Genesis / Dijon 1978 Raw Master / 2CD

Genesis / Dijon 1978 Raw Master / 2CD / Virtuoso
Live at Palais des Sports, Dijon, France 3rd June 1978

Play sample :

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The era of “and the three remained”, in which they firmly maintained their pride in progressive rock while evolving into a catchy tune. The masterpiece sound board has been upgraded. A reprint album that revived the “sound of the time” with natural transfer and GRAF ZEPPELIN’s detailed mastering is now available.
“June 3, 1978 Dijon performance” is engraved on this work. It is the super superb stereo sound board recording. GENESIS is a band whose sound sources are well organized, and the masterpieces of each tour have been relatively confirmed. And the best masterpiece of “AND THEN THERE WERE THREE Tour” is the Chicago performance of “DEFINITIVE CHICAGO (Sirene207)” and the Dijon performance of this work. There are other superb class soundboards, but these two are the only ones that combine “top sound + complete recording”. What are the positions of those two? Speaking of 1978, it is a memorable place that the legendary first visit to Japan was realized, so let’s look back on the whole tour together.

・ March 26-31: North America #1a (4 performances)
《“…AND THEN THERE WERE THREE…” will be released on March 31》
・April 1-22: North America #1b (14 performances)
・ May 14-June 24: Europe #1 (26 performances)← here
・July 3-31: North America #2 (20 performances)
・ August 20-September 9: Europe #2 (10 performances)
・September 29-October 22: North America #3 (17 performances) ← * DEFINITIVE CHICAGO
・ November 27-December 3: First visit to Japan (6 performances)

This is the 1978 GENESIS. “DEFINITIVE CHICAGO” was the final stage of the world tour, and it was a bonus schedule that was added one month before the first visit to Japan. On the other hand, the Dejong performance of this work is the beginning of the tour. It was a concert that was the 17th performance of “Europe # 1”.
This show is known for its superb full soundboard, and has been upgraded many times over the years. At our store, the press masterpiece “DIJON 1978” became very popular more than 10 years ago. This work is one that has updated the top of such a masterpiece sound board. The point is super natural feeling. As a matter of fact, the “DIJON 1978” master is still the highest peak in terms of genera, but that album was slightly over-decorated. At that time, the sound pressure war (Loudness War) was in the midst, and even the newly excavated masters were digitally processed. “DIJON 1978” also reflects the fashion of the time, with an emphasis on impact and metallic. If the sound pressure is strong, the noise reduction is also applied vigorously, and even the echo of the bathroom was applied to the sound. That’s why it’s flashy and interesting to listen to now, but it was also far from the sound that GENESIS was spinning in 1978.
This work was born in such a situation. Instead of remastering the previous edition “DIJON 1978”, it returned to the original master of Natural Transfer. On top of that, it has been refined with the latest mastering that is in line with modern sensibilities. The modern sense is “accurate reproduction at the time of the live”. While maximizing the natural sound of the natural transfer, only the accuracy is improved. Pitch and phase deviations have been thoroughly adjusted down to 1/1000th of a second, and slight unevenness in playback that occurred during digitization has also been corrected. Furthermore, after analyzing the band from deep bass to treble, the balance is adjusted, and the left and right stereo balance is corrected without any deviation.
If I were to use an easy-to-understand metaphor for this method, it would be “painting/repair of cultural properties.” It has nothing to do with modern fashion, and it doesn’t decorate it flashy. The most important thing is the sound itself that was drawn at that time, and it is reprinted as faithfully as possible. Taking into account the effects of aging, we have regained the correct and beautiful playback sound, and have restored the “1978 GENESIS sound” that has been found from various materials. The resulting sound of this work is super natural and super real. When you listen to it, it doesn’t have the glaring feeling of the previous edition “DIJON 1978”, but the more you concentrate on headphones, the more you will fall in love with the resolution and beauty. Even though the noise is cleanly removed, there is no distortion like automatic reduction. The precision that makes you feel the master tape itself is the dimension of official high-quality CDs such as “Mobile Fidelity” and “Nimbus Supercut”.
A full show of the wonderful “AND THEN THERE WERE THREE Tour” is drawn with such an ultimate natural sound. From the beginning, I have repeatedly said “Chicago performance and two major SBDs”, but in fact the legs are different, so the set is also different. Let’s take a closer look at the comparison here.

●Peter Gabriel Era (4 songs)
・Tsukikage no Kishi: The Cinema Show / I Know What I Like
・Other: The Fountain Of Salmacis (★) / In The Cage
After that (13 songs)
・Trick of the Tale: Ripples/Squonk/Dance On A Volcano/Los Endos
・Seijaku no Arashi: Eleventh Earl Of Mar/One For The Vine/Afterglow
・And three people remained: Burning Rope/Deep In The Motherlode/Ballad Of Big(★)/Say It’s Alright Joe/The Lady Lies/Follow You Follow Me
* Note: “★” marks are songs that could not be heard in “DEFINITIVE CHICAGO”.

