Scorpions / Skid Row / Las Vegas 2022 / 3CDR

Scorpions / Skid Row / Las Vegas 2022 / 3CDR / Shades
Zappo’s Theatre, Las Vegas, NV, USA 9th April 2022

Play sample :

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SCORPIONS, whose new era masterpiece “ROCK BELIEVER” is a hot topic, and SKID ROW, who is a hot topic with the announcement of a sensational new singer. Introducing two sets of joint live albums that are about to reach a new heyday in 2022.
It is “April 9, 2022: Las Vegas performance” that is imbued with such a work. It is the best audience recording. Currently, SCORPIONS has just started the “ROCK BELIEVER Tour”, and the kick-off place was the residency in Las Vegas with the new SKID ROW as the undercard. Let’s review their recent situation, focusing on the schedule of the main act SCORPIONS.

● 2022
“February 25: SCORPIONS” ROCK BELIEVER “released”
“March 25: SKID ROW’s new song” The Gang’s All Here “released”
・ March 26-April 16: Las Vegas (9 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
・ May 16: New York performance
・ May 10-July 12: Europe # 1 (23 performances)
“October 14: SKID ROW” THE GANG’S ALL HERE “released”
● 2023
・ May 14th-June 5th: Europe # 2 (7 performances)

This is the 2022/2023 SCORPIONS currently announced. The last live was in 2020, and it was the first time in two years to return to the stage. The beginning was the residency in Las Vegas. “Residency” is a form of entertainment that is held many times at the same venue, unlike “tours” that repeat movements. This SCORPIONS was a series of 9 performances. The new SKID ROW was appointed as the undercard. New singer Erik Grönwall is a former H.E.A.T. and has a crazy career that was discovered on the Swedish audition program “idol”. The residency from the day after the release of the single “The Gang’s All Here” was also the first live of the new SKID ROW. This work was the sixth performance of such a residency.
This work, which is a vacuum-packed show, has an on, tight and powerful sound. It is not mistaken for a sound board because it sucks in real enthusiasm, but the essential playing sound that penetrates the air is extremely thick in the core, and the details are also clear. Rather than saying that there is no sense of distance, the rushing force that approaches in front of you is overwhelming. And, despite being so powerful, it is a wonderful recording with a sense of stability and luster that does not vibrate even at peaks.
The direct sound is drawn by two sets of enthusiasm with a new chapter. Let’s organize both sets here.

● SKID ROW (9 songs)
・ Skid Row: Big Guns / 18 And Life / Piece Of Me / I Remember You / Youth Gone Wild
・ Slave To The Grind / Livin’On A Chain Gang / Monkey Business
・ New song: The Gang’s All Here

● SCORPIONS (15 songs + α)
・ Love at First Sting: Bad Boys Running Wild / Big City Nights / Rock You Like A Hurricane
・ Crazy World: Send Me An Angel / Wind Of Change / Tease Me Please Me
・ Rock Believer: Gas In The Tank / Seventh Sun / Peacemaker / Rock Believer
・ Others: Coast To Coast / Make It Real / The Zoo / Blackout / No One Like You / Delicate Dance (guitar solo) / New Vision (bass & drum solo)

…… And it looks like this. First, SKID ROW. The new song “The Gang’s All Here” has already been unveiled, but what’s even more remarkable is the classics revived by Erik Grönwall’s vocals. According to Dave Sabo Sabo, he had been watching Eric for four years, but he first met four days before his first live (by the way, two weeks before the announcement of joining, before he actually met. I’m also impressed). I was worried about the lack of rehearsal, but it’s awkward, and this makes me listen to a wonderful ensemble again.
And the most notable thing is the new singer Eric. His voice quality is reminiscent of Sebastian Bach, but he has a wonderful sense of balance that does not fall into impersonation, and his energy explodes because he is still in his thirties. The audience at the scene seemed to be surprised, and suddenly at the opening “Big Guns”, a voice was heard asking “Who is that guy?”, And the second song “18 And Life” was already a big chorus. In the case of SKID ROW, the appearance on the stage is also attractive, so I can not say it only by the sound, but as long as I listen to this work, I can not suppress my expectations for the future.
SCORPIONS, which appears with such SKID ROW, is the style of a king. This was also the first stage in two years, but it is truly a veteran of 100 battles. The ensemble, which would have been rehearsed firmly, is truly imposing. Greatest Hits centered around the four new songs of “ROCK BELIEVER”, which has become very popular in the streets as “the heyday of revival” and “the last masterpiece”, is also wonderful.
And the must-listen is “Wind of Change”. It is a famous ballad that sang the end of the Cold War, but unfortunately the world has changed completely due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Klaus Meine, who is worried about such times, sings instead of the lyrics that he sends to Ukraine. The difference is clear from the beginning of the song. Let’s write it down at the end.

