Ozzy Osbourne / Town & Country Club 1988 / 2CDR

Ozzy Osbourne / Town & Country Club 1988 / 2CDR

Town & Country Club, London, England 14th July 1988

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Ozzy Osbourne from the “NO REST FOR THE WICKED” era took his first steps with Zakk Wylde, who would become his lifelong partner. Introducing the original master that conveys that moment of dawn.
What is inscribed in this work is “London performance on July 14, 1988”. This is a powerful audience recording recorded at the now defunct club “Town & Country (currently O2 Forum Kentish Town)”. The biggest point of this work is that you can fully experience the first club tour after joining Zack. Let’s take a look back at the entirety of the activities during the “NO REST FOR THE WICKED” era to see just how quickly it happened.

《May: Zakk Wylde joins》
・July 28th + December 15th: Warm-up (2 performances)
《May: Geezer Butler joins》
・July 7th-23rd: UK (12 performances) ←★Here★
[“NO REST FOR THE WICKED” released on September 28th] ・November 16th – December 31st: North America #1a (29 performances) ← *NO REST FOR THE ROSEMONT, etc.
・January 6th-30th: North America #1b (16 performances) ←*OAKLAND 1989
・February 27th – March 10th: Japan (7 performances) ← *BLOODBATH IN FESTIVAL, etc.
・March 29th – May 5th: Europe (27 performances)
・June 1st – August 5th: North America #2 (37 performances) ← *PHILADELPHIA 1989
・August 13th: Moscow Music Peace Festival ←※Official video
《August: Geezer Butler leaves》

This is the progress from joining Zack to leaving Geezer Butler. After completing “NO REST FOR THE WICKED”, Ozzy welcomed his ally Geezer and held a mini-tour in his home country of England to get used to the album before releasing the album and starting the full-scale tour. The Town & Country Club performance of this work was one such act. This week, the new definitive edition of this “British” leg “REDCAR 1988 (Zodiac 625)” will also be released, so let’s focus on the schedule further.

●Details of “UK” leg
・July 7th-10th (3 performances)
*July 11th “LEICESTER 1988”
・July 13th: London performance
*July 14th: London performance ←★This work★
*July 15th “REDCAR 1988”
・July 17th-23rd (5 performances)

[Longer and more powerful original master] …and it looks like this. This work was also the day before “REDCAR 1988”. If you are an avid collector, you may remember the 1988 recording of “THE TREASURE TAPES 1983-1991 (Shades 1313)”, but that famous recording was actually made at the same show as this work (previously known as the Hammersmith performance). However, research has now progressed and it has been determined to be the Town & Country Club). However, even though the show is the same, the recording itself is a completely different original master.
The sound is super powerful. The “THE TREASURE TAPES 1983-1991” version boasted a fresh and delicate beauty, but this work is overwhelmingly superior in terms of strength. The density of the core is also high and intensely turned on. Probably the recording position was quite close. The direct feeling of the sound reaching your ears before any sense of distance is created in the space is amazing.
Furthermore, there are two points that are definitely superior to the “THE TREASURE TAPES 1983-1991” version. One is the opening “Bark At The Moon”. In “THE TREASURE TAPES 1983-1991”, the vocals were perceived to be off, but in this work they are super thick without any problems. Until now, it was thought that Misuka was the one doing the on-site mixing, but it seems that it was a mistake on the recording side. The other is the drum solo for “Tattooed Dancer.” The “THE TREASURE TAPES 1983-1991” version was cut as much as possible and warped to the reprise section, but this work is completely recorded.

