Pink Floyd / The Dark Side Of The Moon Outtakes / 1CD

Pink Floyd / The Dark Side Of The Moon Outtakes / 1CD / Sigma
Compilation of various recording session studio outtakes

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Released on March 1, 1973, half a century ago, the immortal masterpiece “Crazy” still shines as the biggest monument in rock music. Two types of press CD titles commemorating the 50th anniversary will be released at the same time! This work is the first version. This is the definitive edition of the outtake collection featuring different versions of all the songs of “Madness”!
The official announcement of the 50th anniversary box of “Madness” is gaining momentum, but the essential contents of the 50th anniversary box are the latest remaster of the studio take + the 1974 Wembley performance, so it’s a shameful content. Fans complained even before the release.
This work is a piece that throws a stone in such a place, and it is the crystal of rare truck research for 50 years! The content is “another madness” that PINK FLOYD researchers carefully selected and reconstructed the first appearance master and the highest peak master. This work contains a wide variety of studio outtakes, but it is not simply collecting valuable takes. It is composed of two sections, and it is also elaborated as a musical work. Let’s take a quick look at each section.

[Main story: “Another madness” assembled with rare takes] The main feature of this work is “madness” reassembled with outtakes. All songs are very different from the regular take, but it is “another madness” that has the quality enough to pass as an official work.
The B-side upgraded by the legendary “all-up” take
In this work, “Madness” is reconstructed from three different takes, but the extremely rare and most interesting part is the B-side “Alternate Mix”. It is another mix that was recorded in the Floyd title “THE GREAT GIG IN THE SKY” suddenly released in 2008 from the Silent Sea label, which was familiar with the Beatles title, but this work is what An upgraded version recorded from the original master instead of its copy. The Silent Sea board was generated from a compressed sound source with MD or mp3 as the source, but this work uses the highest peak master transferred losslessly from the original digital master. This lossless master is not even on the net, it is a secret secret that was secretly distributed by researchers.
Just saying “another mix with much better sound” is a must-listen thing, but the true amazing taste isn’t there, it’s a rare “all-in-one multi-mix”. This alternate mix was born during the production of the official 5.1ch remix board in the 90’s. One day, the engineer who was working went out for lunch with a multitrack tape set, but someone who aimed for 30 minutes without anyone in the studio played the multitrack master. It is a sound source with a reason that it was recorded directly from the desk.
The point here is that “the faders of all 16 tracks on the mixer desk were set to full”. As a result, each channel, which should have been adjusted for balance, was recorded at full volume. In other words, “sounds that were omitted in the final version” and “sounds that are usually difficult to notice” are also included. For example, “Money” has a shaker sound that cannot be heard in the release version, and a complete version that includes “after” that fades out in the final stage. You can listen to scat and jam-like endings for nearly a minute, and the vocal lines are also different. In addition, “Us And Them” has a double saxophone duet, and at the end of the song, it is a piano and backing vocals. “Brain Damage” can also be heard with tubular bells removed in the final mix. The ultimate is the ending of the last “Eclipse”. The narrative that was slightly heard in the back of the heartbeat can be heard for a long time, and at the same level as the main vocal. You may be surprised that such a sound was included in the remastered board etc., but it is a “all-in-one B-side” that makes you taste the impact at its maximum!

– Side A that reconstructs the original appearance
It’s a bold move to aim for an engineer’s lunch time, but for that reason, we were only able to record the B-side that was set on the reel-to-reel deck. It seems that the hand did not turn to the A side. Therefore, in this work, the A-side part is reconstructed using two different sources. The main is “1972
Early Mix”. This is literally the initial mix by Alan Parsons at the time of album production, recorded from the same highest peak master as the official “IMMERSION BOX SET” in 2011.
However, this initial mix was not used because the opening “Speak To Me” was incomplete. Therefore, this work contains a long version of the SE tape used in the 1974 tour. This was covered on the screen image that was also included in “IMMERSION BOX SET”. I extracted only the voice from there and recorded it by adjusting the balance with other tracks. As a result, you can enjoy straight up to another mix of B side.

[Second half: more valuable outtake group] The main part “Another Madness” is followed by 9 more diverse outtakes. This can be divided into three parts, so let’s introduce them individually.
– Original song version (2 songs)
The first two songs that appear are the original songs before another version. One is “Us And Them”, which was originally composed for the movie Dune under the title “The Violent Sequence”. However, director Michelangelo Antonioni, who had envisioned “a song like Eugene,” rejected it and shelved it. As a matter of fact, this original song version was also included in “IMMERSION BOX SET”, but for some reason it was edited into pieces and shortened. In this work, it is recorded in the full version of unedited 6 minutes 19 seconds. The second is “The Travel Sequence” which is the original song of “On The Run”. It was recorded in the studio as a live arrangement, without that unique synth riff, and the guitar leads the version. This studio version was never used as the song itself was reworked from scratch.

