KISS / Revenge Sessions / 1CD

KISS / Revenge Sessions / 1CD / Zodiac
Demos and Rehearsals 1991-1992 STEREO SBD

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“ANIMALIZE SESSIONS (Zodiac 478)” and “PSYCHO CIRCUS DEMOS & OUTTAKES (Zodiac 480)” are popular ISS masterpiece demo series. The third edition, “REVENGE”, is now available.
Speaking of “REVENGE”, it is the last masterpiece of no-make KISS dedicated to the late Eric Carr, but on the other hand, it is also known that a demo sound source that shows the backstage of the production leaked. This work is a CD of the leaked sound source from the highest peak version master. It is one that is enclosed in a permanent storage press CD. The quality is the best. Compared to the “PSYCHO CIRCUS DEMOS & OUTTAKES” I introduced the other day, the sound production is thin, but it’s not a matter of sound quality, it’s a story of the production stage. Compared to the almost completed “PSYCHO CIRCUS” version, this work has more backing takes. The raw sound of the instrument is exposed without overdubbing or processing. Rather, the feeling of synchronization that flows directly into the brain is higher in this work. Moreover, this work was crazy in the existing group (about 30% of the semitone), and the pitch is also normal. Even the takes that have already been heard have been reborn.
Also, the composition is very different from the “PSYCHO CIRCUS” version. In the “PSYCHO CIRCUS” version, demos of all songs were prepared and it was “another version of the masterpiece”, but this work is only 8 songs out of all 12 songs in the album. Instead (?) Some songs are recorded with many takes, and can be a child who follows the production stage. It seems that the demo tape itself is recorded in (roughly) chronological order, but here we will introduce it in song units.

● Heart Of Chrome (3 takes)
The first to appear is “Heart Of Chrome”, a collaboration between Paul Stanley and Vinnie Vincent. Contains 3 takes of “Instrumental”, “Scat Vocals” and “Expo Instrumental”. “Instrumental” is literally a songless version. It’s just backing, but the degree of perfection is quite high. I don’t know if it’s the same as the final version until the take, but the twins are well entwined and the sound is superb.
The subsequent “Scat Vocals” is a backing that is almost complete with a cover song. Although it is sung with a meaningless scat, it is not just a humming, but somehow a lyrics-like pronunciation with a powerful shout. It’s a take that you can listen to unexpectedly normally.
The third is the “Expo Instrumental” version recorded at the end of this work. Only this will reduce the sound quality by about 2 ranks, but it is a take that you can listen to hot and aggressive lead guitar as well as backing.

● Take It Off (3 takes)
Similar to “Heart Of Chrome”, the most 3 takes are recorded in collaboration with former ALICE COOPER BAND muscle guitarist Kane Roberts. Two “Instrumental” versions and “Scat Vocals”. It’s good to compare the two backing types, but the one that catches your ear is the “Scat Vocals” version. It’s a Hanamogera word that doesn’t make sense at all, but it sounds interesting because it sounds meaningful. Is there some lyrics in Paul’s head, or is it an improvisational feat?

● Tough Love (2 takes)
The only song by Bruce Kulick’s pen in “REVENGE”. Again, you can hear two takes, “Instrumental” and “Scat Vocals”. In “Scat Vocals”, he sang “I want to take you down” quite clearly, and while making him think “Oh, the lyrics are ready”, it’s funny that he quickly becomes a Hanamogera. What’s more, it collapses into a more vague humming than other songs. There are many demos where only the chorus is decided, but it may be rare that only the singing is decided. It is also an interesting take to see what Paul uses as a foothold to write.

● Thou Shalt Not (2 takes)
Up to this point, it was Paul’s song, but finally Jean’s song has appeared. You can enjoy it in two takes, “Instrumental” and “Expo Alternate Version”. The individuality of Paul and Jean has become a powerful weapon of KISS, but when I listen to it on the instrument like this, the difference in style is remarkable even without a song. “Expo Alternate Version” includes lyrics and solid vocals.

