Ozzy Osbourne/ Definitive Hammersmith 1980 / 1CD + 1Bonus CDR

Ozzy Osbourne/ Definitive Hammersmith 1980 / 1CD + 1Bonus CDR / ZODIAC

Live at Hammersmith Odeon, London, UK 20th September 1980 plus Bonus CDR ‘Blizzard Of Ozz Working Tracks’

Click image to enlarge

The famous recording of “Original BLIZZARD”, which is a perfect match with the popular “CHELMSFORD 1980 (Zodiac 510)”, has been brushed up. It is a reprint with a press CD that permanently preserves the highest peak update sound that has undergone detailed mastering of “GRAF ZEPPELIN”.
The name recording was imbued with “September 20, 1980 London performance”. It is a superb audience recording that vacuum-packed the night at the traditional famous venue “Hammersmith Odeon”. Many people will come up with “original BLIZZARD” from the date. This is an upgraded album of the masterpiece “DEFINITIVE LONDON 1980” which was unearthed last year and became a big hit.

[“Four miracles” who also performed live] If you have experienced the previous work, or if you have realized the power of “GRAF ZEPPELIN” mastering, you will have already decided. However, unfortunately, some people may say that this is their first experience, so I will explain it from the beginning. First of all, what is “original BLIZZARD”? These are the four people who created the two masterpieces “BLIZZARD OF OZZ” and “DIARY OF A MADMAN”. Most of the live performances during the Randy Rhoad era were rhythm sections called “Rudi Third / Tommy Aldridge”. But only in the early 1980s, it was “Bob Daisley / Lee Kerslake”, just like the studio work. Of course, at our shop, we archive such a special time with various live albums. Let’s review the collection here.

● 1980
<< April 19th, “BLIZZARD OF OZZ” completed >>
・ September 3 + 5: Warm-up gig (2 performances)
・ September 12-18 (5 performances)
“September 20th release of” BLIZZARD OF OZZ “”
・ September 20: London performance ← ★ This work ★
・ September 21: London performance
・ September 23, “NIGHTS OF BLIZZARD (Manchester)”
・ September 24-October 1 (5 performances)
・ October 2: Southampton performance ← * Official SBD
・ October 3rd-October 9th (5 performances)
・ October 10: Taunton performance
・ October 11-20 (6 performances)
・ October 22 “CHELMSFORD 1980”
・ October 23 + 24 (2 performances)
・ October 26, “NIGHTS OF BLIZZARD (London)”
・ October 28-November 1 (4 performances)
● 1981
“February-March” DIARY OF A MADMAN “production”
《March: Bob Daisley / Lee Kerslake withdrawal》

This is the outline of the activities of “Original BLIZZARD”. There are only about 5 songs left on the official “TRIBUTE” and singles, and the full show has to rely on audience recording. In that case, the point is “Which is the best recording?” The answer is “CHELMSFORD 1980” introduced at the beginning, and the only rival horse is the Hammersmith recording of this work (however, other recordings are known on this day, and the quality there is not good. Hammersmith. Please note that not everything is fine).
By the way, it is one of the two major recordings, but the sound is a clear sound with a sharp performance sound through a clear air feeling. “CHELMSFORD 1980” goes one step further in terms of the power of deep bass and the feeling of close contact with the sound board, but in terms of the fineness of detail and the vividness of the outline, this is the place to go. It is a recording of a dragon tiger suitable for playing the summit decisive battle.

