Michael Schenker Group / Tokyo 2022 2nd Night / 2CDR

Michael Schenker Group / Tokyo 2022 2nd Night / 2CDR / Shades

Live at Nakano Sunplaza, Tokyo, Japan 22nd November 2022 

Play sample :

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The latest Japan tour of the new MSG, which has caused great acclaim in various places. The best original recording that will be the second report is here.
“November 22, 2022: Nakano Sun Plaza Performance” is imbued in this work. The first report album “TOKYO 2022 1ST NIGHT (Shades 1650)” released the other day has also been very well received, but it is a superb audience recording recorded the next day. Speaking of Nakano Sunplaza, it is a sacred place for fans of Michael Schenker. It has become the site of countless famous performances and incidents, but it will be closed in July next year. It’s also a good opportunity, and this time let’s look back on Michael’s “History of Nakano Sunplaza”.

* June 15 + 16, 1994 (2 performances)
・ March 19, 1997: Official “STORY LIVE”
*April 24, 1998 (interrupted after 7 songs)
・November 16 + 17, 2006 (2nd day interrupted after 3 songs)
・February 25, 2007 (transfer from the previous year)
・August 28 + 29, 2008 (2 performances)
・January 12 + 13/19, 2010 (3 performances)
・March 29 + 30, 2012 (2 performances)
・March 12 + 13, 2014 (2 performances)
◇June 17-19, 2015 (3 performances)
・November 21 + 22, 2022 (2 performances)← Coco
*Note: “*” marks UFO performances, and “◇” marks Temple of Rock performances.

All 21 performances over 28 years. It is the No. 1 venue with the most number of performances by far, even in the entire history of Michael’s visit to Japan, counting from the first visit to Japan. While TEMPLE OF ROCK, which was realized by UFO visiting Japan twice and co-starring Graham Bonnet, was also performed, most of them were MSG. This work was recorded at the latest time. Considering that it will be closed next year, this will probably be Michael’s last sacred place performance.
This work, which vacuum-packed such a memorial site, is a superb original recording. As a matter of fact, it is a sister work by the same recording artist as the previous work “TOKYO 2022 1ST NIGHT”, but the sound of this work is much higher! The previous work wasn’t bad at all… no, it was a good enough recording, but this one has even more vivid contours and a more direct feel. The factor is probably the sound output at the site. On the first day of Sunplaza, the focus was too focused on the guitar and vocals, and the details of the deep bass (especially the bass) were a little blurry (well, it’s a dimension that can’t be a drawback unless compared to this work). On the other hand, this work has clear bass lines as well as guitars and vocals. Furthermore, the clarity of the air is also improved by tightening the outline of the deep bass. Even vocals and guitars can be enjoyed more clearly and vividly. It is a delicious superb sound with a tight feeling like a sound board.
With such a tight sound, a great performance worthy of the finale of “Eikou no Nakano Sunplaza”. The set is the same as the previous work “TOKYO 2022 1ST NIGHT”, but let’s repeat it here.

● UFO (8 songs)
・ Phenomenon: Doctor Doctor / Rock Bottom
・Force It: Shoot Shoot (★) / Let It Roll (★)
・New murderous intent: Lights Out / Too Hot To Handle (★)
・Other: Natural Thing (★) / Only You Can Rock Me (★)
● MSG and others (9 songs)
・Kami: Into The Arena / Cry For The Nations (★) / Armed And Ready
・Others (80s): Looking For Love/Assault Attack (★)/Red Sky
・Others (Recent Years): We Are The Voice (★) / Sail The Darkness/Emergency (★)
* Note: “★” marks are songs that could not be heard in Pro Shot “HELLFEST 2022”.

… and it looks like this. Greatly increased than the masterpiece pro shot “HELLFEST 2022 (Shades 1552)” that was a hit for preparation. And the bigger thing than that is the workmanship of the performance. At the time of the previous work “TOKYO 2022 1ST NIGHT”, he showed a show that surpassed the previous North American leg, but on the second day, the response was feedback, and the degree of perfection was further improved. The rhythm section is unusually heavy and tight, and Michael’s guitar, the main character, has a sweet tone, and the beautiful phrases do not stagnate.
And Ronnie Romero, who was very excited about this visit to Japan. Possibly due to the great popularity of the previous day, her singing is even more refined. Not only is there no discomfort in the voice quality reminiscent of Gary Burden, but it is not just the singing ability that sings perfectly. Because he loves HR/HM to the bone, the dynamism is so strong that even a little long tone is so powerful that you want to call it “roar”, and even a single sharp word on the rhythm is cool enough to show off. dwells (a long stretched cool thing that is shown in the MC before the new song “Sail the Darkness” …). Even though it is perfect, you can enjoy hot hot vocals with super direct sound without “feeling good”.
Nakano Sunplaza has given birth to many myths. It is the latest live album that decorates the beauty of the end. A new MSG that showed off a show with a high degree of perfection like never before. Please experience the best with this work to your heart’s content.

★ The best audience recording of the last concert “November 22, 2022” at the famous venue “Nakano Sunplaza”. Although it is a sister work by the same recording artist as the previous work “TOKYO 2022 1ST NIGHT”, the sound of this work is better. In addition, the contours are vivid and the direct feeling is increased, and the details of the deep bass are clear. The sound board-like tight feeling is even more delicious. You can fully experience the masterpieces revived by the singing voice of Ronnie Romero, who is not only stupid but also fiercely hot and heroic.