[The club scene is not just about the rare song “Damon Alcohol”] What is depicted with such a thick sound is a full show of Ozzy who returned to the street sense after getting Zack. First of all, the extremely rare song “Damon Alcohol” is delicious, but even more so is the feeling of being in a closed room in a club. Ozzy was also as dazzling as he could be on “THE ULTIMATE SIN Tour”, but in 1988 he embarked on a completely opposite club tour. In this work, you can feel the heat behind closed doors.
In the first place, this change was inevitable for the scene. At that time, bubbly LA metal was reaching saturation, and GUNS N’ ROSES, with its street feel, achieved the breakthrough of the century. After that, it was a time of great change towards the “realistic emphasis” that led to the rise of grunge in the 1990s. Of course, in 1988, other veterans had a hunch that change was coming, but they still didn’t know the correct answer. WHITESNAKE’s “SERPENS ALBUS” tour was also a great success. However, Ozzy (Sharon?), who has a keen sense of smell, is the first to change his image. He welcomed the wild and aggressive Zack and sold it as a set with the street sensation of a “club tour”.
In the 1990s, when Ronnie, who fought Diamond Dave and Dragon, was struggling and falling into disarray, why was Ozzy able to remain a super big and cool presence? This “UK” leg of the club tour was a watershed moment for such an era. This work is an original master that allows you to witness the historical scene. Although the beauty of “THE TREASURE TAPES 1983-1991” is still superior, this work is much more realistic, powerful, and above all, longer. Be sure to experience the most important club tour in the long Zack era with this work.

★Powerful audience recording of the “July 14, 1988 Town & Country Club” performance. This is an original master recorded separately from “THE TREASURE TAPES 1983-1991 (Shades 1313)”, and is more powerful, more powerful, and longer. “Bark At The Moon”, where the vocals were off in previous recordings, has a lot of direct feel, and the drum solo of “Tattooed Dancer” is also included. You can also enjoy the full experience of the delicious club scene, including the extremely rare song “Damon Alcohol.”

半生の相棒となるザック・ワイルドとの第一歩を踏み出した『NO REST FOR THE WICKED』時代のオジー・オズボーン。その黎明の刹那を伝えるオリジナル・マスターが登場です。
そんな本作に吹き込まれているのは「1988年7月14日ロンドン公演」。今はなきクラブ“タウン&カントリー(現:O2 Forum Kentish Town)”で記録された強力オーディエンス録音です。本作最大のポイントは、ザック加入後初のクラブ・ツアーをフル体験できること。どれほど直後だったのか、『NO REST FOR THE WICKED』時代の活動全景から振り返っておきましょう。

・11月16日ー12月31日:北米#1a(29公演)←※NO REST FOR THE ROSEMONT他
・1月6日ー30日:北米#1b(16公演)←※OAKLAND 1989
・2月27日ー3月10日:日本(7公演)←※BLOODBATH IN FESTIVAL他
・6月1日ー8月5日:北米#2(37公演)←※PHILADELPHIA 1989
・8月13日:Moscow Music Peace Festival ←※公式映像

これがザック加入からギーザー・バトラー離脱までの歩み。『NO REST FOR THE WICKED』完成後に盟友ギーザーを迎えたオジーは、アルバム発売/本格ツアー開始を前に母国イギリスで肩慣らし的なミニ・ツアーを実施。本作のタウン&カントリー・クラブ公演は、その一幕でした。今週は、この「英国」レッグの新・決定盤『REDCAR 1988(Zodiac 625)』も登場しますので、さらに日程をフォーカスしてみましょう。