● Original lyrics: Follow the Moskva / Down to Gorky Park, listening to the wind to change.
(Heading to Moscow for a Gorky performance, listening to the sound of change)

● Lyrics of this work: Now listen to my heart / It says Ukraine, waiting for the wind to change.
(Can you listen to my heart? There is Ukraine waiting for the wind of change) ”
It has become. And the sound of this work is so wonderful that you can clearly hear every word of these lyrics.

The new SKID ROW showed off a wonderful match while being a hot topic. And, following the new work that regained the golden age, SCORPIONS shows the face of the music ambassador. Both of them, which were in full swing more than 30 years ago, will shine at the forefront in 2022. A must-listen 3-disc set where you can enjoy such a topical stage with a wonderful sound. Please enjoy your stomach.

★ The latest coupling album of SCORPIONS with SKID ROW as the undercard. This is the best audience recording of “April 9, 2022: Las Vegas Performance”. With a powerful sound that is on and tight, you can fully experience the live of the topic. New singer: Erik Grönwall’s hot new SKID ROW, the new song of “ROCK BELIEVER” and “Wind of Change” whose lyrics have been changed according to the invasion of Ukraine are also delicious SCORPIONS. You can experience the full show of both of them, which is the most noticeable in 2022.

新時代名盤『ROCK BELIEVER』が話題のSCORPIONSと、センセーショナルな新シンガー発表で話題騒然のSKID ROW。2022年に新たな全盛期を迎えようとしている2組の合同ライヴアルバムが登場です。
そんな本作に吹き込まれているのは「2022年4月9日:ラスヴェガス公演」。その極上オーディエンス録音です。現在、SCORPIONSは“ROCK BELIEVER Tour”をスタートさせたばかりで、キックオフ地は新生SKID ROWを前座に迎えたラスヴェガスでのレジデンシーでした。ここでメイン・アクトSCORPIONSのスケジュールを軸としつつ、彼らの近況についておさらいしておきましょう。

《3月25日:SKID ROW新曲『The Gang’s All Here』公開》
・3月26日ー4月16日:ラスヴェガス(9公演) ←★ココ★

これが現在公表されている2022年/2023年のSCORPIONS。前回のライヴは2020年のことで、2年ぶりのステージ復帰となりました。その冒頭だったのがラスヴェガスでのレジデンシー。“レジデンシー”は移動を繰り返す“ツアー”と異なり、同じ会場で何回も行う興行形態。今回のSCORPIONSは9公演の連続でした。その前座に起用されたのが新生SKID ROW。新シンガーのエリック・グロンウォールは元H.E.A.Tで、スウェーデンのオーディション番組“idol”で発掘されたというイマドキな経歴の持ちの主。シングル『The Gang’s All Here』公開の翌日からのレジデンシーが新生SKID ROWの初ライヴでもありました。本作は、そんなレジデンシーの6公演目にあたるコンサートでした。

・スキッド・ロウ:Big Guns/18 And Life/Piece Of Me/I Remember You/Youth Gone Wild
・スレイヴ・トゥ・ザ・グラインド:Slave To The Grind/Livin’ On A Chain Gang/Monkey Business
・新曲:The Gang’s All Here

・禁断の刺青:Bad Boys Running Wild/Big City Nights/Rock You Like A Hurricane
・クレイジー・ワールド:Send Me An Angel/Wind Of Change/Tease Me Please Me
・ロック・ビリーヴァー:Gas In The Tank/Seventh Sun/Peacemaker/Rock Believer
・その他:Coast To Coast/Make It Real/The Zoo/Blackout/No One Like You/Delicate Dance(ギター・ソロ)/New Vision(ベース&ドラム・ソロ)

