Queen & Adam Lambert / Birmingham 2017 / 2CDR

Queen & Adam Lambert / Birmingham 2017 / 2CDR / Uxbridge

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Barclaycard Arena, Birmingham, UK 16th December 2017.

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“NEWS OF THE WORLD” 40th anniversary was released, and Freddie’s biography movie is also in progress QUEEN. Their latest and greatest live albums are appearing.
It is contained in this work “December 16, 2017 Birmingham performance”. It is an audience album of only our shop which was provided CD directly from its original master, which was provided directly from the recording person. First of all, let’s take a look at the position of the show from the outline of “TOUR 2017-2018” currently in progress.

· June 23 – August 5: North America (26 performances)
· November 1 – 25: Europe (13 performances)
· November 26 – December 16: Britain (13 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
· February 17 – March 6: Oceania (10 performances)

This is the outline of the tour that has been published to date. QUEEN + Adam Lambert that began in 2012 also has been established for over 5 years. The Birmingham performance of this work was also the final performance of the 2017 edition.
The greatest taste of this work which contained the last show of 2017 is such a terrible sound! Celebrity is also vital audience recording, but if you listen carefully it sounds like a soundboard only. It is a neat and superb type like it was also done with FM broadcasting. Anyway, the musical sound is vivid, especially the direct feeling of Adam’s singing voice is terrible, I can hardly feel the distance feeling. If you listen well with headphones as well, you are still sucking in audience-like venue sounds, but it is also transparent to crystal clear, directing the sound beautifully, it is not related to turbidity or cloudiness. It was the familiar “British master” in our shop that made such a sound. He is a recording man who has lived in London and has been continuously recording rock since the 1980s. His collection is too large to be considered a masterpiece lightly because it is too big, but it is definitely a top class masterpiece.
A wonderful thing about the show drawn with that sound …. In the beginning of the tour also playing somewhat unusual songs, also this year is the fifth year. I also took up Adam ‘s solo song, but I came here and shook it back. The golden gray test hit color is getting darker. Still, 2017 colors are still left. This year is also the 40th anniversary of “NEWS OF THE WORLD”, and we will perform at “We Will Rock You” which reminds me of the opening of one of the famous boards. That is not the fast version, it is the original beat. It is a pity that the “Spread Your Wings” and “It’s Late” of that “NEWS OF THE WORLD” have fallen, but “Bicycle Race” and “I’m In Love With My Car” since Paul Rogers era are solid “Tie Your Mother Down” “Its A Kind Of Magic” “I Want To Break Free” also revived. Tyler · Warren (drummer of the official tribute band QUEEN EXTRAVAGANZA) who replaced the drum battle from Rufus · Taylor.
To tell the truth, Brian May is feeling a cold on this day, singing voice can not feel tension, but still the guitar is excellent. And above all, Adam is doing great! Although I can not mind also spending the number of words in his skill now, I really fall in love with the singing voice that roar in the super clear sound of this work. Although it was spectacular from the beginning, after five years I completely made my QUEEN number, and as a singer named 35, I can feel plenty of the most fat-rich Vocalization. In addition, the mood that is before Christmas is also wonderful. Not only the band but also the exhilarating feeling unique during this time in the venue drifts, the group of famous music of glory seems to shine even more.

QUEEN finished off in 2017 in my home country. It stands at the site of the final performance, and is a masterpiece that can be bathed in whole body with famous songs by the beautiful sound just like a sound board. The best live album that Britain ‘s proud name recording person recorded at the wrist of the arm to the latest. One more beautiful one not more than the year-end and New Year holidays, please enjoy.

