Tina Turner / Rockefeller’s 1983 / 2CDR

Tina Turner / Rockefeller’s 1983 / 2CDR / Uxbridge
Rockefeller’s, Houston, Texas, USA 25th April 1983

Play sample :

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Tina Turner in 1983, which was on the eve of her re-break as a solo, while strengthening the hard rock color. A new excavation is a sound board master who pours into the brain after the song just before the historic comeback.
This work was recorded for two performances a day. It is a two-disc sound board recording set with DISC 1 for the early show of “Houston performance on April 25, 1983” and DISC 2 for the late show. Speaking of Tina’s comeback, it is all about the big hit “PRIVATE DANCER” in 1984, but the signs began in 1983. In order to explain the situation around that, let’s first unravel from the schedule at that time.

・ January 12-29: North America # 1 (9 performances)
・ April 8-25: North America #2 (4 performances) ← here
・ May 13: Grona Lund Performance
・ June 10-27: North America # 3 (3 performances)
・ July 13: Torargon Performance
・ July 25-August 4: North America # 4 (3 performances)
・ August 24: Helsinki performance
・ September 26-October 9: North America # 5 (20 performances)
・October 13: Oslo Performance
《November: Single “Let’s Stay Together” released》
・ November 1-December 22: Europe (12 performances)

It’s hard to say that this is the schedule for 1983. As usual, Tina’s records differ greatly depending on the materials, and are often completely contradictory. The above is only at the level of “according to a certain document”, so please do not believe it. Then, the reason why I posted it is because I want you to grasp the relationship with the release timing of her single “Let’s Stay Together”. The Capitol label instructed the production of “PRIVATE DANCER” because the single released in November 1983 became a hit at No. 26 in the US / No. 6 in the UK. It opened the door to that historic comeback. The Houston performance of this work is about half a year before the release of such a single. While accumulating enough potential to open the door to a re-break, you can fully enjoy the singing voice of the age of challengers who have no way of knowing the glorious future.
And this work that conveys that is a master released on the occasion of Tina’s obituary, and its quality is superlative direct connection. Although it is said that it is a sound board, there are various personalities, but this work is not a built-in system like official works and FM broadcasting, but the vividness that was recorded directly from the mixing desk is intense. It doesn’t even seem to care about playing back with home audio, and the sound that the on-site PA would be spitting out comes out exactly as it is.
To be honest, the balance is rough and lacks the sense of work, and there is no production that makes you relive the concert venue. But that’s not a flaw, it’s an advantage. The unprocessed feeling of bareness vividly portrays the subtleties of a live performance, and the realism of feeling the vibrations of guitar strings/drum skins is overwhelming. And above all, vocals. At ear level… or should I say, Tina is already screaming inside her head. Synchronized feeling of another dimension as if the whole body is connected to the PA system. A different dimension feeling that can not be tasted even with neatly arranged official products or audience recordings that accurately reproduce the on-site reality. You can fully enjoy the real pleasure of a direct-to-desk sound board.
With such a scorching sound, the Queen’s ecstasy, which was trying to turn the whole world around once again, was poured into the brain. The two stages a day are almost the same set, but in fact, Early Show (DISC 1) is an incomplete version that does not include the second half of the set. Let’s sort things out here.

● Common for 2 performances (9 songs + α)
・Cat People (Putting Out Fire)(★)/Acid Queen/River Deep, Mountain High/Hot Legs(★)/Get Back(★)/Take A Little Pain(★)/Rock ‘N’ Roll Widow(★) / Nutbush City Limits / Givin’ It Up For Your Love / Night Life (★)
●Late show only (DISC 2: 4 songs)
・Help!(★)/Proud Mary/Music Keeps Me Dancing/Hollywood Nights
* Note: “★” marks are songs that could not be heard in the official video “NICE ‘N’ ROUGH”.

… and it looks like this. It is full of valuable cover songs only at that time, just before the re-break. Speaking of live performances in the early 80’s, the official video “NICE ‘N’ ROUGH” is a symbol, but seven songs, which is about half of the full set, are different repertoires.
Tina Turner, who not only achieved her independence, but was about to climb to further stardom. It is a scorching sound board album that is likely to burn with the passionate singing that has a burning passion as a singer. A 2-disc set that burns hot and hot her chest that has lost her girlfriend and has her hole. Please enjoy it to the fullest.

