Led Zeppelin / For Badge Holders Only: Jon Wizardo Master Cassettes: Complete Edition / 3CD

Led Zeppelin / For Badge Holders Only: Jon Wizardo Master Cassettes: Complete Edition / 3CD / Non Label

The Forum, Los Angeles, CA, USA 23rd June 1977

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“FOR BADGE HOLDERS ONLY: JON WIZARDO MASTER CASSETTES” has already realized the excavation of the master cassette of ZEP’s masterpiece, which is already the biggest excavated sound source of this year. After all, isn’t there a master? It was so widely believed that items dropped from the LP at the time continued to be released over and over again. However, in 2023, the unexpected master discovery was too shocking. Thanks to this, the title was sold out in an instant, and even when it was restocked the other day, it sold out in no time. That’s because it’s the master of the masterpiece “FOR BADGE HOLDERS ONLY” that ZEP mania has been listening to for many years.
What became clear from such a shocking discovery was that John Wizard started recording from the beginning of the show, but unfortunately, the microphone fell out of the recorder just as “The Song Remains The Same” began. As a result, there was a gap, and when the LP was released, we had to give up on recording the crucial opening number. Similarly, “Achilles Last Stand”, which could not be recorded until the end of the tape due to the end of the tape, was recorded on the LP “PART 2” because it had a fake fade-out, but “The Unfortunately, due to the problems with “Song~”, I couldn’t even do that.
Another misfortune with regard to the recording of this day’s live performance was that even that Mike Millard failed to record completely, and the recording started from “Since I’ve Been Loving You”. Therefore, even though it was a masterpiece of the 1977 LA series performance that is comparable to “Eddie”, it has been unfortunate that “high-quality The Song Remains The Same” has not existed for many years. dilemma. That’s why it was so significant that the same song was included on John Wizard’s cassette.
Unfortunately, as revealed in “FOR BADGE HOLDERS ONLY: JON WIZARDO MASTER CASSETTES,” all the cuts that occurred on his cassettes, including “The Song”, can be compensated for by other sources. It’s a blessing. Since Wizard’s cassette master was discovered in this way, it is obvious that if it is restored, the best June 23, 1977 item ever will be released. Rather, it is what enthusiasts are looking forward to as a next-level item suitable for a new era.

“GRAF ZEPPELIN” came forward. In the first place, he is the person who created the best ever “FOR BADGE HOLDERS ONLY” in the LP version, and there is no one who is suitable for repairing Wizard Master, and even as a maniac, there should be no objection. It is no exaggeration to say that this literally promises to be a complete version.
In fact, “GRAF ZEPPELIN” is showing off his skills to the fullest, and you will be surprised even before ZEP starts playing. The reason is that it starts with monaural sound quality. Yes, he saw that recording had started earlier with “Recorder 3” than Wizard Master, and this early part is proof that he compensated for even parts unrelated to the performance. However, above all, this is the problem with “The Song Remains The Same.” “GRAF ZEPPELIN” was able to patch “recorder 3” so smoothly. This part alone promises a satisfying finish, but the final part of “Achilles Last Stand”, which is another big cut, not only connects the mirrored master known as “recorder 2” from the 1st gen. copy, but also Let’s take care to bring out “Recorder 4” for the inter-song parts after that to achieve the longest recording.
However, in addition to this detailed editing, Wizard Master itself has also been carefully remastered. In “GRAF ZEPPELIN’s” own words, it is “more powerful”, but the difference is obvious if you compare it with “Sick Again”. However, the natural finish that is not intrusive can only be described as admirable, and the value of the previous “FOR BADGE HOLDERS ONLY: JON WIZARDO MASTER CASSETTES” as a flat transfer and even as a sample of the sound source itself has not diminished at all. It was.