『NEWS OF THE WORLD』40周年盤がリリースされ、フレディの伝記映画も制作進行中のQUEEN。そんな彼らの最新・極上ライヴアルバムが登場です。
本作に収められているのは「2017年12月16日バーミンガム公演」。録音者から直に提供された、そのオリジナルマスターからCD化された当店だけのオーディエンス・アルバムです。まずは、現在進行中の“TOUR 2017-2018”の概要からショウのポジションイメージしてみましょう。


そんな2017年のラストショウを収めた本作最大の旨みは、凄まじいサウンド! 歓声も生々しいオーディエンス録音には違いないのですが、パッと聴くとサウンドボードにしか思えない。それもFM放送でもされたような端正で極上なタイプ。とにかく楽音がビビッドで、特にアダムの歌声のダイレクト感が凄まじく、距離感がほとんど感じられない。ヘッドフォンでよくよく聴けばやはりオーディエンスらしい会場音響も吸い込んではいるものの、それもクリスタル・クリアに透き通っていて、鳴りを美しく演出しこそすれ、濁りや曇りとは無縁なのです。そんなサウンドをモノにしたのは当店ではお馴染みの“英国の巨匠”。ロンドン在住で80年代からずっとロックを録音し続けている記録家です。彼のコレクションは膨大すぎるために軽々に最高傑作とは断じられないものの、間違いなくトップクラスの大傑作なのです。
そのサウンドで描かれるショウの素晴らしいこと……。今年は5年目ということもあってか、ツアー冒頭ではやや珍しい曲も演奏。アダムのソロ曲も取り上げていましたが、ここに来て揺り戻し。黄金のグレイテスト・ヒッツ色が濃くなっています。とは言え、やはり2017年カラーも残っている。今年は『NEWS OF THE WORLD』40周年でもあり、かの名盤のオープニングを思い起こさせるような「We Will Rock You」で開演。それもファスト・バージョンではなく、オリジナルのビートです。その『NEWS OF THE WORLD』の「Spread Your Wings」や「It’s Late」が落ちたのは残念ですが、ポール・ロジャース時代以来となる「Bicycle Race」「I’m In Love With My Car」はしっかりと残され、「Tie Your Mother Down」「Its A Kind Of Magic」「I Want To Break Free」も復活。ドラムバトルの相手もルーファス・テイラーから交代したタイラー・ウォーレン(公式トリビュートバンドQUEEN EXTRAVAGANZAのドラマー)です。
実のところ、この日はブライアン・メイが風邪気味なために歌声にこそ張りが感じられないのですが、それでもギターは絶品。そして何より、アダムが絶好調! 今さら彼の巧さに字数を費やすのも気が引けますが、本作の超クリア・サウンドで轟く歌声には、本当に惚れ惚れする。当初から見事ではありましたが、5年を経てQUEENナンバーを完全に自分のものにしており、35歳というシンガーとしては一番脂の乗ったヴォーカリゼーションがたっぷりと味わえる。さらに、クリスマス目前というムードも素晴らしい。バンドだけでなく、会場中にこの時期ならではの高揚感までもが漂い、栄光の名曲群がさらに一層まぶしく輝くようです。


Disc 1(59:46)
1. Intro. 2. We Will Rock You 3. Hammer To Fall 4. Stone Cold Crazy 5. Tie Your Mother Down
6. Another One Bites The Dust 7. Fat Bottom Girls 8. Killer Queen 9. Don’t Stop Me Now
10. Bicycle Race 11. I’m In Love With My Car 12. Get Down Make Love 13. I Want It All
14. Brian May Introduction 15. Love Of My Life

Disc 2(71:46)
1. Brian May Audience Photo 2. Somebody To Love 3. Crazy Little Thing Called Love
4. Drum Battle 5. Roger Taylor Band Introductions 6. Under Pressure 7. A Kind Of Magic
8. I Want To Break Free 9. Who Wants To Live Forever (with You Take My Breath Away Intro)
10. Last Horizon/Guitar Solo 11. Radio Ga Ga 12. Bohemian Rhapsody
13. Day-O 14. We Will Rock You 15. We Are The Champions 16. God Save The Queen

Uxbridge 773

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