Rolling Stones / Baton Rough 1975 1st Show / 2CD

Rolling Stones / Baton Rough 1975 1st Show / 2CD / Non Label
Dunkirk Hall, Louisiana State University Assembly Center, Baton Rouge, LA, USA 1st June 1975 Early Show

Play sample :

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The Baton Rouge performance, which was the first day of the Rolling Stones 1975 tour, was not only a forced march with two performances a day only on this day, but also a maniac because he had already heard a fierce performance on the first day. Has been regarded as a legendary day among the people. In particular, the first show is the first stage of the tour, so a large amount of rare repertoire is introduced. These factors have combined to make it a unique performance in the history of the first day of the Stones tour.
There are two types of audience recordings that convey such a legendary first show. Contra band “RECORDED LIVE AT BATON ROUGE LOUISIANA JUNE 1 1975” and TAKRL’s “FIRST NIGHT STAND”, “recorder 1” used in the rear tie release system, and then “CAJUN QUEEN’S AFTERNOON” that appeared in the 1980s. “Recorder 2” was discovered in “DELIGHT”. The former had a monaural sound quality that was typical of a vintage audience, but the latter had a fairly good audience. Therefore, Baton Rouge’s first show was a performance where the sound source was excavated with LP items.

However, it is a problem that the original tape was not distributed among the traders in both cases. If it’s a vintage audience “recorder 1”, it’s surprising that the tape source of “recorder 2” that appeared in the 1980s will not be available. This was recorded by the same person who recorded the same year’s ZEP Baton Rouge performance, which was one of the few examples of tape sources distributed among traders, which is unusual for his recording.
In that respect, Stones released a tape source of only a few songs including “Dance Little Sister” in early 2000, but there was no sound after that.
The 2007 masterpiece that enthusiasts realized a polite analog reproduction in such a situation was the same name “CAJUN QUEEN’S AFTERNOON DELIGHT”. The biggest drawback of the analog was that the volume up and down movement between songs was finely adjusted, the pitch that was high was corrected, and the song order that had been changed from the adjustment of the recording time when allocating to LP was corrected. It was the definitive edition.
After that, “SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW” made with the same concept was released from the DAC label, and in the early 1990s, a glimpse of the first stage of Baton Rouge with the nostalgic title “BATON ROUGE 75” of the IMP label. I wonder if there were many enthusiasts.

All of the items released in the past like this were traced from the “CAJUN QUEEN’S ~” LP, and as a result, the value of the original LP is maintained. Coupled with the recent momentum of analog rehabilitation, this LP has reached a price of nearly 20,000 even at recent online auctions. The label of this title backfired with its unique sense of not using Stones photos on the front jacket, and although it was not well received in the rear tie, it was promoted to a masterpiece in this situation and the passage of time. It was.
While maniacs were giving up halfway, wondering if this situation would continue to change … In recent years, Baton Rouge’s tape source suddenly appeared on the net. Finally a phantom tape? The enthusiasts all over the world were colored, but when I opened the lid, the fluctuation of the volume between the songs in the example did not change, and on the contrary, the extra cuts between songs increased compared to LP, which is a disappointing state. It is a new thing to remember that the sound source was treated as a gift CD-R, but wasn’t it a copy of the master edited for the LP from that state? Is guessed.

However, this October, a new Baton Rouge tape source was excavated online. This time, it only appeared with the touch of “Rogene”, and of course among MCs, it has a wonderful quality that slightly surpasses the sound quality of the version used for the gift CD-R as well as the “CAJUN QUEEN’S ~” LP. There are no volume or cut issues that occur. On the contrary, it is a level that even dismisses the quality of LP reprint titles released in the past.
After all, the power of Rogene can only be said to be a stone’s throw, and the natural and warmy sound quality, as well as the spacious sound quality, makes you feel the true sound quality that could not be conveyed by past items. Rather than the sound image that was originally on, the audience recording was attractive because of the sense of distance, but the unique feel is even better due to the excavation of low genes.
What is more noteworthy is that it is a tape source that you can listen to the parts that were not heard on the LP or have been cut, and the power unique to Rogene. The most prominent one is “You Gotta Move”, which was faded out just before the ending when it was LP, but this time it was completely recorded until the end of the performance. Immediately after that, there was a tape change cut, and in the LP, it was faded out to hide Coco.
After that, Keith first appeared when he tried to start “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” and stopped immediately. As for the fact that there are other parts that first appeared everywhere, see the other section, but it was also found that Billy Preston’s “Outa Space” was reused from the second show in the LP, so this song is this time Not included (respecting this exceptional Rogene Master).