And not only because of the good sound, but among enthusiasts there are probably fewer people who like this performance better than “Eddie”. It is also a masterpiece that is said to be a masterpiece. After all, having experienced Bonzo being shaken off by “Eddie”, it was important that the other three people dared to be with him on this day. Not to be outdone by “Eddie”, Bonzo is shaking from the opening, and his high tension is extremely impressive, but the sound is so good that you can clearly see how the other members are accepting him.
They had so much energy that their performance went astray during “Kashmir,” but as if trying to recover from that, the four of them came together and exploded into “Trampled Under Foot.” Isn’t this the best take of the 1977 version without a doubt? The fact that Jimmy is playing to his heart’s content from the middle to the second half of the live performance seems to have been created from the tension of being able to compete with Bonzo.
As proof of that, the final two songs, “Achilles Last Stand” and “Stairway To Heaven”, are both wonderful performances in which Jimmy and Bonzo are the main characters. And the finale “Rock And Roll” is a huge Bonzo explosion that is suitable for the end of the day. Under such circumstances, it is also significant that “Achilles Last ~” is included in the complete album this time. What’s more, the smooth finish that shows the true power of “GRAF ZEPPELIN” is exquisite. The definitive version of the LA Forum released on June 23, 1977, following the shocking discovery of the master. This is the new generation “FOR BADGE HOLDERS ONLY”!

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(Remaster Memo)

★Based on the familiar Src1 tape source from the LP that has recently become a hot topic, we have created a non-stop version of the complete recording of all songs by filling in the missing parts!

★The main Src1 has undergone phase, volume and EQ adjustments to adjust the sound pressure like an LP record at the time, but with less impact.

★All songs are completely recorded by filling in the missing parts with other sources.The supplementary source prioritizes Src2’s Mirrored 1st Gen (not online),
A few places that cannot be compensated for by mirrored can be compensated for appropriately with Src3 and Src4.
Even so, compared to the Src1 from the LP era, it is surprising that the main Src1 tape has far fewer missing parts.
Therefore, as a matter of course, the discomfort caused by switching sound sources due to compensation is minimized.

早くも今年最大の発掘音源との誉れ高きZEP名盤のマスター・カセットの発掘が実現した『FOR BADGE HOLDERS ONLY: JON WIZARDO MASTER CASSETTES』。何しろマスターは存在しないのでは?とまで思われていたせいで、当時のLPから落としたアイテムが繰り返しリリースされ続けたほど。それが2023年になってまさかのマスター発掘はあまりに衝撃的すぎました。おかげで同タイトルは瞬殺、先日の再入荷ですらあっという間に売り切れてしまうという有様。それもこれもZEPマニアが長年聞き続けてきた名盤『FOR BADGE HOLDERS ONLY』のマスターだからこそ。
そんな衝撃の発掘から明らかになったのは、ジョン・ウィザードがショーの始めから録音を開始したものの、あいにく「The Song Remains The Same」が始まったところでマイクがレコーダーから抜けてしまったという事実。そのせいで空白が生じてしまい、LPリリースの際には肝心のオープニング・ナンバーの収録を諦めなければならなかった。同じようにテープの面が終わってしまうタイミングに当たったことでエンディングまで録音できなかった「Achilles Last Stand」はフェイドアウトのごまかしがきいたことからLP『PART 2』に収録されたのですが、「The Song~」のトラブルではそれすら出来ない状態だったのが不運でした。
そしてこの日のライブの記録に関してもう一つの不運は、あのマイク・ミラードですら完全収録しそびれてしまい、よりによって「Since I’ve Been Loving You」から録音が始まっていたのです。よって『エディ』と双璧を成す1977年LA連続公演の名演であったにもかかかわらず、今まで「高音質なThe Song Remains The Same」が存在しない不運が長年に渡って続いていたのがジレンマ。だからこそジョン・ウィザードのカセットに同曲が含まれていた意義は大きすぎた。
『FOR BADGE HOLDERS ONLY: JON WIZARDO MASTER CASSETTES』で明らかになったように、その「The Song~」を始めとした彼のカセットに生じていたカットに関しては他のソースですべて補えるというのが不幸中の幸いでしょう。こうしてウィザードのカセット・マスターが発掘された以上、そこをレストアすれば過去最高の1977年6月23日アイテムがリリースできるのは明白。むしろ新時代に相応しいネクスト・レベルなアイテムとしてマニアが期待するのはそこかと。

