Queen / Hammersmith Odeon 1979: 2022 Transfer / 2CD

Queen / Hammersmith Odeon 1979: 2022 Transfer / 2CD / Wardour

The Concerts For The People Of Kampuchea
Live at Hammersmith Odeon, London, UK 26th December 1979

Play sample :

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The legendary recording that was praised as “a miracle that surpasses” LIVE AID “” and “the best masterpiece in the history of QUEEN” has been upgraded! “GRAF ZEPPELIN” has decided to permanently preserve the latest and highest peak version that maximizes the potential of the original master cassette!!
“December 26, 1979 Hammersmith Odeon performance” is engraved on this work. It is a super-superb audience recording that completely records the stage at the charity concert “THE CONCERTS FOR THE PEOPLE OF KAMPUCHEA”. This show is popular as a standard sound board album “DEFINITIVE HAMMERSMITH ODEON 1979 (Wardour-519)” and professional shot work “THE QUEEN SPECIAL: JAPANESE BROADCAST VERSION (Uxbridge 935)”, but this work A full audience recording that is different from either. Moreover, the best record of the day, apart from the sound board and pro shots … No, the top live album that reigns as the masterpiece of QUEEN’s entire history. It is the highest peak update board !!!

[The latest transfer that achieved an unexpected upgrade] “Something has gotten messy, so let’s start over from scratch.” The reason why it is a masterpiece spans both sides of “quality / show content”, but first of all, the sound. This show is also famous for the fact that the audience’s name recording has been left for a long time, but this is a work by the prestigious Japanese “Kinney”. In the 70’s / 80’s, staff were often sent to England to record, and in terms of QUEEN, the super-famous recording of “LIVE AID” is famous, but QUEEN was recorded in 1979. . And this work is the ultimate gene product that was directly digitized from the original cassette.
If you’re an avid collector here, you’ll probably think, “Wouldn’t there have been an original cassette?” Yes, it is the blockbuster “HAMMERSMITH ODEON 1979 LEGENDARY MASTER TAPES”. This work is the remaster. . . . . is not. It was re-digitized by “GRAF ZEPPELIN”, returning to the actual Kinney cassette. And the sound is definitely beyond. First of all, it is important to improve the transfer accuracy by introducing the latest equipment. As expected, please excuse the name / model number of the new equipment, but this accuracy is completely different from before. While remaining supernatural, it achieves a vividness that is comparable to modern official remastered CDs.
If you have the previous work “LEGENDARY MASTER TAPES”, please listen and compare. Originally, it was a famous recording without a feeling of sparseness, but the rich sound density is wonderful, and the ensemble’s three-dimensional effect is overwhelmingly improved. Moreover, surprisingly, it does not earn sound pressure at all. I can’t prove this without looking at the waveform, but it’s super natural, but it’s dynamic to the Digilima level. It is realized by extracting the subtleties of the sound sealed in the original cassette precisely.
Listening as a whole, the vividness is one shot, but if you want to feel it more, you should pay attention to the left channel. When I think about it now, the left channel wasn’t fully picked up on the previous edition, and the right is strong overall. Until now, it was thought that it was such a recording position, but in the latest transfer, the left channel has also been greatly improved in detail, and the resolution and omission are also improved. Combined with the fact that the phase shift is also precisely compensated, the core ensemble is revived.

[Detailed mastering for repairing paintings and cultural properties] Although the transfer accuracy alone has taken a long time, this work also has the ultimate in finishing accuracy. I have repeated the methodology of “GRAF ZEPPELIN” in various places, so I will omit it, but what is important in this work is the shaking caused by the (momentary) sound break of one channel. In terms of time, it is less than 0.02 seconds, so it is a trivial thing that the human ear perceives as a “shake” rather than a “cut”. Although it is much less due to re-transfer, the remaining “shaking” is also corrected by mastering, realizing a crisp and glossy sound.
Moreover, the processing method is extremely meticulous. Since it is so short that the human ear cannot distinguish it, it is common to use a “knob” that connects the front and back by cutting off the “cut” part. However, “GRAF ZEPPELIN” is not pinched at all. The specific work is too technical and difficult to put into words, but the point is to restore the “sound” that is cut off and lost. To be honest, it is the amount of obsessive work that even makes me wonder if it is necessary to do that much, and it is exactly the mastering that leads to overseas restoration.