……と、このようになっています。まずSKID ROW。新曲「The Gang’s All Here」が早くも披露されているわけですが、それ以上に注目なのがエリック・グロンウォールのヴォーカルで甦ったクラシックスでしょう。デイヴ・スネイク・セイボによると4年前からエリックに目を付けていたそうですが、初めて対面したのは初ライヴの4日前(ちなみに加入発表は2週間前で、実際に会う前だった。この辺もイマドキです)。リハ不足も心配されましたが、ところがどっこい、これがまた見事なアンサンブルを聴かせてくれます。
そして、何より注目なのは新シンガーのエリック。声質はセバスチャン・バックを彷彿とさせつつもモノマネに堕しないバランス感覚が素晴らしく、まだ30代だからこそのエネルギーも大爆発。現場の観客も驚いているようで、オープニングの「Big Guns」でいきなり「誰だアイツは?」と釘付けになる声が聞こえ、2曲目の「18 And Life」ではもう大合唱が沸き起こる。SKID ROWの場合、ステージ上のアピアランスも魅力のうちなので音だけでは断言できませんが、本作を聴いている限りは未来への期待が押さえられなくなります。
そんなSKID ROWに煽られて登場するSCORPIONSは、王者の風格。こちらも2年ぶりのステージだったわけですが、さすがは百戦錬磨の大ベテラン。しっかりとリハを重ねたであろうアンサンブルは実に堂々としている。巷で「甦った全盛期」「最後の最高傑作」と大評判となっている『ROCK BELIEVER』の新曲4曲を軸にしたグレイテスト・ヒッツも素晴らしい。
そして、必聴なのが「Wind of Change」。冷戦終結を歌った名バラードですが、残念ながら現代はロシアのウクライナ侵攻によって世界は一変してしまった。そんな時勢を憂うクラウス・マイネは、ウクライナへ寄せる歌詞に変えて歌っているのです。その違いは歌い出しから明らか。最後に書き出しておきましょう。

●元歌詞:Follow the Moskva / Down to Gorky Park, listening to the wind to change.

●本作の歌詞:Now listen to my heart / It says Ukraine, waiting for the wind to change.

話題先行でありつつ、見事なマッチングを見せつけてくれた新生SKID ROW。そして、黄金時代を取り戻した新作に続き、音楽大使の顔も見せてくれるSCORPIONS。30年以上前に全盛を極めていた両者が、まさか2022年に最前線で輝くことになろうとは。そんな話題のステージを丸ごと素晴らしいサウンドで楽しめる必聴3枚組。どうぞ、お腹いっぱいお楽しみください。

★SKID ROWを前座に迎えたSCORPIONSの最新カップリング・アルバム。「2022年4月9日:ラスヴェガス公演」の極上オーディエンス録音です。オンでタイトな強力サウンドで、話題のライヴをフル体験できる。新シンガー:エリック・グロンウォールが大注目の新生SKID ROW、『ROCK BELIEVER』の新曲やウクライナ侵攻に合わせて歌詞を変えた「Wind of Change」も美味しいSCORPIONS。2022年でもっとも注目を集めている両者のフルショウを丸ごと体験できます。

Disc 1(41:59)

1. Slave to the Grind
2. Big Guns
3. 18 and Life
4. Piece of Me
5. Livin’ on a Chain Gang
6. Monkey Business
7. I Remember You
8. The Gang’s All Here
9. Youth Gone Wild

Dave “The Snake” Sabo – guitar, backing vocals
Rachel Bolan – bass, backing vocals
Scotti Hill – guitar, backing vocals
Rob Hammersmith – drums, backing vocals
Erik Gronwall – lead vocals ★ニュー・シンガー(凄いです。)


Disc 2 (47:30)
1. Gas In The Tank
2. Make it Real
3. The Zoo
4. Coast to Coast
5. Seventh Sun
6. Peacemaker
7. Bad Boys Running Wild
8. Delicate Dance
9. Send Me an Angel
10. Wind of Change (Dedicated to Ukraine)

Disc 3(43:05)
1. Tease Me Please Me
2. Rock Believer
3. New Vision
4. Blackout
5. Big City Nights
6. No One Like You
7. Rock You Like a Hurricane

Klaus Meine – lead vocals
Rudolf Schenker – rhythm guitar, backing vocals
Matthias Jabs – lead guitar, backing vocals
Pawe M Ciwoda – bass, backing vocals
Mikkey Dee – drums

Shades 1511

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