Oasis / First Avenue 1995 Dat Master / 1CD

Oasis / First Avenue 1995 dat master / 1CD / Wardour

First Avenue, Minneapolis, MN, USA 24th March 1995

Play sample :

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Oasis, a year of great success One of the times during the 1995 career when the number of items tended to be limited was the first American tour of the year. The schedule was held with a two-week off in between, but there were few items other than the Vancouver radio broadcast in the early stages, and there were barely some B-class audiences released in the rear tie. It was only.
In reality, there are a number of very good audience recordings, and the epoch-making release to show a good example was the masterpiece “DALLAS 1995” that captured the February gig with the best sound quality audience recording. DAT MASTER “. This was an early part of the tour, and it was a gig that was held almost two weeks after that classic Vancouver. It was a great audience to feel the appearance of the Gallagher brothers, who were even challenging towards the American (and even southern) audience, which was not transmitted from the radio sound source.

The release filled the period of February 1995, which was a blank area for items, but this time it is March. Speaking of this month, veteran enthusiasts such as “LIVE FOREVER” and “BRITISH LADS IN BOSTON” have just created a rear tie title that seems to be the height of nostalgia, and the sound quality is B-class audience recording. was. Naturally, those items are difficult to obtain now. Besides, it is not a title that has the quality that you can look for with a bloody eye.
Rather, with the passage of time, the best audience similar to “DALLAS 1995 DAT MASTER” has been on the market, and they have the quality that can be heard with the current ears. Such a typical sound source is a gig held on March 24th in Minneapolis on First Avenue. Speaking of the same venue, it is a famous live house closely related to Prince, but Oasis also performed in 1995.
It is worth noting just because it is a gig at such a venerable venue, but the quality of the audience recording that captures that pattern is outstanding. The power of the on-sound image that is comparable to “DALLAS 1995-” is wonderful. Above all, the closeness of Liam’s vocals is exquisite, and it is a level that is almost incomparable with the rear tie items mentioned above. We guarantee that the quality is safe for beginners as well as enthusiasts.

The best recording so far, and the fact that Liam’s voice is close, stands out because his number of words is so small that it is unusual for a gig at this time. That doesn’t mean that Liam isn’t in good shape (at all!), But rather he’s in great shape and sings all the songs exactly and easily. Ironically, I guess from the growth of his voice, he drank less than usual, so he wasn’t very talkative. The fact that he drinks less is a plus in terms of singing, and it can be seen from his excellent singing here. And considering that Liam used the color to the women in each seat in the CD-R New York “THE ACADEMY 1995 DAT MASTER” that came with the first delivery, the small number of words here is even more striking. ..
In the first place, the atmosphere of the live is completely different from the “DALLAS 1995 DAT MASTER” in February, and the challenging attitude as seen there is completely hidden. Rather, it sounds like he is challenging the stage with a dignified tone, perhaps because he was trained by his experience. By the end of the tour, I wouldn’t have been afraid of America.
It is regrettable that the new song “Head shrinker” that was unveiled on this tour was once dropped from the set list around this time, but the atmosphere is clearly different from 1994, and the dignified performance shines everywhere. ing. Another new song “(It’s Good) To Be Free” that was unveiled on this tour is also more solid and powerful, including Noel’s guitar, compared to Vancouver at the beginning of the tour. With such a reliable performance in the background, Liam has a clear singing voice unique to this period. The performance that can be called the sprout of the king’s style should be even more enjoyable when compared to “DALLAS 1995 ~”. A new standard for March 1995 items with outstanding performance and sound quality!


