Pink Floyd / Montreal 1977 / 3CD

Pink Floyd / Montreal 1977 / 3CD / Sigma
Live at Olympic Stadium, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 6th July 1977

Play sample :

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The final performance of the legendary “In the Flesh” that made Roger Waters decide “THE WALL”. The ultimate 3-disc set, which has updated the longest and highest peaks by detailed mastering of “GRAF ZEPPELIN”, is born.

[The first complete recording in history is realized by two superb recordings] Of course, “Montreal performance on July 6, 1977” is engraved on this work. It is the best audience recording. As usual, multiple audience recordings have been discovered at this show, and among them, “Recorder 1” and “Recorder 2” are important in terms of quality and recording time. This work is a 3-disc set that has assembled the best masters of these two recordings and realized the complete recording of the show for the first time in history. Let’s look back on the two recordings that became the source.

●Recorder 1
・ A famous recording that has produced various existing releases in the 90’s and has represented the Montreal performance. ・However, the generation is unknown and there is some deterioration of the tape.
・In this work, it is used for complementing instead of the base sound source.
●Recorder 2
・The highest peak master discovered in Sirene label’s masterpiece “ROAR ENDS”.
・It has been digitized from the master, and the highest peak has been updated in terms of clarity, sound loss, and resolution.
・Base sound source of this work.

… and it looks like this. This work is based on “Recorder 2” and supplemented with “Recorder 1”. After that, “Recorder 3” and “Recorder 4” have also been excavated, but the dimension is different in terms of quality, and it can not be used for complementing … I would say, “Recorder 1/2” alone realized the complete recording of the show. and there was no need for more.

[Detailed mastering with attention to the stereo feeling of the scene]

The point of this work is not only the complete recording, but please refer to the track memo for details on the usage of the sound source. The sound itself that runs through the whole volume has also been upgraded with “GRAF ZEPPELIN” mastering. There are many points to improve this time. First, noiseless gloss. It seems that the hiss-like sound of the opening part was not a noise but an on-site SE (it could be confirmed with both two sound sources), but other noises were thoroughly treated. Petit noises derived from the tape, which were originally few, are carefully removed one by one, and the hiss is also neatly processed to determine whether it can be heard by human hearing.
Even bigger is the band balance in the middle stage. Former MASTER (known as Reel among traders) says, “It seems to be the second one (of Recorder 2), but in the middle of “Pigs (Three Different Ones)” (after the cut in the song around 8 minutes) From the part corresponding to “Have A Cigar”, the band was greatly down on one channel (left ch). If you have listened to the already released “ROAR ENDS”, you may think “There was no such deterioration?” become. In other words, in this work, which has been thoroughly corrected for that point, the localization that was closer to one side can be felt more normal, and the stereo width can be felt wider.
“Mastering may seem plain at first glance, but that’s what’s important.” It’s easy to add flashiness to the listening by recklessly gaining power or modifying the performance sound, but that doesn’t make sense. Instead, we focus on regaining the “original sound / on-site sound”. I have told you many times that “GRAF ZEPPELIN mastering leads to the repair of cultural properties”, but this time the true value is alive.

[Final performance of frustration that became the source of THE WALL] The legendary scene that was the driving force behind the concept blockbuster “THE WALL” of the century is revived with the longest and highest quality. “In the Flesh” is known for being confused and frustrated by the crowds who set off fireworks in various places. In this work of the final performance, Roger finally spit on the audience. However, although it may be difficult to understand the spitting scene if it is only the sound, it is clear that the irritation has reached its peak. Especially noticeable is “Pigs On The Wing Part 2”. Fireworks exploded when he started singing with emotion on an acoustic guitar, and Roger, who was furious, stopped playing. I’m going to throw a curse MC as hard as I can.
Also, in “Shine On You Crazy Diamond Parts 6-9”, the part that returns to the vocal bursts into laughter during the performance. Rather than being in a good mood, the mood is like desperation, and not only the song but also the ensemble is disturbed. And such a mood is not only Roger. In the encore, David Gilmour leaves early. In “Drift Away Blues”, the remaining three and Snowy White played the blues, and Gilmore was watching from the stage sleeves.
I ended up writing a series of terrible things, but the music is interesting because it’s not that frustrating. Even with the aforementioned “Drift Away Blues”, Snowy’s delicious blues guitar can be enjoyed, and frustration is also converted to high tension throughout the show. Roger’s hysterical vocals are full of tension, and the count shout “19-61!” Perhaps because of the final day, the concentration of “It’s over today!” Has also been added, and the entire band is making a ghastly performance.
The final Montreal performance symbolizes the “In the Flesh” situation with numerous anecdotes. It is the first complete live album in history that permanently preserves the whole story with the longest and highest peak sound. It is full of listening as a single music work, but more than that, it has a heavy historical weight. A three-disc set that is nothing but a historical heritage. Please experience it to the fullest.

