Jimmy Page & Robert Plant / Budokan 1996 3rd Night: Dat Master / 2CD

Jimmy Page & Robert Plant / Budokan 1996 3rd Night: Dat Master / 2CD / Wardour
Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 8th February 1996

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The legendary box released by the Hoochie Coochie label is the page plant “10 DAYS” reprint series from the original DAT master, this time the third and fourth days of the Budokan will be revived on the limited press CD. Speaking of the third day of the Budokan, the legendary day that shook the world with the live premiere of “Tea For One”, which did not come true during the ZEP era. That’s why it was very popular in 1996, but “10 DAYS” became famous for its high sound quality that overwhelmed others.
In any case, it is a day that tends to attract attention for the first live performance of “Tea For One”, but the live itself begins with Paige Plant’s fixed pattern of showing off the early ZEP classic in a medley state again at the beginning. Unlike the first day of the Budokan, the place where Paige’s guitar is sounding firmly makes me feel reliable that I have stepped on the number of places after coming to Japan. The whole performance was very fulfilling on this day before the first show of the example, but it may have been successful to open the curtain from the fixed pattern that I was used to from the previous year.
On the third day of the Budokan, “BUDOKAN 1996 3RD NIGHT”, a proprietary DAT audience recording, was released four years ago, and its outstanding quality was suitable to be called a new definitive edition. However, the “10 DAYS” master this time is a superb level that surpasses it. Because when I transferred DAT with the latest equipment in 2023, I succeeded in drawing out the features of the recording even more than in 1996. This is also true for the previous release, but the difference is especially felt in acoustic performances. Of course, it is not necessary to apply the production by equalizing.

In that case, the scene of “The Rain Song”, which was performed live for the first time with an acoustic arrangement similar to the album “HOUSES OF THE HOLY”, has been reproduced with more reality than when it was released in 1996, even the sound of a needle dropping. I was once again overwhelmed by the splendor of the performance that was shown in a quiet enough to be heard. In this song, the happening that Paige starts over is a scene that has been handed down for a long time, but even Paige’s spirit of trying to concentrate on such an acoustic and delicate performance is transmitted. In addition, the very natural and warm sound quality further enhances it.
This exquisite natural feeling surpasses even that “BUDOKAN 1996 3RD NIGHT”, and once again you will be reminded of the splendor of the outstanding recording condition of “10 DAYS”. In addition, the sound image is also very close. When this becomes Paige’s guitar in the development part of “Whole Lotta Love”, the sound pressure is enough to think that it is finally the sound board itself. The power can be reproduced more vividly than in 1996. Originally it is of unparalleled quality, so there is no extremely big difference, but even so, it was made into a CD with high reproducibility only in 2023.
As I mentioned at the time of the previous release, it is now a monumental mega rare item created from the 1996 Japan tour. There should be many people who could not touch even if they wanted to touch that other dimension of the best audience. For such people, there is no doubt that this limited press CD will literally be a savior release.

And the first live performance of “Tea For One” that wowed maniacs all over the world. Everyone who was there on the day thought it was the usual “Since I’ve Been Loving You”, but the shock when that riff started, it was amazing. On top of that, even though Paige started playing it, it’s funny now that she got the bonus of redoing the riff. Only slow blues, which he is good at, I feel overwhelmed again when I hear the play that beats down after the song starts with “10 DAYS” quality.
In addition, the plant was also hustling, and it was only on this day that Paige left a witty phrase, “This is a rehearsal for the boot!” After all, there is plenty of room to do the stage in Japan twice, and even if the new song “The Truth Explodes (Yallah)” is canceled due to the lack of response, the place is connected with plenty of room.
Just hearing that the plant was more talkative than the previous two days clearly conveyed how the night ended in a good mood. Please enjoy the performance at the beginning of the tour to your heart’s content from the original DAT of the masterpiece. This is the “10 DAYS” master!

★Hoochie Master of the Coochie box “10 DAYS”. It is the highest sound quality.