[Ultimate live album where you can fully experience the ultimate show] Now, another reason why it’s a masterpiece is the content of the show. For those of you who know the previous version, no explanation is necessary. It is a great performance with tremendous tension. After all, this show … or rather, the tour “CRAZY TOUR” itself at this time is regarded as “the top of QUEEN” by maniacs. Normally, even on a good tour, a great performance and an ordinary show are mixed. However, there is no bad show in “CRAZY TOUR”. It was always a “tour with only super-famous performances” where Freddie, who has a strong wave, makes a tremendous throat in all performances. Check out the tour overview here.

● 1978
・October 28-December 20: North America (35 performances)
● 1979
・ January 17-March 1: Europe (28 performances)
・ April 13-May 6: Japan (15 performances)
《Production of “THE GAME” started in June》
・ August 18: Appearance at SAARBRUCKEN OPEN AIR
《October 5th single “Crazy Little Thing…” released》
・ November 22nd-December 26th: UK (20 performances) ← Coco

This is the whole picture of the miraculous “CRAZY TOUR”. The closest album was “JAZZ”, but in fact “JAZZ TOUR” did not have a home country performance in England. Therefore, along with the single “Crazy Little Thing Called Love”, a special tour was organized only for the home country. That was “CRAZY TOUR”. If it was only this, it was a normal thing, but the contents were amazing. After all, Freddie is doing great every day and night. It wasn’t just about having a good throat, but it was a burst of explosive tension just like “LIVE AID”. Of course, “LIVE AID” is also a miracle among miracles, but it was also because it was concentrated in a short time of about 25 minutes. However, this “JAZZ TOUR” did not lose momentum even with a full show of 110 minutes or more, and ran through the entire performance. And the highest peak live album of such a miraculous tour … that is this work.
“DEFINITIVE HAMMERSMITH ODEON 1979”, which spelled out the same show on a soundboard, was also a masterpiece, but it was a maniac’s dream of “I want to collect the SBD of a miracle show”. Many kinds of sound sources were spliced ​​together, and Kinney’s audience recording was also used for the last claw part where there was no sound board. On the other hand, this work is a complete recording from beginning to end, and the quality is not inferior to the sound board. Both the quality and perfection as a record transcend the sound board.
This work is the highest peak update board in which such “Queen’s top” has been raised to a master quality that no one has ever heard. To be honest, I never imagined I would upgrade so far until I actually worked on it. Cultural heritage, God board, masterpiece… the ultimate absolute board that you want to pour all the finest rhymes into. Please experience it with a press 2CD that will never lose its brilliance.

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(remastered memo)

★The latest transfer from the master Cassette. Most of the EQ processing is applied, and the rich sound respects the texture of the original master data.

★ Phase correction and volume balance are moderately adjusted.

★Sound fluctuation caused by the master has been reduced, making it easier to hear.

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★ A transcendent audience recording of “December 26, 1979 Hammersmith Odeon Performance”. Re-digitized from the original cassette of the prestigious Kinney, which was said to be “the best masterpiece in the entire history of QUEEN”. By improving the transfer accuracy with the latest equipment, the sound board barefoot ultra-superb sound is realized. You can fully experience the highlight performance of the miraculous “CRAZY TOUR” where it is said that “all performances are like LIVE AID” with a degree of perfection and unity that exceeds the actual soundboard board “DEFINITIVE HAMMERSMITH ODEON 1979”. It is the ultimate masterpiece that the best masterpiece has renewed its height

