Ozzy Osbourne / South Fallsburg 1981-2nd Press / 1CD

Ozzy Osbourne / South Fallsburg 1981-2nd Press / 1CD / ZODIAC
Live at Music Mountain, South Fallsburg, NY, USA 8th August 1981

Play sample :

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The “modern new masterpiece” that was excavated three years ago and shook Randy collectors all over the world is reprinted. Appeared on press CD of renewal artwork.
The new masterpiece was recorded on “August 8, 1981 South Fallsburg Performance”. It is the full audience recording. For some people, the easy-to-remember dates in the 8th row will ring a bell. Yes, on this day, the show where “MUSIC MOUNTAIN 1981 (Zodiac 083)” once reigned as a big classic. However, this work is neither a remaster nor a young Gene master. It is a completely different recording recorded by a completely different person.
Of course, it cannot be called a “modern new masterpiece” just because it is a separate recording. Boasting a sound quality that far surpasses “MUSIC MOUNTAIN 1981”, it was the most important audience among the countless 1981 recordings that have been excavated. In order to explain the importance of it, let’s start with the full view of Randy’s activities.

● 1980
《B Daisley, L Carthlake, L Bridgewater》
・ September 3-November 8: UK (37 performances) ← *TRIBUTE
● 1981
《R Sarzo, T Aldridge, L Bridgewater》
・ April 22-September 13: North America # 1 (93 performances + UK 1) ← Coco
・ November 1-December 2: Europe (11 performances)
《R Sarzo, T Aldridge, D Eiley》
・December 30th + 31st: North America #2a (2 performances)
● 1982
・January 1-March 18: North America #2b (45 performances)
《Randy Rhoads died on March 19》

This is the live Hilltree that Ozzy & Randy walked. This work was a live album recorded in “North America # 1” which was also the main leg. This “North America # 1” is also known for leaving the symbol board “TRIBUTE”, but a large number of audience masterpieces were also born. Since it is too large, let’s narrow down the collection to the representative sound board and the press name board nominated for the highest peak race of the audience here.

● Details of “North America #1”
《March: Tommy Aldridge/Rudy Sarzo joined》
・ April 22-April 28 (6 performances)
* April 29 “THE CRAZY GANG (Rochester)”
・ April 30 + May 1 (2 performances)
* May 2 “PALLADIUM 1981 1ST SHOW”
・ May 3-10 (6 performances)
* May 11 “DEFINITIVE TRIBUTE (Cleveland)”
・May 13-July 27 (41 performances)
* July 28 “DEFINITIVE TRIBUTE (Montreal)”
・July 31-August 6 (6 performances)
* August 7 “HOWLING BLIZZARD (Providence)”
*August 8th: South Fallsburg Performance ← This work
・ August 9-12 (3 performances)
* August 14 “NASSAU COLISEUM 1981”
・ August 15-September 13 (23 performances)
* Note: The “*” marks are live performances that can be heard in our press masterpiece collection.

[1981 Super famous recording competing for the audience throne] This is the live album archive of “North America #1”. A lot of masterpieces are lined up in a row, but the South Fallsburg performance of this work is the day after the Providence performance, which became “HOWLING BLIZZARD”. And these two recordings are Twin Peaks, which should be called the two major masterpieces of the 1981 audience. Such a work is a signature product born from the “luvsufo” collection, which has drawn out the hearts of collectors around the world. It was transferred by the prestigious excavation “Krw_co”. Again, maniac nouns have lined up, but this combination has been announcing unreleased superb masters one after another since 2019, causing a bit of a boom. RAINBOW’s “HARRISBURG 1982 (Black Box 029)” is very popular at our shop, but it is the same route as that masterpiece.
In fact, the quality of this work (lightly) surpassed the existing “MUSIC MOUNTAIN 1981”. First and foremost, length. “MUSIC MOUNTAIN 1981” started recording in the middle of “Carmina Burana” at the start of the show, and the tape ended by “Children Of The Grave” at the end of the show. I couldn’t listen to the encore “Paranoid”. On the other hand, this work was recorded before “Carmina Burana” at the start of the performance flowed out, and was recorded firmly until after the end of “Paranoid”. The full show is completely recorded. Of course, since it is an analog recording, tape change cuts are inevitable. Even with the new master, the middle of the drum solo was missing about 13 seconds, but it was supplemented with “MUSIC MOUNTAIN 1981”. From before the performance to after the performance, it was finished as a seamless complete album.
The sound is more shocking than its length. Although “MUSIC MOUNTAIN 1981” was also an on-name recording, unfortunately the audience noise was large (although I could feel the enthusiasm at that time realistically). However, the new master this time has a thick core roaring on, and there is no fuss to hide the details. To be precise, the enthusiastic voice is also cast, but it is strangely far, and the performance sound and singing voice are much closer and powerful. Moreover, it had a sense of stability that even though it was so powerful, it did not become an explosive sound.

