Joni Mitchell / Wembley Stadium 1974 Master Tapes / 2CD

Joni Mitchell / Wembley Stadium 1974 Master Tapes / 2CD / Zion
Live at Wembley Stadium, London, UK 14th September 1974

Play sample :

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The 1974 Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young reunion tour was a hot topic as the performers not only themselves but also other gorgeous artists appeared in the opening act by going around the stadium. This style was also followed at Wembley Stadium, which was the final day of the tour, and it turned into a big event that brought together gorgeous artists from the United States and Canada at the time. It used to be a big venue like Wembley, so it was a scale that should be counted in the category of festivals now, but at that time, the event name was not given, and it was just CSNY and a gorgeous guest lineup. It was done with such a tie.
Regarding CSNY, which acted as a bird, “WEMBLEY STADIUM 1974: MASTER TAPES”, which has achieved a dramatic improvement in sound quality from the master cassette, has just been released, but the British collector who provided the precious master is now available. will even provide the sound sources of other artists on the same day! Unlike CSNY, which was blessed with sound sources and images, the stages of other artists at Wembley Stadium in 1974 had a feeling of being wrapped in a veil, so this can be called a historical excavation that surprises maniacs around the world. prize.

“The first person I’d like to introduce is Joni Mitchell.” He is also a close friend of CSNY, including Graham Nash, and not only is he intimate, such as drawing the jacket of their best album “SO FAR” issued according to the tour, but of course he has been on tour many times. I was the opening act. In the first place, Joni in 1974 went on a tour from July himself, following the LA Express who participated in the recording of the masterpiece “COURT AND SPARK”. In August, Joni’s first live album “MILES OF AISLES” was also recorded.
The appearance of Joni and the band, who had been performing live like this, at Wembley was truly majestic. The large band LA Express, which plays a jazzy and funky sound, looks so good on stage that it seems to be suitable for a large venue like Wembley.
Of course, some songs are played with the arrangement of “MILES OF ~” as it is, but after finishing the stage that also served as the recording of the album, it was successful, and I was more confident than the take of the same album. It emits a full sound from the stage. However, the acoustic troubles that tend to occur in the early stadium concerts where the performers of this day were not a little tormented also occurred in Joni’s turn, and the performance was interrupted at “Same Situation” first. Furthermore, at the beginning of “This Flight Tonight”, I was hit by a happening that the sound suddenly became louder.

However, the fact that they were completely unperturbed by the troubles and performed the stage with dignity seemed to be the result of recording the live album. In the first place, the balance of sound output at the venue is better than CSNY’s turn, and Joni’s singing voice can be heard throughout the live. Audience recordings have been circulating among traders on this day for some time, but this version has a quality that surpasses it. However, in this recording, Taper recorded from the LA Express before she appeared, which caused a cut as early as the beginning of “Same Situation”. Therefore, the conventional sound source is used for compensation, but this is connected very naturally, and it sounds like “Is the microphone facing down?” In addition, the conventional sound source played an active part everywhere.
The LA Express stage was recorded as a bonus track on the second disc, but since it was an instrumental band performance, it was recorded with an outstanding balance. Not only that, the state-of-the-art fusion sound, centered on guitarist Robben Ford, was played at the time, so it was vivid that the British audience who were looking for CSNY were excited.
And Joni’s stage is not only a magnificent performance, but also a repertoire that is not heard in her live album “MILES OF AISLES”. For example, in “For Free”, the oboe by members of the LA Express has a good taste. Alternatively, Ford’s guitar roars in “Raised On Robbery”, which has a very high-tension performance. With “Twisted”, which ended the lively stage that seemed to eat CSNY like this, Joni excited the stadium with a relaxed performance. An unparalleled audience document of Joni’s 74th live, which is exactly paired with “MILES OF ~”. Please enjoy the full performance with the highest sound quality.

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(remastered memo)

★ Direct digital transfer from the stereo master cassette provided by the collector provides the ultimate in freshness.

★Although we have adjusted the balance and bandwidth slightly, we respect the texture of the original data.