「“LIVE AID”を超える奇跡」「QUEEN史上の最高傑作」と激賛された伝説の名録音がまさかのアップグレード! 「GRAF ZEPPELIN」によって大元マスター・カセットの可能性を最大限に引き出した最新・最高峰バージョンが永久保存決定です!!
そんな本作に刻まれているのは「1979年12月26日ハマースミス・オデオン公演」。チャリティ・コンサート“THE CONCERTS FOR THE PEOPLE OF KAMPUCHEA”でのステージを完全収録した超・極上オーディエンス録音です。このショウはサウンドボード・アルバム『DEFINITIVE HAMMERSMITH ODEON 1979(Wardour-519)』やプロショット作『THE QUEEN SPECIAL: JAPANESE BROADCAST VERSION(Uxbridge 935)』が定番として人気を博しておりますが、本作はそのどちらとも違うフル・オーディエンス録音。しかも、サウンドボードやプロショットを差し置いてこの日のベスト記録……いや、QUEEN全史の最高傑作に君臨する頂点ライヴアルバム。その最高峰更新盤なのです!!!

何やら話がゴチャゴチャしてきましたので、イチから整理し直しましょう。最高傑作たる由縁は「クオリティ/ショウ内容」の両面に渡るわけですが、まずはサウンド。このショウは古くからオーディエンスの名録音が残された事でも有名なのですが、これが何と日本の名門“キニー”による作品なのです。70年代/80年代には度々スタッフを渡英させて録音しており、QUEEN関係で言えば“LIVE AID”の超名録音がつとに有名ですが、1979年にもQUEENを録音していたわけです。そして、本作はその大元カセットからダイレクトにデジタル化した究極ジェネの銘品なのです。
ここで熱心なコレクター諸兄なら「大元カセット起こしならあったよね?」と思われるでしょう。そう、大ヒット作『HAMMERSMITH ODEON 1979 LEGENDARY MASTER TAPES』です。本作はそのリマスター。。。。。では、ない。キニー・カセット現物に立ち返り「GRAF ZEPPELIN」によって再デジタル化されたものなのです。そして、そのサウンドは確実に超えている。まず、重要なのは最新機材を導入したトランスファー精度のアップ。さすがに新機材の名称/型番はご勘弁いただきますが、この精度がこれまでとまるで違う。超ナチュラルなまま、現代の公式リマスターCDにも負けない鮮やかさを実現しているのです。
前作『LEGENDARY MASTER TAPES』をお持ちの方ならぜひ聴き比べていただきたい。もともとスカスカ感のない名録音でしたが、さらに濃厚なサウンド密度が素晴らしく、アンサンブルの立体感も圧倒的に向上している。しかも、驚くべき事に音圧稼ぎを一切していないのです。これは波形を見ていただかないと証明できないのですが、超ナチュラルなのにデジリマ級にダイナミック。大元カセットに封じられたサウンドを機微の機微まで精緻に引き出す事で実現しているのです。

トランスファー精度だけで長くなってしまいましたが、本作は仕上げ精度も究極。「GRAF ZEPPELIN」の方法論については様々なところで繰り返してきたので省略しますが、本作で重要なのは片チャンネルの(瞬間的な)音切れに起因する揺れ。時間的には0.02秒以下なので人間の耳には「切れ」ではなく「揺れ」に感じる些細なものです。再トランスファーによって格段に少なくなっているのですが、さらに残った「揺れ」もマスタリングでも補整し、ビシッと艶やかサウンドを実現しているのです。
しかも、処理の手法も極めて入念。そもそも人間の耳に判別できない短さだけに、普通は「切れ」部分を切り取って前後を繋ぐ「つまみ」が一般的です。しかし「GRAF ZEPPELIN」は一切つまんでいない。具体的な作業は専門的すぎて言葉にしづらいのですが、要は切れて失われて聞こえる「音」を復元させている。正直なところ、そこまでやる必要があるのか……とさえ思ってしまう執念の作業量であり、まさに海外の修復に通じるマスタリングなのです。

