Impellitteri / Stand In Tokyo Live / 1DVDR

Impellitteri / Stand In Tokyo Live / 1DVDR / Non Label
Power Station, Tokyo, Japan 17th July 1988.

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In 2019, when IMPELLITTERI and GRAHAM BONNET BAND come to Japan at the same time, this week will have to see Kore again! This is the pro shot “STAND IN TOKYO LIVE” of the first coming to Japan of the familiar IMPELLITTERI! 
 Richie Blackmore, Michael Schenker, Yngwie Malmsteen, Steve Vai … Graham Bonnett, we’ve been playing with glitzy luxury guitarists who just mentioned their names. After that, co-starring with a glitzy guitar hero will be sung, but the guitar hero he has finally teamed up with is Chris, “The Fastest Man in the World,” Imperiteri! This work is a television broadcast when you come to Japan with the masterpiece “STAND IN LINE” of the style beauty metal created by two people. It is a video that has been on the market as a standard, but among them the best version is recorded. 
 Although it is air check, the quality which does not make noise and master deterioration feel is just the highest in the past. Graham and ALCATRAZZ have left “Super Guitarist’s first look at” as a professional shot for “METALLIC LIVE ’83” and “Power Live” with Yngwie, but this work is a gem that can be enjoyed as its third edition “Imperiteri Hen” is.
 To be honest, IMPELLITTERI, which is less popular than RAINBOW, MSG and ALCATRAZZ, is one more penetration than quality. However, 27 years after the broadcast, if you review it again, you will be overwhelmed by its value. After all, Graham is in great condition! The tone of Graham was quite bad in “METALLIC LIVE ’83” of ALCATRAZZ, and the “power live” was a style different from the style beauty since RAINBOW. In comparison, Graham of this work freely controls the original super voice, and the imperité exudes “I love RAINBOW!”. It sings powerfully to compete with the fast-playing catharsis on a song that has a sense of consistency. Even in the operatic “Tonight I Fly” and “Leviathan” you can hear the fine control of the lows and highs, and the familiar “All Night Long” is also comparable in volume and volume compared to the RAINBOW era. Particularly overwhelming is the second half “Secret Lover”. From the hot shout that creates a streak of green in the middle of the brow, to the intense singing and singing (with a unique folding fan), Graham’s attractiveness as a vocalist is a huge explosion! 
 And my partner Chris is also in a series of super solos that is ashamed of the name of “the world’s fastest man.” In the later solo he showed an attitude not only concerned with speed, but at this time he left him to be young, and he said, “It’s fast and bad!” The world’s fastest full picking is seen at Doap’s hand angle (like “CHASING YNGWIE”!) This is really valuable. It is disappointing that it is 35 minutes and short, but the tune is most of the style work “STAND IN LINE” of Graham last (!?) (7 songs out of 9 songs) + “All Night Long”. It is the highest peak image of “Neokura Graham”!

 However, it’s too lonely in 35 minutes. So this film also includes the Japanese broadcast of Ozzy Osbourne. The pro shot at the Moscow Peace Festival in 1989, you can see an interview with Ozzy (with Japanese subtitles) at the beginning and the appearance of local fans who are excited. The quality and sound quality of this is also the same as the main part of Imperia, and you can enjoy the best live from the opening “I Don’t Know”. Ozzy band at this time is a line called Zac Wild & Giser Butler and Randy Castillo. “Who is the strongest Ozzy band?” I think that there are various opinions, but this lineup is also one of the top candidates. 
 An interview with Ozzy in the opening is more impressive than such a live. The wind of Perestroika blew up, and Ozzy’s candid comment that visited the Soviet Union on the verge of collapse is full of a sense of history. After that, Soviet fans who scoop up Ozzy to enter and fill up the stadium. It is a historical spectacle that overflows with the sense of the late 1980’s. 

 Graham, who casts style metal, and Ozzy, who led young Zac and Geaser. Even now, they are two people performing well, but the days when the power was fully open were really amazing. Please enjoy the coupling title, packed with delicious pro shot video that appeared in the late 1980s for 65 minutes! 

★ The highest quality version from the 1989 Japanese broadcast video master released by video enthusiasts. 