★ The best audience recording of “Montreal performance on July 6, 1977” on the last day of “In the Flesh”. The longest and highest peak update board by “GRAF ZEPPELIN”, complementing the best recording “Recorder 2” with traditional recording “Recorder 1”, realizing the first complete recording in history. You can fully experience the legendary stage that was the driving force for “THE WALL”, such as “Pigs On The Wing Part 2”, where the performance is stopped due to the fireworks of the audience, with the highest peak updated quality.

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(remastered memo)

★ Title that can be said to be the latest upgrade of “Roar Ends” (3CD) [Sirene] It will be the first release of the ’77 Montreal performance as the Sigma label.

★ Like “Roar Ends” (3CD), it is based on Recorder 2, but this time, the missing parts are compensated with Rec1, realizing the first complete live recording.

★The beginning part of the noise called “see” can be slightly confirmed even in Rec2, and it seems to be the SE (?) before the live on that day.

★Pigs (Three Different Ones) From around 8 minutes, the left channel bandwidth down problem, which was noticeable in Have A Cigar, has been greatly resolved.

*Pinpoint removal of petit noise caused by tapes heard in general

[Sound source arrangement]

●Recorder 1: Compensation source for this time The sound is close to the left and right, but there are cuts and tape twists.
*Rec1 sound source was popular until Rec2 appeared

(Major existing titles)

・「The Last Animalized」(2CD)[Highland] ・”Azimuth Coordinator” (2CD) [COOL COMFORTABLY PRODUCTIONS] *2 of the 6-disc box
・”Fire Works Show In The Canadian Walls” (paper jacket 2CD) [I.T.F. 001/002]

●Recorder 2: The best source of this performance, the material that is said to be digitized from the main source Master Reel this time

(Major existing titles)

・「Roar Ends」(2CD)[Sirene] ・”Who Was Trained Not To Spit On The Fan” [HarvestedHRV-CDR-023] *net fan title

ロジャー・ウォーターズに『THE WALL』を決意させた伝説の“In the Flesh”最終公演。「GRAF ZEPPELIN」の細密マスタリングによって最長・最高峰を更新した究極3枚組が誕生です。

そんな本作に刻まれているのは、もちろん「1977年7月6日モントリオール公演」。その極上オーディエンス録音です。例によってこのショウにも複数ものオーディエンス録音が発掘されており、その中でクオリティでも収録時間でも重要なのは「Recorder 1」と「Recorder 2」。本作は、この2録音のベスト・マスターを組み上げ、史上初となるショウの完全収録を実現した3枚組なのです。それでは、ソースとなった2録音を振り返っておきましょう。

●Recorder 1
●Recorder 2
・Sireneレーベルの名作『ROAR ENDS』で発掘された最高峰マスター。

……と、このようになっています。本作は「Recorder 2」を土台に「Recorder 1」で補完したもの。その後「Recorder 3」「Recorder 4」も発掘されていますが、クオリティ的に次元が異なり、補完にも使用できない……と申しますか、「Recorder 1/2」だけでショウの完全収録が実現しており、それ以上の必要もなかったのです。


詳細な音源の使用状況は曲目メモをご覧頂くとして、本作のポイントは完全収録だけではない。全編を貫くサウンド自体も「GRAF ZEPPELIN」マスタリングでアップグレードしています。今回は向上ポイントも多岐にわたる。まず、ノイズレスな艶やかさ。開演パートのヒスっぽい音はノイズではなく現場SEだった(2音源の両方で確認できました)ようですが、それ以外のノイズは徹底トリートメント。元々少なかったテープ由来のプチノイズを1つひとつ丁寧に取り除き、人間の聴覚に聞こえるかどうかのヒスも綺麗に処理されています。
さらに大きいのが中盤での帯域バランス。元MASTER(トレーダー間ではReelとされている)で言うところの「(Recorder 2の)2本目だと思われますが、「Pigs (Three Different Ones)」途中(8分付近の曲中カット後)から「Have A Cigar」にあたるパートで片チャンネル(左ch)で大きく帯域がダウンしていたのです。既発『ROAR ENDS』を愛聴された方なら「そんな劣化なかったぞ?」と思われるかも知れませんが、この帯域ダウンは音質低下や乱れとしては現れず、左右のステレオ・バランスの狂いになる。つまり、その点を徹底補正した本作では、片方に寄っていた定位がより正常に感じられ、ステレオ幅も広く感じられるのです。
一見地味に思われるようなマスタリングですが、これこそが重要。無闇矢鱈な迫力稼ぎや演奏音の改変でパッと聴きの派手さを付け加えるのはカンタンですが、それでは意味がない。そうではなく「本来の音/現場の音」を取り戻すことに注力。これまで何度も「GRAF ZEPPELINマスタリングは文化財の補修に通じる」とお伝えしてきましたが、今回もその真骨頂が活きているのです。