 そんな本作に吹き込まれているのは「2022年11月22日:中野サンプラザ公演」。先日リリースされた第一報アルバム『TOKYO 2022 1ST NIGHT(Shades 1650)』も大好評を賜っておりますが、その翌日で記録された極上オーディエンス録音です。中野サンプラザと言えば、マイケル・シェンカーのファンにとっては聖地。無数の名演や事件の現場となってきたわけですが、来年7月には閉館も決まっている。良い機会でもありますし、今回はマイケルの「中野サンプラザ史」を振り返ってみましょう。
・1997年3月19日:公式『STORY LIVE』
※注:「*」印はUFO公演、「◇」印はTEMPLE OF ROCK公演。
 以上、28年間の全21公演。初来日からカウントしたマイケルの来日全史でもズバ抜けて公演数の多いNo.1会場です。二度にわたるUFO来日やグラハム・ボネットの共演が実現したTEMPLE OF ROCKも行われつつ、そのほとんどがMSGでした。本作が記録されたのは、その最新回。来年閉館することを考え合わせると、恐らくこれがマイケル最後の聖地公演となることでしょう。
 そんなメモリアルな現場を真空パックした本作は、極上のオリジナル録音。実のところ、前作『TOKYO 2022 1ST NIGHT』と同録音家による姉妹作なのですが、サウンドは本作の方が大きく上回っている! 前作も決して悪くない……いや、十分に名録音だったのですが、本作はさらに輪郭鮮やかでダイレクト感も上がっている。その要因は恐らく現場の出音。サンプラザ初日はギターやヴォーカルに焦点が絞られすぎて、重低音(特にベース)のディテールがボケ気味でもありました(まぁ、本作と比較しなければ欠点にならない次元ですが)。それに対し、本作はギター&ヴォーカルはもちろんのこと、ベース・ラインもくっきり。さらに言えば、重低音の輪郭が引き締まったことで空気感の透明度もアップ。ヴォーカルやギターまで一層クリアでビビッドに楽しめる。よりサウンドボード的なタイト感の美味しい極上サウンドなのです。
 そんなタイト・サウンドで画かれるのは、“栄光の中野サンプラザ”のフィナーレに相応しい大名演。セットは前作『TOKYO 2022 1ST NIGHT』と同一だったりしますが、ここでも再掲しておきましょう。
・現象:Doctor Doctor/Rock Bottom
・フォース・イット:Shoot Shoot(★)/Let It Roll(★)
・新たなる殺意:Lights Out/Too Hot To Handle(★)
・その他:Natural Thing(★)/Only You Can Rock Me(★)
・神:Into The Arena/Cry For The Nations(★)/Armed And Ready
・その他(80年代):Looking For Love/Assault Attack(★)/Red Sky
・その他(近年):We Are The Voice(★)/Sail The Darkness/Emergency(★)
※注:「★」印はプロショット『HELLFEST 2022』で聴けなかった曲。
……と、このようになっています。予習用としてヒットした(?)名作プロショット『HELLFEST 2022(Shades 1552)』よりも大幅増量。そして、それ以上に大きいのは演奏の出来映えでしょう。前作『TOKYO 2022 1ST NIGHT』の時点で直前の北米レッグを上回る気合いのショウを見せつけたわけですが、2日目はその手応えがフィードバックしたのか、さらに完成度がアップ。リズム隊はいつになくヘヴィでタイトですし、主役マイケルのギターもトーンがトロけるように甘く、美しいフレーズはどこまでも淀みない。
 そして、今回の来日で大いに漢を上げたロニー・ロメロ。前日の大評判を受けてか、さらに堂々とした歌唱に磨きがかかっている。ゲイリー・バーデンを思わせる声質に違和感がないだけではなく、完璧に歌いこなす歌唱力だけでもない。骨の髄までHR/HMを愛しているからこそのダイナミズムが強烈で、ちょっとしたロングトーンも「咆哮」と呼びたくなるド迫力ですし、リズムに乗せた言葉1つのキレにさえ見栄を切るカッコ良さが宿る(新曲「Sail the Darkness」前のMCで披露する長伸ばしのカッコイイ事……)。完璧なのに、“お上手感”のない熱い熱いヴォーカルが超ダイレクト・サウンドで味わえるのです。
★名会場“中野サンプラザ”でのラスト・コンサート「2022年11月22日」公演の極上オーディエンス録音。前作『TOKYO 2022 1ST NIGHT』と同録音家による姉妹作でありつつ、サウンドは本作の方が上。さらに輪郭鮮やかでダイレクト感も上がり、重低音のディテールまでくっきり。より一層サウンドボード的なタイト感が美味しい。バカ巧なだけでなく、猛烈に熱くヒロイックなロニー・ロメロの歌声で甦った名曲群を極上フル体験できます。
Disc:1 (52:02)
1. Intro
2. Into the Arena
3. Cry for the Nations
4. Doctor Doctor
5. We Are The Voice
6. Looking for Love
7. Red Sky
8. Sail the Darkness
9. Emergency
10. Lights Out
11. Armed and Ready
Disc:2 (42:36)
1. Assault Attack
2. Rock Bottom
3. Shoot Shoot
4. Let It Roll
5. Natural Thing
6. Too Hot to Handle
7. Only You Can Rock Me
Michael Schenker – Guitar,Vocals
Ronnie Romero – Vocals
Steve Mann – Guitar, Keyboards, Vocals
Barend Courbois – Bass, Vocals
Bodo Schopf – Drums
Shades 1652 

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