Queen / Stockholm 1978 / 2CD

Queen / Stockholm 1978 / 2CD / Wardour
Johanneshovs Isstadion, Stockholm, Sweden 12th April 1978

Play sample :

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An upgrade of the traditional recording that conveys “NEWS OF THE WORLD Tour’s best super-famous performance”. Introducing a permanent storage press CD!
The famous performance was realized at “April 12, 1978 Stockholm performance”. It is an excellent audience recording that captures the whole story. Speaking of “NEWS OF THE WORLD Tour”, it is a tour that spans 1977/1978, and its symbol is the super masterpiece “ULTIMATE HOUSTON 1977 (Wardour-246)”. Let’s check what kind of position this work will be in such a situation from the schedule at that time.

● 1977
“October 28,” NEWS OF THE WORLD “released”
・ November 11-December 22: North America (26 performances) ← * ULTIMATE HOUSTON 1977
● 1978
・ April 12-May 3: Europe (15 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
・ May 6-13: UK (5 performances)
<< July production of “JAZZ” started >>

This is the process from the release of “NEWS OF THE WORLD” to the production of “JAZZ”. “ULTIMATE HOUSTON 1977” was a record of the “North America” ​​leg at the beginning of the tour, but this work is the “Europe” leg of 1978 when the year changed. It was the concert on the first day. This show is also known for its famous recordings, and the existing ones have been known as a staple. This work is based on the famous recording, but also utilizes another recording. It is the highest peak update board that has been further refined by meticulous mastering.
Actually, it is a master planned and produced by an overseas core enthusiast, but the sound is certainly the highest ever. Not only is it connected for the longest time, but the brush-up accuracy of each sound source is excellent. As anyone who has experienced the source of pronunciation already knows, the pitch is significantly off, and the sound is doubled in “My Melancholy Blues” and “Keep Yourself Alive”. Although I was able to know Freddie’s explosive tension, it was a type that required the audience to get used to it in order to immerse himself innocently. However, if such a defect remains, it cannot be overlapped with another sound source. Therefore, the enthusiast who produced this work thoroughly cleans up both sound sources. It stabilizes quickly and then compensates for the stereo feeling. Matching is done on that.
The resulting sound is a sharp sound with a powerful core extending straight in the middle of the clear air. It’s not so close that it’s mistaken for a sound board, but the playing sound and Freddie’s singing voice are as pleasant as a laser beam, and the subtleties are extremely vivid. Above all, the sense of stability due to the mastering of the whole enthusiast is exquisite, and even if the notes of four people overlap, you can enjoy it without mixing.
The upgrade sound is drawn with a great enthusiasm that is no different from the rumor. The set is also different from the “North America” ​​leg, so let’s organize it by comparing it with “ULTIMATE HOUSTON 1977”.

● A Night at the Opera (7 songs)
・ Death on Two Legs (Dedicated to …) / I’m In Love With My Car / You’re My Best Friend / Love Of My Life / ’39 / The Prophet’s Song / Bohemian Rhapsody
● Dedicated to the world (7 songs + α)
・ We Will Rock You (Fast) / Get Down Make Love / Spread Your Wings (★) / It’s Late (★) / My Melancholy Blues / We Will Rock You / We Are The Champions / Sheer Heart Attack
● Others (11 songs)
・ Sheer Heart Attack: Brighton Rock / Killer Queen / Now I’m Here / Stone Cold Crazy
・ A Day at the Races: Somebody To Love / Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy / The Millionaire Waltz / White Man / Tie Your Mother Down
・ Others: Keep Yourself Alive / Jailhouse Rock
* Note: The “★” mark is a song that could not be heard even in the symbolic work “ULTIMATE HOUSTON 1977”.

