Joni Mitchell / Budokan 1983 / 4CD

Joni Mitchell / Budokan 1983 / 4CD / Zion
Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 7th March 1983

Play sample :

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And this time, the well-known Budokan will be released at the same time. That said, it’s not just the classic radio source. It is the ultimate 1983 Budokan set in which the sound source by the same taper as the Employees’ Pension Hall (that is, the person who created masterpieces such as Stones, Clapton, Beck, Floyd) was also coupled. As is well known, not all of the shows are broadcast on radio broadcasts, only 60% of the repertoire was used from the actual show. However, this Odins recording, which was the first appearance, finally revealed the whole picture of the day.
It’s no exaggeration to call it Joni’s live sound source. At the same time, the amazing quality is amazing. While recording Odins at the Budokan, which is larger than the Employees’ Pension Hall, which was released at the same time, the sound image closer to it was impressive. This is a high-level audience that you want to describe as a “sound board,” and it ’s a great sound quality that wo n’t be inferior to the classic radio sound source of the day!
”What was even more surprising was the recording state that not only the band performances that followed the famous musicians, but also Joni’s single-speaking corner in the middle of the show was captured with a superb sound image. In the case of Odins recording, there is still a difference in the volume level between the band performance and the narration, but the real and cozy feel of Joni’s narration heard here is superb.

And the great thing about the 1983 tour was that while it basically pushed out a rock-like band sound that took over the album “WILD THINGS RUN FAST”, it was about Joni’s early songs like “Big Yellow Taxi” and “Woodstock” , That all told her in her playing. In other words, the fact that he played honestly without adding extra arrangements to the classics that traditional fans wanted did not mean something like a return to origin after the completion of the jazz-fusion route. Is not it.
“As a proof of that,“ A Case Of You ”and“ Carey ”performed a narrative that brought out a dulcimer that could also be called an early trademark. Of these dulcimer songs, “Carey” was cut from the broadcast, but this was the highlight of the day. Joni, who started playing Dulcimer, doesn’t seem to be happy with what he did, and eventually ended up singing. Finally, when the song was finished singing, the most smiley scene of laughter was cut by the broadcast. It is also a scene that reminds us of the preciousness of this Odins recording.
As you can see from this fun “Carey” scene, it has been more than a week since I stayed in Japan, so Joni is challenging the Budokan more relaxedly than at the Employees’ Pension Hall. It is also attractive that the situation is conveyed. She seems to have a lot of fun laughing not only in the previous song but also between other songs. Even a little scene between such songs was cut considerably in the broadcast, but above all even the songs that represent her in the 70s such as “Coyote” in the early stage of the live and “Refuge Of The Roads” in the middle of the broadcast, Everything that has been cut has been unpopular with fans since then.
And the classic radio broadcast is recorded on the third and fourth. The gray zone CD that sewed the gap of the right relationship called “A WOMAN IN THE EAST” is currently distributed in the general market, but the tape at the time when the taper that performed this audience recording air-checked the broadcast was also the tape Provided us. This broadcast was broadcast in two weeks, but at the end of the first week’s broadcast, “Underneath The Streetlights” at the end of the live was played ahead of the next week. Therefore, it was cut in “A WOMAN ~” due to the fact that the performance is doubled and the problem that it fits on one disc, but this time it was recorded without cutting it, so the actual broadcast was faithfully played with two discs It was recorded in the form and proved that it was a sound source obtained from a different route from “A WOMAN ~”.
Although it is a sound source with a major drawback of incomplete recording for the previous reasons, it is still an attractive stereo sound board advantage for broadcasting. In particular, the clearness of Michael Landau’s guitar judgment that goes through the whole volume and the bassline of Larry Klein, introduced by Johnny as “my husband” in the member introduction. However, with regards to Vinnie Caliuta’s drums, the army goes up towards this Odins recording.
After all, this Odins recording was a shocking excavation both in terms of sound quality and content, and for enthusiasts who wanted to play back all of the Budokan stage that was full thanks to Joni’s performance in Japan finally realized , There will be no sound source so much awaited. An audience album that is so wonderful that radio sources are no longer reflected in the bonus. The 1983 Budokan is perfect!

★ The first day of Budokan 2 consecutive performances. FM broadcasting is famous on this day, but this is the first audience recording. (★ is a radio non-broadcast song) The sound quality is the same level as the broadcast version.