実際には非常に良好なオーディエンス録音がいくつも存在しており、その好例を示すべく画期的なリリースだったのが2月のギグを極上音質のオーディエンス録音にて捉えた名盤「DALLAS 1995 DAT MASTER」でしょう。これはツアー全体からすると序盤に位置する時期でして、あの定番バンクーバーからほぼ二週間後に行われていたギグ。そのラジオ音源からは伝わらなかったような、アメリカ(さらには南部の)観客に向かっての挑戦的ですらあったギャラガー兄弟の様子まで感じられたのが極上オーディエンスの面目躍如といったところ。

そのリリースによってアイテム空白地帯であった95年2月と言う時期が埋められた訳ですが、今度は3月。この月はと言うと「LIVE FOREVER」や「BRITISH LADS IN BOSTON」といったベテラン・マニアには懐かしさの極みのようなリアタイ・タイトルがぽつぽつと生み出されただけ、なおかつ音質がB級のオーディエンス録音という状況でした。当然それらのアイテム、今となっては入手困難。それに血眼になって探すほどのクオリティを兼ね備えたタイトルでもない。
むしろ時間の経過によって「DALLAS 1995 DAT MASTER」と同じような極上オーディエンスが出回っており、それらこそ現在の耳で聞くに足るクオリティを持ち合わせていた。そんな典型的な音源が3月24日のミネアポリスはファースト・アベニューで行われたギグ。同会場と言えばプリンスとゆかりの深い名ライブハウスですが、オアシスも95年に出演を果たしています。
そんな由緒ある会場でのギグというだけでも注目に値するのですが、その模様を捉えたオーディエンス録音のクオリティが抜群。「DALLAS 1995~」と比べてもまったく引けを取らないオンな音像の迫力が素晴らしい。中でもリアムのボーカルの近さが絶品で先に挙げたリアタイ・アイテム群とはまるで比較にならないほどのレベル。マニアはもちろん、初心者でも安心して楽しめるクオリティであることを保証いたします。

これほどまでの極上録音、なおかつリアムの声が近いということから際立つのが、この時期のギグにしては珍しいほど彼の口数が少ないということ。かといってリアムの調子が悪いということは(まったく!)なく、むしろ絶好調で全曲をきっちり、やすやすと歌い上げてくれている。皮肉なことに、その声の伸び具合から推測すると彼の飲酒量がいつもより少なかったが故の口数の少なさだったのでは。飲酒量が少ないということは歌唱面ではプラスに働くわけで、ここでの彼の絶好調な歌いっぷりからも伺えます。そして初回納品分に付属するCD-Rのニューヨーク「THE ACADEMY 1995 DAT MASTER」ではリアムが各席の女性に色目を使うほどだったことを考えると、なおさらここでの口数の少なさが際立って映る。
そもそもライブの雰囲気が2月の「DALLAS 1995 DAT MASTER」とはまるで異なっており、そこで見られたような挑戦的な態度がすっかり鳴りを潜めている。むしろそれまでの経験で鍛えられたのか、実に堂々とした調子でステージに挑んでいる風に聞こえるほど。それがツアー終盤ともなればなおさらアメリカに物おじしなくなったのでしょう。
この頃になると本ツアーで披露された新曲「Headshrinker」が一旦セットリストから落とされてしまった点は惜しまれますが、1994年とは明らかに雰囲気の違う、堂々たる演奏ぶりが随所で輝きを放っている。このツアーで披露されたもう一つの新曲「(It’s Good) To Be Free」もツアー序盤のバンクーバーなどと比べると、ノエルのギターを始めとしてよりどっしりとした力強さを増している。そうした頼もしい演奏をバックに、この時期ならではの伸びやかな歌声が冴えわたるリアム。王者の風格の芽生えとも呼べるような演奏ぶりは「DALLAS 1995~」と聞き比べるとなおさら楽しめるはず。演奏も音質も抜群な95年3月アイテムの新たなスタンダード!


1. Rock ‘N’ Roll Star
2. Columbia
3. Fade Away
4. Digsy’s Dinner
5. Shakermaker
6. Live Forever
7. Up In The Sky
8. Slide Away
9. To Be Free
10. Cigarettes & Alcohol
11. Married With Children
12. Supersonic
13. I Am The Walrus

Liam Gallagher – lead vocals, tambourine
Noel Gallagher – lead guitar, vocals
Paul Arthurs – rhythm guitar
Paul McGuigan – bass
Tony McCarroll – drums



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