Queen / New London Theatre 1977 / 1CD

Queen / New London Theatre 1977 / 1CD / Wardour
Live at New London Theatre, London, UK 6th October 1977

Play sample :

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Brilliant up with a super live album that is extremely rare and too special. It appears in permanent preservation press CD.

【Scene of over-spec clip shooting】
That special live was held “October 6, 1977 London.” This day is not a so-called world tour, it is not an ordinary concert. A shooting session held for the video clip of the single “We Are the Champions”. In the clip, the performance of the stage was featured, but it is just the audience recording that was recorded at that scene. First of all, let’s check the position of the show from the schedule of the time.

“July – September” NEWS OF THE WORLD “Production”
· October 6: London ← ★ Coco ★
“October 7” We Are the Champions “Release”
“October 28” NEWS OF THE WORLD “Release”
· November 22: NEWS OF THE WORLD TOUR started

This is an overview of 1977. QUEEN who completed “NEWS OF THE WORLD” in September releases singles and albums the following October, but this shooting session is on the verge of it. It was held the day before the release of the single “We Are the Champions”.
Moreover, this session is not just clip shooting. Hundreds of spectators gathered were members of the fan club, and after the filming, a special set of mini-lives was also offered as a means of cooperation. It is also an extremely unique live album that vacuum packed its full appearance with superb sound.
BBC’s famous moderator Bob Harris appeared when he played this work. I will explain the gist of this day such as the band playing mime according to the music, then having a special live. A special mood is full marks from here already. Although QUEEN’s people still have not appeared, it is an avid club member who gathers at the venue. Just by participating in a special occasion it is a way of excitement. And members finally appeared, the studio take “We Are The Champions” was swept away, shooting started. Of course, although singles have not been released yet, it is a new song, but suddenly clapping hand clapping, the cheers and whistling flies. Indeed, the “far side” of that clip will be documented with 100% sound of the real life.

【Superb sound to update the highest peak】
I am sorry but the quality of this work to convey such a scene is superb. Master who was discovered more than 10 years ago from now, was once popular as a press CD “CHAMPIONS SHOOT”. This is also terribly clear and neat. Although clips can be confirmed, the stage is closer to the stage than ordinary concerts, and the performances and singing voices with their contours clearly jump in at hand. Moreover, the freshness is preeminent. Both performance sound and singing voice are fresh, and almost no deterioration in dubbing and aged deterioration are felt. Despite the tremendous excitement on site, the vivid and steady sense is passed through, and the singing voice of Fumidy of off-miking (even though it sounds) is heard on the other side of “We Are The Champions” which should be a mime. It is such an exquisite master.
Moreover, this work has polished such “CHAMPIONS SHOOT” master in latest and meticulous remaster. Of course, I do not do something like crushing down all the precious things with unnecessary sound pressure creation. The main point of mastering is goodness of miss which makes clear recording stand out. It does not even raise the strong tone further (if it does it, the peak will be crushed), carefully arrange each tone range, vividly adjusting the contour and the skimmer of one tone. In addition, the sound pressure and stereo feeling which changed randomly for each scene was also adjusted, realizing the sound which shines crystal-clear clearly as it is natural sound.

【Extraordinary rare & intense special live】
It is the real feeling of reborn sounds since the extremely rare mini-live began. A cool thing of “Tie Your Mother Down” that starts from Mim’s “We Are The Champions” without getting a hair cut!
After that, a set like “A DAY AT THE RACES TOUR” compactly gathered, but the performance is pretty unique. “White Man” “The Prophet’s Song” is also experimental, Brian also used EBow for the first time. It is a version reminiscent of the middle part of “Get Down Make Love” later. What’s more fresh is “Bohemian Rhapsody” “Now I’m Here.” Intro is as usual, but suddenly it changes to “Now I’m Here” when it comes to the opera part …… from here. This arrangement is exquisite and it is really cool.
Such a set is fresh, but the mood surrounding it is also wonderful. All the audience are all core fans. There is not a single-person person like a human being, all you want to do is do clapping and big chorus. Moreover, it is not complicated because everyone concentrates on QUEEN in front of you. The clapper is integrated with the rhythm corps, the choir is perfectly matched with the chorus. Huge excitement is directly linked to the expansion of equal performance.
And the highlight of that special space is a big rush. When the raging “Jailhouse Rock” is over, a fuss that only expresses as “a rebellion of joy” occurs, and the “We Want Queen!” Call explodes! Even a single thread is not disturbed, and the hot call that lasts a long while is a frightening feeling even the wind pressure. And it turns into a “We Are The Champions!” Call, finally dragging out QUEEN’s side.
This scene is the biggest listening to this work, but what more played by members who came out is “See What A Fool I’ve Been”! Since 1976 Nippon Budokan, the rare number of “QUEEN II” with few recorded records. Of course, it is a place that I can not imagine if I am normal, but the real fans are full of fans. It is played as much as saying “Do you understand?”, And it responds spectacularly with joy … … The ideal space of fans and bands is drawn with exquisite sounds.

Just a special. Unlike any other title, it’s hotter than any live. It is an extremely special live album that can be experienced with the superb sound of its rare rare show. With quality that you can enjoy even if you are not a mania, it is one piece that can become hot like a maniac. Please, please enjoy at any time with permanent preservation press CD.

★ “We Are The Champions” It is a very unusual short set live of about 50 minutes which was carried out suddenly by the special service to the fans during the promotion video shooting. The sound quality is also good.