それに83年ツアーの偉大な点としては、基本的にアルバム「WILD THINGS RUN FAST」を引き継いだロック寄りなバンドサウンドを押し出した一方、「Big Yellow Taxi」や「Woodstock」といったジョニ初期の曲に関しては、すべて彼女の弾き語りで聞かせてくれたということ。つまり従来のファンが求める様なクラシックに余計なアレンジを加えることなく、素直に演奏してくれたことは彼女にとってジャズ・フュージョン路線が完結した後の原点回帰のような意味もあったのではないでしょうか。
その証拠として「A Case Of You」や「Carey」では初期のトレードマークとも呼べるダルシマーを持ち出した弾き語りを披露。これらダルシマー・ソングの内「Carey」は放送からカットされてしまったのですが、この曲こそこの日のハイライトだったのです。ダルシマーを弾き始めたジョニはどうしたことかしっくりいかない様子で、歌い出したにもかかわらず、結局やり直してしまいます。そして最後は歌い終えるなり爆笑という、最高に微笑ましい場面がよりによって放送ではカットされてしまった。改めて今回のオーディンス録音の貴重さを思い知らされる場面でもあります。
この愉快な「Carey」の場面からも解るように、日本滞在から一週間以上が経過しているということもあって、ジョニは厚生年金会館の時よりもだいぶリラックスした様子で武道館に挑んでいる様子が伝わってくるのも魅力。先の曲だけでなく、他の曲の合間でもよく笑うなど、彼女が本当に楽しそう。そうした曲間のちょっとした場面も放送ではかなりカットされていたのですが、何よりライブ序盤の「Coyote」や中盤の「Refuge Of The Roads」といった70年代の彼女を代表するような曲ですら、放送でことごとくカットされていた点に関しては当時からファンに不評を買っていたもの。

そして三枚目と四枚目にはその定番たるラジオ放送を収録。現在こちらに関しては「A WOMAN IN THE EAST」という権利関係の隙間を縫ったグレーゾーンCDが一般市場で流通していますが、今回のオーディエンス録音を敢行したテーパーが放送をエアチェックした当時のテープも提供してくれました。この放送は二週に分けて放送されたのですが、一週目の放送の最後にはライブ終盤の「Underneath The Streetlights」が次週に先駆けて流されています。よって演奏がダブるということや一枚のディスクに収める問題から「A WOMAN~」においてはカットされていましたが、今回はそこをカットせず収録したことで実際の放送を二枚のディスクで忠実に収録されたことになりますし、「A WOMAN~」とは違うルートから入手した音源であることも証明する形となりました。
先の理由から不完全収録という大きな欠点のある音源ではありますが、それでも放送用ならではのステレオ・サウンドボードというアドバンテージはさすがに魅力的。特に全編を通して冴え渡るマイケル・ランドーのギターさばきと、メンバー紹介においてジョニから「my husband」と紹介されるラリー・クラインのベースラインのクリアネスは抜群。しかしヴィニー・カリウタのドラムに関しては今回のオーディンス録音の方に軍配が上がります。



Disc 1(58:23)
1. Intro.
2. Free Man In Paris
3. Coyote★
4. Cotton Avenue★
5. Edith And The Kingpin★
6. You Dream Flat Tires
7. Song For Sharon
8. God Must Be A Boogie Man☆ラジオでは曲順を変えて収録。
9. For Free
10. Big Yellow Taxi
11. A Case Of You
12. Carey★
13. Amelia★

Disc 2(62:38)
1. Wild Things Run Fast
2. Ladies’ Man★
3. Raised On Robbery★
4. Don’t Interrupt The Sorrow
5. Refuge Of The Roads★
6. (You’re So Square) Baby I Don’t Care★
7. Solid Love
8. Chinese Cafe
9. Help Me
10. You Turn Me On, I’m A Radio
11. Love
12. Both Sides Now
13. Band Introduction
14. Underneath The Streetlights
15. Woodstock



Disc 3(40:23)
1. Free Man In Paris
2. Edith And The Kingpin
3. You Dream Flat Tires
4. Refuge Of The Roads
5. (You’re So Square) Baby I Don’t Care
6. For Free
7. Big Yellow Taxi
8. A Case Of You
9. God Must Be A Boogie Man
10. Underneath The Streetlights ★1CDの既発には未収録

Disc 4(42:20)
1. Wild Things Run Fast
2. Don’t Interrupt The Sorrow
3. Solid Love
4. Chinese Cafe
5. Help Me
6. You Turn Me On, I’m A Radio
7. Love
8. Both Sides Now
9. Band Introduction
10. Underneath The Streetlights
11. Woodstock


Joni Mitchell – Guitar, Dulcimer & Piano
Michael Landau – Guitar
Larry Klein – Bass
Russell Ferrante – Keyboards
Vinnie Colaiuta – Drums


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