Pink Floyd / MSG 1977 Final Night / 2CD

Pink Floyd / MSG 1977 Final Night / 2CD / Sigma

Live at Madison Square Garden, New York City, USA 4th July 1977


Play sample :

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Forty-five years have passed and the excavation is still endless, “IN THE FLESH Tour”. The traditional masterpiece that has evolved into a perfect form by the combined technique of new excavation recording and “GRAF ZEPPELIN” mastering is decided to be permanently preserved.
The traditional recording is “July 4, 1977 Madison Square Garden performance”. It is an excellent audience recording that you can experience the whole story. Speaking of “IN THE FLESH Tour”, many new masterpieces such as “ULTIMATE OAKLAND (Sigma 287)” and “PHILADELPHIA 1977 2ND NIGHT (Sigma 296)” have been born recently. Let’s look back on the schedule at that time to imagine each position.

“January 21st release of” Animals “”
・ January 23-February 4: Europe # 1 (9 performances)
・ February 17th-March 1st: Europe # 2 (11 performances)
・ March 15-31: UK (9 performances)
・ April 22nd-May 12th: North America # 1 (12 performances)
・ June 15-July 6: North America # 2 (14 performances) ← ★ Coco ★

This is the 1977 “IN THE FLESH Tour”. The final day was Montreal, Canada, which is famous for its “Burning Incident”, but just before that, four consecutive performances were held at Madison Square Garden (hereinafter MSG). This work was recorded the last time. It was a show just before the tour was completed.
Recording has been known for a long time at such sites, and it has become a standard item at our shop as “ANIMAL COPS (part of)”. It was praised as “the best recording comparable to Auckland and Boston”. This work is a full live album that has updated the longest and highest peaks by making full use of the latest excavated sound sources while being based on that famous recording. In order to explain the contents of the upgrade, let’s sort out the existing sound source situation here.

-Source 1: The main stereo name recording of this work. Upgrade from the existing one.
-Source 2: Recording with the second best sound. Not recorded after “Money”.
-Source 3: Recording that sounds close but is not clear right now.
・ Source 4: New recording that was recently excavated Part 1.
・ Source 5: New recording part 2. Atmosphere sound source that was broadcast in Japan only for the part between songs.

The above 5 types. The upgrade point of this work is the longest record update that utilizes the legendary “Source 1” as well as other “Source 2, 3, 4”. Compensation has been done in the conventional version, but the system and length are the highest ever. Especially epoch-making was the appearance of the new master “Source 4”. It is used between songs after “Dogs”, but I was able to accurately supplement the points that could not be compensated until now. To be honest, “Source 4” is not a quality that threatens the throne of “Source 1”, but it is still an important new excavation in the history of sound sources.
Although I just made up for it, of course, this work is not a white thing that changes the sound quality. Most of the supplementary parts are short between songs and SE, and there is a luxury that you can choose from 5 types, so the discomfort of switching is minimal. It’s just breaking the longest record, and the essence of the charm is the splendor of “Source 1”, which is a finish that can be heard naturally as a live album. Moreover, the “Source 1” itself is also an upgrade point. The recording itself is the same, but I am using a different master from the conventional version, and I am refining it with “GRAF ZEPPELIN” mastering. The difference is obvious at first glance. For example, although it was vivid in the highest peak “ANIMAL COPS” of the conventional version, its sound was digital and piercing, and the phase was out of phase and the localization was biased. On the other hand, this work is glossy and rich. The smooth feel boasts an analog density, yet the details of the fine parts are clear. There is also a phase correction that does not allow a shift of 1/1000 second, and the localization is set in the center. Although the update of the recording time is easy to understand, there is not much difference in listening response, but this difference in sound is large. It is truly an upgrade in terms of both quality and quantity.
On the final day of MSG drawn with such a sound, the sense of urgency that is increasing toward the completion of the tour is real. In “IN THE FLESH Tour”, Roger was seen irritated by firecrackers, but on this day as well, it exploded in a flashy manner between songs. Especially in “Pigs On The Wing Part 1”, a big boo will occur. As a matter of fact, on the 3rd day of MSG (the day before this work), Roger, who was sharpened by firecrackers, yelled at the audience, but did he give up on that day? However, he plays silently. On the contrary, its plain appearance is terrifying, and I shouldn’t feel angry at the occasional singing voice and Riki’s bleeding in the cutting. And the sound of this work is so good that even such subtle nuances are clearly drawn.
The legendary recording, which was said to be one of the best in “IN THE FLESH Tour”, is a new masterpiece that has been upgraded in both quality and quantity. The longest updated by the newly excavated “Source 4”, and the sound has been refined by the precision mastering of “GRAF ZEPPELIN” that brings out the on-site sound as much as possible (rather than earning ingenious power). Please enjoy the sound of brilliance that transcends the space-time of 45 years with the permanent storage press 2CD.