● Others (4 songs, 4 takes)
“Just I Wanna (Instrumental)” “Every Time I Look At You (Scat Vocals)” “Unholy (Alternate Version)” “Paralyzed (Extended Mumble)”
In this work, 4 other demos of 4 songs are recorded one take at a time. “Just I Wanna”, co-written by Vinnie and Paul, is a one-take recording of the “Instrumental” version. The instrument is quite unsatisfactory because it starts with a cappella and pushes with a catchy chorus. Instead, the riffs and backing hidden behind the thick chorus are demo-like takes that clearly show the details.
Paul sings “Every Time I Look At You” is an early version with no lyrics. However, what is even better than the lyrics is the backing of only the acoustic guitar and piano. It is a gem take that a beautiful melody shines because it is simple.
“Unholy”, which turned around and approached heavy, was really ferocious. The sound quality of this take is reduced by about 2 times, but it enhances the power of the squeaking guitar many times. Perhaps I tried to make it on purpose to make it lo-fi … I’m addicted to such a delusion.
“Paralyzed” is a parts recording of about 30 seconds.

…… The above is a collection of 8 songs, 14 takes, 54 minutes 51 seconds. This is a demo album of the type that “clarifies the production process” rather than “another version of the masterpiece” because there are many instruments. It is one that depicts the inner curtain of the studio with the sound of the best master and the precise pitch. Following the “ANIMALIZE” and “PSYCHO CIRCUS” editions, this is the third installment of the stakeholder outflow demo series. Please enjoy it with the permanent storage press CD.

★ The demo album of the last masterpiece “REVENGE” of No Make KISS, the leaked sound source is made into a CD from the highest peak version master, and it is the highest peak board with the pitch that was boldly crazy in the previous release. The backing instrumental take is vibrant with a raw sound that hasn’t been overdubbed or processed, and the scat that shouldn’t make sense in Paul’s cover song version sounds like an unknown language and is interesting. This is a gem press CD that permanently preserves the hidden treasure of 8 songs, 14 takes, 54 minutes and 51 seconds.

『ANIMALIZE SESSIONS(Zodiac 478)』『PSYCHO CIRCUS DEMOS & OUTTAKES(Zodiac 480)』が好評を博しているISSの名盤デモ・シリーズ。その第三弾となる『REVENGE』篇が登場です。
『REVENGE』と言えば、故エリック・カーに捧げられたノーメイクKISS最後の名作なわけですが、一方で制作裏舞台が透けるデモ音源が流出したことでも知られています。本作は、その流出音源を最高峰版マスターからCD化。永久保存プレスCDに封じ込めた1枚なのです。そのクオリティは極上。先日ご紹介した『PSYCHO CIRCUS DEMOS & OUTTAKES』と比べるとサウンド・プロダクションは薄いですが、それは音質の問題ではなく、制作段階の話。ほとんど完成形だった『PSYCHO CIRCUS』篇に比べ、本作はバッキングのテイクが多い。オーバーダブや加工を経ておらず、楽器の生音が丸出し。むしろ、脳みそド直結に流し込まれるシンクロ感は本作の方が上なくらいです。しかも、本作は既発群で狂いまくっていた(おおそよ半音の30%ほど)ピッチも正常。既発で聴けたテイクでもビシッと生まれ変わっているのです。
また構成面でも『PSYCHO CIRCUS』篇と大きく違う。『PSYCHO CIRCUS』篇では全曲のデモが揃っていて「名盤の別バージョン」だったわけですが、本作はアルバム全12曲中8曲分だけ。その代わり(?)いくつかの曲かは何テイクも収録され、制作段階を追う子ともできます。デモ・テープ自体には(おおよそ)時系列順で録音されているようですが、ここでは曲単位でご紹介していきましょう。

●Heart Of Chrome(3テイク)
最初に登場するのは、ポール・スタンレーとヴィニー・ヴィンセントのコラボレーションが復活した「Heart Of Chrome」。「Instrumental」「Scat Vocals」「Expo Instrumental」の3テイクが収録さています。「Instrumental」は文字通りの歌なしバージョン。バッキングだけではありますが、完成度は結構高い。最終盤とテイクまで同じかは分かりませんが、ツインのからみもしっかりとしており、サウンドも極上です。
続いて登場する「Scat Vocals」は、ほとんど出来ているバッキングに仮歌を乗せたもの。意味のないスキャットで歌われているものの、単なるハミングではなく、何となく歌詞っぽい発音で力強いシャウトも交える。意外なほど普通に聴けてしまうテイクです。
3つ目は本作の最後に収録されている「Expo Instrumental」バージョン。これのみ音質が2ランクほど落ちますが、バッキングに留まらず熱くアグレッシヴなリードギターも聴けるテイクです。

