Journey / Norman 1983 Pre FM Master / 2CD

Journey / Norman 1983 Pre FM Master / 2CD / ZION
Translated Text:

Live at Lloyd Noble Arena, Norman, Oklahoma, USA 21st July 1983 STEREO SBD * Pitch Adjusted& noiseless version Westwood One Pre-FM Recording

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On behalf of the golden “FRONTIERS TOUR”, the large staple live album, which is said to be “the strongest and the highest in the history of JOURNEY” has revived with the quality to update the highest peak ever. It is contained in one of “the strongest and the highest”, “Norman performance on July 21, 1983”. This show is radio broadcast, it is a large standard in the classic that has produced countless sound board albums since ancient times.
Anyway, super / superb stereo soundboard tells the true price of golden age. About 2 years ago even the news that the news “The official release as ‘THE FRONTIERS TOUR’ finally flies!」 Is also a famous super-famous sound source (in fact it was a foreign-made boot leg and it was a toho content that is an incomplete version) . Many people from all over the world have been pursuing a “top board” just like that standard. Which board is the longest, Genes is the youngest … …. This work is one that puts an end to such history.
To tell the truth, “Searching for the vertex of Norman ’83” among maniacs all over the world has been thought to have settled a few years ago. The conclusion is “pre-FM transcription LP dropping”. It is a sound source that has been delivered at our gift CDR. It is its quality and many, it is a sound with a different dimension from the existing air check, there is neither degradation of Gene nor radio noise, it is tolerate even aged deterioration due to an unused analog board, literally the ultimate 1 It was a book.
However, the desire of maniac still has not finished yet. It was not “JOURNEY itself in 1983”, though it had accurately delivered “the broadcast itself of 1983” to such an extent that it could not be done anymore. The cause is pitch and noise. This pitch problem is not “well understood if you listen” level. The semitone was also misaligned. Of course, anyone will notice it if the whole story is going crazy, but it is not so troubling. What is incomprehensible, only four songs in the middle of the show, “No More Lies”, “Back Talk”, “Edge Of The Blade” and one final song “Keep On Runnin ‘” were semitones high. Furthermore, the nuances of the sound quality of these four songs are different from others, and the momentary noise called “puff” was also misunderstood. This is speculation flowing between mania, probably because these four songs have replaced the broadcasting station with other performances in some circumstances. In particular, this Norman performance is a three day continuous performance of “July 19”, “July 20”, “July 21” at the same venue, and it is said that these four songs are recordings for two other days There is.

It totally preliminarily took longer, but it is this work which thoroughly corrected those drawbacks. Align 4 songs that are half notes high just, carefully removing noise one by one. At the same time, (?) Scratches and noises of analog raising that remained very slightly in other songs are also beautiful cleanly removed, realizing a beautiful “ringing” without scratches. Instead of “1983 broadcasting”, it reproduced exactly “the 1983 performance” itself.
What a wonderful thing of the historical supernumeric recording that has been revived in this way! Anyway, it is a great heyday during the heyday “FRONTIERS TOUR”. “INFINITY” “Wheel In The Sky” “Lights”, “DEPARTURE” “Line Of Fire” “Any Way You Want It”, SCHON & HAMMER “No More Lies” such as famous songs are delicious The overwhelming thing is the large board that seven songs from each of the 10 songs of the famous boards “ESCAPE” and “FRONTIERS”. Of course, there was also a complete reproduction of the world ‘s first performance in this year’ s performance, but the flow which tends to be strangely in such “planning” is also quite natural in this work (after all, it can not burn out if “Separate Ways” is middle stage) You know. We cut down what we are going to seek for perfection as a “show”, and then the luxury which has chosen the super masterpieces luxuriously on it seems to shine.
And the overwhelming live itself is more than such a set list. Anyway, it bursts on the stage as it is with the band’s potential of five people who created the superstar “ESCAPE” “FRONTIERS”. Young passion 34 years ago and flashing super nameless as it is. Originally it is an intensely clever band, but there is no bad husband because the momentum of “You are sweeping the whole world right now! Especially Steve Perry, 34 years old, also has a lot of fat and it makes me feel the best singing voice of the rock world.

