Megadeth / US Tour 2021 / 1DVDR+1CDR

Megadeth / US Tour 2021 / 1DVDR+1CDR / Shades
BB&T Pavillion, Camden, NJ, USA 15th September 2021 & Ruoff Music Center, Noblesville, IN, USA 18th September 2021

Play sample :

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The giant MEGADETH has overcome the new corona pandemic and has begun to move again. Introducing a superb live set where you can enjoy the latest live performances.
Currently, they are working on a coupling tour “THE METAL TOUR OF THE YEAR” with LAMB OF GOD. The record is appearing every day and night, but this work is a master of 2 performances that excites collectors with exceptional quality. It is a 2-disc set that includes a superb view shot of “September 15, 2021 Camden performance” and the best recording of “September 18 Noblesville performance”. As you know, the current MEGADETH has separated from Dave Ellefson and James LoMenzo is back. With the release of the upcoming new work “THE SICK, THE DYING … AND THE DEAD!” In order to know the latest situation, let’s first organize the schedules that have been announced so far.

● 2021
・ August 20-October 2: North America (29 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
“” THE SICK, THE DYING … AND THE DEAD! “Released !?”
● 2022
・ June 5-30: Europe (6 performances)

This is the 2021/2022 schedule that has been known so far. The title of the new studio work has also been announced, but only the release date is unknown (it seems that it will be released in 2021). The only live in 2021 was “THE METAL TOUR OF THE YEAR”, and the two performances of this work were the 17th performance (Camden) and the 19th performance (Noblesville) in the middle stage.
The point of this work that recorded these two performances is the shocking quality. Whether it’s the video version (DISC 1) or the live album version (DISC 2), he is a master who has been talking about “this will be the No. 1 tour” when the schedule remains. The impact is intense from the moment DISC 1 is played. Anyway, it’s messy and beautiful! It is an audience shot that looks at the center of the stage from the front, but it is a superb view where you can see the stage directly with zero obstruction by passing over the arena seats, whether it is a stand seat or not. As a matter of fact, if you take the plunge, you can see that there is a considerable distance, but it is the image quality with an unusual resolution that completely erases that sense of distance. Even though it is a distant view, it is so clear that you can see each hair and guitar string, and when you approach it at the highest position, you can see each LED on the stage screen.
And a fierce sense of stability. At the top up, Dave Mustaine’s whole body fills the screen, but even if you shake it left and right as it is, there is no blurring at all. Are you using a tripod, or is this the camera shake prevention function of the latest equipment? Speaking of which, the music scene itself was stopped by the new corona virus, but the technology is advancing during that time. I didn’t know it because it wasn’t filmed, so this work may be the “2021 standard”.
The full recording (DISC 2) of the Noblesville performance following such a transcendental video is also transcendental quality. Anyway, close contact & super tight. It seems that it was recorded from the arena seats on the 1st floor, but the hall noise is minimal and the ultra-thick core approaches the ear. Moreover, this is also strangely beautiful. The feeling of separation is so “standing” that it doesn’t look like an audience, and no matter how powerful the band becomes, it won’t be afraid at all. I think it’s an audience recording because the enthusiasm that is too real is sucked in, but the essential performance sounds and vocals are completely official grade. Again, I was amazed at how amazing the 2021 guest record was !?
Also, the direct feeling and the unusually vivid stereo feeling are important for the coupling of this work. The Camden video (DISC 1) is also a clear sound, but due to the shooting position, I couldn’t get rid of the sense of distance. On the other hand, Noblesville recording (DISC 2) has no video, but the close contact with zero distance is unmatched. It is exactly two vertex records that complement each other.
At such Twin Peaks, the latest Megadeth full show with LoMenzo is drawn. The set is slightly different between the two performances, but let’s organize them together here.

● Classics (9 songs)
-Peace Deals: Peace Deals
・ Last in Peace: Hangar 18 / Tornado Of Souls / Take No Prisoners (★) / Holy Wars … The Punishment Due
Countdown to Extinction: Sweating Bullets / Symphony Of Destruction
・ Cryptic Writings: She is She-Wolf / Trust
● Dystopia (3 songs)
・ The Threat Is Real / Conquer Or Die! / Dystopia
* Note: “★” mark is for Camden performance (DISC 1) only.