IMPELLITTERIとGRAHAM BONNET BANDがほぼ同時期に来日する2019年の今、今週はもうコレを見るしかないでしょう!! お馴染みのIMPELLITTERI初来日のプロショット「STAND IN TOKYO LIVE」です!
リッチー・ブラックモア、マイケル・シェンカー、イングヴェイ・マルムスティーン、スティーヴ・ヴァイ………もう、名前を挙げただけで目眩がしそうな豪華ギタリスト達と共演してきた我らがグラハム・ボネット。その後、派手なギターヒーローとの共演は鳴り潜めていきますが、彼が最後に組んだギターヒーローこそ、クリス・“世界最速男”・インペリテリ! 本作は、2人が創り上げた様式美メタルの傑作「STAND IN LINE」を引っさげて来日した際のテレビ放送です。定番として出回ってきた映像ですが、その中でも最良バージョンを収録しています。
エアチェックではあるものの、ノイズやマスター劣化を感じさせないクオリティは、まさに過去最高。グラハムというとALCATRAZZでもイングヴェイとの「METALLIC LIVE ’83」や「パワーライブ」で“スーパーギタリスト初見参”をプロショットで残してきたわけですが、本作はその第3弾“インペリテリ編”として楽しめる逸品です。
正直なところ、RAINBOW・MSG・ALCATRAZZより人気の劣るIMPELLITTERIということで、クオリティに比して今ひとつな浸透度ではあります。しかし、放送から27年経った今、改めて見直すとその貴重度に圧倒されます。なにしろ、グラハムが絶好調! ALCATRAZZの「METALLIC LIVE ’83」ではグラハムの調子がかなり悪く、「パワーライブ」のヴァイはRAINBOW以来の様式美とはまるで違うスタイルでした。それに比べ、本作のグラハムは本来のスーパーヴォイスを自在にコントロールし、インペリテリも“RAINBOW大好き!”を丸出し。キッチリと整合感のある楽曲の上で、速弾きのカタルシスと対抗するようにパワフルに歌い上げるのです。オペラティックに展開する「Tonight I Fly」や「Leviathan」でも低域と高域の見事なコントロールを聴かせ、お馴染みの「All Night Long」も張り・声量ともRAINBOW時代に優るとも劣らない。特に圧倒的なのが、後半の「Secret Lover」。眉間に青筋を立てての熱いシャウトから、もろ肌脱いでの豪快な歌いっぷり(さらには扇子を用いたユニークなステージング)まで、ヴォーカリスト・パフォーマーとしてのグラハムの魅力が大爆発!
そして、相棒クリスも“世界最速男”の名に恥じぬスーパーソロを連発。後のソロでは速さだけにこだわらない姿勢も見せましたが、この時は若さに任せ「速くて悪いか!」とでも言わんばかりの爆速ソロ。その世界最速のフルピッキングが、ドアップの手元アングル(まるで「CHASING YNGWIE」のよう!)で観られる!! これは本当に貴重。35分と短いのが残念ですが、その曲目はグラハム最後(!?)の様式作「STAND IN LINE」のほとんど(全9曲中7曲)+「All Night Long」。まさに“ネオクラ・グラハム”の最高峰映像なのです!

とは言え、やはり35分ではやはり寂しい。そこで本作には、オジー・オズボーンの日本放送も収録しています。1989年の“モスクワ・ピース・フェスティバル”出演時のプロショットで、冒頭にはオジーへのインタビュー(日本語字幕付き)や盛り上がる現地ファンの様子を観られます。こちらも本編のインペリテリ同様に画質・音質はバツグンで、オープニングの「I Don’t Know」から最高のライヴを堪能できます。この時のオジーバンドは、ザック・ワイルド&ギーザー・バトラーにランディ・カスティロという布陣。「最強のオジー・バンドはどれか?」というのは、さまざまな意見があると思いますが、このラインナップもその最有力候補のひとつでしょう。



1. Intro. 2. Stand In Line 3. Tonight I Fly 4. Leviathan 5. All Night Long 6. Secret Lover
7. Somewhere Over The Rainbow 8. Goodnight And Goodbye 9. Since You Been Gone 

Chris Impellitteri-Guitar Graham Bonnet-Vocal Dave Spitz-Bass 
Phil Wolfe-Keyboards Stet Howland-Drums 

Bonus Tracks: 

Live at Moscow Music Peace Festival 12th & 11th 13th August 1989 

1. Intro. 2. Carmina Burana 3. I Don’t Know 4. War Pigs 5. Suicide Solution 6. Crazy Train 
7. Paranoid 

Ozzy Osbourne-Vocal Zakk Wylde-Guitar Geezer Butler-Bass Randy Castillo-Drums 


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