…… And it looks like this. The balance with “A NIGHT AT THE OPERA” and “NEWS OF THE WORLD” as the two axes seems to be at that time, but more important than that is the explosive performance. Perhaps because of the first day of the tour, I sometimes make a big mistake in the lyrics of “We Will Rock You”, but that’s what the mistake is. The singing voice grows comfortably, and you can freely play vibrato and shout. In some places, I put a fake (upward!) As if I was trying a good throat, but there is still plenty of room. It is said that Freddie himself is more pleased than anyone else in such a good condition, and you can do whatever you want, such as improvising with the intro of “Somebody To Love” or changing the singing style with “Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy”. .. Also, “Spread Your Wings” and “It’s Late”, which you couldn’t hear in “ULTIMATE HOUSTON 1977”, are the highlights regardless of their value. In the previous year, there were many days when I managed to manage it painfully, but in this work there is plenty of room.
And Freddie, who is in great shape, skips between songs. I started “Brighton Rock” while saying “Madame, what should I play? Keep Yourself Alive?” , Here and here. Thank you! ” Of course, Freddie’s good mood is transmitted to other members. You can see that the tension on the first day is well transformed into concentration.
The Copenhagen performance on the next day was just as good, probably because the first day went so well. Even in the “NEWS OF THE WORLD Tour”, it was a “miracle two days”. Those who performed in Copenhagen enjoyed it with “DEFINITIVE DENMARK NEWS (Wardour-109)”, but this work is an upgrade album that should be called “the first part that has been delayed”. A new masterpiece that has been brilliantly fruited by mastering the whole body by overseas enthusiasts. Please enjoy it with Press 2CD that will not lose its brilliance forever.

“NEWS OF THE WORLD Tour” An excellent audience recording of “April 12, 1978 Stockholm performance” known for the best performance. An upgrade master produced by an overseas enthusiast, the highest peak update board that makes full use of two sound sources. You can experience the best Freddie’s rampage without the pitch shift and sound duplication that you have already seen. Please enjoy the two days of miracles together with “DEFINITIVE DENMARK NEWS (Wardour-109)” the next day.

「NEWS OF THE WORLD Tour最高の超名演」を伝える伝統録音がまさかのアップグレード。永久保存プレスCDで登場です!
その大名演が実現したのは「1978年4月12日ストックホルム公演」。その一部始終を捉えた絶品オーディエンス録音です。“NEWS OF THE WORLD Tour”と言えば、1977年/1978年にまたがるツアーであり、その象徴は何と言っても超名作『ULTIMATE HOUSTON 1977(Wardour-246)』。そんな中で本作はどんなポジションになるのか、当時のスケジュールから確認してみましょう。

《10月28日『NEWS OF THE WORLD』発売》
・11月11日ー12月22日:北米(26公演)←※ULTIMATE HOUSTON 1977

これが『NEWS OF THE WORLD』発売から『JAZZ』製作までの歩み。『ULTIMATE HOUSTON 1977』はツアー序盤の「北米」レッグの記録でしたが、本作は年が改まった1978年の「欧州」レッグ。その初日にあたるコンサートでした。このショウは従来から名録音が残された事でも知られ、既発が定番として知られてきました。本作は、その名録音をベースにしつつ、もう1つの別録音も活用。さらに細心のマスタリングで磨き込んだ最高峰更新盤なのです。
実は、海外のコア・マニアが企画・制作したマスターなのですが、そのサウンドは確かに過去最高。単に接続して最長を図っているだけでなく、音源1本1本のブラッシュアップ精度が素晴らしい。既発音源を体験された方ならご存知と思いますが、ピッチが大幅にずれていたり、「My Melancholy Blues」や「Keep Yourself Alive」で音がダブっていたり。フレディの爆テンションぶりを知ることはできたものの、無心に浸り切るにはオーディエンス慣れも必要なタイプでした。しかし、そうした欠点が残っていると別音源と重ねることはできない。そこで、本作を制作したマニアは両音源を徹底的にクリーンナップ。ビシッと安定化させ、ついでにステレオ感まで補整。その上でマッチングさせているのです。
そんなアップグレード・サウンドで描かれるのは、噂に違わぬ絶好調の大熱演。セットも「北米」レッグとは変化していますので、ここで『ULTIMATE HOUSTON 1977』と比較しながら整理してみましょう。