[“Another summit recording” revived by detailed mastering] And this work is the highest peak update board of such a famous recording. At the time of “DEFINITIVE LONDON 1980” excavated last year, the existing group was out of the question, but this time “GRAF ZEPPELIN” carried out detailed mastering in order to maximize the potential of the master. Carefully refurbished. As I have already introduced in various places, the method of “GRAF ZEPPELIN” is highly accurate and ultra-natural. Unlike the remaster that crushes the subtleties of the original sound by earning sound pressure, while making the best use of the original sound and details, pitch correction, phase correction, band analysis, etc. are finely corrected. It is a methodology to carefully correct the deviation caused by dubbing and deterioration over time, so to speak, it corresponds to “painting restoration work”. And, because the accuracy is far from ordinary people, the “highest updated sound ever” and “precision reproduction of on-site sound” are realized by accumulating polishes that cannot be distinguished one by one.
For example, in this work, “Goodbye To Romance” sounds that occur in about 1 minute. In the previous work “DEFINITIVE LONDON 1980”, Ozzy’s vocals seemed to be slightly dub, but this has been fixed in this work. Probably, even if I play the previous work while reading this article, I think that it is a subtle madness that makes me wonder “here …?”, But if you compare it with this work, you will notice that “it is really fixed!” Will be. In other words, we are repairing each and every one of the disturbances that would be overheard.
Furthermore, in this case, in addition to the above work, monauralization is also large. You might ask, “Why do you make it monaural ?!”, but this recording was originally recorded with a monaural microphone. It was made into pseudo-stereo in the process of digitization and distribution. There are two reasons for making it monaural this time. One is to regain the natural feeling as it was recorded. And the other is to improve the running noise of the tape. High-frequency noise (like “ko” in onomatopoeia) was generated from the left and right in all the previous editions including the previous edition “DEFINITIVE LONDON 1980”, but this is due to the running noise of the analog tape. did. This is a type that cannot be erased even with band correction, but it can be greatly reduced by making it monaural once. Of course, you can get left and right chan, but if there is even a slight deviation, it will be strange, so make it a mono after matching the phase without any deviation of 1/1000 second. As a result, a clear and deep sound with deep silent darkness was born.
“BLIZZARD OF OZZ, a live performance version and a trial version of the site” is drawn with such a detailed clear sound. The set may be out of order of the songs of the rival board “CHELMSFORD 1980”, but let’s rearrange it here only for the decisive board.

● Blizzard of Ozz (8 songs)
・ I Don’t Know (★) / Crazy Train (★) / Goodbye To Romance / No Bone Movies / Mr. Crowley / Suicide Solution / Revelation (Mother Earth) (★) / Steal Away (The Night) (★)
● Others (4 songs)
・ Single song: You Looking At Me Looking At You (★)
・ Sabas: Iron Man (★) / Children Of The Grave (★) / Paranoid (★)
* Note: “★” marks are songs for which the official sound board of the original composition has not been announced.

…… And it looks like this. A style that shows all songs except “Dee” from “BLIZZARD OF OZZ” and interweaves rare songs “You Looking At Me Looking At You”. It is exactly the “live version of BLIZZARD OF OZZ”.
The best recording of “Original BLIZZARD” paired with “CHELMSFORD 1980”, the highest peak update board. We recommend “CHELMSFORD 1980” if you want a powerful and close-knit “sound board feeling”, but if you want to enjoy the “live performance of four people who caused miracles” to the subtleties, this work is the best. .. A recording of a dragon tiger that will never be settled. Please enjoy it with the permanent storage press CD.

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★ Because it is a monaural recording, it is made into a mono again after the phase is corrected. The jarring running sound peculiar to the cassette tape, which was originally heard from the left and right channels, has disappeared, making it easier to hear.

★ Goodbye To Romance 1:05 Sound fluctuation correction

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★ The best audience recording of “September 20, 1980 Hammersmith Odeon Performance”. It is a famous recording that competes with “CHELMSFORD 1980 (Zodiac 510)” in “Original BLIZZARD” including Bob Daisley / Lee Kerslake. This work is the highest peak update board that refurbished the legendary recording with GRAF ZEPPELIN’s detailed mastering, and it cleanly repairs the slight sound fluctuation and tape running noise that were overlooked in the existing group. You can experience not only the rare song “You Looking At Me Looking At You” but also the live performance version of BLIZZARD OF OZZ.