★ Powerful sound board recording of “April 25, 1983 Houston Performance (Evening/Night)”. It is a super-superb direct connection system, and the sound that the on-site PA would be spitting out comes out as it is. The unprocessed feeling of bareness vividly depicts the subtleties of live performances, and the vocals are at the ear level … or should I say, it is a different dimension sound that Tina screams in my head. You can enjoy two delicious performances of rare masterpieces that you can not listen to even in the official video “NICE ‘N’ ROUGH”.

そんな本作が記録されたのは1日2公演。「1983年4月25日ヒューストン公演」のアーリーショウをDISC 1、レイトショウをDISC 2に配した2枚組のサウンドボード録音セットです。ティナのカムバックと言えば、1984年の『PRIVATE DANCER』大ヒットに尽きるわけですが、その予兆は1983年から始まっていました。その辺の状況をご説明するためにも、まずは当時のスケジュールから紐解いてみましょう。

《11月:シングル『Let’s Stay Together』発売》

これが1983年のスケジュール………とは断言し難い。例によってティナの記録は資料によって大幅に異なっており、まるっきり矛盾している事も多々。上記はあくまで「ある資料によると」というレベルでして、信じないでいただきたいです。では、なぜ掲載したかと言えば、シングル『Let’s Stay Together』の発売タイミングとの関係を把握していただきたいから。1983年11月にリリースされたシングルが全米26位/全英6位のヒットになったことでCapitolレーベルが『PRIVATE DANCER』製作を指示。あの歴史的カムバックへの扉を開いたのです。本作のヒューストン公演は、そんなシングル発売の約半年前。再ブレイクの扉を開くポテンシャルを十分に溜め込みつつ、栄光の未来を知る由もない挑戦者の時代の歌声がたっぷりと楽しめるのです。
そんな灼熱サウンドで脳みそに流し込まれるのは、再び全世界を振り向かせようとしていた女王の絶唱。1日2ステージはほぼ同じセットなのですが、実はアーリー・ショウ(DISC 1)はセット後半が未収録の不完全版だったりもします。ここで整理しておきましょう。

・Cat People (Putting Out Fire)(★)/Acid Queen/River Deep, Mountain High/Hot Legs(★)/Get Back(★)/Take A Little Pain(★)/Rock ‘N’ Roll Widow(★)/Nutbush City Limits/Givin’ It Up For Your Love/Night Life(★)
●レイト・ショウのみ(DISC 2:4曲)
・Help!(★)/Proud Mary/Music Keeps Me Dancing/Hollywood Nights
※注:「★」印は公式映像『NICE ‘N’ ROUGH』で聴けなかった曲。

……と、このようになっています。再ブレイク前だけあって当時だからこその貴重なカバー曲が満載。80年代序盤のライヴと言えば、公式映像『NICE ‘N’ ROUGH』が象徴ではありますが、フルセットの約半分となる7曲が異なるレパートリーなのです。

★「1983年4月25日ヒューストン公演(夕・夜の部)」の強力サウンドボード録音。超極上の直結系で、現場PAが吐き出しているであろう出音がそっくりそのまま飛び出してくる。無加工なムキ出し感は生演奏の機微をこれ以上なく鮮やかに描き出し、ヴォーカルは耳元レベル……と言いますか、もはや頭の中でにティナが叫ぶ異次元サウンドです。公式映像『NICE ‘N’ ROUGH』でも聴けないレアな名曲群も美味しい2公演を楽しめます。

Disc 1(40:12)
Early Show

01. Warming up.
02. Cat People (Putting Out Fire) / Acid Queen.
03. MV
04. River Deep, Mountain High
05. Hot Legs
06. Get Back
07. Take A Little Pain
08. Rock N’ Roll Widow
09. Nutbush City Limits
10. Givin’ It Up For Your Love
11. Night Life

Disc 2(75:10)
Late Show

01. Warming up
02. Cat People (Putting Out Fire) / Acid Queen
03. MC
04. River Deep, Mountain High
05. Hot Legs
06. Get Back
07. Take A Little Pain
08. Rock ‘N’ Roll Widow
09. Nutbush City Limits
10. Givin’ It Up For Your Love
11. Night Life
12. Band introductions
13. Help!
14. Proud Mary
15. Music Keeps Me Dancing
16. Encore
17. Hollywood Nights
18. Rockefeller’s outro 1:09

Tina Turner – Vocals
James Ralston – Guitar, Backing Vocals
Bob Feit – Bass, Backing Vocals
Kenny Moore – Piano, Backing Vocals
Jack Bruno – Drums
Michael – Keyboards
Annie Behringer – Dancer, Backing Vocals
Lejeune Richardson – Dancer, Backing Vocals

Uxbridge 1936

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