– Large upgrade rough mix (4 songs)
This is also the first sound source that will be one of the highlights of this work. The take itself was the first to appear in 1989 with the ancient Italian boot “FROM THE OTHER SIDE”, but this work is an upgraded version that originated from that origin. It is a track that has been reborn with a high-quality sound that is completely different from the “FROM THE OTHER SIDE” take, which was a rare master of researchers who has not been circulated on the net, etc., and the tape generation is completely different.
The content is also very interesting. There are various ways to say “rough mix” in one word, but in this case it feels like “the last nail is not decided”. Although the degree of musical perfection is high, it is the most delicious stage where you can see the difference from the final version in one shot. For example, “Time” has a 30-second long intro instead of a lead guitar, and “Us And Them” has no tape echo and a different saxophone take. “Brain Damage” and “Eclipse” are overdubbed with Gilmour’s guitar, which was omitted in the release version. Also, “Brain Damage”, like “FROM THE OTHER SIDE”, was missing the first half of the lyrics, but in this edition, it was supplemented from the Pompeii sound source, so you can listen to it without the frustration of fading in on the way. increase.

● SE sound source used in the live (3 songs)
The finale of this work is the SE tape sound source used in the live tour from 1973 to 1975. The sound that was synchronized with the screen film recorded in the official “IMMERSION BOX SET” Blu-ray, but track 01’s Speak To Me was the 1974 UK tour version, while this is the 1975 North American version. It was used on tour. As an aside, this take was mistakenly recorded on the official DVD/Blu-ray as that of the 1974 French tour. It is a valuable sound source that allows you to listen to only SE without playing the remaining two tracks.

The above is a collection of hidden treasures covering all songs of “Madness” + 9 takes. It is the definitive edition of “madness” rare tracks, such as “another madness” featuring the shocking “full B-side”, a rough mix that has been greatly upgraded, and the original song of the highest quality. It is the conclusion of 50 years of deep digging, and the first encounter with madness that can be experienced again for the first time in half a century. Please enjoy the permanent preservation press CD anytime, forever.

★The definitive edition of “Crazy” outtakes. The first half is a different version of all songs of “Madness” composed by making full use of three kinds of masters, and the especially intense part is the B-side part that was recorded during the official remix work. Since it was recorded with all channels full, it is a different dimension take that stands out from the main melody to the performance and SE that could not be heard in the final version. The second half contains 9 individual takes such as the original song version and a very rare rough mix. It is one of the best pieces that will be the conclusion of the 50th anniversary.

