Ozzy Osbourne / Definitive Tribute – 2nd Press / 2CD

Ozzy Osbourne / Definitive Tribute – 2nd Press / 2CD / Zodiac
Music Hall, Cleveland, Ohio, USA 11th May 1981 & St. Denis Theatre, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 28th July 1981

Play sample :

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The legendary masterpiece, which was said to be Ozzy Osbourne’s masterpiece, whether official or informal, is reprinted. It is decided to save permanently with 2nd press 2CD.
The sound sources contained in the masterpiece are the best sound board albums of two types, “May 11, 1981 Cleveland performance” and “July 28, 1981 Montreal performance”. Yes, it is a super masterpiece that sets the original 2 performances of that official work “TRIBUTE”! The existence of the official work “TRIBUTE” is indispensable for talking about this masterpiece. It is a masterpiece among the masterpieces dedicated to the late Randy Rhoad, but when and where was the live contained in it? According to many years of research, it is said that the following three performances have been held.

● May 11, 1981 Cleveland performance
→ Most of the album
● July 28, 1981 Montreal performance
→ “Suicide Solution” and guitar solo
● October 2, 1980 Southampton performance (probably)
→ Analog D side “Goodbye To Romance” and “No Bone Movies”

“TRIBUTE” reproduces the concert on the ABC side of the analog 2-disc set, and the D side has songs that do not overlap with the main part as a bonus track (so, the composition was such that a ballad would be inserted after the encore. ). The 1980 Southampton performance, which was the D side, has not been found to have a sound board other than the official one, but the other two performances of the main part have been known for FM broadcasting for a long time and have been loved as a big staple in the Randy era. This work is a live album that couples the highest peak sound boards of both performances. Let’s introduce each disc individually.

[DISC 1: Cleveland performance on May 11, 1981] The first appearance is the highest peak sound board of the Cleveland performance that occupies most of “TRIBUTE”. It is a big classic among the big classics that produced countless existing ones, but the basis of this work is the one with the longest recording and the highest sound quality. It is the highest peak master who once dominated the world with the famous board “STORM WARNING”. This “STORM WARNING” does not choose the words “the highest level of sound quality ever”, “enjoyed with pure and innocent raw sound without any processing”, and “it is nothing but the joy of bliss for fans” even in specialized magazines at that time. A masterpiece that has been highly acclaimed. This work is the ultimate specification that has been refined with the latest and meticulous remastering of such a super masterpiece. To be honest, “STORM WARNING” was so perfect that it wasn’t “just like a different thing”, but even so, in search of the ultimate form, even noise and shaking at a level that you wouldn’t notice just by listening to it. We have made all the corrections to create a sound that can withstand the challenges of any era in the future.
“True TRIBUTE” is drawn with that quality. The official board has undergone a number of replacement edits in order to give it a status as a musical work, but this work is a genuine student. Every note was played on the stage, with a rough and raw feel. In particular, the vocals have a special sense of authenticity, for example, “Children Of The Grave” and other lines that are different from the official ones pop out in various places. When it comes to replacement, I wonder if the original is tattered like MSG’s “Flying Legend”, but that’s not the case. Rather, Ozzy of this work is in great shape more than ever, and even at that time it is a category of famous singing. It’s better than “TRIBUTE” because it has the umami of the real student.
Also, speaking of different from “TRIBUTE”, the MC between songs remains firmly. For example, in the official version, “Iron Man” is started lightly, but in this work, the audience is enthusiastically fanned by the call “One! Two! Three!”. I don’t know if you wanted to listen to it clearly because it was pushed into the analog recording time, but there is no doubt that this work will give you a taste of the true scene. Furthermore, the mix is ​​different even for the same performance. Especially Tommy Aldrich’s drums clearly emerge from the difference in the mix. In “TRIBUTE”, you can clearly enjoy detailed play and side dishes that were difficult to hear.

[DISC 2: July 28, 1981 Montreal performance (2 types)] And DISC 2 is a Montreel performance where “Suicide Solution” and Randy’s solo time were adopted on the official board. FM sound source was a big standard in this show, but there were two types of programs, “BEST OF THE BISCUIT” and “THE KING BISCUIT FLOWER HOUR”, and the recorded songs and mixes were different. In this work, the highest peak board directly digitized from the broadcast masters of both works. Tracks 1-11 are the long “THE KING BISCUIT FLOWER HOUR” and tracks 12-17 are “THE KING BISCUIT FLOWER HOUR”. I have about 4 songs in 2 programs, but I can enjoy all the songs of the day by combining both. Of course, just like DISC 1, it goes into the slightest, and it is brushed up to the ultimate specifications with detailed mastering. Not only does it have one needle crack, but it also maximizes the beauty of the sound of the original sound.
Also, the point is that only live performances are recorded. This is common to DISC 1, but in the 80’s radio broadcasts, DJ comments are inserted before and after the program, and announcements are made before and after the commercial. At our shop, we have delivered a radio album “DEFINITION OF BLIZZARD (Zodiac 005)” that includes all the programs including such parts, but the concept of this work is “live album” to the last. There is only one announcement specific to the program at the beginning of “THE KING BISCUIT FLOWER HOUR”.