その特別なライヴが行われたのは「1977年10月6日ロンドン」。この日はいわゆるワールドツアーでもなければ、通常のコンサートでもない。シングル『We Are the Champions』のビデオ・クリップのために行われた撮影セッション。クリップではステージの熱演がフィーチュアされていましたが、まさにあの現場で録音されたオーディエンス録音なのです。まずは、当時のスケジュールからショウのポジションを確認してみましょう。

《7月-9月『NEWS OF THE WORLD』製作》
・10月6日:ロンドン ←★ココ★
《10月7日『We Are the Champions』発売》
《10月28日『NEWS OF THE WORLD』発売》

これが1977年の概要。9月に『NEWS OF THE WORLD』を完成させたQUEENは翌10月にシングルとアルバムをリリースしますが、この撮影セッションはその寸前。シングル『We Are the Champions』発売の前日に行われました。
本作を再生するとBBCの有名司会者ボブ・ハリスが登場。バンドが音楽に合わせてマイム演奏する事、その後に特別ライヴがある事など、この日の主旨を説明します。ここからもう、特別なムードが満点。まだQUEENの面々は登場もしていないわけですが、会場に集っているのは熱心なクラブ会員。特別な機会に参加しているだけでえらい盛り上がり方なのです。そして、いよいよメンバーが登場し、スタジオテイクの「We Are The Champions」が流され、撮影開始。もちろん、まだシングルもリリースされていない新曲なわけですが、いきなりビシッとした手拍子が沸き上がり、喝采と口笛が飛ぶ。まさに、あのクリップの“向こう側”が本生100%サウンドでドキュメントされていくのです。

申し遅れましたが、そんな現場を伝える本作のクオリティは、極上。今から10年以上前に発掘されたマスターで、かつてプレスCD『CHAMPIONS SHOOT』としても大人気を博したもの。これがまた、とんでもなくクリアで端正。クリップでも確認できますが、現場は普通のコンサートよりもステージが近く、輪郭もクッキリとした演奏と歌声が手元に飛び込んでくる。しかも、鮮度がバツグン。演奏音も歌声も瑞々しく、ダビング劣化や経年劣化がほとんど感じられない。現場は凄まじい盛り上がりにも関わらず、ビシッとした安定感が貫いていており、マイムであるはずの「We Are The Champions」の向こう側で、オフマイクのフレディの歌声も(うっすらとですが)聞こえる。それほどの絶品マスターなのです。
しかも、本作はそんな『CHAMPIONS SHOOT』マスターを最新・細心リマスターで磨き込んでいる。もちろん、無闇矢鱈な音圧稼ぎでせっかくの機微を潰すようなことはしておりません。マスタリングの主旨はクリア録音を際立たせる抜けの良さ。それも強音をさらに引き上げるのではなく(それをするとピークが潰れてしまいます)、各音域を丁寧に整理し、1音1音の輪郭やスキマを鮮やかに調整。さらにシーンごとにランダムに変化していた音圧やステレオ感も整え、ナチュラルな鳴りはそのままにクリスタル・クリアに輝くサウンドを実現したのです。

生まれ変わったサウンドの本領を実感するのは、激レアなミニ・ライヴが始まってから。マイムの「We Are The Champions」から間髪入れずにスタートする「Tie Your Mother Down」の格好いいこと!
その後も“A DAY AT THE RACES TOUR”をコンパクトにまとめたようなセットが続きますが、演奏はかなりユニーク。「White Man」「The Prophet’s Song」にしても実験的で、ブライアンも初めてEBowを使用。後の「Get Down Make Love」の中間部を思わせるバージョンです。それ以上に新鮮なのが「Bohemian Rhapsody」「Now I’m Here」。イントロはいつも通りですが、ここからオペラ・パート……となったところでいきなり「Now I’m Here」に変わる。このアレンジが絶妙で、実に格好いいのです。
そして、その特別空間のハイライトは、大ラス。苛烈な「Jailhouse Rock」が終わると「歓喜の暴動」とでも表現するしかない大騒ぎが発生し、「We Want Queen!」コールが大爆発! 一糸も乱れず、延々と続く熱いコールは風圧さえ感じる凄まじさ。そして、それが「We Are The Champions!」コールへと変わっていき、遂にはQUEENの面々を引きずり出すのです。
このシーンこそ本作最大の聴きどころなのですが、さらに出てきたメンバーが演奏したのが何と「See What A Fool I’ve Been」! 1976年の日本武道館以降、ほとんど記録の見当たらない『QUEEN II』のレア・ナンバー。もちろん、普通なら考えられないところですが、現場は本物のファンだらけ。「お前らなら分かるだろ?」と言わんばかりに演奏され、それを見事に歓喜で応える……まさにファンとバンドの理想空間が極上サウンドで描かれていくのです。


★「We Are The Champions」プロモビデオ撮影時に、ファンへのスペシャル・サービスで急遽行われた約50分の大変珍しいショートセットライヴ。音質も良好です。


1. Bob Harris’ Speech #1
2. Bob Harris’ Speech #2
3. We Are The Champions (Video Shoot)


After doing the video shoot for We Are The Champions with members of the fan club in the audience, the band played an unexpected set afterward. The event was MC’d by Bob Harris, who announces to the fans before the video shoot that the band will play a special set just for them after a few takes of Champions. The fans are excited beyond belief by this proclamation, as it is a complete surprise to them…

4. Tie Your Mother Down
5. Keep Yourself Alive
6. Somebody To Love
7. White Man
8. The Prophet’s Song
9. Liar
10. Bohemian Rhapsody
11. Now I’m Here
12. Jailhouse Rock
13. “We Want Queen!”
14. “We Want Queen!” & “We Are The Champions!”
15. See What A Fool I’ve Been


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