Pink Floyd / Ultimate Fillmore West 1970 / 2CD

Pink Floyd / Ultimate Fillmore West 1970 / 2CD / Sigma
Fillmore West, San Francisco, California, USA 29th April 1970

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Known for having a sound board left behind, “1970 Fillmore West” is one of the most important sound sources of early Floyd. The full version has been significantly upgraded and is now available in Permanent Preservation Press 2CD.

[The longest and complete version consisting of 3 types of masters] Of course, what is recorded in this work is “April 29, 1970 Fillmore West performance”. Since the appearance of the unofficial analog LP “FILLMORE WEST” in the early 70’s, it is a big standard that has produced many existing releases. Various upgrades have been made, but the one that is new to my memory is “DEFINITIVE FILLMORE WEST 1970”, which caused a whirlwind last year. It was the longest and complete version that was built not only by upgrading the sound board, but also by making full use of the best masters of the three existing recordings. The impact spread across the sea to enthusiasts around the world, and one of them stood up saying, “I can do better.” This work is a further upgraded version created by the maniac with great care. It is a true decisive board that has been thoroughly refined!
This work basically inherits the concept of “DEFINITIVE FILLMORE WEST 1970 (hereafter, the previous work)”. However, it has been remade from scratch with an order of magnitude higher precision. To explain its accuracy, let’s start with the basic concept. As mentioned earlier, the point of this work is “three existing recordings”. that is……

・ RECORDER 1: Sound board (mono)
・ RECORDER 2: Stereo audience
・ RECORDER 3: New AUD “Randy Reels (Mono)”

There are three types. It was a live album that was assembled into the longest version by properly using these as “first half of the show = RECORDER 1”, “second half of the show = RECORDER 2”, and “compensation in various places = RECORDER 3”. Although there was a similar editing board for a long time, another performance was used for compensation. The epoch-making thing about “previous work” was that it was the first time in history to “assemble with only one show sound source” by using “RECORDER 3” which was a new excavation (at that time). However, even though it was epoch-making, it was not 100% complete. The core enthusiast mentioned above thoroughly pokes around the corners of the heavy box and makes improvements. That is this work.

[The “true decision board” created by the careful work of core enthusiasts] If you do not misunderstand here, this work is not a remaster of the previous work. The composition and method are the same as the previous work, and core enthusiasts are also based on the previous work. However, it is a blueprint, and this work is a “rebuild board” that has been reconstructed by reconstructing from the selection and polishing of materials. Let’s review the composition as well.

● RECORDER 1 (first half)
・ DISC 1: Grantchester Meadows / Astronomy Domine / Cymbaline / Atom Heart Mother / The Embryo
・ DISC 2: Green Is the Color / Careful With That Ax, Eugene
● RECORDER 2 (second half)
・ DISC 2: Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun / A Saucerful of Secrets / Interstellar Overdrive
* Since the compensation by “RECORDER 3” is wide-ranging, it is omitted.

… And it looks like this. The first is “RECORDER 1/2”, which uses the nostalgic masterpiece “INTERSTELLAR ENCORE (OMS 002/3)”. Of course, I didn’t bring it as it is, but it was carefully mastered, but this is the first upgrade point. Not only is the overall sound more natural than the “previous work”, but it is also finely tuned. For example, “Astronomy Domine”. In the “previous work”, the sound became muffled in the 3 minutes and 40 seconds range, and momentary distortion and sound drop due to tape deterioration were occasionally seen (for those who have the previous work, 4:21, 6:32, 7). Check out: 44). However, in this work, all such parts have been restored. Of course, since it is a vintage recording, there are limits, but it seems that this core mania has done more than 70 patches (!) And more than 100 repairs (!?).
And the patch material is also particular about the real thing. There used to be a stereo version of “RECORDER 1”, but the original was monaural recording. There is a history that it was made stereo in the process of distribution, but as a result, the same performance was unintentionally recorded on the left and right two channels (that is, two on one tape). There was a copy of the minute left). This mania “replaced the deterioration point with the right channel based on the left channel”.

[Completeness of impact that does not overlook even the slightest editing mistake] Although I was overwhelmed by the awesomeness of this work so far, it is still in the “polishing of materials” stage. We are also upgrading in the next “assembly stage”. The so-called “RECORDER 3” replenishment work is done in two places, which are particularly large. One is before the first song “Grantchester Meadows” begins. It was patched with “RECORDER 3” which first appeared in “Previous work”, but here Taper is talking with someone and recording with traces of words such as “Please take down the recording equipment” “Don’t erase it” Was paused. In “Previous work”, the pause was connected as it was, but if I didn’t know the origin, I couldn’t hear it. The enthusiast who created this work is focusing on a style that can be heard seamlessly. The other is the MC part before the start of “Cymbaline”. This was a mistake in the “previous work”, and a tuning scene was inserted between the MCs where Roger talked about “Cymbaline” and the French movie “More”. In this work, it is reconnected in the correct position before starting to talk.
Although I will omit the contents only for the concert that is too famous, the familiar performance sounds completely different when you taste it with the quality of this work. Fresh natural feeling and seamless luster as if the master freshness itself was reborn. And the editing technique that the connection part can not be felt. It’s a live album that deserves to be called a “true decision board”. This work is a press 2CD that permanently retains the design of a maniac who is too beautiful. Please enjoy it to your heart’s content.

★ Live album of “April 29, 1970 Fillmore West Performance”. It is a full-length version that makes full use of three types of recordings, mainly a large standard mono sound board. There have been similar edited works before, but this work produced by overseas enthusiasts has achieved the longest version without using another day, and the treatment of materials and editing accuracy are the highest ever. It is a “true decision board” that has transcended even the masterpiece “DEFINITIVE FILLMORE WEST 1970” that shocked the world.