★ Excellent audience recording of “July 4, 1977 Madison Square Garden Performance”. The longest record ever, based on one of the best recordings in “IN THE FLESH Tour”, complementing the missing parts with three different recordings. The main recording also uses a stereo master with a different route from the conventional version, and it is refined with the high-precision mastering of “GRAF ZEPPELIN”. Unlike the conventional version, which was digital and piercing, it realized a rich analog-like rich sound. It is an upgrade board that updates the highest peak in terms of both quality and quantity.


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Sound source organization: REMASTERED BY GRAF ZEPPELIN

Src1 This time the main stereo Aud. It is the same source as the existing Sigma (ANIMAL COPS), but the branches and leaves are different.
Src2 MoLM The second best sound source. There is no stereo feeling, but it is stereo.
Src3 The sound is close, but it was a sound source that would be a problem if it didn’t tend to be muddy.
Src4 A new source released in recent years. It’s fairly clear, but it’s a little far away and lacks separation.
Src5 ’77 Aud fragment broadcast on Ya * Guji * Kki. Pigs On The Wing (but DJ suffers) from between songs after DOG,

And only the inter-song parts of Money-US were broadcast with DJ.

 45年が経過した今なお、発掘が尽きない“IN THE FLESH Tour”。新発掘録音と「GRAF ZEPPELIN」マスタリングの併せ技によって完全形に進化した伝統の名盤が永久保存決定です。
 その伝統録音に吹き込まれているのは「1977年7月4日マディソン・スクエア・ガーデン公演」。その一部始終を体験できる絶品オーディエンス録音です。“IN THE FLESH Tour”と言えば、『ULTIMATE OAKLAND(Sigma 287)』や『PHILADELPHIA 1977 2ND NIGHT(Sigma 296)』など、このところ新名盤が多数誕生しています。それぞれのポジションをイメージするためにも、ここでも当時のスケジュールを振り返っておきましょう。
 これが1977年の“IN THE FLESH Tour”。その最終日は「ツバ吐き事件」でも歴史に名高いカナダのモントリオールでしたが、その直前にはマディソン・スクエア・ガーデン(以後MSG)で4日連続公演が実施されました。本作が記録されたのは、その最後の1回。ツアー完遂を目前としたショウでした。
 そんな現場は古くから録音が知られ、当店でも『ANIMAL COPS(の一部)』として定番化。「オークランド、ボストンに匹敵する最高の録音」と絶賛が寄せられました。本作はその名録音をベースにしつつ、さらに最新発掘音源も駆使して最長・最高峰を更新したフル・ライヴアルバムなのです。そのアップグレード内容をご説明するためにも、ここで現存する音源事情から整理してみましょう。
・Source 1:本作のメインとなるステレオ名録音。既発よりアップグレード。
・Source 2:2番目に音が良い録音。「Money」以降は未収録。
・Source 3:音は近いがヌケが今イチな録音。
・Source 4:最近になって発掘された新録音その1。
・Source 5:新録音その2。曲間パートだけ日本放送された雰囲気音源。
 以上の5種類。本作のアップグレード・ポイントは、伝説的な「Source 1」をメインとしつつ、他の「Source 2・3・4」も活用した最長記録の更新。従来盤でも補填は行われてきたのですが、その制度と長さが過去最高なのです。特に画期的だったのが新マスター「Source 4」の登場。「Dogs」後の曲間で使用されているのですが、これまで補填不可能だったポイントを的確に補足できた。正直なところ、「Source 4」は「Source 1」の王座を脅かすようなクオリティではないのですが、それでも音源史にとって重要な新発掘だったわけです。