… And it looks like this. There is no new song from “THE SICK, THE DYING … AND THE DEAD!” That was expected in some parts, and it is just an extension of “DYSTOPIA Tour”. Rather, the new taste will be the ensemble by returning to LoMenzo. As an old fan, seeing MEGADETH without juniors can be complicated, but LoMenzo’s technique is definitely better. He has a deep understanding of classics just by going back and forth, and the staging is also in the hall. In the “Trust” intro, both Mustaine and Kiko hang on their sleeves, and LoMenzo alone makes the audience excited.
Anyway, the super beautiful image (DISC 1) and the super direct sound (DISC 2) are intense. It is a luxurious set where you can experience the latest live performances in 2 performances with “2021 quality” that has evolved without your knowledge. A 2-disc set that allows you to enjoy the No. 1 video and No. 1 recording of the tour at once (at the moment). Please enjoy it to your heart’s content!

★ Audience 2-disc set with a superb view shot of “September 15, 2021 Camden performance” + the best recording of “September 18 Noblesville performance”. Camden image (DISC 1) It is a superb view with zero obstruction, but what is even more shocking is the extraordinary high image quality. It’s so clear that you can clearly see each hair, each guitar string, and each LED on the screen. The Noblesville recording (DISC 2) also has the best sound like an official work, and you can experience 2 performances of the latest live with a quality that will surprise you, “Is the audience standard of 2021 amazing here?”

現在の彼らは、LAMB OF GODとのカップリング・ツアー“THE METAL TOUR OF THE YEAR”に邁進中。その記録が連日連夜登場しているわけですが、本作はその中でも特上のクオリティでコレクターを沸かせている2公演マスター。「2021年9月15日カムデン公演」の超絶景ショットと、「9月18日ノーブルズビル公演」の極上録音をセットした2枚組です。ご存知の通り、現在のMEGADETHはデイヴ・エレフソンと袂を別ち、ジェイムズ・ロメンゾが復帰。来る新作『THE SICK, THE DYING… AND THE DEAD!』のリリースを控えつつ、その後の日程も徐々に決まり始めています。その近況を知る意味でも、まずは現在までに公表されているスケジュールを整理しておきましょう。

・8月20日ー10月2日:北米(29公演) ←★ココ★

これが現在までに判明している2021年/2022年のスケジュール。スタジオ新作はタイトルも発表されていますが、リリース日だけが不明(2021年中には発売されるようです)。そんな2021年のライヴは“THE METAL TOUR OF THE YEAR”だけであり、本作の2公演はその中盤17公演目(カムデン)と19公演目(ノーブルズビル)でした。
そんな2公演を収録した本作のポイントは、衝撃的なまでのクオリティ。映像篇(DISC 1)にしてもライヴアルバム篇(DISC 2)にしても、日程が残っている段階で「これはツアーNo.1になるでしょう」と話題になっているマスターなのです。その衝撃はDISC 1を再生した瞬間から強烈。とにかくメチャクチャに綺麗! ステージ中央を真正面から見すえたオーディエンス・ショットなのですが、スタンド席なのかアリーナ席の遙か頭上を素通りし、遮蔽物ゼロでステージを直視できる超絶景。実のところ、思い切り引くと結構距離があると分かるのですが、その距離感を完全に消し去ってしまうのが異様な解像度の画質。遠景だと言うのに髪の毛やギター弦の1本1本まで見えてしまうほど鮮明で、最アップで迫るとステージ・スクリーンのLEDの1粒1粒まで分かるのです。
そんな超絶映像に続くノーブルズビル公演のフル録音(DISC 2)も超絶クオリティ。とにかくド密着&超タイト。1階アリーナ席から録られているようですが、ホール鳴りも極少で超極太の芯が耳元にガンガン迫ってくる。しかも、これまた異様に綺麗。セパレート感がオーディエンスらしからぬほど“立って”おり、バンドがどんなにパワフルになってもまったくビビらない。リアルすぎる熱狂も吸い込まれているのでオーディエンス録音なんだろう……とは思えるのですが、肝心要の演奏音やヴォーカルは完全オフィシャル級。これまた「2021年の客録ってこんなに凄いの!?」とド肝を抜かれるのです。
また、そのダイレクト感と異様に鮮やかなステレオ感が本作のカップリングにとって重要。カムデン映像(DISC 1)もクリアな音声ではありますが、撮影ポジションの関係で距離感はどうしても拭えなかった。それに対し、ノーブルズビル録音(DISC 2)は映像こそないものの、ゼロ距離な密着が比類ない。まさに互いが互いを補完し合う2つの頂点記録なのです。