It is the decision board of the historical sound board / album which was perfectly finished, corrected even the pitch and noise which the original broadcasting station had done. Its contents are “ESCAPE” “FRONTIERS” live version, it is even worth the same as two super-name boards anymore. Absolute board of such live album. We will contain it in a press CD that will not lose its radiance forever and will deliver it to you at this weekend.

黄金の“FRONTIERS TOUR”を代表し、「JOURNEY史上、最強・最高」と謳われる大定番ライヴアルバムが史上最高峰を更新するクオリティで蘇りました。その“最強・最高”の1本に収められているのは、「1983年7月21日ノーマン公演」。このショウはラジオ放送され、古くから無数のサウンドボード・アルバムを生み出してきた定番中の大定番です。
何しろ、黄金期の真価を伝える超・極上ステレオ・サウンドボード。2年ほど前にも「遂に『THE FRONTIERS TOUR』として公式リリース!」というニュースも飛び交ったほどの超有名音源です(実際には海外製ブートレッグで、しかも不完全版というトホホな内容でした)。それほどの定番だけに、世界中のマニアが“頂点盤”を追い求めてもきました。どの盤が最長か、ジェネが最も若いのか……。本作は、そんな歴史に終止符を打つ1本なのです。
しかし、マニアの欲望はそれでもまだ終わらなかった。これ以上はあり得ないほど“1983年の放送そのもの”を正確に届けてくれてはいたものの、“1983年のJOURNEYそのもの”ではなかったのです。その原因とはピッチとノイズ。このピッチ問題は「よーく聞くと分かるかも」レベルではありません。なんと半音もズレていた。もちろん、全編が狂いまくっていたら誰でも気づくのですが、そうではないから困ったもの。なんとも不可解なことに、ショウ中盤の3曲「No More Lies」「Back Talk」「Edge Of The Blade」と、終盤の1曲「Keep On Runnin’」の計4曲だけが半音高かった。さらに、この4曲は音質のニュアンスも他と異なっており、瞬間的な“プッ”としいうノイズも紛れていたのです。これはマニア間に流れる憶測ですが、恐らくこの4曲はなんらかの事情で放送局が他公演に差し替えたのではないでしょうか。特に、このノーマン公演は同会場で「7月19日」「7月20日」「7月21日」の3日連続公演であり、この4曲は他2日間の録音ではないかと言われているのです。

こうして蘇った歴史的超名録音の、なんと素晴らしい事! 何しろ、全盛期中の大全盛期たる“FRONTIERS TOUR”。『INFINITY』の「Wheel In The Sky」「Lights」、『DEPARTURE』の「Line Of Fire」「Any Way You Want It」、SCHON & HAMMERの「No More Lies」といった名曲群も美味しいですが、それ以上に圧倒的なのが名盤『ESCAPE』『FRONTIERS』の各10曲から7曲ずつという大盤振る舞い。もちろん、今年の来日公演では世界初となる完全再現もありましたが、そうした“企画”では妙になりがちな流れも、本作では極めて自然(やっぱり「Separate Ways」が中盤だと燃え切れませんよね)。“ショウ”としての完成度を求めて削るものは削り、その上で超名曲を贅沢に選び抜いた豪華さは輝くようです。


Disc 1 (42:01)
1. DJ Intro. 2. Chain Reaction 3. Wheel In The Sky 4. Line Of Fire 5. Send Her My Love
6. Still They Ride 7. Open Arms 8. No More Lies 9. Back Talk 10. Edge Of The Blade
11. Rubicon 12. Drums Solo

Disc 2 (39:48)
1. Escape 2. Faithfully 3. Who’s Crying Now 4. Don’t Stop Believin’ 5. Stone In Love
6. Keep On Runnin’7. Lights 8. Any Way You Want It 9. Separate Ways (World’s Apart)


Steve Perry – Lead Vocals Neal Schon – Guitar, Vocals Jonathan Cain – Keyboards, Vocals
Ross Valory – Bass, Vocals Steve Smith – Drums


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