And it seems that the 1975 tour will fly sharply from the first stage of the tour. It’s about this time that the usual “groping feeling” that is often found on the first day of the Stones tour isn’t there. In the tension that has already been skipped around Mick, the aggressive stance of putting in a large amount of rare repertoire that will be dropped from the set list because it is several times.
The best example was “Dance Little Sister”, but the performance is highly complete. Also, “Rocks Off”, which can be said to be a forgotten memorial of Mick Taylor’s period, was a very short-lived show only this time, but this is also attractive enough in combination with Mick’s 75 year mode singing style. Perhaps the past repertoire was cut off first because there were too many songs? Is guessed. The ultimate is “Midnight Rambler”, which was played wildly as the end of the live performance. At this point, the impact of being played with a reprise arrangement for the finale was great.
In this way, the whole live was not only a masterpiece that seems to be the first day of the tour, but also a tape source of audience recording with a great appeal of unique ease of listening, and it was excavated in a wonderful condition called “Rogen”. The quality is really wonderful, and after all, the day will come when the “CAJUN QUEEN’S AFTERNOON DELIGHT” LP will finally be dismissed in 2021!

★ 1975 North American tour premiere. First Stones performance after joining Ronnie Wood (this day is Ron’s birthday)

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(Remaster memo))

★ There is no doubt that it is the original sound tape of the analog boot “CAJUN QUEEN’S AFTERNOON DELIGHT”. Best version of tape source
★ The left and right sides are reversed from the analog record, but this time the record remains the same.
★ The sound quality is quite different from the analog record. This version is better
★ Disc 1 1trk –The pitch up to 4trk is very randomly out of order, so I fixed it as much as possible.
★ The already-released Out a Space is a take of Late Show, so it is not included in this edition.

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★ This is the best Stones title of the year.

そんな伝説のファーストショーを伝えてくれたオーディエンス録音は二種類が存在。コントラ・バンドの「RECORDED LIVE AT BATON ROUGE LOUISIANA JUNE 1 1975」とTAKRLの「FIRST NIGHT STAND」というリアタイ・リリース系に使われていた「recorder 1」、その後1980年代になって登場した「CAJUN QUEEN’S AFTERNOON DELIGHT」で「recorder 2」が発掘。前者はモノラルでなおかつビンテージ・オーディエンスの典型といった音質でしたが、後者はなかなかの良好オーディエンス。よってバトン・ルージュのファーストショーはLPアイテムで音源が発掘されていた公演だったのです。

ところがどちらもトレーダー間に元テープが流通してくれなかったというのが困りもの。ビンテージ・オーディエンスな「recorder 1」ならまだしも、80年代に登場した「recorder 2」のテープソースが出回らないとは意外な事態。こちらを録音したのは同年のZEPバトン・ルージュ公演を録音したのと同一人物によるものであり、ZEPのそれは彼の録音としては珍しくテープソースがトレーダー間に流通した数少ない例でした。
その点ストーンズの方は2000年初頭に「Dance Little Sister」を始めとしたわずか数曲だけのテープソースが小出しされたものの、その後は音沙汰なし。
そんな状況に業を煮やしてマニアが丁寧なアナログ復刻を実現させた2007年の名盤が同名「CAJUN QUEEN’S AFTERNOON DELIGHT」でした。同アナログ最大の欠点であった曲間における音量の上下動を緻密にアジャスト、高めだったピッチも修正、そしてLPへ振り分ける際に収録時間の調整から変えられてしまっていた曲順まで正されていたという決定版でした。
その後DACレーベルから同様のコンセプトで作られた「SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW」などもリリースされましたし、1990年代初頭にはIMPレーベルの「BATON ROUGE 75」という懐かしいタイトルで初めてバトン・ルージュ初回ステージを垣間見たマニアも少なくなかったかと。

