Rolling Stones, The / Hanover 1990 2nd Night / 2CD

Rolling Stones, The / Hanover 1990 2nd Night / 2CD / Non Label

Niedersachsenstadion, Hanover, West Germany 24th May 1990

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The Rolling Stones 1990 Urban Jungle Tour has very few items compared to the number of tours to date. Among them, there were few items in the first half of the tour, and the release “FRANKFURT 1990”, which was released to take advantage of this situation, was welcomed by enthusiasts and has become a bestseller to this day. We will release the captured rare sound source on a limited press CD. In fact, it even exceeds the previous Frankfurt in terms of rarity.
That’s Hannover on May 24th. Up until now, rare songs from that day have been recorded on the compilation LP “I’M” released on the OBR label in 1990, during the decline of analogue (which is hard to believe now that records have been restored to such an extent). LIVING WITH THESE MEMORIES…” and its low-priced reissue, “EUROPE ’90 REMEMBER THESE DAYS”.For many enthusiasts, it was like a performance they had never heard before. it might be.
Live performances are being held in Hannover for two consecutive nights, but this time the song will be released on the second day. Above all, the performance content is much more interesting on the second day, and if it is to be released, it is inevitable that it will be on this day. On the contrary, I can assure you that it is one of the most interesting days of the first half of the Urban Jungle Tour.

The audience recording that became the basis for this release is a different sound source from the two types of LPs mentioned earlier. Compared to that, it picks up a certain amount of the surrounding excitement, but fortunately it doesn’t overshadow the performance (never!), and above all, it’s just the undulation that comes from the sound being carried away by the wind, as seen with LP sound sources. There is no stress that often occurs when recording an audience at an outdoor venue, and as a result, the sound image is closer and easier to hear than with an LP sound source, which is great. Even in the excitement of the second half of the live performance, such as “Satisfaction”, the performance is captured without being overshadowed, and I think it is rather enjoyable to listen to.
However, compared to the two-day recording of the most popular “FRANKFURT 1990”, it sounds more like a cassette recording from that time, but the sound quality is still listenable enough, and even though it is a cassette master that relatively contains the Stones’ recent records, It’s hard to believe that it was dormant until 2023.
For this release, such roughness and balance have been thoroughly adjusted to make it easier to hear clearly than the original sound source, but the last thing to say is that the high pitches that tend to be found in cassette recordings are left untouched. Therefore, it has been thoroughly adjusted to be suitable for a limited press CD. This has evolved into a state that can be heard incomparably to the original sound source.

After all, the performance on this day was extremely interesting. Since it is Europe after practically digesting the itinerary of America and Japan, the performance is already highly complete on the fifth day of Urban Jungle. From the beginning of the live performance like “Bitch”, it is clear that the band is doing well. “Factory Girl”, which was performed under such momentum, was the first live performance, but the performance was so well-crafted that it was hard to believe that it was being performed for the first time. It was difficult to hear this song on the LP sound source mentioned earlier, so listening to this song will make you feel the wonder of the premiere even more realistically.
Similarly, “I Just Wanna Make Love To You”, a rare repertoire representative of urban jungle, was performed for the first time on this tour. As you can imagine from the position in which it was played, the Stones were probably originally trying to place this song in their blues repertoire instead of “Little Red Rooster.” However, the performance is unexpectedly awkward, and it’s rather funny that it doesn’t match the level of perfection of the Wembley take that was later officially released as a single coupling. This area can be said to be typical of the Stones at the beginning of the tour.
And on this day, it is also interesting to hear that happenings occur frequently, and first of all, Keith tries to start “Before They Make Me Run” with a mysterious phrase and restarts it again. From the perspective of the people at the scene, I’m sure they were confused and wondered, “Are we going to start a new song?” Perhaps to hide the embarrassment of such an ordinary mistake, Keith starts singing the next song “Happy” with such high tension that it makes you laugh.
However, the ultimate song is “Sympathy for the Devil.” As introduced in the research book, when Mick tried to sing from the height of the stage set as usual, the wireless microphone stopped responding and he could not hear the opening roar. The intro continued uncomfortably, contrary to the excitement of the venue with a whoop-hoo chorus. In the end, Mick got down from the height, signaled the band without a roar, and the song started, making it the rarest opening of the tour. Many such happenings and rare repertoire. The sound source of the mania frenzy is really interesting, full of the charm of the early stages of urban jungle, which is different from “FRANKFURT 1990”!