・Death on Two Legs (Dedicated to…)/I’m In Love With My Car/You’re My Best Friend/Love Of My Life/’39/The Prophet’s Song/Bohemian Rhapsody
・We Will Rock You (Fast)/Get Down Make Love/Spread Your Wings(★)/It’s Late(★)/My Melancholy Blues/We Will Rock You/We Are The Champions/Sheer Heart Attack
・シアー・ハート・アタック:Brighton Rock/Killer Queen/Now I’m Here/Stone Cold Crazy
・華麗なるレース:Somebody To Love/Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy/The Millionaire Waltz/White Man/Tie Your Mother Down
・その他:Keep Yourself Alive/Jailhouse Rock
※注:「★」印は象徴作『ULTIMATE HOUSTON 1977』でも聴けなかった曲。

……と、このようになっています。『A NIGHT AT THE OPERA』『NEWS OF THE WORLD』を2本軸としたバランスも当時らしいのですが、それ以上に重要なのは爆発するような絶好調ぶり。ツアー初日のせいか「We Will Rock You」の歌詞を豪快に間違えたりもしますが、そんなミスも何のその。歌声はが気持ちよく伸びに伸び、ヴィヴラートもシャウトも自由自在。ところどころで調子の良いノドを試すかのように(上方向へ!)フェイクを挟んだりするのですが、まだまだ余裕たっぷりなのです。そんな好調ぶりに誰よりもフレディ本人が喜んでいるのがアリアリと伝わり、「Somebody To Love」のイントロで即興を挟んだり、「Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy」で歌い方を変えたりと、やりたい放題です。また『ULTIMATE HOUSTON 1977』では聴けなかった「Spread Your Wings」「It’s Late」も貴重度とは無関係に聴きどころ。前年では苦しそうに何とかこなす日も多かったのですが、本作では余裕綽々なのです。
そして絶好調のフレディは曲間も飛ばしまくり。前方客と話しているのか「マダム、何を演奏しようか? Keep Yourself Aliveが良いの?」と言いながら「Brighton Rock」を始めてしまったり、照明係に「おーい、Mr.スポット! こっち照らしてよ、こっちこっち。ありがと!」と半紙欠けたりと妙に機嫌がいい。もちろん、フレディの上機嫌は他のメンバーにも伝染。初日の緊張が上手い具合に集中力へ転化していくのが手に取るように分かるのです。
初日があまりにも上手く行ったせいか、翌日のコペンハーゲン公演も同じくらいの絶好調。“NEWS OF THE WORLD Tour”でもズバ抜けた「奇跡の2日間」となりました。コペンハーゲン公演の方は『DEFINITIVE DENMARK NEWS(Wardour-109)』で楽しめたわけですが、本作は「遅れてきた前編」とも言うべきアップグレード・アルバムなのです。海外マニアによる渾身のマスタリングが見事に実を結んだ新名盤。どうぞ、輝きを永久に失わないプレス2CDで存分にお楽しみください。

“NEWS OF THE WORLD Tour”最高の大名演で知られる「1978年4月12日ストックホルム公演」の絶品オーディエンス録音。海外マニアが制作したアップグレード・マスターで、2音源をフル活用した最高峰更新盤。既発のようなピッチのズレや音のダブりもなく、絶好調フレディの暴れっぷりを極上体験できる。ぜひ翌日の『DEFINITIVE DENMARK NEWS(Wardour-109)』と併せ、奇跡の2日間をお楽しみください。


Disc 1 (62:59)
1. We Will Rock You (slow)
2. We Will Rock You (fast)
3. Brighton Rock
4. Somebody to Love
5. Death On Two Legs
6. Killer Queen
7. Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy
8. I’m In Love With My Car
9. Get Down Make Love
10. The Millionaire Waltz
11. You’re My Best Friend
12. Spread Your Wings
13. It’s Late
14. Now I’m Here
15. Love of My Life
16. ’39
17. My Melancholy Blues

Disc 1 (50:01)
1. White Man
2. Vocal Improvisation/Guitar Solo
3. The Prophet’s Song
4. Stone Cold Crazy
5. Bohemian Rhapsody
6. Keep Yourself Alive
7. Tie Your Mother Down
8. We Will Rock You
9. We Are the Champions
10. Sheer Heart Attack
11. Jailhouse Rock


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