●Take It Off(3テイク)
「Heart Of Chrome」と同様に最多3テイク収録なのが元ALICE COOPER BANDの筋肉ギタリスト:ケイン・ロバーツとの共作曲。「Instrumental」バージョン2種と「Scat Vocals」です。バッキング2種聴き比べるのも良いですが、やはり耳を惹くのは「Scat Vocals」バージョン。完全に意味を成さないハナモゲラ語なのですが、意味があるように聞こえるから面白い。ポールの頭の中にはある程度の歌詞ができているのか、それとも即興の特技なのでしょうか。

●Tough Love(2テイク)
『REVENGE』で唯一ブルース・キューリックのペンによる曲。ここでも「Instrumental」と「Scat Vocals」の2テイクが聴けます。「Scat Vocals」ではかなりハッキリと「I want to take you down」と歌い出し、「お、歌詞ができてる」と思わせつつ、その急速にハナモゲラになっていくのが可笑しい。しかも、他の曲よりもあやふやなハミングにまで崩れる。サビだけ決まっているデモというのはよくありますが、歌い出しだけ決めてあるのは珍しいかも知れません。ポールが何を足がかりにして書いていくのかが興味深いテイクでもあります。

●Thou Shalt Not(2テイク)
ここまではポールの曲でしたが、いよいよジーンの曲も登場。「Instrumental」と「Expo Alternate Version」の2テイクで楽しめます。ポールとジーンの個性はKISSの強力な武器となってきたわけですが、こうしてインストで聴いてみると歌がなくても作風の違いが鮮烈。「Expo Alternate Version」では歌詞もしっかりとしたヴォーカルも入ります。

「Just I Wanna (Instrumental)」「Every Time I Look At You (Scat Vocals)」「Unholy (Alternate Version)」「Paralyzed (Extended Mumble)」
本作には、他にも4曲のデモが1テイクずつ収録されています。ヴィニーとポール共作の「Just I Wanna」は「Instrumental」バージョンの1テイクのみの収録です。アカペラで始まり、キャッチーなコーラスでグイグイ押す曲だけにインストではかなり物足りない。その代わり、ぶ厚いコーラスの影に隠れていたリフやバッキングは細部までハッキリ分かるデモらしいテイクです。
ポールが切々と歌う「Every Time I Look At You」は歌詞も出来ていない初期バージョン。しかし、歌詞以上に素晴らしいのがアコギとピアノだけのバッキング。シンプルだからこそ美しいメロディが映える珠玉のテイクです。

……以上、全8曲・14テイク・54分51秒の秘宝集です。インストが多い事からも「名盤の別バージョン」というよりは「制作過程を詳らかにする」タイプのデモ・アルバム。ベスト・マスターのサウンドと正確に整ったピッチでスタジオの内幕を描き出してくれる1枚です。『ANIMALIZE』『PSYCHO CIRCUS』篇に続く、関係者流出デモ・シリーズの第三弾。どうぞ、永久保存プレスCDで存分にお楽しみください。


1. Heart Of Chrome (Instrumental)
2. Heart Of Chrome (Scat Vocals)
3. Just I Wanna (Instrumental)
4. Take It Off (Instrumental #1)
5. Take It Off (Instrumental #2)
6. Take It Off (Scat Vocals)
7. Tough Love (Instrumental)
8. Tough Love (Scat Vocals)
9. Thou Shalt Not (Instrumental)
10. Every Time I Look At You (Scat Vocals)
11. UnholY (Alternate Version)
12. Paralyzed (Extended Mumble)
13. Thou Shalt Not (Expo Alternate Version)
14. Heart Of Chrome (Expo Instrumental)

Paul Stanley – vocals, guitars
Gene Simmons – vocals, bass
Bruce Kulick – guitars
Eric Singer – drums



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