Motley Crue & Whitesnake / Ottawa 1987 / 3CDR

Motley Crue & Whitesnake / Ottawa 1987 / 3CDR / Shades

Ottawa Civic Centre, Ottawa, ON, Canada 24th October 1987

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MOTLEY CRUE, whose “GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS” reached number 2 in the United States, and WHITESNAKE, who released “SERPENCE ALBUS” at the long last. The original master that conveys the gorgeous scene where the two men in their prime shared the stage is now available.
What is inscribed in this work is “Ottawa performance on October 24, 1987.” This is an exquisite audience recording. Both men are still extremely popular, but the balance of power in 1987 was a little different. MOTLEY CRUE has achieved consecutive multi-platinum albums with “SHOUT AT THE DEVIL” and “THEATER OF PAIN,” and is already an unstoppable force in the scene. On the other hand, WHITESNAKE’s previous album “SLIDE IT IN” was a hit, but it was a moderate hit in America, and after three years they finally released “SERPENCE ALBUS”. Of course, “SERPENCE ALBUS” will become an even bigger hit than MOTLEY CRUE, but all of 1987 was still at the stage where the fuse was lit. It was a moment when we felt that something big was about to happen, but it had not yet led to a nuclear explosion. For that reason, the tour will be coupled in the format of “MOTLEY CRUE = main / WHITESNAKE = undercard”. Of course, WHITESNAKE at the time was not at the level that would normally receive an opening act, so it became a hot topic as a super luxurious pairing. This work is a 3-disc set of full recordings that allows you to fully experience the tour of the century.
Now, what kind of scale will such a super luxurious tour take place, and what is the position of this work within it? This is also an opportunity to say something, so let’s look back on “1987” from the perspectives of both men.

《“GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS” released on May 15th》
・June 19th + 20th: North America #1 (2 performances)
・June 22nd – October 27th: North America #2 (82 performances) ←★Here★
・November 3rd-29th: North America #3 (20 performances)
・December 13th-18th: Japan (5 performances)

《“SERPENCE ALBUS” released on March 23rd》
・June 20th: Appearance at Texxas Jam
・June 22nd – October 27th: North America #2 (82 performances) ←★Here★
・October 30th – December 3rd: North America #3 (26 performances)
・December 29th-31st: UK (3 performances)

This is their “1987”. The coupling was “North America #2” which was held from June to October. However, the total number of performances was the same, 82 performances, although there were several individual performances for each performance instead of all performances. The Ottawa performance of this work was the final concert, the 80th performance.
This work, which is a vacuum-packed version of such a show, is a new excavation master brought through a unique route. That route is not normal. At our store, we have released a series of leaked soundboards/pro shots of KISS officials that are shocking collectors around the world, and this work was also discovered from that route. And the quality is amazing and meets expectations.
It also absorbs real applause, and the tone is not the type that can be mistaken for a sound board. On the other hand, it doesn’t feel far away. The excitement at the scene is swirling, as if it were in full swing, but strangely there are no roaring voices up close, and it feels like it’s boiling up in the distance. And the performance sound that pierces through the scorching air is powerful and sharp. The core is extremely thick and leaves a tremendous rushing force, and it jumps into your hand with fine details. WHITESNAKE’s twin guitars overlap but don’t mix and the harmonies are on full display, the bass that is often spoiled is clear, and MOTLEY CRUE’s groove is also delicious. Of course, the vocals of both songs are clear and clear, down to every word of the lyrics.
What is depicted with such sharp clear sound is a full show in which the two men in their prime collide. Now let’s organize the two sets together.

・Serpens Albus: Bad Boys (incl. Children of the Night)/Here I Go Again/Give Me All Your Love/Crying In The Rain/Still Of The Night
・Slide It In: Slide It In
・Shout At The Devil: Looks That Kill/Ten Seconds To Love/Red Hot/Shout At The Devil
・Girls x 3: All In The Name Of…/Dancing On Glass (★)/Wild Side/Jailhouse Rock/Girls, Girls, Girls
・Others: Live Wire/Home Sweet Home/Smokin’ In The Boys’ Room/Medley (★: Helter Skelter/Highway To Hell/Walk This Way/Rock And Roll)
*Note: Songs marked with “★” are limited to this tour only.