そんなところに本作は一石を投じる一枚であり、50年に及ぶレアトラック研究の結晶なのです!その内容は、PINK FLOYD研究家が初登場マスターや最高峰マスターを厳選・再構成した「もう1つの狂気」です。本作は多種多様なスタジオ・アウトテイクが収録されていますが、単に貴重テイクをかき集めているわけでもありません。大きく2つのセクションで構成され、音楽作品としてきっちり作り込まれてもいる。早速、セクションごとにご紹介していきましょう。
 本作では大きく3種のテイクから『狂気』を再構成しているわけですが、激レアかつ一番面白いのはB面パートの「Alternate Mix」。ビートルズ系タイトルでお馴染みだったSilent Seaレーベルから2008年に突如リリースされたフロイド・タイトル『THE GREAT GIG IN THE SKY』に収録されて存在が明らかになった別ミックスなのですが、本作はなんとそのコピーではなく大元のマスターから収録したアップグレード版。Silent Sea盤はMDかmp3がソースとなっている圧縮音源から起こされていましたが、本作は大元のデジタル・マスターからロスレスでトランスファーされた最高峰マスターを使用している。このロスレス・マスターはネットにも出回っておらず、研究家筋で密かに流通していた秘中の秘なのです。
 ここでポイントなのは「ミキサー卓の16トラック全チャンネルのフェーダーをフルにしていた」こと。これにより、バランスを考えて調整されるはずの各チャンネルが全部フル音量で録音されたのです。つまり「最終版ではオミットされた音」や「普段なら気づきにくい音」もデカデカと収録。例えば「Money」ではリリース版では聴こえないシェイカーが鳴っていますし、最終盤でフェイドアウトする「その後」も収録している完奏バージョン。スキャットやジャムっぽいエンディングも1分近く聴けますし、ヴォーカル・ラインも異なっている。他にも「Us And Them」なら二重のサックスがデュエットしており、曲の終わりにはピアノとバッキング・ヴォーカルになっている。「Brain Damage」は最終ミックスで削除されたチューブラーベルも聴くことができます。極めつけはラストの「Eclipse」のエンディング。鼓動のウラで僅かに聞こえていた語りが長々と、しかもメイン・ヴォーカルと同レベルで聞こえる。リマスター盤などで「こんな音も入っていたのか」と驚くことがありますが、その衝撃を最大級で味わわせてくれる「全部盛りのB面」なのです!
Early Mix」。これは文字通りアルバム制作時のアラン・パーソンズによる初期ミックスで、2011年の公式『IMMERSION BOX SET』と同じ最高峰マスターから収録しています。
 ただし、この初期ミックスは冒頭の「Speak To Me」が未完成のため使われず。そこで本作では1974年ツアーで使用されていたSEテープの長尺バージョンを収録しています。これは『IMMERSION BOX SET』にも収録されていたスクリーン用映像に被せられていたもの。そこから音声だけを抜き出し、他トラックとのバランスを整えて収録致しました。これによりB面の別ミックスまでをストレートに楽しむことができるようになっています。
 まず登場するのは別バージョン以前となる原曲段階の2曲。1つは「Us And Them」で、この曲は元々「The Violent Sequence」というタイトルで映画『砂丘』に提供するために作曲されました。しかし、「ユージンみたいな曲」を想定していた監督のミケランジェロ・アントニオーニが却下してお蔵入り。実のところ、この原曲バージョンは『IMMERSION BOX SET』にも収録されたのですが、どういうわけかズタズタにエディットされて短くされていた。本作では未編集6分19秒のフルバージョンで収録しています。2つ目は「On The Run」の原曲となる「The Travel Sequence」。ライヴ・アレンジのままスタジオ録音されたもので、あの独特なシンセ・リフがなく、ギターがリードするバージョン。曲自体が一から作り直された為、このスタジオバージョンが使用されることはありませんでした。
 これも本作の目玉の1つとなる初登場音源。テイク自体はいにしえのイタリア製ブート『FROM THE OTHER SIDE』で89年に登場したのが初でしたが、本作はその大元から起こされたアップグレード版。ネット等でも出回っていない研究家筋の激レア・マスターで、モコモコしていた『FROM THE OTHER SIDE』テイクとはテープジェネレーションがまるで違う高音質に生まれ変わったトラックです。
 その内容も非常に興味深い。ひと口に「ラフミックス」と言っても様々ですが、この場合は「最後のツメが決まってない」といった感じ。音楽的な完成度は高いものの、一発で最終盤との違いが分かる一番オイシイ段階です。例えば「Time」ならリード・ギターがまだない代わりにイントロが30秒ほど長く収録されていますし、「Us And Them」はテープエコーもなくサックスもテイク違いなのが面白い。「Brain Damage」「Eclipse」はリリース版でオミットされたギルモアのギターがオーバーダブされています。また「Brain Damage」は『FROM THE OTHER SIDE』と同じく歌詞1番目にあたる前半部分が欠落していたのですが、本盤ではポンペイ音源から補完しましたので途中フェードインのもどかしさもなく聴くことが出来ます。
 本作の最後を締めるのは、73年?75年のライヴツアーで使用されたSEテープ音源。公式『IMMERSION BOX SET』のブルーレイに収録されていたスクリーンフィルムにシンクロされていた音声ですが、トラック01のSpeak To Meが1974年の英国ツアー・バージョンだったのに対し、こちらは1975年の北米ツアーで使用されたものです。余談ですが、このテイクは公式DVD・ブルーレイには誤って74年フランスツアーのものとして収録されてしまっていました。残りの2トラックも演奏が被らずSEのみを聴くことができる貴重音源です。
*British Winter Tour ’74 Extended Tape
01. Speak To Me
*1972 Early Mix
02. Breathe (In The Air)
03. On The Run
04. Time
05. The Great Gig In The Sky
*Alternate mix from multi-track master
06. Money
07. Us And Them
08. Any Colour You Like
09. Brain Damage
10. Eclipse
*Studio Recording Sessions
11. Us And Them (1969 recording version)
12. The Travel Sequence (studio version)
13. Time (rough mix)
14. Us And Them (rough mix)
15. Brain Damage (rough mix)
16. Eclipse (rough mix)
*SE tapes for concert tours
17. Speak To Me (North American Tour ’75)
18. Money
19. Us And Them

Sigma 308

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