 補填ばかり掻き立ててしまいましたが、もちろん本作は音質がコロコロ変わるようなシロモノではありません。補填パートは曲間やSEがほとんどで短く、5種から選べる贅沢さもあって切り替えの違和感は最小限。あくまで最長記録を更新しているだけであり、魅力の本質は「Source 1」の素晴らしさであり、ライヴアルバムとして自然に聴き通せる仕上がりなのです。しかも、その「Source 1」自体もアップグレード・ポイント。録音自体は同じなのですが、従来盤とは系統の違う別マスターを使用しており、それを「GRAF ZEPPELIN」マスタリングで磨き込んでいるのです。その違いは一聴して明らか。例えば、従来版の最高峰『ANIMAL COPS』では鮮やかではあるものの、その鳴りがジリジリとデジタル的で刺々しく、位相もズレて定位が偏っていました。それに対し、本作は艶やかでリッチ。滑らかな感触はアナログ的な密度を誇り、それでいて微細部のディテールまで鮮明。1/1000秒のズレも許さない位相補正もあって定位もビシッとセンターに整っている。収録時間の更新は分かりやすくも聴き応えにはあまり差がありませんが、この音の差は大きい。まさに質・量の両面でアップグレードを果たしているのです。
 そんなサウンドで描かれるMSG最終日は、ツアーの完遂に向けて高まっていく緊迫感がリアル。“IN THE FLESH Tour”では爆竹にイラつくロジャーの姿が散見されましたが、この日も曲間になると派手に炸裂。特に「Pigs On The Wing Part 1」では盛大なブーイングも巻き起こります。実のところ、MSG3日目(本作の前日)には爆竹にキレたロジャーが観客に怒鳴りつけたりもしたのですが、この日は諦めたのか「Pigs On The Wing 2」で一言文句を付けるものの、黙々と演奏していく。その淡々とした佇まいが逆に恐ろしく、時おり歌声やカッティングに滲むリキみに怒りが透けるような気がしてならない。そして、本作はそんな微妙なニュアンスまでもがクッキリ描かれるほど音が良いのです。
 “IN THE FLESH Tour”でも屈指と言われた伝説録音が質・量ともにアップグレードを果たした新名盤です。新発掘の「Source 4」によって最長を更新し、(無粋な迫力稼ぎではなく)現場音を可能な限り引き出す「GRAF ZEPPELIN」の精密マスタリングによってサウンドも磨かれた銘品中の銘品。45年の時空を超えた輝きのサウンド、どうぞ永久保存プレス2CDで存分に味わってください。
★「1977年7月4日マディソン・スクエア・ガーデン公演」の絶品オーディエンス録音。“IN THE FLESH Tour”でも屈指の名録音をベースに、3種の別録音で欠けパートを補完した過去最長盤。メイン録音も従来盤とは別経路のステレオ・マスターを使用しており、それを「GRAF ZEPPELIN」の高精度マスタリングで磨き込み。デジタル的でジリジリと刺々しかった従来盤とは異なり、豊かなアナログ感覚のリッチ・サウンドを実現。質・量の両面で最高峰を更新するアップグレード盤です。
Src1 今回メインのステレオAud。既発Sigma(ANIMAL COPS)と同じソースですが枝葉違い。MSG二日目の音源に迫る超高音質ステレオAud
Src2 MoLM 二番目に音の良いソース。ステレオ感はないが一応ステレオ。 マネー以降未収
Src3 音は近いが、抜け悪くMuddyな傾向だがないと困る音源だった
Src4 近年公開の新ソース。そこそこクリアだが若干遠目で分離に欠く
Src5 ’77ヤ*グジ*ッキーで放送されたAud断片。 DOG後の曲間からPigs On The Wing(但しDJ被る)、
Disc 1 (50:43)
01. Sheep
02. Pigs On The Wing Part 1
03. Dogs ★演奏後曲間 Src4で補填 ★旧Sigma「Animal Cops」では未補填
04. Pigs On The Wing Part 2
05. Pigs (Three Different Ones)
Disc 2 (79:34)
01. Audience
02. Shine On You Crazy Diamond Parts 1-5
03. Welcome To The Machine
04. Have A Cigar
05. Wish You Were Here ★アタマ Src3で補填 (*Src2はSEカットあり *Src4よりSrc3のが分離良い)
06. Shine On You Crazy Diamond Parts 6-9 ★10:47-12:11 Src2で補填 *前回盤では未補填
07. Money ★アタマ Src4 (Src2は未収録 / Src3は欠落多い *既発はSrc3で補填してたが、欠落多かった)
08. Us And Them ★演奏前曲間(コンマ数秒)未補填 (Src2丸ごと未収録、 Src3、4ともに補填するほどのメリットなし。無理に補填すると逆に違和感出る)

Sigma 297

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