・ピース・セルズ:Peace Sells
・ラスト・イン・ピース:Hangar 18/Tornado Of Souls/Take No Prisoners(★)/Holy Wars… The Punishment Due
・破滅へのカウントダウン:Sweating Bullets/Symphony Of Destruction
・The Threat Is Real/Conquer Or Die!/Dystopia
※注:「★」印はカムデン公演(DISC 1)のみ。

……と、このようになっています。一部で期待された『THE SICK, THE DYING… AND THE DEAD!』からの新曲はなく、あくまで“DYSTOPIA Tour”の延長的。むしろ、新味はロメンゾ復帰によるアンサンブルでしょう。オールド・ファンとしてはジュニアのいないMEGADETHを見るのは複雑な気持ちになってしまうのですが、テクニックは間違いなくロメンゾの方が上。出戻りだけにクラシックスへの理解も深く、ステージングも堂に入っている。「Trust」のイントロではムステインもキコも袖に下がってロメンゾ独りで観客を沸かせるのです。
とにかく、超美麗な映像(DISC 1)と超ダイレクトなサウンド(DISC 2)が強烈。知らぬうちに進化していた「2021年クオリティ」で最新ライヴを2公演丸ごと体験できる豪華セットです。(現時点で)ツアーNo.1映像とNo.1録音を一気に楽しめる2枚組。どうぞ、心ゆくまで存分にお楽しみください!

★「2021年9月15日カムデン公演」の超絶景ショット+「9月18日ノーブルズビル公演」の極上録音をセットしたオーディエンス2枚組。カムデン映像(DISC 1)遮蔽物ゼロの絶景ですが、それ以上に衝撃なのが異様な高画質。髪の毛やギター弦の1本1本、スクリーンのLEDの1粒1粒までハッキリ見えてしまうほど鮮明。ノーブルズビル録音(DISC 2)もまるでオフィシャル作品のような極上サウンドで、「2021年のオーディエンス基準はココまで凄いのか」とド肝を抜かれるクオリティで最新ライヴを丸ごと2公演体験できます。

Disc 1(73:01)

BB&T Pavillion, Camden, NJ, USA 15th September 2021

1. Prince of Darkness
2. Hangar 18
3. The Threat is Real
4. Sweating Bullets
5. She-Wolf
6. Trust
7. Conquer or Die
8. Dystopia
9. Tornado of Souls
10. Take no Prisoners
11. Symphony of Destruction
12. Peace Sells
13. Holy Wars… The Punishment Due

COLOUR NTSC Approx.73min.

Disc 2(63:44)
Ruoff Music Center, Noblesville, IN, USA 18th September 2021

1. Prince of Darkness
2. Hangar 18
3. The Threat Is Real
4. Sweating Bullets
5. She-Wolf
6. Trust
7. Conquer or Die!
8. Dystopia
9. Tornado of Souls
10. Symphony of Destruction
11. Peace Sells
12. Holy Wars…The Punishment Due
13. Outro

Dave Mustaine – Lead Vocals, Guitar
Kiko Loureiro – Guitar, Backing Vocals
James LoMenzo – Bass, Backing Vocals
Dirk Verbeuren – Drums

Shades 1417

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