[On-site experience of a full show equal to or greater than “TRIBUTE”] The sound depicted is a full show that can be said to be a 100% real experience of “TRIBUTE”. Of course, it is a different concert from “TRIBUTE”, but the Cleveland performance that became the main of the masterpiece was about three months before this work, and the Montreal performance where “Suicide Solution” was adopted was only a few of this work. 11 days ago. The melodies played by Randy are so delicate that they seem to break if touched, and at the same time they are wilder and fiercer than studio recordings. Although it is a performance that I have experienced in “MUSIC MOUNTAIN 1981”, it is not disturbed by the surrounding noise and can be bathed in front of me. And Ozzy Osbourne, who put such Randy on the side, is also doing great. Ozzy is said to be synonymous with unstable singers, but it’s good when you can turn it over. This work is a show like that sample, it rarely misses the sound, and the high stretches without danger.
I made a mistake in writing the wonderful guitar sound, but the drums on this album are also amazing. Tommy’s hard attack sound is clearly felt, and this is also full of closeness. Although Lindsey does not play enough to understand individuality, the original phrase is firmly reproduced, beautiful synths are also sparkling, and the 1981 show, which was the embodiment of dramaticism, will be fully tasted. It is.
The old “MUSIC MOUNTAIN 1981” was also a masterpiece that was pressed, but this work greatly surpassed it in both length and quality. Moreover, it was a historic new excavation that not only updated the highest peak of the same day, but also top class in 1981 as a whole. Due to the impact of the excavation, it was sold out in a blink of an eye, but there is no way that such a masterpiece can remain out of print. A modern new masterpiece that is currently pushing the history of sound source excavation in progress, here is a magnificent reprint.

★ Masterpiece full audience recording of “August 8, 1981 South Fallsburg Performance”. The already released “MUSIC MOUNTAIN 1981” was also popular, but this work is a completely different recording. Unlike its incomplete predecessor, it was recorded before “Carmina Burana” at the start of the performance started, and was completely recorded until the end of “Paranoid”. Moreover, while the powerful core on is comparable to the already released, the audience noise is extremely small. It is a modern new masterpiece that not only far surpasses the existing ones in both length and quality, but also competes for 1 or 2 in 1981 total.

その新名盤が記録されたのは「1981年8月8日サウス・フォールズバーグ公演」。そのフル・オーディエンス録音です。8並びの覚えやすい日付にピンと来る方もいらっしゃるでしょう。そう、この日はかつて『MUSIC MOUNTAIN 1981(Zodiac 083)』が大定番として君臨していたショウ。しかし本作は、そのリマスターでもなければ、若ジェネ・マスターでもない。まったくの別人が記録した完全別録音なのです。
もちろん、単なる別録音なだけでは「現代の新名盤」とまでは呼ばれない。『MUSIC MOUNTAIN 1981』を遙かに凌駕するサウンド・クオリティを誇り、無数に発掘されてきた1981年録音の中でも最重要オーディエンスとなるものだったのです。その重要度をご説明するためにも、まずはランディ時代の活動全景から始めましょう。



*4月29日『THE CRAZY GANG(ロチェスター)』
*5月2日『PALLADIUM 1981 1ST SHOW』
*5月11日『DEFINITIVE TRIBUTE(クリーヴランド)』
*7月28日『DEFINITIVE TRIBUTE(モントリオール)』
*8月7日『HOWLING BLIZZARD(プロヴィデンス)』
*8月8日:サウス・フォールズバーグ公演 ←★本作★
*8月14日『NASSAU COLISEUM 1981』