大好評を博している『CHELMSFORD 1980(Zodiac 510)』と双璧を成す「オリジナルBLIZZARD」の名録音がブラッシュアップ。「GRAF ZEPPELIN」の細密マスタリングを経た最高峰更新サウンドを永久保存するプレスCDで復刻です。
その名録音に吹き込まれているのは「1980年9月20日ロンドン公演」。伝統の名会場“ハマースミス・オデオン”での一夜を真空パックした極上オーディエンス録音です。「オリジナルBLIZZARD」と日付からピンと来ている方も多いことでしょう。昨年発掘されて大ヒットした名盤『DEFINITIVE LONDON 1980』のアップグレード・アルバムです。

前作を体験された方、あるいは「GRAF ZEPPELIN」マスタリングの威力を実感されている方なら、もう心を決められている事でしょう。しかし、運悪く今回が初体験という方もいらっしゃるでしょうから、イチからご説明させていただきます。まず、「オリジナルBLIZZARD」とは何か。これは2大名盤『BLIZZARD OF OZZ』『DIARY OF A MADMAN』を創り上げた4人のこと。ランディ・ローズ時代のライヴは、ほとんどが「ルディ・サード/トミー・アルドリッジ」というリズム隊。しかし、初期の1980年に限ってはスタジオ作品と同じように「ボブ・デイズリー/リー・カースレイク」だったのです。もちろん当店では、そんな特別な時期を様々なライヴアルバムでアーカイヴ。ここでそのコレクションをおさらいしておきましょう。

《4月19日『BLIZZARD OF OZZ』完成》
《9月20日『BLIZZARD OF OZZ』発売》
・9月20日:ロンドン公演 ←★本作★
・9月23日『NIGHTS OF BLIZZARD(マンチェスター)』
・10月2日:サウスハンプトン公演 ←※公式SBD
・10月22日『CHELMSFORD 1980』
・10月26日『NIGHTS OF BLIZZARD(ロンドン)』
《2月ー3月『DIARY OF A MADMAN』制作》

これが「オリジナルBLIZZARD」の活動概要。サウンドボードは公式『TRIBUTE』やシングルに5曲ほど残っているだけで、フルショウはオーディエンス録音に頼らざるを得ない。そうなるとポイントなのが「ベスト録音はどれか?」。その回答が冒頭でご紹介した『CHELMSFORD 1980』であり、唯一の対抗馬が本作のハマースミス録音なのです(ただし、この日は他録音も知られており、そちらのクオリティは今ひとつ。ハマースミスなら何でも良いというわけでありませんのでご注意ください)。
さて、そんな2大録音の片割れですが、そのサウンドは透き通る空気感をシャープな演奏音が貫くクリア・サウンド。重低音の迫力やサウンドボード的なド密着感では『CHELMSFORD 1980』が一歩上を行きますが、ディテールの細やかさや輪郭の鮮やかさではこちらに軍配が上がる。まさに頂上決戦を演じるのに相応しい龍虎の録音なのです。