…and it looks like this. WHITESNAKE is thorough with all “SERPENCE ALBUS” numbers except “Slide It In”. There is no “Ain’t No Love in the Heart of the City” that is promised in Japan and Europe, and it is a brave set like a newcomer who has just made his debut. On the other hand, MOTLEY CRUE is also pushing hard with an emphasis on their new work “GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS.” They limited themselves to the classics “Home Sweet Home” and “Smokin’ In The Boys’ Room” from their previous album “THEATER OF PAIN,” and also performed “Dancing On Glass,” which they didn’t perform on subsequent tours, and a cover medley. Masu.
Even so, it’s incredibly popular. It’s an intense excitement. As mentioned above, in this work, the extremely thick performance sound / vocals do not give up the main role, but the loud cheers that erupt as if to scorch it are extremely vast. WHITESNAKE, who is supposed to be the undercard, has already brought out the excitement of a headliner level, and MOTLEY CRUE, who is receiving it, never gets eaten up and heats up even more, which is amazing. The amount of heat that comes out of the speakers is precisely because these two exciting men collide. In the peak season of HR/HM, please enjoy this 3-disc set of original masters to your heart’s content!

★Excellent audience recording of “Ottawa performance on October 24, 1987”. This is a new excavated master brought to you through a unique route, and the performance sound that reaches through the peak of enthusiasm is powerful and sharp, the core is extremely thick and leaves a tremendous rush, and the delicate details jump into your hands. You can fully experience a night in which WHITESNAKE, a special set that looks like a compressed version of “SERPENCE ALBUS”, and MOTLEY CRUE, which includes the rare song “Dancing On Glass” and delicious cover medley, will cut the ice.

『GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS』を全米2位に送り込んだMOTLEY CRUEと、満を持して『SERPENCE ALBUS』をリリースしたWHITESNAKE。全盛の両雄がステージを分け合った豪華絢爛の現場を伝えるオリジナル・マスターが登場です。
そんな本作に吹き込まれているのは「1987年10月24日オタワ公演」。その絶品オーディエンス録音です。今なお絶大な人気を誇る両雄ですが、1987年のパワー・バランスはちょっと違っていました。MOTLEY CRUEは『SHOUT AT THE DEVIL』『THEATRE OF PAIN』で連続マルチ・プラチナを成し遂げ、すでに押しも押されもせぬシーンの超大物。それに対してWHITESNAKEは前作『SLIDE IT IN』がヒットしたとは言ってもアメリカでは中程度であり、3年を経てようやく『SERPENCE ALBUS』をリリース。もちろん、『SERPENCE ALBUS』はMOTLEY CRUE以上の特大ヒットとなるわけですが、1987年全半はまだ導火線に火が付いた段階。大化けを予感させながらも、まだ核爆発には至っていない刹那でした。それだけにツアーは「MOTLEY CRUE=メイン/WHITESNAKE=前座」という形式でカップリング。もちろん、当時のWHITESNAKEとて普通なら前座を受けるレベルではありませんから、超豪華カップリングとして大いに話題となりました。本作は、そんな世紀のツアーを完全体験できるフル録音3枚組なのです。

《5月15日『GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS』発売》

・6月20日:Texxas Jam出演

リアルな喝采も吸い込んでいますし、音色的にもサウンドボードと間違えるタイプではありません。その反面、遠さも感じさせない。現場はいかにも大全盛らしい熱気が渦巻いているのですが、不思議なほど間近な嬌声がなく、遠方で沸き上がっているように感じられる。そして、その灼熱の空気を貫いて届く演奏音が力強くシャープ。芯は極太で凄まじい突進力を残り、細やかなディテールも連れて手元に飛び込んでくる。WHITESNAKEのツイン・ギターは重なり合っても混じり合わずにハーモニーの旨みが全開ですし、スポイルされがちなベースもくっきりしていてMOTLEY CRUEのグルーヴも美味。もちろん、両者ともヴォーカルは歌詞の一語一語までしっかりハッキリしています。