… and it looks like this. “One For The Vine”, “Deep In The Motherlode”, “Say It’s Alright Joe”, “The Lady Lies”, and other repertoires of that time are lined up, and limited songs only for this tour, “Burning Rope” and “Ballad Of Big”. delicious. In particular, “Ballad Of Big” and “The Fountain Of Salmacis” in the three-person era are rare songs that could not be heard even in “DEFINITIVE CHICAGO” or the performance in Japan. You can enjoy it with an official-grade natural sound board.
While it is a full soundboard that stands shoulder-to-shoulder with “DEFINITIVE CHICAGO”, the taste of the set is even more. It is exactly the live album of the king who will be the masterpiece of “AND THEN THERE WERE THREE Tour”. A cultural heritage that reproduces the “truth of 1978” without spoiling the taste of natural transfer. Please fully experience with the permanent preservation press 2CD.

★ Superb stereo sound board recording of “June 3, 1978 Dijon performance”. This is a masterpiece sound board that combines sound and complete recording, and this work is the highest peak update board. The previous edition “DIJON 1978” was flashy processed, but this work is finely mastered by “GRAF ZEPPELIN” for natural transfer. It is a masterpiece of “AND THEN THERE WERE THREE Tour” where you can enjoy a delicious full show with an extremely natural beautiful sound that jumps over time and space, and the precious “Ballad Of Big” and “The Fountain Of Salmacis”.



(remastered memo)

★Remastered based on a different Raw Master version from the previous edition.
This one is less flashy, but it doesn’t have the shimmering texture of digital noise reduction, and it doesn’t have excessive bathroom echo processing, so it sounds extremely natural.