そして、本作はそんな名録音の最高峰更新盤。昨年発掘された『DEFINITIVE LONDON 1980』の時点で既発群を問題外にしていましたが、今回はそのマスターの可能性を最大限に引き出すために「GRAF ZEPPELIN」が細密マスタリングを実施。入念に磨き直しました。すでに各所でご紹介してきたことですが、「GRAF ZEPPELIN」の手法はあくまで高精度・超ナチュラル志向。音圧稼ぎで原音の機微を潰しまくるリマスターとはまったく異なり、本来の鳴りやディテールを最大限に活かしつつ、ピッチ補正や位相修正、帯域分析などを細かく細かく修正。ダビングや経年劣化で生じた狂いを丁寧に正していく方法論であり、言わば「絵画の修復作業」にあたるものです。そして、その精度が常人離れしているからこそ、1つひとつでは判別付かないような磨き込みが積もり積もって「過去最高更新サウンド」「現場音の精密再現」が実現するのです。
例えば、本作なら「Goodbye To Romance」1分ほどで発生する音揺れ。前回作『DEFINITIVE LONDON 1980』ではオジーのヴォーカルが微妙にダブつく感じなのですが、これが本作では綺麗に直っているのです。恐らく、本稿を読みながら前作を再生しても「ここ。。。かな?」と迷ってしまうほど微細な狂いだと思いますが、本作と聴き比べて頂ければ「本当に直ってる!」と気づかれるでしょう。つまり、それくらい聴き流してしまうような乱れの1つひとつまで修復しているのです。
さらに今回の場合、上記の作業に加えてモノラル化も大きい。「なんでモノラルにしちゃうの?!」と思われるかも知れませんが、そもそもこの録音はモノラル・マイクで録音されたもの。それをデジタル化や流通の過程で疑似ステレオ化されていたのです。今回それをモノラル化した理由は2つ。1つは録音されたままのナチュラル感を取り戻すため。そして、もう1つはテープの走行ノイズを改善するためです。前回盤『DEFINITIVE LONDON 1980』を含むすべての既発では左右から高周波ノイズ(オノマトペ的に言いますと「コー」という感じ)が発生していたのですが、これはアナログテープの走行ノイズが原因でした。これは帯域補整でも消せないタイプなのですが、一度モノラル化する事で大幅に軽減できる。もちろん、左右チャン得るが少しでもズレていれば余計おかしくなりますので、位相を1/1000秒の狂いもなく合わせた上でモノ化。結果として無音の闇も深いクリアでディープなサウンドが誕生したのです。
そんな細密のクリア・サウンドで描かれるのは、「生演奏版・現場体験版のBLIZZARD OF OZZ」。セットはライバル盤『CHELMSFORD 1980』の曲順違いだったりもしますが、決定盤だけにここでも整理し直しておきましょう。

・I Don’t Know(★)/Crazy Train(★)/Goodbye To Romance/No Bone Movies/Mr. Crowley/Suicide Solution/Revelation (Mother Earth)(★)/Steal Away (The Night)(★)
・シングル曲:You Looking At Me Looking At You(★)
・サバス:Iron Man(★)/Children Of The Grave(★)/Paranoid(★)

……と、このようになっています。『BLIZZARD OF OZZ』から「Dee」以外の全曲を披露し、そこにレア曲「You Looking At Me Looking At You」を織り交ぜるスタイル。まさしく「生演奏版のBLIZZARD OF OZZ」なのです。
『CHELMSFORD 1980』と対を成す「オリジナルBLIZZARD」のベスト録音、その最高峰更新盤です。ド迫力&ド密着な「サウンドボード感」を求めるなら『CHELMSFORD 1980』をお薦めしますが、「奇跡を起こした4人の生演奏」を機微の機微まで味わい尽くすなら本作こそが頂上なのです。永遠に決着の着かない、まさに龍虎の録音。どうぞ、永久保存プレスCDで存分にご堪能ください。




★Goodbye To Romance 1:05付近の音揺れ修正


★「1980年9月20日ハマースミス・オデオン公演」の極上オーディエンス録音。ボブ・デイズリー/リー・カースレイクを含む「オリジナルBLIZZARD」でも『CHELMSFORD 1980(Zodiac 510)』と頂点を競い合う名録音です。本作は、その伝説録音をGRAF ZEPPELINの細密マスタリングで磨き直した最高峰更新盤で、既発群では見逃されてきた極わずかな音揺れやテープの走行ノイズも綺麗に修復。レア曲「You Looking At Me Looking At You」だけでなく、生演奏版のBLIZZARD OF OZZとも言うべきフルショウを極上体験できます。

1. Carl Orff: Carmina Burana
2. I Don’t Know
3. You Looking At Me Looking At You
4. Crazy Train
5. Goodbye To Romance
6. No Bone Movies
7. Mr. Crowley
8. Suicide Solution
9. Guitar Solo/Suicide Solution (Reprise)
10. Drum Solo
11. Revelation (Mother Earth)
12. Iron Man
13. Children Of The Grave
14. Steal Away (The Night)
15. Paranoid

Ozzy Osbourne – Vocals
Randy Rhoads – Guitar
Bob Daisley – Bass
Lee Kerslake – Drums
Lindsey Bridgewater – Keyboards



Ozzy Osbourne / Blizzard Of Ozz Working Tracks / 1CDR / Non label
Multirack mixes of legendary “Blizzard Of Ozz” album; different mixes from the final takes.