本作に記録されているのは、もちろん「1970年4月29日フィルモア・ウェスト公演」。70年代初頭に非公式アナログ盤LP『FILLMORE WEST』が登場して以降、数多くの既発を生み出して来た大定番です。さまざまなアップグレードが図られてきましたが、中でも記憶に新しいのは昨年旋風を巻き起こした『DEFINITIVE FILLMORE WEST 1970』でしょう。サウンドボードのアップグレードだけでなく、現存する3種の録音のベスト・マスターを駆使して組まれた最長・完全版でした。その衝撃は海を越えて世界中のマニアに浸透していったわけですが、その中の1人が「もっと良くできる」と立ち上がった。本作は、そのマニアが丹精込めて創り上げた更なるアップグレード・バージョン。徹底的に磨き抜かれた真の決定盤なのです!
そんな本作は基本的に『DEFINITIVE FILLMORE WEST 1970(以降、前作)』のコンセプトを受け継ぐもの。ただし、桁違いに高い精度でイチから作り直されているのです。その精度をご説明するためにも、まずは基本コンセプトからお話ししましょう。先述したように、本作の要は「現存する3種の録音」。それは……

・RECORDER 1:サウンドボード(モノ)
・RECORDER 2:ステレオ・オーディエンス
・RECORDER 3:新AUD「Randy Reels(モノ)」

……の3種です。これらを「ショウ前半=RECORDER 1」「ショウ後半=RECORDER 2」「各所補填=RECORDER 3」と使い分け、最長版に組み上げたライヴアルバムでした。同じような編集盤は以前からあったものの、補填には別公演が使用されていました。『前作』が画期的だったのは(当時)新発掘だった「RECORDER 3」を使用することで史上初めて「1つのショウの音源だけで組み上げた」事にあったのです。しかし、画期的ではあっても完成度100%とは行かなかった。前述したコア・マニアが徹底的に重箱の隅をつつき回して改良に改良を重ねた。それが本作なのです。


・DISC 1:Grantchester Meadows/Astronomy Domine/Cymbaline/Atom Heart Mother/The Embryo
・DISC 2:Green Is the Colour/Careful With That Axe, Eugene
・DISC 2:Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun/A Saucerful of Secrets/Interstellar Overdrive
※「RECORDER 3」による補填は多岐に及ぶので省略。

……と、このようになっています。まず「RECORDER 1/2」ですが、これは懐かしの名作『INTERSTELLAR ENCORE(OMS 002/3)』が採用されている。もちろん、そのまま持ってきているわけではなく、入念マスタリングが施されているわけですが、これが第1のアップグレード・ポイント。全体的には『前作』よりもナチュラルなサウンドに仕上げられているだけでなく、微に入り細を穿った補整が行われている。例えば、「Astronomy Domine」。『前作』では3分40秒台で音が籠もり気味になったり、テープ劣化による瞬間的な歪みや音落ちが散見しました(前作をお持ちの方は4:21、6:32、7:44をチェックしてみてください)。ところが、本作ではそうしたパートがことごとく修復されているのです。もちろん、ヴィンテージ録音ですから限界はありますが、このコア・マニアは70以上のパッチ(!)と100以上の修復(!?)を行ったそうです。
そして、そのパッチ素材も本物にこだわっている。かつて「RECORDER 1」のステレオ版なども出回りましたが、大元はモノラル録音でした。それが流通の過程でステレオ化されたという歴史があるのですが、その結果、意図せずして左右の2チャンネルに同じ演奏が記録されることになった(つまり1本のテープに2本分のコピーが残ったわけです)。このマニアは「左chをベースにして劣化ポイントを右chで置き換え」ていったわけです。

ここまででも本作の凄みに圧倒されるのですが、まだ「素材の磨き込み」段階。次の「組み上げ段階」でもアップグレードしています。いわゆる「RECORDER 3」での補填作業でして、特に大きいのは2ヶ所。1つは1曲目「Grantchester Meadows」が始まる前。『前作』でも初登場の「RECORDER 3」でパッチされていたわけですが、ここではテーパーが誰かと会話しており「録音機材を降ろしなさい」「それを消さないで」等の言葉の跡で録音が一時停止されていました。『前作』では一時停止をそのまま繋げていたのですが、元を知らないとブツ切りに聞こえなくもなかった。本作を制作したマニアは、シームレスに聴き通せるスタイルに重直しているのです。もう1ヶ所は「Cymbaline」開始前のMCパート。ここは『前作』のミスでして、ロジャーが「Cymbaline」とフランス映画「More」について語るMCの合間にチューニング・シーンが差し込まれてしまった。本作では、語り始める前の正しい位置で繋ぎ直されているのです。

★「1970年4月29日フィルモア・ウェスト公演」のライヴアルバム。大定番のモノ・サウンドボードをメインに3種の録音を駆使した全長版です。同種の編集作は以前にもありましたが、海外マニアが制作した本作は、別日を使うこともなく最長版を実現し、素材のトリートメントも編集の精度も過去最高。全世界的に衝撃を振りまいた名作『DEFINITIVE FILLMORE WEST 1970』さえも超越してしまった“真なる決定盤”です。


Disc 1 (65:04)
01. Busted
02. Granchester Meadows
03. Astronomy Domine
04. Tunings
05. Cymbaline
06. Tunings
07. Atom Heart Mother
08. Tunings
09. The Embryo

Disc 2 (71:21)
01. Tunings
02. Green is the Colour
03. Careful with that Axe, Eugene
04. Tunings
05. Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
06. Tunings
07. A Saucerful of Secrets
08. Tunings
09. Interstellar Overdrive

Sigma 290

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