The famous performances drawn on the superb sound board of 2 performances and 3 programs … can’t be put into words anymore. A masterpiece that has fascinated the world for many years. It is the true figure. No matter what kind of rhetoric, the music itself gets dirty … It’s a wonderful rock treasure that even holds such awe. Still, if I dare to add a word, “I didn’t need to replace it.” Although it is wrong that “TRIBUTE” itself is a masterpiece among the polished masterpieces, the brilliance of the truth resides only in the truth itself. This work is a two-disc set in which the picture was heard with the highest quality in history. Just “true TRIBUTE” and “DEFINITIVE TRIBUTE”. It is a dignified reprint here with a permanent storage press 2CD that will never fade.

★ The ultimate soundboard album of 2 performances that became the origin of “TRIBUTE”. DISC 1 is a two-disc set with the full soundboard of “May 11, 1981 Cleveland Performance”, and DISC 2 is a set of two broadcast masters of “July 28, 1981 Montreal Performance”. Both are decisive boards that have been refined by meticulous remastering of the highest peak master in history. “True TRIBUTE” is drawn with the ultimate quality. You can hear different lines from the official vocals in various places, and the MC between the cut songs is also solid. The mix is ​​different, especially the drums are more vivid than “TRIBUTE”. It is a super masterpiece that is just right for the name of “Decisive TRIBUTE”.

その最高傑作に収められている音源は2種類「1981年5月11日クリーヴランド公演」と「同年7月28日モントリオール公演」の極上サウンドボード・アルバム。そう、あの公式作品『TRIBUTE』のオリジナルとなる2公演をセットした超名盤です! この名作を語るのに公式作品『TRIBUTE』の存在は欠かせません。故ランディ・ローズに捧げられた名作中の名作なわけですが、そこに収められたライヴはいつ、どこの公演だったのか。これまで長年のリサーチにより、おおよそ以下の3公演だったと言われています。

→「Suicide Solution」とギターソロ
→アナログD面「Goodbye To Romance」と「No Bone Movies」


【DISC 1:1981年5月11日クリーヴランド公演】
最初に登場するのは『TRIBUTE』の大部分を占めるクリーヴランド公演の最高峰サウンドボード。無数の既発を生んだ大定番中の大定番ですが、本作の元になっているのは最長収録・最高音質のもの。かつて名盤『STORM WARNING』で一世を風靡した最高峰マスターです。この『STORM WARNING』は当時専門誌でも「過去最高レベルの音質」「一切の加工を施していない純粋無垢な生音で楽しめる」「ファンにとって至福の喜び以外の何物でもない」と言葉を選ばない絶賛が寄せられた名盤。本作は、そんな超名盤を最新・細心リマスターで磨き上げた究極仕様なのです。正直に申し上げて『STORM WARNING』があまりにも完璧なサウンドだったために「まるで別物」とはなっていないのですが、それでも究極形を求めて「聴いただけでは気付かない」レベルのノイズや揺れまでも補正し尽くし、今後いかなる時代の試練にも耐え抜くサウンドに仕上げました。
そのクオリティで描かれるのが「真実のTRIBUTE」。オフィシャル盤は音楽作品としての格を持たせるために数々の差し替え編集が行われているわけですが、本作は正真正銘の本生。荒っぽいまでに生々しい感触に満ち、どのノートも現場のステージで奏でられたもの。特にヴォーカルの本生感は格別で、例えば「Children Of The Grave」を始め、各所でオフィシャルとは異なるラインが飛び出すのです。差し替えというと、MSGの『飛翔伝説』のように元がボロボロなのかと思いきや、そういうわけでもない。むしろ、本作のオジーはいつにも増して絶好調で、当時にしても名唱の部類。本生の旨みがあるだけ『TRIBUTE』よりも良いくらいです。
また、『TRIBUTE』と違うと言えば、曲間のMCもしっかり残っている。例えば、公式盤では「Iron Man」をサラッと始めますが、本作では「ワン! ツー! スリー!」のコールで観客を長々と煽る。アナログの収録時間に押し込めるためか、スッキリ聴かせたかったのかは分かりませんか、本作こそが真実の現場を味わえるのは間違いありません。さらに言えば、同じ演奏でもミックスが違う。特にトミー・アルドリッチのドラムはミックスの違いからくっきりと浮かび上がる。『TRIBUTE』では聞き取りづらかった細かなプレイやオカズもクリアに楽しめるのです。