このような過去にリリースされたアイテムはどれも「CAJUN QUEEN’S~」LPからトレースされたものでして、結果としてオリジナルLPの価値が保たれるという状況にもつながってしまいます。それが昨今のアナログ復権の機運と相まって、本LPが最近のネットオークションでも二万近い価格にまで達してしまったほど。本タイトルのレーベルは表ジャケにストーンズの写真を使わないという独自なセンスが裏目に出て、リアタイではあまり評価されなかったのですが、こうした状況と時の流れの中で名盤へと昇格したのでした。

ところがこの10月、新たなバトン・ルージュのテープソースがネット上に出土。今回は「ロージェネ」という触れ込みで登場しただけのことはあり「CAJUN QUEEN’S~」LPはもとより、例のギフトCD-Rに使われたバージョンの音質をも軽く凌駕する素晴らしいクオリティで当然MCの間で生じた音量やカットの問題もありません。それどころか過去にリリースされたLP復刻タイトルのクオリティまでも一蹴してしまうレベル。
さらに特筆すべきはLPで聞かれなかったり、あるいはカットされてしまっていた個所までばっちり聞けるというのもテープソース、しかもロージェネならではの威力。もっとも顕著なのはLPだとエンディング直前でフェイドアウトされていた「You Gotta Move」が今回は演奏が終わるところまで完全に収録されました。その直後にテープチェンジのカットが入っており、なるほどLPではココを隠蔽すべくフェイドアウトさせていた訳だ。
その後キースが「You Can’t Always Get What You Want」を始めようとしてすぐに止める場面は初登場。この他にも随所で初登場パートがある点に関しては別項をご覧いただくとして、LPにおいてビリー・プレストンの「Outa Space」はセカンドショーからの使いまわしだったことも判明しましたので、同曲は今回含まれておりません(今回の別格なロージェネ・マスターを尊重しました)。

その最たる例が「Dance Little Sister」だった訳ですが、演奏の完成度は十分に高い。またミック・テイラー期の忘れ形見とでも言うべき「Rocks Off」に至ってはこの回だけの披露という超短命だったわけですが、これもミックの75年モードの歌い方と相まって十分に魅力的。おそらくは「曲が多すぎる」ということで過去のレパートリーが真っ先に切り捨てられてしまったのでは?と推測されます。極めつけはライブの締めくくりとしてワイルドに演奏された「Midnight Rambler」。この時点ではフィナーレ用にリプライズするアレンジを盛り込んで演奏されていたというインパクトは大きい。
このようにライブ全体がツアー初日らしかぬ名演というだけでなく独特の聞きやすさが大きな魅力なオーディエンス録音のテープソース、しかも「ロージェネ」という見事なコンディションで発掘されたのです。そのクオリティは本当に素晴らしいものですし、何と言っても2021年になって遂に「CAJUN QUEEN’S AFTERNOON DELIGHT」LPがお役目御免となる日が来るとは!



★アナログブート「CAJUN QUEEN’S AFTERNOON DELIGHT」の原音テープで間違い無し。テープソース最良版
★Disc1 1trk – 4trk迄のピッチがとてもランダムに狂っているのでなるべく修正しました。
★既発のOuta SpaceはLate Showのテイクなので今回盤にはあえて未収録




Disc 1 (59:24)
1. Fanfare For The Common Man ★イントロ4秒長い
2. Honky Tonk Women
3. All Down The Line
4. If You Can’t Rock Me / Get Off Of My Cloud
5. Rocks Off
6. Ain’t Too Proud To Beg
7. Star Star
8. Gimme Shelter
9. You Gotta Move ★演奏最後から50秒程長い。終演まで入っているのが偉い。
10. You Can’t Always Get What You Want
11. Band Introductions
12. Happy
13. Tumbling Dice ★演奏最後から50秒程長い。

Disc 2 (62:12)
1. Luxury
2. Fingerprint File
3. Angie
4. That’s Life ★終演から8秒長い
5. Brown Sugar
6. Dance Little Sister ★MC前の8秒間長い
7. It’s Only Rock’n Roll ★MC前の8秒間長い
8. Jumping Jack Flash
9. Rip This Joint
10. Street Fighting Man
11. Midnight Rambler ★前曲演奏からハープが入るまでの40秒程長い。/ エンディングが45秒程長い。

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