これが「北米#1」のライヴアルバム・アーカイヴ。錚々たる名作がズラリと並んでおりますが、本作のサウス・フォールズバーグ公演は、『HOWLING BLIZZARD』ともなったプロヴィデンス公演の翌日。そしてこの2録音こそ、1981年オーディエンスの2大名作とも言うべき、ツイン・ピークスなのです。そんな本作は世界のコレクターのド肝を抜いている「luvsufo」コレクションから誕生した銘品。それを発掘の名門「Krw_co」がトランスファーしたものなのです。これまたマニアな名詞が並んでしまいましたが、このコンビは2019年から未発表の極上マスターを次々と発表しており、ちょっとしたブームを巻き起こしました。当店でもRAINBOWの『HARRISBURG 1982(Black Box 029)』が大好評となっていますが、あの名作と同じルートなのです。
実際、本作のクオリティは既発『MUSIC MOUNTAIN 1981』を(軽く)凌駕していました。まず何より、長さ。『MUSIC MOUNTAIN 1981』は開演時の「Carmina Burana」途中から録音が始まり、ショウ終盤の「Children Of The Grave」まででテープが終了。アンコールの「Paranoid」は聴けませんでした。それに対し、本作は開演時の「Carmina Burana」が流れ出す前から記録され、「Paranoid」終了後までしっかりと録音。フルショウを完全収録しているのです。もちろん、アナログ録音ですからテープチェンジのカットは避けられない。新マスターでもドラムソロの真ん中が13秒ほど欠けていましたが、そこは『MUSIC MOUNTAIN 1981』で補完。開演前から終演後まで、シームレスな完全アルバムに仕上げられました。
その長さ以上に衝撃なのがサウンド。『MUSIC MOUNTAIN 1981』もオンな名録音だったものの、惜しむらくはオーディエンス・ノイズが大きかった(その分、当時の熱狂をリアルに感じられもしましたが)。ところが、今回の新マスターは極太な芯がオンに轟きながら、ディテールを隠す大騒ぎがない。正確に言いますと熱狂声も鋳込まれてはいるのですが、それが妙に遠く、演奏音や歌声の方が遙かに近く、力強い。しかも、それだけパワフルであっても爆音にはならないという安定感まで兼ね備えていたのです。

そのサウンドで描かれるのは、『TRIBUTE』の本生100%実体験とでも言えるフルショウ。もちろん、『TRIBUTE』とは別コンサートなのですが、かの名盤のメインとなったクリーヴランド公演は本作の約3ヶ月前であり、「Suicide Solution」が採用されたモントリオール公演は本作のわずか11日前。ランディの奏でる旋律は触れたら壊れそうなほど繊細であり、それと同時にスタジオ録音とは比較にならないほど荒々しく猛る。『MUSIC MOUNTAIN 1981』で体験してきた演奏ではありますが、それを周囲の喧噪に邪魔されず、目の前感覚で浴びられる。そして、そんなランディを側らに置いた御大オジー・オズボーンも絶好調。常に不安定なシンガーの代名詞と言われるオジーですが、それを裏返せば良い時は良い。本作はその見本のようなショウであり、音を外すこともほとんどなく、ハイも危なげなく伸びるのです。
旧『MUSIC MOUNTAIN 1981』もプレス化されるだけはある名作でしたが、本作は尺・質ともに大きく上回っていました。しかも単に同日の最高峰を更新するだけでなく、1981年全般でもトップクラスという歴史的な新発掘だった。その発掘の衝撃ゆえに瞬く間に完売となりましたが、これほど名作が廃盤のままでいいはずがないのです。音源発掘史を現在進行形で突き動かしている現代の新名盤、ここに堂々の復刻です。

★「1981年8月8日サウス・フォールズバーグ公演」の傑作フル・オーディエンス録音。既発『MUSIC MOUNTAIN 1981』も人気でしたが、本作は完全別録音。不完全だった既発とは異なり、開演時の「Carmina Burana」が流れ出す前から記録され、「Paranoid」終了後までしっかりと完全録音。しかも、オンで力強い芯は既発に匹敵しながらも、オーディエンス・ノイズが極端に少ない。既発を尺・質ともに遙かに凌駕するだけでなく、1981年トータルでも1・2を競う現代の新名盤です。

1. Carmina Burana
2. I Don’t Know
3. Crazy Train
4. Believer
5. Mr. Crowley
6. Flying High Again
7. Revelation (Mother Earth)
8. Steal Away (The Night)
9. Drum Solo ★2:47 – 3:00 既発イコライズして補填
10. Suicide Solution
11. Guitar Solo
12. Iron Man
13. Children Of The Grave
14. Paranoid

Ozzy Osbourne – Vocal
Randy Rhoads – Guitar
Rudy Sarzo – Bass
Tommy Aldridge – Drums
Lindsey Bridgewater – Keyboards

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