Pink Floyd / Brighton June 1972 2nd Night: Master Tape / 2CD

Pink Floyd / Brighton June 1972 2nd Night: Master Tape / 2CD / Sigma
The Dome, Brighton, East Sussex, UK 29th June 1972
Another Mike B Classic

Play sample :

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A new excavation master series of “Mike B” that is shaking the collector world. Two types of original cassettes of PINK FLOYD, which is the latest work, will be released at the same time.
Engraved on this first work is “Brighton performance on June 29, 1972”. It is the legendary audience recording. Speaking of “Brighton in 1972”, the impact of “BRIGHTON 28TH JUNE 1972 NEW MASTER (Sigma 311)” released the other day is also fresh in memory, but of course this work is another performance. For those who missed “28TH JUNE NEW MASTER”, let’s start with the basic activity overview.

・ January 20-February 20: UK # 1 (16 performances) ← * BRIGHTON JANUARY 1972 REVISITED
・ March 6-13: Japan / Australia (10 performances)
・ March 29th + 30th: Manchester (2 performances)
“April 6th “Kumo no Kage” completed”
・ April 14-May 4: North America # 1 (18 performances)
・ May 18-22: Europe #1 (4 performances)
“May 31 “Madness” recording start”
・ June 28th + 29th: UK #2 (5 performances) ← Coco
・ September 8-30: North America #2 (17 performances)
・ October 20-22: UK # 3 (3 performances)
・November 10-December 10: Europe #2 (24 performances)

This is the 1972 PINK FLOYD. There are three Brighton performances, and the first is the January performance, which is famous for the first performance of “Madness”. It happened twice in June, half a year later. All three times can be enjoyed in our collection, so let’s check each title here.

●Brighton Dome performance in 1972
・June 29 ← This work

“These are the three performances.” The other day’s “BRIGHTON 28TH JUNE 1972 NEW MASTER” was not only a new recording, but it was a shock that the performance content was different from the conventional recording. I will omit the verification process, but in conclusion, “28TH JUNE NEW MASTER → true 6/28” and “conventional recording → next 6/29” were found. And this work is the original cassette master of conventional recording. In other words, it is “the highest peak update board of 6/29 recording”. Why did such confusion occur? Looking at the original cassette excavated this time, only “The Pink Floyd at the Dome Brighton June ’72” is handwritten on the index, and it is not written on the first day or the second day (it may be difficult to see in the photo) no). As a result, it seems that the wrong information that “the first day (6/28) will be” was added in the process of distribution.
What has flowed out from such a newly excavated master is the truth of the original cassette that surpasses the existing ones in both quality and quantity. First of all, the amount is clearly longer than the 1st Gene Master, which was the best in the past. Although most of it is a tuning scene, it was recorded exactly after the performance of “Eclipse”, “One Of These Days” and “Careful With That Ax Eugene”, and it is about 3 minutes long in total.
And more than that is the sound that permeates the entire story. This is already incredibly glossy and natural. The conventional 1st generation was also clear, but it is vivid after drawing out the possibilities as much as possible in mastering. Although it was only one dubbing, as a result of reinforcing the spoiled treble, the hiss was also floating. However, this work of Omoto cassette does not need such repair. Even with no equalization, it boasts the same or more vividness as the conventional master, and even the fine details are clearly left. And because it is unprocessed, the sound is natural and there is no noise. It’s just as fresh as the 1972 sound coming out of the speaker.
The most complete full show in the “1972 Brighton Trilogy” is depicted with such an original sound. Although “BRIGHTON JANUARY 1972 REVISITED” in January has historical value of “madness” premiere, the performance of the show is terrible due to equipment trouble. Half a year later, “BRIGHTON 28TH JUNE 1972 NEW MASTER” had a smooth show progress, but there were many performance mistakes in the blank that was vacant for about a month. However, the next day’s work has been raised to perfection whether it made use of the previous night’s reflection.
You can enjoy the real thrill of it throughout, but I think “Careful With That Ax Eugene” is particularly moving. This song is the same performance as the official “THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON: Immersion Box Set” professional shot, but the official sound was a dull sound from the film, and it was chopped up and I couldn’t enjoy it properly. However, although this work is an audience, it is a wide stereo recording, and the sound quality is much clearer than the official one. You can fully enjoy that famous performance with its superb sound.

In contrast to “BRIGHTON 28TH JUNE 1972 NEW MASTER”, which is the “true 6/28”, this work is “the origin of the next 6/29”. It is the original cassette version with the ultimate upgrade in length and sound. Even so, it was “Mike B” who worked on that famous recording. A shocking new excavation that does not stop trembling in the fact itself. Please fully experience with the permanent preservation press 2CD.

★Legendary audience recording of “Brighton performance on June 29, 1972”. A traditional recording that was once thought to be “6/28” the day after “BRIGHTON 28TH JUNE 1972 NEW MASTER”. The ultimate Gene version, which is directly digitized from the Omoto cassette owned by “Mike B”, is about 3 minutes longer than the conventional master, and the sound is much more vivid and natural. Even with no equalization, you can fully experience the performance that has become more complete than “BRIGHTON 28TH JUNE 1972 NEW MASTER” the day before, with a sound that dismisses the existing group.

