.
And the interview is subtle. At the beginning, the encounter between UFO and Michael and the episode of the jam session that can not be understood are interesting, but after that, the story suddenly jumped to “new murder” and Michael’s withdrawal, and the topic of hipgnosis, producer, and Paul Chapman. The time series is also messy. In the end, without any connection, “By the way, the song called The Coming Of Prince Kujuku …” suddenly entered the Mick Bolton era. If you can pay attention to this article, there will be no problem because the basic knowledge is clear, but if you want to learn the history of UFO with this work, there is no doubt that it will be a jumble.
Also, the storyteller is delicate. Three parties (Phil Mogg / Pete Way / Michael Schenker) and four juniors who identify themselves as fans (Joe Elliott / Rick Savage / Phil Collen / Steve Harris) will appear. It is summarized as. Each of the juniors sincerely talks about UFO love and the influence they received, which makes me smile, but sudden editing causes a lot of talk about fashion and songs. As a result, the rhetoric is just scattered all over the place, and the composition is “I understand that I want to praise somehow, but what I want to convey is refreshing.”

I don’t know if it’s recommended or not, but of course this work has its own highlights. That is the performance scene itself. As a matter of fact, it is a video familiar to enthusiasts such as 70’s round house performances and ROCK PALAST, but the quality is beautiful. You can enjoy a lot of big classic videos with literally official quality!
And what is that standard video? I don’t know when the performer is from the song title credits on the jacket, and some songs have only a little bit inserted in the interview. Here, let’s pick up and organize only the songs that are almost completed.

● Michael Schenker era
・ December 18, 1975 Roundhouse performance (4 songs): This Kids / Out In The Street / Shoot Shoot / C’mon Everybody
・ June 12, 1977 Roundhouse performance (3 songs): Lights Out / Too Hot To Handle / Let It Roll
・ Others (2 songs): Only You Can Rock Me (PV) / Cherry (PV)
● Paul Chapman era
・ November 29, 1980 Dortmund performance (ROCKPALAST 2 songs): Lettin’Go / Mystery Train
・ 1979 OLD GRAY WHISTLE TEST (1 song): Doctor Doctor
● Others
・ Mick Bolton Era: The Coming Of Prince Kujuku (PV)
・ Laurence Archer era: Borderline (Live PV) / Running Up The Highway (Live PV) / Backdoor Man

It looks like this. Although it is an edit in which each song is made independent and an interview is inserted in between, a large amount of standard professional shots have been formalized. Better yet, it would have been a permanent preservation press if each video was recorded in full.
Under such circumstances, the video clips of “Only You Can Rock Me” and “Cherry” can’t be helped. Most of the videos are of the highest quality, but these two songs are covered with dubbing marks and are super-poor. That’s the same level as bootlegs in the VHS era, and it’s a surprising level, “It’s official, but this !?” At all, video software in the early 90’s cannot be overlooked.
Next to (?), I think there are three songs from the Laurence Archer era. As mentioned at the beginning, this work was released during the Archer era, but in fact, the letter “A” of Archer does not appear in the interview. There is no commentary on these three songs, and if you don’t have “HIGH STAKES & DANGEROUS MEN”, you will be in a state of “whose song?” The video itself is wonderful, and now there are even valuable highlights …

I don’t know if I recommend it again, but there is no doubt that the essential video quality and music quality are extremely high. On top of that, even the editing of monster works becomes the entertainment of the times. The finest and funny official work that was possible only in the early 90’s. Please take this opportunity to thoroughly enjoy it.

その廃盤映像とは『HISTORY OF UFO with MICHAEL SCHENKER』。1992年に制作された公式ヒストリー・ビデオです。当時、UFOはローレンス・アーチャーを迎えて再結成しており、新作『HIGH STAKES & DANGEROUS MEN』もリリース。本作は、にわかに注目が集まってきたタイミングで制作されたわけですが、当時の音楽ビデオの宿命であっと言う間に廃盤になりました。21世紀になってからUK版ビデオ『TOO HOT TO HANDLE (1969-1983)』と同タイトルのDVDもリリースされましたが、内容が大幅に差し替えられていました。それに対し、本作は当時リリースされた日本盤レーザーディスクからストレートに復刻DVD化。オリジナル版通り約98分仕様のヒストリー作品なのです。
そして、そのインタビューが微妙。序盤はUFOとマイケルの出逢いや言葉が通じないジャム・セッションのエピソードが面白いのですが、その後はいきなり『新たなる殺意』やマイケル脱退まで話が飛んだり、ヒプノシスやプロデューサー、さらにポール・チャップマンの話題になったりと時系列もグチャグチャ。果ては何の脈絡もなく「ところでThe Coming Of Prince Kujukuという曲は……」と、唐突にミック・ボルトン時代になったりするのです。本稿に目を留められる方なら基礎知識がシッカリされているので問題ないでしょうが、本作でUFO史を学ぼうという方はチンプンカンプンになること間違いナシです。


・1975年12月18日ラウンドハウス公演(4曲):This Kids/Out In The Street/Shoot Shoot/C’mon Everybody
・1977年6月12日ラウンドハウス公演(3曲):Lights Out/Too Hot To Handle/Let It Roll
・その他(2曲):Only You Can Rock Me(PV)/Cherry(PV)
・1980年11月29日ドルトムント公演(ROCKPALAST2曲):Lettin’ Go/Mystery Train
・1979年OLD GREY WHISTLE TEST(1曲):Doctor Doctor
・ミック・ボルトン時代:The Coming Of Prince Kujuku(PV)
・ローレンス・アーチャー時代:Borderline(Live PV)/Running Up The Highway(Live PV)/Backdoor Man

そんな中で思わずつっこまずにいられないのが「Only You Can Rock Me」「Cherry」のビデオ・クリップ。ほとんどの映像が最高峰クオリティなのですが、この2曲に関してはダビング痕まみれで超・劣悪。それこそVHS時代のブートレッグ並でして「公式なのにコレ!?」と驚くレベル。まったく、90年代初期の映像ソフトは油断できません。
ついで(?)にもう1つツッコミたいのがローレンス・アーチャー時代の3曲でしょう。冒頭で述べた通り、本作はアーチャー時代にリリースされたわけですが、実はインタビューにはアーチャーの「ア」の字も出てこない。この3曲についても解説は一切なく、『HIGH STAKES & DANGEROUS MEN』を持っていないと「誰の曲?」な状態なのです。映像自体は素晴らしく、現在では貴重な見どころですらあるのですが……。


1. Too Hot To Handle
2. This Kids
3. Out In The Street
4. Shoot Shoot
5. C’Mon Everybody
6. Only You Can Rock Me
7. Love To Love
8. Doctor Doctor
9. Cherry
10. Lettin’ Go
11. Mystery Train
12. Lights Out
13. Too Hot To Handle
14. Rock Bottom
15. Let It Roll
16. The Coming Of Prince Kujuku
17. Borderline
18. Running Up The Highway
19. Backdoor Man
20. This Kids


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