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トリを務めたCSNYに関してはマスター・カセットから飛躍的な音質の向上を遂げた「WEMBLEY STADIUM 1974: MASTER TAPES」がリリースされたばかりですが、その貴重なマスターを提供してくれたイギリスのコレクターが今度は同日の他のアーティストの音源までも提供してくれることになったのです!何かと音源や映像に恵まれたCSNYと違い、74年ウェンブリー・スタジアムにおける他のアーティストのステージはベールに包まれた感がありましたので、これは世界中のマニアを驚かせる歴史的な発掘と呼べるでしょう。

そんな中から最初に紹介しますはジョニ・ミッチェル。グレアム・ナッシュを始めとしたCSNYの親友でもあり、なおかつツアーに合わせて出された彼らのベスト盤「SO FAR」のジャケを描くなどの親密ぶりであるだけでなく、当然ツアーでも何度かオープニング・アクトを務めていました。そもそも74年のジョニは名盤「COURT AND SPARK」のレコーディングに参加したLAエキスプレスをバックに従えて自身でも7月からツアーを敢行。8月にはジョニ初のライブアルバムである「MILES OF AISLES」の収録も行われた時期。
もちろんいくつかの曲は「MILES OF~」そのままのアレンジで演奏されている訳ですが、そのアルバムの収録を兼ねたステージを終えた後ということが功を奏し、同アルバムのテイク以上に自信に満ち溢れたサウンドをステージから発してくれる。もっとも、この日の出演者が少なからず苛まれた初期スタジアム・コンサートにありがちな音響トラブルがジョニの出番でも起きており、まず「Same Situation」で演奏が中断。さらに「This Flight Tonight」の序盤に出音が突然大きくなるといったハプニングに見舞われていました。

しかしトラブルにも全く動じず、むしろ堂々とステージをこなしているところがライブアルバム収録後らしいところで、しかも今回のオーディエンス録音はマスターから収録された最高レベルのクオリティ。そもそも会場の出音のバランスからしてCSNYの出番よりも良好なくらいで、ライブ全体でジョニの歌声が通って聞こえる。以前からこの日はオーディエンス録音がトレーダー間に出回っていましたが、今回のバージョンはそれをも軽く上回るクオリティ。ただし今回の録音はテーパーが彼女の登場する前のLAエキスプレスから録音してくれており、そのせいで「Same Situation」の序盤において早くもカットが生じてしまいます。そこで従来の音源を補填に用いているのですが、これが非常に自然につながっており、まるで「マイクが下を向いたのか?」くらいにしか聞こえません。その他、従来の音源は随所で活躍してくれました。
そしてジョニのステージは堂々たる演奏ぶりはもちろん、ライブアルバム「MILES OF AISLES」では聞かれないレパートリーも素晴らしい音質で捉えてくれているときた。例えば「For Free」ではLAエキスプレスのメンバーによるオーボエがいい味を出している。あるいは非常にハイテンションな演奏が素晴らしい「Raised On Robbery」ではフォードのギターも唸りを上げる。こうしてCSNYを食ってしまいそうなほどイキイキとしたステージの最後を締めくくった「Twisted」でのジョニは余裕のパフォーマンスでスタジアムを盛り上げる。正に「MILES OF~」と対をなすジョニ74年ライブの比類なきオーディエンス・ドキュメント。その充実のパフォーマンスを最高音質にてじっくりとお楽しみください。







Disc 1 (61:10)
1. Introduction
2. Free Man In Paris
3. You Turn Me On, I’m A Radio
4. Big Yellow Taxi
5. Same Situation ★0:05-1:51 別ソースで補填 ★ハウリングのためか、途中で演奏中断
6. Rainy Night House
7. Woodstock★演奏後曲間、5分休憩に伴う曲間カット。補填なし(別ソースよりもこれでも長い)
8. This Flight Tonight ★0:25突然音が大きくなるが、別ソースでも同じ(会場の出音がこういうもの)
9. People’s Parties
10. All I Want
11. Woman Of Heart And Mind
12. Cold Blue Steel And Sweet Fire ★4:58以降別ソースで補填
13. Blue ★0:00-0:17別ソースで補填
14. For Free ★4:33-4:41(演奏後の曲間)別ソースで補填
15. Help Me

Disc 2 (58:04)
01. Tuning/MC
02. Jericho
03. Love Or Money
04. Raised On Robbery
05. Band Introductions
06. The Last Time I Saw Richard
07. Twisted

Tom Scott & The L.A. Express ★当日はJoniの直前に演奏し、そのまま続けてJoniのバッキングのようです。
08. Rock Island Rocket
09. Sneakin’ In The Back
10. Mondo ★4:36 曲中カット(補填ソースなし)
11. Band Introductions
12. Dahomey Dance
13. Good Evening Mr. & Mrs. America & All The Ships

Joni Mitchell – vocals, guitar, dulcimer, piano

Tom Scott & The L.A. Express:
Tom Scott – woodwinds, reeds
Robben Ford – guitar
Larry Nash – keyboards
Max Bennett – bass
John Guerin – drums, Percussion

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