Click Image To Enlarge

The main press CD is a live album in which the magic of the four people who created the two masterpieces “BLIZZARD OF OZZ” and “DIARY OF A MADMAN” burns on stage. It is a top recording that you can enjoy the full show of the time when it is too precious. As a bonus to celebrate its birth, we have prepared a demo album that allows you to experience the magic of the studio in a realistic way.
This work contains a demo recording recorded during the production of the historical masterpiece “BLIZZARD OF OZZ”. This is a studio album where you can enjoy all the songs from the album except “Dee” and another version of the rare song “You Lookin’At Me Lookin’At You”. Even if you say “demo” in a bite, there are a wide variety of things from memo recording at the composition stage to temporary mixes that are indistinguishable from the completed version, but in the case of this work, it is regular while having a high degree of perfection close to the final form. It’s completely different from the version. This is the most delicious type of demo.
Specifically, the performance itself is often the same as “BLIZZARD OF OZZ”, but the mix is ​​drastically different. The balance with the fresh guitar on the front is different from the regular version at first glance, and it is appropriate to call it the “Randy version”. You can taste Randy’s guitar in every detail.
On the other hand, the vocals and bass are quite off (although it sounds faint), and Randy’s guitar and Lee Kerslake’s drums (especially cymbals and hi-hats) are recorded on. Depending on the song, there are scenes where the sound of squeaking is mixed with the performance, but the brightness and omission of the sound itself is at the highest level. From the first song “I Don’t Know”, the sound of the crunchy and engraved Randin rhythm sparking in your ears is a shocking sound. However, not all guitar tracks are exploding. The guitar solo feels faintly audible (because it was dubbed later). The difference from the final mix carved in my mind is fresh … I mean, I’m struck by a different dimension.
The following “Crazy Train” is a novel mix in which Bob Disley’s bass cannot be heard in the intro, and only Ozzy’s voice and Lee Kerslake’s drums echo. Also, in the completed version, the guitar solo was covered with 3 tracks, but this is 2 tracks. The scene where Randy’s solo is inserted like screwing into the space around “2:45” is also a must-listen. Even in “Good bye To Romance” and “Revelation (Mothe Earth)”, it is fresh that there is no acoustic guitar at all, and the essence of the song is revealed. Especially, “Goodbye To Romance” is very moving with a more raw guitar sound.
Even the famous song “Mr. Crowley” in the famous song has a different dimension. Don Airey’s keyboard intro sounds like thinned out tracks, and the song itself is mostly Randy’s backing and drums. At the end, Randy’s guitar is mixed even more, and it’s a take that makes you feel like you’re getting a direct introduction from Randy.

In this way, another version of “BLIZZARD OF OZZ” where the performance stuck in the mind sounds completely different. This is a studio album where you can fully enjoy Randy’s beautiful and wild guitar for 42 minutes, including the single B-side song “Looking At Me Looking At You”. If the main press CD is “live performance version BLIZZARD OF OZZ”, this work is so to speak “different dimension version BLIZZARD OF OZZ”. A super-luxury set where you can experience “another possibility” that was in the masterpiece of the century with the highest quality. Please enjoy it together.