★★This is the most excavated sound source of the year. Super upgrade! !


コレクター界を震撼させている「Mike B」の新発掘マスター・シリーズ。その最新作となるPINK FLOYDの大元カセットが2種同時リリース決定です。
その第一弾である本作に刻まれているのは「1972年6月29日ブライトン公演」。その伝説的オーディエンス録音です。「1972年ブライトン」と言えば、先日リリースされた『BRIGHTON 28TH JUNE 1972 NEW MASTER(Sigma 311)』の衝撃も記憶に新しいところですが、もちろん本作は別公演。『28TH JUNE NEW MASTER』を見逃された方のためにも、まずは基本の活動概要から始めましょう。

・1月20日ー2月20日:英国#1(16公演)←※BRIGHTON JANUARY 1972 REVISITED

これが1972年のPINK FLOYD。ブライトン公演は三度あり、最初は「狂気」初演奏でも有名な1月公演。その半年後となる6月にも2回ありました。全3回とも当店コレクションで楽しめますので、ここで各タイトルをチェックしてみましょう。

・6月29日 ←★本作★

以上の3公演です。先日の『BRIGHTON 28TH JUNE 1972 NEW MASTER』は新録音というだけでなく、従来録音とは演奏内容も異なっていた点で衝撃でした。検証の過程は省きますが、結論を申しますと「28TH JUNE NEW MASTER→真の6/28」「従来録音→翌6/29」が判明したのです。そして、本作は従来録音の大元カセット・マスター。つまり「6/29録音の最高峰更新盤」なのです。なぜ、このような混乱が起きたのか。今回発掘された大元カセットを見るとインデックスに手書きで「The Pink Floyd at the Dome Brighton June ’72」とだけ書かれており、初日か2日目か書かれていない(写真では見えづらいかも知れませんが)。その結果、流通の過程でいつの間にか「初日(6/28)だろう」との間違った情報が加わってしまったようです。
そんな新発掘マスターから流れ出てきたのは、質・量ともに既発を凌駕する大元カセットの真実。まず量ですが、従来ベストであった1stジェネ・マスターよりより明らかに長い。ほとんどがチューニング・シーンではありますが、「Eclipse」や「One Of These Days」「Careful With That Axe Eugene」の終演後もきっちり録音されており、全体で約3分も長いのです。
そんな大元サウンドで画かれるのは「1972年ブライトン三部作」でももっとも完成度の高いフルショウ。1月の『BRIGHTON JANUARY 1972 REVISITED』は「狂気」初演の歴史的価値はあるものの、機材トラブルでショウの出来は散々。半年後の『BRIGHTON 28TH JUNE 1972 NEW MASTER』はショウ進行はスムースでしたが、約1ヶ月空いたブランクで演奏ミスが多発していました。しかし、翌日の本作は前夜の反省を活かしたのか完成度がグッと引き上げられているのです。
その醍醐味は全編で味わえるのですが、特に感慨深いのが「Careful With That Axe Eugene」でしょうか。この曲は公式『THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON: Immersion Box Set』のプロショットと同じ演奏なのですが、公式はフィルムのボソボソとした音声でしたし、そもそも細切れでまともに楽しむ事ができませんでした。ところが本作はオーディエンスとは言ってもワイドなステレオ録音で、音質も公式より遙かにクリア。その極上サウンドであの名演をフルで味わい尽くせるのです。

「真の6/28」である『BRIGHTON 28TH JUNE 1972 NEW MASTER』に対し、本作は「翌6/29の大元」。長さもサウンドも究極アップグレードした大元カセット版なのです。それにしても、あの名録音を手掛けたのが「Mike B」だったとは。その事実自体に震えが止まらない衝撃の新発掘。どうぞ、永久保存プレス2CDで存分にご体験ください。

★「1972年6月29日ブライトン公演」の伝説オーディエンス録音。『BRIGHTON 28TH JUNE 1972 NEW MASTER』の翌日で、かつては「6/28」と思われていた伝統録音。「Mike B」所蔵の大元カセットからダイレクトにデジタル化された究極ジェネ版で、従来マスターより約3分長く、サウンドも遙かに鮮やか&ナチュラル。ノーイコライズでも既発群を一蹴するサウンドで、前日『BRIGHTON 28TH JUNE 1972 NEW MASTER』よりグッと完成度の高くなった名演をフル体験できます。


Disc 1 (44:54)
The Dark Side Of The Moon

1. Speak To Me
2. Breathe
3. Travel
4. Time
5. Breathe (Reprise)
6. The Mortality Sequence
7. Money ★既発4:11のフェードイン/アウトは前後でダブっている→今回はストレートで元々収録されてる。
8. Us and Them
9. Any Colour You Like
10. Brain Damage
11. Eclipse ★1:42 – 最後までが既発に未収録で初登場。

Disc 2 (65:41)
1. Tunings
2. One Of These Days ★7:54 – 最後まで初登場
3. Tunings ★0:00 – 1:40 初登場
4. Careful With That Axe Eugene
5. Tunings ★0:21 – 最後まで初登場
6. Echoes ★0:00 – 0:02 初登場
7. Tunings
8. Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun

Sigma 313

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