*7月11日『LEICESTER 1988』
*7月14日:ロンドン公演 ←★本作★
*7月15日『REDCAR 1988』

……と、このようになっています。本作は『REDCAR 1988』の前日でもあったわけです。熱心なコレクター諸兄なら『THE TREASURE TAPES 1983-1991(Shades 1313)』の1988年録音もご記憶かと思いますが、実はあの名録音も本作と同じショウ(以前はハマースミス公演と言われていましたが、現在ではリサーチが進み、タウン&カントリー・クラブと判明しています)。ただし、ショウは同じでも録音自体はまったく異なるオリジナル・マスターなのです。
そのサウンドは超・強力。『THE TREASURE TAPES 1983-1991』版は瑞々しく繊細な美しさを誇っていましたが、力強さでは本作の方が圧倒的に上。芯の密度もみっちりと高く、猛烈にオン。恐らくは録音ポジションが相当に間近だったのでしょう。空間に距離感が生まれる前に耳元に届くダイレクト感が素晴らしいのです。
さらに『THE TREASURE TAPES 1983-1991』版よりも決定的に優れている点が2つある。1つは冒頭「Bark At The Moon」。『THE TREASURE TAPES 1983-1991』ではヴォーカルがオフ気味に捉えられていましたが、本作では問題なく超・極太。これまで現場ミックスの美須賀と思われていましたが、どうやら録音側のミスだったようです。もう1つが「Tattooed Dancer」のドラムソロ。『THE TREASURE TAPES 1983-1991』版は思いっきりカットされてリプライズ部にワープしていましたが、本作は完全収録されています。

【レア曲「Damon Alcohol」だけではないクラブの現場】
そんな極太サウンドで描かれるのは、ザックを得てストリート感覚に回帰したオジーのフルショウ。まずは何より激レア曲「Damon Alcohol」も美味しいわけですが、それ以上にクラブの密室感がスゴい。オジーも“THE ULTIMATE SIN Tour”では思いっきり煌びやかだったわけですが、1988年はまるっきり反対のクラブ・ツアーに打って出た。本作は、その密室の熱量を肌感覚で味わえるのです。
そもそも、この変更はシーンの必然でした。当時はバブリーなLAメタルが飽和を迎え、ストリート感覚のGUNS N’ ROSESの世紀の大ブレイクを果たした。その後、90年代のグランジ勃興にも繋がる「リアル重視」への大転換期だったのです。もちろん、1988年当時だと他のベテラン勢は変化を予感しつつも、まだ正解が見えていない段階。WHITESNAKEが『SERPENS ALBUS』のツアーが大盛況でもあったわけです。ところが、嗅覚鋭い直感派のオジー(シャロン?)は真っ先にイメージを切り替え。ワイルドでアグレッシヴなザックを迎え、“クラブ・ツアー”というストリート感覚とセットで売り出したのです。
ダイヤモンド・デイヴやドラゴンと戦うロニーが苦戦と迷走に陥っていく90年代に、なぜオジーが超大物でクールな存在で居続けられたのか。このクラブツアー「英国」レッグは、そんな時代の分水嶺。本作は、その歴史的な現場に立ち会えるオリジナル・マスターです。美しさはいまだ『THE TREASURE TAPES 1983-1991』版の方が上ですが、本作は遙かにリアルで力強く、何よりも長尺。長きにわたるザック時代でも最重要のクラブ・ツアー、ぜひ本作でフル体験してください。

★「1988年7月14日タウン&カントリー・クラブ」公演の強力オーディエンス録音。『THE TREASURE TAPES 1983-1991(Shades 1313)』とは異なる別録音のオリジナル・マスターで、よりオンで力強く、さらに長尺。従来録音ではヴォーカルがオフ気味だった「Bark At The Moon」もダイレクト感たっぷりですし、「Tattooed Dancer」のドラムソロもばっちり収録。激レア曲「Damon Alcohol」も美味しいクラブの現場をフル体験できます。

Disc:1 (37:24)
1. Carmina Burana
2. Bark At The Moon
3. Suicide Solution
4. Mr. Crowley
5. Damon Alcohol
6. Shot In The Dark
7. I Don’t Know
8. Flying High Again

Disc:2 (45:02)
1. Band Introductions
2. Bloodbath In Paradise
3. Guitar Solo
4. Sweat Leaf
5. War Pigs
6. Tattooed Dancer
7. Drum Solo
8. Tattooed Dancer(reprise)
9. Iron Man
10. Crazy Train
11. Paranoid

Ozzy Osbourne – Vocals
Zakk Wylde – Guitar
Geezer Butler – Bass
Randy Castillo – Drums
John Sinclair – Keyboards



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