Julian Lennon / US Tour 1985 / 2CDR

Julian Lennon / US Tour 1985 / 2CDR / Uxbridge
Fox Theatre, Detroit, MA, USA 23rd April 1985 & Warfield Theatre, San Francisco, CA, USA 6th May 1985

Play sample :

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Julian Lennon received a lot of attention when he made his artist debut in 1984 with his first album “VALOTTE”. After all, that great father, John’s son, made his debut as a musician, so it can’t be helped in the limelight. And in 1984, the memory of his father’s non-working death was still vivid, and many were impressed by his son’s succession to the musician.
On the other hand, in Japan and Britain, the label and expectations of “John’s son” were so high that Julian’s music was not properly evaluated at that time. Fortunately, the current album “VALOTTE” has been re-evaluated as a masterpiece of pop / rock albums produced in the mid-1980s, yet the domestic version has been discontinued, so whenever a CD appears at auction, It’s popular because it has buyers. The song “VALOTTE” is outstandingly good.

Especially in the United States, the album was a hit that reached number 17 on the annual chart. Julian’s first live tour will be held from March to May in 1985. This tour around the theater class venue was a great success with all the tickets packed. Perhaps because of this boom, the tour released several LPs made in Japan, including Kinney in real time.
However, as time goes by, Julian’s activities are neglected, and the sound source of this tour is not released as an item on the CD, and Julian’s brilliant debut activity is overlooked. Perhaps in such a situation, two types of audience recordings appeared on the net at once last month. Not only did they both have very good sound quality, but they were also realistic documents that clearly showed how popular Julian was in the United States at that time.
As anyone who remembers the Japanese LP released at the time may remember, the enthusiasm of the American audience for Julian on this tour is just awesome. It was said by women that it was crazy, and now the “yellow cheers” that have turned into afterlife are literally flying around. This proves that Julian had captured the hearts of American teenage girls who wouldn’t even know John, let alone the Beatles.
Come to think of it, Julian, who sings pop songs with a gentle voice in that sweet mask, can’t be unpopular with her. Unlike the views of Japan and Britain, which were shadowed by her father, the appearance of the 1985 new idol in the United States was the secret that caused her tremendous popularity. Still, it’s the strongest because you can write and sing good songs, not just idols.

Julian’s 1985 American tour sound source, which appeared in February, also conveys her enthusiasm. At the time, analog releases were in Houston, New York, and LA, but this time in Detroit and San Francisco, the final destination of the tour.
First of all, Detroit, which was recorded on the first piece, has not recorded the opening “Well I Don’t Know”, but it is very easy to hear the clear and spacious sound quality in stereo. And after all, I am overwhelmed by the excitement of the girls who are always crazy. Fortunately, there was no one around the recorder who made such a voice. Among them, the cheers similar to the screams when Julian started singing the blockbuster “Valotte” conveys his tremendous popularity in a real way. By the way, this sound source had a high pitch, so I adjusted it firmly when it was released.
On the other hand, San Francisco is attractive for its solid texture unique to monaural, and it is completely recorded from the opening “Well I Don’t Know”. This is still popular, but compared to Detroit, the cheers are sharper (laughs), and it’s more like a rock concert. This day is also the day before the last day of the tour, and Julian’s calm behavior is impressive, probably because of the confidence that he has done the tour so far. For example, in “Big Mama”, if you let the audience shout out the song title, in “Stand By Me”, you can show off the intro.
In this way, both performances have attractive sound quality, and above all, Julian’s lively performance unique to the time of his debut is wonderful. Since he is an artist who has only the first album, it is easy to hear because it fits on one disc. And above all, it is full of famous songs from the album “VALOTTE”. Coupling the climax performance of Julian who became a darling of the era!



まず一枚目に収録されたデトロイトはオープニングの「Well I Don’t Know」が未収録ではありますが、ステレオでクリアー、しかも広がりのある音質がとても聞きやすい。そして何といっても終始キャアキャアいってる女子の盛り上がりに圧倒されます。もっとも録音者の周囲にそうした声を上げる人物が皆無であったことは幸いでした。中でも大ヒットを記録した「Valotte」をジュリアンが歌い始めた時の悲鳴にも似た歓声は彼の凄まじい人気ぶりをリアルに伝えてくれます。ちなみにこちらの音源はピッチが高めでしたので、リリースに際してしっかりアジャスト。
一方サンフランシスコはモノラルならではのどっしりとした質感が魅力で、しかもオープニングの「Well I Don’t Know」から完全収録。こちらも相変わらずの人気ぶりが伝わってくるものの、デトロイトと比べると歓声にメリハリがあり(笑)もっとロックコンサートらしい盛り上がり。この日はツアー最終日の前日という位置でもあり、それまでのツアーをこなしてきた自信からか、ジュリアンの落ち着きを払った振る舞いが印象的。例えば「Big Mama」では観客に曲名を叫ばせた思えば「Stand By Me」ではイントロをじらしてみせるといった具合。

Disc 1 (67:13)
Fox Theatre, Detroit, MA, USA 23rd April 1985

1. O.K. for You
2. On the Phone
3. Lonely
4. Say You’re Wrong
5. Let Me Be
6. Valotte
7. Jesse
8. Space
9. Big Mama
10. Band Introductions (tape flip)
11. Too Late for Goodbyes
12. Stand By Me
13. Day Tripper
14. Slippin’ and Slidin’ (Peepin’ and Hidin’)

Disc 2 (71:12)
Warfield Theatre, San Francisco, CA, USA 6th May 1985

1. Introduction
2. I Don’t Know
3. Ok For You
4. On The Phone
5. Lonely
6. Say You’re Wrong
7. Let Me Be
8. Valotte
9. Jesse
10. Space
11. Big Mama
12. band introductions
13. Too Late For Goodbyes
14. Stand By Me
15. Day Tripper
16. Slippin’ and Slidin’ (Peepin’ and Hidin’)

Uxbridge 1430

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