Hoochie Coochieレーベルがリリースした伝説のボックスがオリジナルのDATマスターからのペイジ・プラント『10 DAYS』復刻シリーズ、今回は武道館の三日目と四日目が限定プレスCDにて復活を遂げます。武道館の三日目と言えばZEP時代にライブ演奏が叶わなかった「Tea For One」のライブ初演によって世界中を震撼させた伝説の一日。それだけに1996年当時も高い人気を誇っていましたが、そんな中でも他を圧倒した高音質で名を馳せたのが『10 DAYS』。
とかく「Tea For One」ライブ初披露に注目の集まりがちな日でありますが、ライブ自体は序盤に再び初期ZEPクラシックをメドレー状態で披露するというペイジ・プラントの定型パターンから幕開け。武道館初日と違いペイジのギターがしっかり鳴っているところなども来日後の場数を踏んできた頼もしさを感じさせます。例の初披露以前にこの日は全体の演奏が非常に充実していたのですが、前年からやり慣れてきた定型パターンから幕を開けたことが功を奏したのかもしれません。
そんな武道館三日目は四年前に独自入手DATオーディエンス録音の『BUDOKAN 1996 3RD NIGHT』がリリースされており、そのずば抜けたクオリティは新たな決定版と呼ぶに相応しいものでした。ところが今回の『10 DAYS』マスターはそれをも凌ぐ極上レベル。というのも2023年の最新機材でDATをトランスファーしたところ、96年当時よりもさらに録音の素性を引き出すことに成功したのです。これは前回のリリースにも当てはまることですが、アコースティックな演奏では特にその差が感じられます。もちろんイコライジングによる演出を施すまでもなく。

となればアルバム『HOUSES OF THE HOLY』同様のアコースティックなアレンジで初めてライブ披露された「The Rain Song」の場面など96年リリース時以上のリアリティをもって再現してくれており、まるで針が落ちる音すら聞こえそうなほど静まった中で披露された演奏の素晴らしさには改めて打ちのめされる思いです。この曲ではペイジがやり直すというハプニングも昔から語り継がれてきた場面ですが、それほどアコースティックで繊細な演奏に集中しようとしたペイジの気概すら伝わってくる。それに非常にナチュラルでウォーミーな音質がさらに引き立ててくれているのです。
この絶妙なナチュラル感はあの『BUDOKAN 1996 3RD NIGHT』をも凌ぐほどで、改めて『10 DAYS』の卓越した録音状態の素晴らしさを思い知らされるでしょう。おまけに音像もめちゃくちゃ近い。これが「Whole Lotta Love」の展開部におけるペイジのギターになると、いよいよサウンドボードそのものではないかと思えるほどの音圧。その迫力も96年当時以上に生々しく再現できている。元々が比類なきクオリティですので極端に大きな違いというのはないのですが、それでも高い再現力でCD化されたのは2023年ならでは。

そして世界中のマニアをアッと言わせた「Tea For One」のライブ初披露。当日居合わせたマニアの誰もがいつもの「Since I’ve Been Loving You」かと思いきや、あのリフが始まった時の衝撃、それは凄まじいものでした。おまけにせっかくペイジが弾き始めたのにリフをやり直すというおまけが付いたのも今となっては微笑ましい限り。彼が得意とするスロー・ブルースだけに、曲が始まってからの弾き倒すプレイも『10 DAYS』クオリティで聞くと改めて圧倒される思いです。
それにプラントもハッスルしており、この曲のイントロをペイジがやり直したところですかさず「今のはブート用のリハだからね!」という機転の利いた名文句を残してくれたのもこの日ならでは。やはり二回の日本でのステージをこなした余裕が溢れており、新曲であった「The Truth Explodes (Yallah)」が反応の鈍さから演奏取り止めになっても余裕たっぷりに場をつないでいる。
前の二日以上にプラントが饒舌だという点を聞くだけでもご機嫌な一夜に終わった様子がはっきり伝わってくる。ツアー序盤の名演を名盤のオリジナルDATから心ゆくまで味わってください。これが『10 DAYS』マスターだ!

★Hoochie Coochieボックス「10 DAYS」のマスター。最高音質です。

Disc 1 (67:45)
1. Intro.
2. Egyptian Intro.
3. Celebration Day
4. Bring It On Home
5. Heartbreaker
6. What Is and What Should Never Be
7. The Rain Song
8. Hurdy-Gurdy Solo
9. When the Levee Breaks
10. Gallows Pole
11. Tea for One
12. Band Introductions
13. The Song Remains the Same
14. Babe, I’m Gonna Leave You

Disc:2 (66:26)
1. Whole Lotta Love
2. The Truth Explodes (Yallah)
3. Four Sticks
4. Egyptian Intro
5. In the Evening
6. Kashmir
7. Black Dog
8. Rock and Roll


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