* Phase correction and some EQ processing centered on low frequencies


キャッチーに進化しながらもプログレッシヴ・ロックの矜持も堅持していた『そして3人が残った』時代。その最高傑作サウンドボードがアップグレード。ナチュラル・トランスファーとGRAF ZEPPELINの細密マスタリングで「当時の出音」を甦らせた復刻アルバムが登場です。
 そんな本作に刻まれているのは「1978年6月3日ディジョン公演」。その超極上ステレオ・サウンドボード録音です。GENESISは音源整理の進んでいるバンドで、各ツアーの最高傑作がわりと確定している。そして、“AND THEN THERE WERE THREE Tour”の最高傑作が『DEFINITIVE CHICAGO(Sirene207)』のシカゴ公演と、本作のディジョン公演。他にも極上クラスのサウンドボードはありますが、「頂点サウンド+完全収録」を両立しているのは、この2本だけなのです。では、その2本はどんなポジションなのか。1978年と言えば、伝説の初来日が実現した事でも思い出深いところですので、それも併せてツアーの全体像から振り返ってみましょう。
・9月29日ー10月22日:北米#3(17公演)←※DEFINITIVE CHICAGO
 これが1978年のGENESIS。『DEFINITIVE CHICAGO』はワールド・ツアー終盤ですし、初来日に至っては1ヶ月間を空けて追加されたオマケ的な日程でした。それに対して本作のデジョン公演はツアー序盤。「欧州#1」の17公演目にあたるコンサートでした。
 このショウは極上のフル・サウンドボードが残された事で知られ、長い間に何度もアップグレードを繰り返してきた大定番。当店でも10年以上前にプレス名盤『DIJON 1978』が大評判となりました。本作は、そんな最高傑作サウンドボード頂点を更新した1枚なのです。そのポイントはスーパー・ナチュラル感。実のところ、ジェネ的には『DIJON 1978』マスターが現在も最高峰ではあるのですが、あのアルバムはやや過剰に装飾されていました。当時は音圧戦争(ラウドネス・ウォー)の真っ直中であり、新発掘マスターであってもデジタル加工されたものがもてはやされていた。『DIJON 1978』にしても当時の流行が反映され、迫力重視でメタリック。音圧も強力ならノイズ・リダクションも豪快にかけられ、鳴りには風呂場エコーまでかかっていました。それはそれで今聴いてもド派手で面白かったりもしますが、1978年にGENESISが紡いでいたサウンドとはかけ離れてもいたのです。
 そんな中で誕生したのが本作。前回盤『DIJON 1978』をリマスターしたのではなく、ナチュラル・トランスファーの大元マスターに回帰。その上で現代の感覚に即した最新マスタリングで磨き直したものなのです。その現代感覚とは「ライヴ当時の正確な再現」。ナチュラル・トランスファーの自然な鳴りを最大限に活かしつつ、精度だけを向上。ピッチや位相のズレは1/1000秒まで徹底的に整え、デジタル化の際に発生していたわずかな再生ムラも補整。さらには重低音から高音まで帯域分析をした上でバランスを調整し、左右のステレオ・バランスも寸分の狂いもなく正しているのです。
 この手法を分かりやすく喩えるなら「絵画/文化財の補修」です。現代の流行りとは関係なく、ド派手に飾り立てたりもしない。あくまで当時描かれたサウンドそのものを最重視し、可能な限り忠実に復刻。経年の影響を考慮した上で正しく、美しい再生音を取り戻し、様々な資料から判明している「1978年GENESISの出音」を正鵠に復元しているのです。その結果生まれた本作のサウンドはスーパー・ナチュラルにして超リアル。一聴すると前回盤『DIJON 1978』のようなギラギラ感はありませんが、ヘッドフォンで集中するほどに解像度と美しさに惚れ惚れとする。綺麗にノイズが取り除かれているのに、自動リダクションのような歪みが起こらず、高音は真っ直ぐ綺麗に伸び、シンセの重低音ヴァイヴは肌感覚の細やかさ。マスター・テープそのものを感じさせる精度は、それこそ「モービル・フィディリティ」や「ニンバス・スーパーカット」のような公式の高音質CDの次元です。
 そんな究極のナチュラル・サウンドで描かれるのは、素晴らしき“AND THEN THERE WERE THREE Tour”のフルショウ。冒頭から「シカゴ公演と2大SBD」と繰り返してきましたが、実はレッグが異なるのでセットも違う。ここで比較しながらせっりしてみましょう。
・月影の騎士:The Cinema Show/I Know What I Like
・その他:The Fountain Of Salmacis(★)/In The Cage
・トリック・オブ・ザ・テイル:Ripples/Squonk/Dance On A Volcano/Los Endos
・静寂の嵐:Eleventh Earl Of Mar/One For The Vine/Afterglow
・そして3人が残った:Burning Rope/Deep In The Motherlode/Ballad Of Big(★)/Say It’s Alright Joe/The Lady Lies/Follow You Follow Me
※注:「★」印は『DEFINITIVE CHICAGO』では聴けなかった曲。
……と、このようになっています。「One For The Vine」「Deep In The Motherlode」「Say It’s Alright Joe」「The Lady Lies」など、当時だからこそのレパートリーがズラリと並び、このツアーだけの限定曲「Burning Rope」「Ballad Of Big」も美味しい。特に「Ballad Of Big」や3人時代の「The Fountain Of Salmacis」は『DEFINITIVE CHICAGO』や来日公演でも聴けなかったレア曲。それをオフィシャル級のナチュラル・サウンドボードで楽しめるのです。
 『DEFINITIVE CHICAGO』と肩を並べるフル・サウンドボードでありつつ、セットの旨みはそれ以上。まさに“AND THEN THERE WERE THREE Tour”の最高傑作となる王者のライヴアルバムです。ナチュラル・トランスファーの旨みを損なわず、「1978年の真実」を復刻した文化遺産。どうぞ、永久保存プレス2CDで存分にご体験ください。
★「1978年6月3日ディジョン公演」の超極上ステレオ・サウンドボード録音。サウンドと完全収録を両立した最高傑作サウンドボードで、本作はその最高峰更新盤。前回盤『DIJON 1978』はド派手に加工されていましたが、本作はナチュラル・トランスファーを「GRAF ZEPPELIN」が細密マスタリング。時空を飛び越えたような極めて自然な美麗サウンドで、貴重な「Ballad Of Big」「The Fountain Of Salmacis」も美味しいフルショウが楽しめる“AND THEN THERE WERE THREE Tour”の最高傑作です。
★前回盤とは異なるRaw Masterバージョンをベースにリマスター。
Disc 1 (68:48)
1. Eleventh Earl Of Mar
2. In The Cage
3. Burning Rope
4. Ripples
5. Deep In The Motherlode
6. The Fountain Of Salmacis★
7. Ballad Of Big★
8. One For The Vine
Disc 2 (68:25)
1. Audience
2. Squonk
3. Say It’s Alright Joe
4. The Lady Lies
5. The Cinema Show
6. Afterglow
7. Follow You, Follow Me
8. Dance On A Volcano
9. Drum Duet
10. Los Endos
11. I Know What I Like
Phil Collins – Vocals, Drums & Percussion
Mike Rutherford – Bass & Guitar
Tony Banks – Keyboards
Chester Thompson – Drums & Percussion
Daryl Steurmer – Guitar

Virtuoso 478/479

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