Stevie Ray Vaughan & Double Trouble / Nashville 1987 / 1DVDR

Stevie Ray Vaughan & Double Trouble / Nashville 1987 / 1DVDR / Uxbridge

Volunteer Jam XIII,Starwood Amphitheatre. Nashville, TN, USA 6th September 1987

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In 1987, Stevie Ray Vaughan released the historic masterpiece “LIVE ALIVE” and was on a career-changing world tour. The classic video is now available as the best master.
This work was filmed at the “Nashville performance on September 6, 1987.” This is a multi-camera professional shot taken when Charlie Daniels appeared at the music festival “Volunteer Jam XIII”. At the time, they were in the middle of their “LIVE ALIVE Tour,” which was the biggest tour of their lives that lasted more than two years. This is also a good opportunity to look back at the overall picture and confirm the position of this work.

《“LIVE ALIVE” released on November 15th》
・November 22nd – December 31st: North America #1a (20 performances)
・January 2nd – March 25th: North America #1b (26 performances)
・May 5th – September 12th: North America #2 (66 performances) ←★Here★
・November 5th – December 31st: North America #3 (10 performances)
・March 3rd – May 27th: North America #4 (37 performances)
・June 19th – July 17th: Europe (22 performances)
・August 16th – October 9th: North America #5 (21 performances)
・December 29th + 31st: North America #6 (2 performances)

This is a panoramic view of “LIVE ALIVE Tour”. In fact, they also held the “SOUL TO SOUL Tour” of the same scale until October 1986, with a total of approximately 420 performances between the two tours. These were days filled with touring that could be called the pinnacle of my musical life. This performance of “Volunteer Jam XIII” was the 42nd performance of “North America #2”.
“Volunteer Jam” is a festival that can be said to be synonymous with Daniels, and especially in 1987, it was even broadcast on TV. In particular, Stevie’s stage has become a standard. It has been loved as “LIVE ALIVE that you can see with your eyes.” This work is also a standard video, but it is a DVD from the best master that is popular as “This is the best!” In fact, the quality is the best ever. There is an analog feel to the screen due to the era, but the freshness of the master is tremendous. There are not the slightest traces of VHS dubbing, nor is there any roughness, tape twisting, running unevenness, or color bleeding. Above all, the detail that remains beautifully down to the smallest details is amazing. The texture of her sweaty skin is visible right down to her pores, and her fingertips as she spins the soaring phrases are extremely clear. Even in the modern age of digital standards, the visual beauty is such that it can be used as an official product if it is in an archive box.
What is depicted in the highest quality is truly “LIVE ALIVE to see with your eyes.” If the members are the same, the set will be similar. Let’s compare and organize them here.

●Texas Hurricane (3 songs)
・Scuttle Buttin’ (★)/Cold Shot/Voodoo Chile (Slight Return)
●Soul to Soul (3 songs)
・Say What!/Look at Little Sister/Life Without You
●Others (3 songs)
・Mary Had A Little Lamb/Superstition
・Co-starring jam: Good Ole Gospel Ship (★)
*Note: Songs marked with “★” are not on the Daimyo album “LIVE ALIVE”.

…and it looks like this. Normally, I would like you to pay attention to the rare songs that are not even on the masterpieces, but the point of this work is the lack of “★” marks. Of the nine songs played, seven are reminiscent of “LIVE ALIVE”. What I am not used to seeing in such a situation is “Good Ole Gospel Ship”. This is not Stevie’s stage, this is the All Star Jam. It was a great collaboration with members of THE CHARLIE DANIELS BAND, the sponsor, and LYNYRD SKYNYRD, and Stevie also participated. Although Stevie is quiet and modest at first, he also performs a solid solo in the middle.
A superb video that looks like the artwork of “LIVE ALIVE” has come to life. This is a professional shot of Stevie’s great performance, which was in the midst of climax, erupting from the screen. Please take this opportunity to fully experience this work of the best master, an absolute must-see for your collection.

★Multi-camera pro shot of “September 6, 1987 Volunteer Jam XIII”. This is a standard TV broadcast pro shot and is a masterpiece that has been made into a DVD from the best master. There are no traces of VHS dubbing, the texture of sweaty skin is visible down to the pores, and the fingertips spinning the soaring phrases are extremely clear. Even in the modern age of digital standards, if you have an archive box, you can enjoy the scorching stage that is “LIVE ALIVE with your eyes” with visual beauty that can be passed as an official product.