【THE WALLの源泉となった苛立ちの最終公演】
そんな最長・最高峰クオリティで甦るのは、世紀のコンセプト大作『THE WALL』の原動力となった伝説の現場。“In the Flesh”は各地で花火を打ち上げる観客に困惑し、イライラを募らせていった事で知られる。最終公演の本作では、ついにロジャーが観客に向けてツバを吐きかけてしまいました。もっとも、音だけだとツバ吐きシーンは分かりづらかったりもしますが、苛立ちがピークに達しているのは手に取る様に分かる。特に顕著なのは「Pigs On The Wing Part 2」。アコースティック・ギターで情感込めて歌い出したところで花火が炸裂し、激怒したロジャーが演奏を停止。思いっきり悪態MCをぶちまけるのです。
また「Shine On You Crazy Diamond Parts 6-9」ではヴァーカルに戻るパートで演奏中に吹き出して大笑い。上機嫌と言うよりは自棄になったようなムードで、歌だけでなくアンサンブルまで乱れてしまうのです。そして、そんなムードはロジャーだけではない。アンコールではデヴィッド・ギルモアが早々に退場。「Drift Away Blues」では残る3人とスノウィー・ホワイトでブルースを演じており、ギルモアはステージ袖で眺めていたそうです。
なんだか散々な事を書き連ねてしまいましたが、そんな苛立ちが悪くなかったりもするから音楽は面白い。前述の「Drift Away Blues」にしてもスノーウィの滋味深いブルース・ギターが堪能できますし、ショウ全体でもイライラがテンションの高さにも転化されている。ロジャーのヒステリックなヴォーカルは緊張感たっぷりですし、「Pigs (Three Different Ones)」でのカウント・シャウト「19-61!」もえらくカッコイイ。最終日のせいか「今日で終わり!」の集中力も加わり、バンド全体でも鬼気迫るパフォーマンスを轟かせているのです。
数々の逸話で“In the Flesh”事態を象徴している最終モントリオール公演。その一部始終を最長・最高峰サウンドで永久保存した史上初の完全ライヴアルバムです。1本の音楽作品としても聴き応えたっぷりですが、それ以上に歴史的な重みがずっしり。まさに歴史遺産以外の何物でもない3枚組。どうぞ、存分にご体験ください。

★“In the Flesh”最終日「1977年7月6日モントリオール公演」の極上オーディエンス録音。「GRAF ZEPPELIN」による最長・最高峰更新盤で、ベスト録音の「Recorder 2」を土台に伝統録音「Recorder 1」で補完し、史上初の完全収録を実現。観客の花火に怒って演奏を止める「Pigs On The Wing Part 2」など、『THE WALL』への原動力となった伝説ステージを最高峰更新クオリティで完全フル体験できます。




★「Roar Ends」(3CD)[Sirene]の最新アップグレードと言えるタイトル

★「Roar Ends」(3CD)同様Recorder 2をベースにしてますが、今回はさらに欠落部をRec1で補填し、初のライブ完全収録を実現


★Pigs (Three Different Ones) 8分付近からHave A Cigarで顕著だった左チャンネルの帯域ダウンの問題も大幅に解消



●Recorder 1: 今回の補填ソース 音が近くかなり左右に分離するが、カットとテープヨレがある・ジェネ不明


・「The Last Animalized」(2CD)[Highland] ・「Azimuth Coordinator」(2CD)[COOL COMFORTABLY PRODUCTIONS]*6枚組ボックスの中の2枚
・「Fire Works Show In The Canadian Walls」(紙ジャケ2CD)[I.T.F. 001/002]

●Recorder 2: 当公演のベストソースで、今回のメインソース Master Reelからのデジタル化とされる素材


・「Roar Ends」(2CD)[Sirene] ・「Who Was Trained Not To Spit On The Fan」[HarvestedHRV-CDR-023]*ネット・ファンタイトル


Disc 1 (57:11)
1. Intro ★0:31-1:27 Rec1で補填
2. Sheep
3. Pigs On The Wing Part 1
4. Dogs
5. Pigs On The Wing Part 2
6. Pigs (Three Different Ones) ★4:00前後(ドロップダウン部) / 7:58-8:20 Rec1で補填

Disc 2 (56:57)
1. Shine On You Crazy Diamond Parts 1-5 ★0:00-0:08 Rec1で補填
2. Welcome To The Machine
3. Have A Cigar ★4:45-5:14 Rec1で補填
4. Wish You Were Here ★ワウ、フラッター修正 / 演奏後の重複カット部をノーカット復旧
5. Shine On You Crazy Diamond Parts 6-9

Disc 3 (37:35)
1. Audience ★トラック分け ★0:16付近 クロスフェード
2. Money ★0:46付近(ドロップダウン部) / 11:22-11:34(演奏後曲間) Rec1で補填
3. Us And Them ★8:59、9:04 クロスフェード
4. Drift Away Blues ★ネットだとこういうタイトルになってる

Sigma 315


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