ツアーが行われた本数の割にアイテムが現在に至るまで少ないローリング・ストーンズ1990年のアーバン・ジャングル・ツアー。中でも行程の前半はアイテムが少なく、そうした状況に活を入れるべく敢行されたリリース『FRANKFURT 1990』はマニアから大歓迎されたベストセラーとして現在に至っていますが、今回もまたアーバン・ジャングルのツアー前半を捉えたレア音源を限定プレスCDにてリリースいたします。それどころかレア度と言う点では前回のフランクフルトをも超えるほど。
そんな5月24日のハノーバー。これまで当日のレア曲がアナログ衰退期(これほどまでレコードが復権した今となっては信じられないような状況でしたが)の1990年にOBRレーベルからリリースされたコンピものLP『I’M LIVING WITH THESE MEMORIES…』とそれの廉価再発盤だった『EUROPE ’90 REMEMBER THESE DAYS』に収録されたのみと言う状況でしたので、多くのマニアにとって聞いたことのない公演に等しい存在だったのではないでしょうか。

もっとも大好評『FRANKFURT 1990』二日間の録音と比べるといかにも当時のカセット録音らしい質感なのですが、それでもなお十分に聞き込める音質ですし、比較的ストーンズ近年の記録を封じ込めたカセット・マスターでありながら2023年まで眠っていたのが信じられないほど。

何と言ってもこの日は演奏内容が抜群に面白い。実質的にアメリカと日本の行程を消化した上でのヨーロッパですので、アーバン・ジャングル開始五日目にして既に演奏は完成度が高い。「Bitch」のようなライブ序盤からして好調さが際立っている。そうした勢いの中で披露された「Factory Girl」はこれがライブ初演であったのですが、初披露とは思えないほど演奏が練り上げられた素晴らしい出来。先に触れたLPの音源ではこの曲が聞きづらかっただけに、今回の音源で聞けば初演の素晴らしさがよりリアルに感じられます。
同じようにアーバン・ジャングルを代表するレア・レパートリーであった「I Just Wanna Make Love To You」はこの日がツアー初披露。演奏された位置からも想像できるように、当初ストーンズは「Little Red Rooster」の代わりにこの曲をブルース・レパートリーに据えようとしたのでしょう。ところが演奏が思いのほかぎこちなく、後にシングルのカップリングとしてオフィシャルにリリースされるウェンブリーのテイクの完成度には及ばないのがむしろ微笑ましい。この辺りはツアー序盤のストーンズらしさと言えるかと。
そしてこの日はハプニングも頻発しているのがまた聞きどころと言え、まずはキースが「Before They Make Me Run」を摩訶不思議なフレーズで始めようとしてあえなくやり直し。現場にいた人たちからすると、すわ「新曲が始まるのか?」混乱されたことでしょう。そんな凡ミスの照れ隠しなのか、次の「Happy」は笑ってしまうほどハイテンションにキースが歌い始めている。
しかし何と言っても極めつけは「Sympathy for the Devil」。研究本で紹介されていたように、ミックがいつものようにステージセットの高台から歌おうとしたところワイヤレスマイクが反応しなくなって開始の雄叫びが聞こえない。フーフー大合唱で盛り上がる会場とは裏腹に気まずくイントロが続きます。結局ミックが高台から降り、雄叫びなしでバンドに合図して歌が始まるというツアー随一のレア・オープニングとなってしまった。このようなハプニングとレア・レパートリーの数々。『FRANKFURT 1990』とはまた違ったアーバン・ジャングル序盤ならではの魅力を満載したマニア狂喜の音源は本当に面白い!

Disc:1 (73:53)
1. Continental Drift
2. Start Me up
3. Bitch
4. Sad Sad Sad
5. Tumbling Dice
6. Miss You
7. Almost Hear You Sigh
8. Ruby Tuesday
9. Factory Girl★ライヴ初演
10. Rock and a Hard Place
11. Mixed Emotions
12. Honky Tonk Women
13. You Can’t Always Get What You Want
14. I Just Wanna Make Love to You★
15. Before They Make Me Run
16. Happy

Disc:2 (54:30)
1. Paint it Black 」
2. 2000 Light Years from Home
3. Sympathy for the Devil
4. Street Fighting Man
5. Gimme Shelter
6. Band Introductions
7. It’s Only Rock ‘N Roll
8. Brown Sugar
9. Satisfaction
10. Jumping Jack Flash
11. Carmen


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