・サーペンス・アルバス:Bad Boys (incl. Children of the Night)/Here I Go Again/Give Me All Your Love/Crying In The Rain/Still Of The Night
・スライド・イット・イン:Slide It In
・シャウト・アット・ザ・デヴィル:Looks That Kill/Ten Seconds To Love/Red Hot/Shout At The Devil
・ガールズ×3:All In The Name Of…/Dancing On Glass(★)/Wild Side/Jailhouse Rock/Girls, Girls, Girls
・その他:Live Wire/Home Sweet Home/Smokin’ In The Boys’ Room/メドレー(★:Helter Skelter/Highway To Hell/Walk This Way/Rock And Roll)

……と、このようになっています。WHITESNAKEは「Slide It In」以外、すべて『SERPENCE ALBUS』ナンバーという徹底ぶり。日本や欧州ではお約束の「Ain’t No Love in the Heart of the City」もなく、まるでデビューしたての新人のような勇猛果敢なセットです。一方のMOTLEY CRUEも新作『GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS』重視で押しまくる。前作『THEATRE OF PAIN』からは定番の「Home Sweet Home」「Smokin’ In The Boys’ Room」だけに留め、その後のツアーでは演奏しなくなった「Dancing On Glass」やカバー・メドレーも披露してくれます。
それにしてもスゴい人気。強烈な盛り上がりです。前述のように本作は極太な演奏音/ヴォーカルこそが主役の座を譲りませんが、それを炙るように沸き立つ大歓声がえらく広大。前座であるはずのWHITESNAKEはすでにヘッドライナー級の熱狂を引き出していますし、それを受けるMOTLEY CRUEも決して食われずに更にヒートアップさせていくから凄い。今をときめく両雄がぶつかり合うからこその熱量がスピーカーが吹き出してくるのです。HR/HM絶頂の季節、どうぞオリジナル・マスター3枚組の本作で思う存分お楽しみください!

★「1987年10月24日オタワ公演」の絶品オーディエンス録音。独自ルートでもたらされた新発掘マスターで、全盛の熱狂を貫いて届く演奏音が力強くシャープで、芯は極太で凄まじい突進力を残り、細やかなディテールも連れて手元に飛び込んでくる。『SERPENCE ALBUS』を圧縮したような特濃セットのWHITESNAKEと、貴重曲「Dancing On Glass」やカバー・メドレーも美味しいMOTLEY CRUEが鎬を削る一夜を完全体験できます。

Disc 1

1. Introduction
2. Bad Boys (incl. Children of the Night)
3. Slide It In
4. Here I Go Agains
5. Give Me All Your Love
6. Guitar Solos
7. Crying in the Rain
8. Drum Solo
9. Crying in the Rain (reprise)
10. Band Introductions
11. Still of the Night

David Coverdale – Vocals
Adrian Vandenberg – Guitar, Vocal
Vivian Campbell – Guitar, Vocal
Rudy Sarzo – Bass, Vocal
Tommy Aldridge – Drums


Disc:2 (43:10)
1. Intro
2. All in the Name Of…
3. Live Wire
4. Dancing on Glass
5. Looks That Kill
6. Ten Seconds to Love/Bass and Drum Solo
7. Red Hot
8. Home Sweet Home

Disc:3 (49:17)
1. Wild Side
2. Guitar Solo
3. Wild Side (reprise)
4. Drum Solo
5. Shout at the Devil
6. Smokin’ in the Boys’ Room
7. Jailhouse Rock
8. Helter Skelter/Highway to Hell/Walk This Way/Rock and Roll
9. Girls, Girls, Girls

Vince Neil – Vocals
Mick Mars – Guitar
Nikki Sixx – Bass
Tommy Lee – Drums

Shades 1876


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