本編プレスCDは、2大名盤『BLIZZARD OF OZZ』『DIARY OF A MADMAN』を創り上げた4人のマジックがステージで燃え上がるライヴアルバム。貴重すぎる時期のフルショウを味わえる頂点録音です。その誕生を祝うボーナスには、スタジオでのマジックをリアルに味わえるデモ・アルバムをご用意しました。
そんな本作に収められているのは、歴史的大名盤『BLIZZARD OF OZZ』の制作途中で記録されたデモ録音。「Dee」以外のアルバム全曲とレア曲「You Lookin’ At Me Lookin’ At You」の別バージョンが楽しめるスタジオ・アルバムです。ひと口に「デモ」と言っても作曲段階のメモ録音から完成版と区別の付かない仮ミックスまで多種多様ですが、本作の場合は最終形に近い完成度の高さを持ちつつ、正規版とは丸っきり違う。一番美味しいタイプのデモです。
具体的に申しますと、演奏自体は『BLIZZARD OF OZZ』と同じものも多いのですが、ミックスが激しく異なる。生々しいギターが前面に出たバランスは一聴して正規版とは異なっており、それこそ「ランディ・バージョン」とでも呼ぶのが相応しいもの。ランディのギターを細部の細部まで詳細に味わえるのです。
その一方でヴォーカルやベースは(うっすらと聴こえるものの)かなりオフ気味で、その分ランディのギターやリー・カースレイクのドラム(特にシンバルやハイハット)がオンに収録されている。曲によってはキュルキュルという音が演奏に混ざって聴こえる場面もありますが、音の明度や抜けそのものは極上レベル。1曲目の「I Don’t Know」からして、ザクザクと刻み込むランディンのリズムが耳元でスパークするようなサウンドはド級の衝撃です。ただし、あらゆるギター・トラックが爆発しているわけでもない。ギターソロは(後からダビングされたためか)かすかに聴き取れるくらいの感触。脳裏に刻まれた最終ミックスとの違いが新鮮……と言いますか、あまりに違う異次元感に頭がクラクラしてきます。
続く「Crazy Train」は、イントロでボブ・ディスリーのベースが聴き取れず、オジーの声とリー・カースレイクのドラムのみが響く斬新なミックス。また完成版においてギターソロは3トラック被せられていましたが、こちらは2トラック。「2:45」辺りで空間へねじ込む様にランディのソロがインサートされるシーンも必聴です。「Goodbye To Romance」や「Revelation(Mothe Earth)」でもアコースティック・ギターが一切入っていないのが新鮮で、楽曲の骨子が露わになる。特に「Goodbye To Romance」は、より生っぽいギター・サウンドがえらく感動的です。
名曲中の名曲「Mr. Crowley」にしても異次元感。ドン・エイリーのキーボード・イントロがトラックを間引きしたようなサウンドになっており、曲自体もほとんどランディのバッキングとドラムのみという状態です。ラストもランディのギターは殊更大きくミックスされており、まるでランディから直接手ほどきを受けるような気持ちになるテイクです。

このように、脳裏にこびりついた演奏がまるで異なって聞こえる『BLIZZARD OF OZZ』の別バージョン。シングルB面曲「Looking At Me Looking At You」まで含め、ランディの美しくもワイルドなギターを42分間たっぷり味わえるスタジオ・アルバムです。本編プレスCDが「生演奏版BLIZZARD OF OZZ」なら、本作は言わば「異次元版BLIZZARD OF OZZ」。世紀の大名盤に宿っていた「別の可能性」を最高峰クオリティで体験できる超・豪華セット。どうぞ、併せてたっぷりと味わい尽くしてください。

1. I Don’t Know
2. Crazy Train
3. Goodbye To Romance
4. Suicide Solution
5. Mr. Crowley
6. No Bone Movies
7. Revelation (Mother Earth)
8. Steal Away (The Night)
9. You Lookin’ At Me Lookin’ At You
10. Randy Rhoads Radio Inverview

Ozzy Osbourne – Vocal
Randy Rhoads – Guitar
Bob Daisley – Bass
Lee Kerslake – Drums
Don Airey – Keyboards

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