 歴史的な大名盤『LIVE ALIVE』を送り出し、キャリア差大のワールド・ツアーに邁進していた1987年のスティーヴィー・レイ・ヴォーン。その大定番映像がベスト・マスターで登場です。
 そんな本作が撮影されたのは「1987年9月6日ナッシュビル公演」。チャーリー・ダニエルズが主催する音楽祭“Volunteer Jam XIII”に出演した際のマルチカメラ・プロショットです。当時の彼らは“LIVE ALIVE Tour”の真っ最中だったわけですが、丸2年以上に及ぶ人生最大のツアーでもありました。良い機会でもありますので、その全体像を振り返り、本作のポジションを確かめてみましょう。
《11月15日『LIVE ALIVE』発売》
 これが“LIVE ALIVE Tour”の全景。実のところ、1986年10月まで同規模の“SOUL TO SOUL Tour”も行っており、2ツアー合わせて約420公演。まさに音楽人生の絶頂とも言うべきツアー三昧の日々だったわけです。本作の“Volunteer Jam XIII”出演は、そんな中でも「北米#2」の42公演目にあたるステージでした。
 “Volunteer Jam”はダニエルズの代名詞とも言うべきフェスであり、特に1987年はTV放送も実現。特にスティーヴィーのステージは定番化。「目で観るLIVE ALIVE」として愛されてきました。本作もまたその定番映像でありつつ、「これぞベスト!」と話題の極上マスターからDVD化したものなのです。実際、そのクオリティは過去最高。時代柄、画面にアナログ感もありますが、そのマスター鮮度は絶大。VHSのダビング痕が微塵も観られず、ゴワゴワ感はおろか、テープヨレや走行ムラ、色滲みも見当たらない。何より、微細部まで綺麗に残ったディテールがスゴい。汗ばむ肌の質感は毛穴まで見え、迸るフレーズを紡ぐ指先もえらく鮮明。デジタル基準の現代であってもアーカイヴボックス辺りなら公式品としても通用する映像美なのです。
 そんな最高峰クオリティで描かれるのは、まさに「目で観るLIVE ALIVE」。メンバーも同じならセットも通じるものがある。ここで比較しながら整理しておきましょう。
・Scuttle Buttin’(★)/Cold Shot/Voodoo Chile (Slight Return)
・Say What!/Look at Little Sister/Life Without You
・Mary Had A Little Lamb/Superstition
・共演ジャム:Good Ole Gospel Ship(★)
※注:「★」印は大名盤『LIVE ALIVE』にない曲。
……と、このようになっています。普段であれば、名盤にもないレア曲に注目していただきたいのですが、本作はむしろ「★」印の少なさがポイント。演奏される9曲のうち、7曲が『LIVE ALIVE』を彷彿とさせるのです。そんな中で見慣れないのが「Good Ole Gospel Ship」。これはスティーヴィのステージではなく、オールスター・ジャム。主催であるTHE CHARLIE DANIELS BANDの面々やLYNYRD SKYNYRDも交えた大共演であり、そこにスティーヴィも参加している。最初は大人しく控えめなスティーヴィではありますが、中盤でしっかりソロも披露しています。
 まさに『LIVE ALIVE』のアートワークが動き出したような極上映像。絶頂のただ中にいたスティーヴィの大熱演が画面から噴き出すプロショットです。コレクションに不可避の絶対映像、どうぞこの機会にベスト・マスターの本作で存分にご体験ください。
★「1987年9月6日ボランティア・ジャムXIII」のマルチカメラ・プロショット。定番のTV放送プロショットで、ベスト・マスターからDVD化された銘品。VHSのダビング痕が微塵も観られず、汗ばむ肌の質感は毛穴まで見え、迸るフレーズを紡ぐ指先もえらく鮮明。デジタル基準の現代であってもアーカイヴボックス辺りなら公式品としても通用する映像美で、「目で観るLIVE ALIVE」となる灼熱のステージが楽しめます。
1. Intro
2. Scuttle Buttin’
3. Say What
4. Look At Little Sister
5. Mary Had A Little Lamb
6. Superstition
7. Cold Shot
8. Life Without You
9. Band Introduction
10. Voodoo Chile
11. Good Ole Gospel Ship(with The Charlie Daniels Band & Lynyrd Skynyrd)
Stevie Ray Vaughan – Guitar, Vocals
Chris Layton – Drums
Tommy Shannon – Bass
Reese Wynans – Keyboards
Uxbridge 2037 


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