そこに名乗りを上げたのは「GRAF ZEPPELIN」。そもそも彼はLP起こしバージョンで過去最高の『FOR BADGE HOLDERS ONLY』を作り上げた張本人としてウィザード・マスターの補修に相応しい達人はいないでしょうし、マニアとしても異論はないはず。これで文字通りのコンプリートなバージョンが完成することが約束されたといっても過言ではありません。
実際「GRAF ZEPPELIN」は存分に腕をふるってくれており、ZEPが演奏を始める前かいきなり驚かされます。何故ならモノラル音質でスタート。そう、彼はウィザード・マスターより「recorder 3」の方が早く録音が開始されていたことを見抜いており、演奏と関係ない部分ですら補填してみせた証がこの序盤のパートなのです。しかし何と言っても「The Song Remains The Same」における問題の個所。そこに「recorder 3」を実になめらかにパッチしてみせたのは「GRAF ZEPPELIN」の面目躍如。この部分だけでも満足間違いなしな仕上がりを約束しますが、もう一つの大きなカットである「Achilles Last Stand」の終盤は「recorder 2」ことミラード・マスターを1st gen.コピーからつなぐだけでなく、さらにその後の曲間パートに「recorder 4」まで持ち出して最長収録を実現するという念の入れよう。
ところが、こうした綿密な編集はもちろん、ウィザード・マスター自体も入念にリマスター。「GRAF ZEPPELIN」自身の言葉をして「迫力マシマシ」とのことですが、その違いは「Sick Again」で聞き比べれば違いは歴然。それでいて押しつけがましくないナチュラルな仕上がりは見事としか言いようがなく、それでいて前回の『FOR BADGE HOLDERS ONLY: JON WIZARDO MASTER CASSETTES』がフラット・トランスファーとして、さらには音源本体の標本として価値がまるで落ちない結果にもなったのです。

勢い余って「Kashmir」では演奏が迷走してしまうほどだったのですが、そこから立て直しを図るかの如く「Trampled Under Foot」は四人が一丸となって大爆発。これは掛け値なしに1977年バージョンのベスト・テイクではないでしょうか。ジミーがライブ中盤から後半にかけて存分に弾きまくっているのも、ボンゾと渡り合えている緊張感がから生み出されたように思えます。
その証拠に「Achilles Last Stand」に「Stairway To Heaven」という終盤二曲はどちらもジミーとボンゾが主人公となった素晴らしい演奏。そしてフィナーレ「Rock And Roll」はこの日の締めくくりに相応しいボンゾの大爆発が。そうした中で「Achilles Last~」が今回はコンプリートに収録されているのも大きい。おまけに「GRAF ZEPPELIN」本領発揮のなめらかな仕上がりは絶品。衝撃のマスター発掘に続いて満を持してリリースされる1977年6月23日LAフォーラムの決定版。これこそ新世代『FOR BADGE HOLDERS ONLY』だ!






★欠落部を別ソースで補填し全曲完全収録。補填ソースはSrc2のミラード1st Gen(ネットではない)を優先、

Disc 1 (70:27)
1. Intro ★0:00-0:48 Src3で補填
2. The Song Remains The Same ★0:12-0:22 Src3で補填
3. Sick Again
4. Nobody’s Fault But Mine
5. Over The Hills And Far Away
6. Since I’ve Been Loving You
7. No Quarter ★7:25-7:46 Src2で補填

Disc 2 (61:44)
1. MC
2. Ten Years Gone
3. The Battle Of Evermore ★5:31-5:54(演奏直後) Src2で補填
4. Going To California
5. Black Country Woman
6. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp
7. White Summer/Black Mountain Side
8. Kashmir
9. Trampled Under Foot ★6:55以降(演奏直後) Src2で補填

Disc 3 (65:35)
1. MC ★0:00-0:12 Src2で補填
2. Moby Dick
3. Guitar Solo
4. Achilles Last Stand ★8:30-9:12 Src2 / 9:12-9:28(曲間) Src4 / 9:28-9:40(曲間) Src2で補填
5. Stairway To Heaven ★11:53-12:42(曲間) Src4で補填
6. Whole Lotta Love
7. Rock And Roll



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