【DISC 2:1981年7月28日モントリオール公演(2種)】
そして、DISC 2はオフィシャル盤に「Suicide Solution」とランディのソロタイムが採用されたモントリール公演。このショウもFM音源が大定番だったわけですが、番組は“BEST OF THE BISCUIT”と“THE KING BISCUIT FLOWER HOUR”の2種があり、収録曲もミックスも異なっていました。本作では、その両作の放送原盤からダイレクトにデジタル化された最高峰盤。トラック1-11が長尺の“THE KING BISCUIT FLOWER HOUR”で、トラック12-17が“THE KING BISCUIT FLOWER HOUR”。2つの番組で4曲ほど被っていますが、両方合わせることで当日の全曲が楽しめます。もちろん、DISC 1と同じく微に入り、細に入ったマスタリングで究極仕様にブラッシュアップ。針パチ1つないだけでなく、原音が持つ鳴りの美しさも最大限に磨き上げています。
また、ライヴのみが収録されているところもポイント。これはDISC 1にも共通することですが、80年代のラジオ放送は番組の前後にDJのコメントが入り、途中でもCM前後にアナウンスが入るもの。当店では、そうした部分も含めて番組すべて収録したラジオ・アルバム『DEFINITION OF BLIZZARD(Zodiac 005)』をお届けしたこともありますが、本作のコンセプトはあくまで「ライヴアルバム」。番組特有のアナウンスは“THE KING BISCUIT FLOWER HOUR”冒頭の1カ所だけです。

2公演・3番組の超極上サウンドボードで描かれる名演は……もう、言葉にできない。長い年月で世界中を魅了し続けてきた名演。その真の姿なのです。どんな美辞麗句を並べても音楽そのものを汚してしまう……そんな畏怖さえ抱く素晴らしいロックの至宝なのです。それでもあえて一言加えるなら「差し替えの必要はなかった」。『TRIBUTE』自体が磨き上げられた名盤中の大名盤なのは間違いものの、真実の輝きは真実そのものにしか宿らない。本作は、それを史上最高峰のクオリティで絵が聴きった2枚組なのです。まさしく“真のTRIBUTE”、そして“DEFINITIVE TRIBUTE”。いつまでも色あせない永久保存プレス2CDでここに堂々の復刻です。

★『TRIBUTE』の大元となった2公演の究極サウンドボード・アルバム。DISC 1には「1981年5月11日クリーヴランド公演」のフル・サウンドボード、DISC 2には「1981年7月28日モントリオール公演」の放送原盤2種を配した2枚組です。どちらも史上最高峰マスターを細心リマスタリングで磨き上げた決定盤。その究極クオリティで描かれるのが「真実のTRIBUTE」。ヴォーカルは各所でオフィシャルとは異なるラインが聴けますし、カットされた曲間のMCもしっかり。ミックスも異なり、特にドラムは『TRIBUTE』以上に鮮やか。まさしく「決定的TRIBUTE」の名に相応しい超名盤です。


Disc 1(61:47)
Live at Music Hall, Cleveland, Ohio, USA 11th May 1981

1. Carl Orff “Carmina Burana”
2. I Don’t Know
3. Crazy Train
4. Believer
5. Mr.Crowley
6. Flying High Again
7. Revelation(Mother Earth)
8. Steal Away(The Night)
9. Drum Solo
10. Suicide Solution
11. Guitar Solo
12. Iron Man
13. Children Of The Grave
14. Paranoid

Disc 2(79:55)
Live at St. Denis Theatre, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 28th July 1981
Taken from the original radio show discs

Best Of The Biscuit: aired on 2nd May 1982
1. Flying High Again
2. I Don’t Know
3. Crazy Train
4. Believer
5. Mr. Crowley
6. Suicide Solution
7. Guitar Solo
8. Revelation (Mother Earth)
9. Steal Away (The Night)
10. Drum Solo
11. Paranoid

The King Biscuit Flower Hour: aired on 13th September 1981
12. I Don’t Know
13. Crazy Train
14. Believer
15. Mr. Crowley
16. Iron Man
17. Children Of The Grave

Ozzy Osbourne – Vocals
Randy Rhoads – Guitar
Rudy Sarzo – Bass
Tommy Aldridge – Drums
Lindsey Bridgewater – Keyboards



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