さて、最高傑作たるもう1つの理由はショウ内容。これは前回盤をご存知の方には説明不要でしょう。凄まじいテンションの大名演なのです。何しろ、このショウ……と言いますか、この時のツアー“CRAZY TOUR”自体、マニア筋から「QUEENの頂点」とされている。通常であれば、調子の良いツアーでも名演と普通のショウが混ざるもの。ところが“CRAZY TOUR”にはダメなショウが1つもない。いつもは波の激しいフレディが全公演で凄まじいノドを轟かせる「超名演しかないツアー」だったのです。ここで、そのツアー概要を確認しておきましょう。

《6月『THE GAME』制作開始》
《10月5日シングル『Crazy Little Thing…』発売》

これが奇跡の“CRAZY TOUR”の全体像。一番近いアルバムは『JAZZ』だったわけですが、実は“JAZZ TOUR”では母国イギリス公演がなかった。そのため、シングル『Crazy Little Thing Called Love』に伴い、母国のみの特別ツアーが組まれた。それが“CRAZY TOUR”でした。これだけなら普通の事ですが、その中身が凄かった。何しろ、フレディが連日連夜すべて絶好調。単にノドの調子が良いという次元ではなく、“LIVE AID”ばりのブッちぎれた爆テンションをブチかましたのです。もちろん、“LIVE AID”も奇跡中の奇跡ではありますが、それは約25分という短い時間に濃縮されたからでもありました。しかし、この“JAZZ TOUR”は、110分以上のフルショウでも勢いが衰えず、さらに全公演を駆け抜けてしまったのです。そして、そんな奇跡のツアーの最高峰ライヴアルバム……それが本作なのです。
同じショウをサウンドボードで綴った『DEFINITIVE HAMMERSMITH ODEON 1979』も傑作ではありましたが、あれは「奇跡ショウのSBDをかき集めてみたい」というマニアの夢を実現したモノ。何種類もの音源を繋ぎ合わせていましたし、サウンドボードが存在しない最後のツメ部分は、キニーのオーディエンス録音も使用されていました。それに対して本作は終始一貫の完全録音であり、クオリティもサウンドボードになんら劣らない。記録としての格も完成度もサウンドボードを超越しているのです。








★「1979年12月26日ハマースミス・オデオン公演」の超絶級オーディエンス録音。「QUEEN全史の最高傑作」とまで言われた名門キニーの大元カセットから再デジタル化。最新機材によるトランスファー精度のアップで、サウンドボード裸足の超極上サウンドを実現。実際サウンドボード盤『DEFINITIVE HAMMERSMITH ODEON 1979』を超える完成度と統一感で「全公演がLIVE AID並み」とまで言われる奇跡の“CRAZY TOUR”のハイライト公演をフル体験できる。最高傑作が自らの高みを更新した究極名盤です。

Disc 1 (44:46)
1. Introduction
2. Jailhouse Rock
3. We Will Rock You (Fast)
4. Let Me Entertain You
5. Somebody To Love
6. If You Can’t Beat Them
7. Mustapha
8. Death On Two Legs
9. Killer Queen
10. I’m In Love With My Car
11. Get Down, Make Love
12. You’re My Best Friend
13. Save Me

Disc 2 (69:12)
1. Now I’m Here
2. Don’t Stop Me Now
3. Spread Your Wings
4. Love Of My Life
5. ’39
6. Keep Yourself Alive
7. Drum / Guitar Solo
8. Guitar Solo (incl. Silent Night)
9. Brighton Rock (Ending)
10. Crazy Little Thing Called Love
11. Bohemian Rhapsody
12. Tie Your Mother Down
13. Sheer Heart Attack
14. We Will Rock You
15. We Are The Champions
16. God Save The Queen



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