Jimi Hendrix Experience / Stockholm 4th September 1967 / 1CD

Jimi Hendrix Experience / Stockholm 4th September 1967 / 1CD / Non Label
Grona Lund, Tivoli Gardens, Stockholm, Sweden 4th September 1967

Play sample :

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His live sound source release that began with the famous performance “MAUI 1970” of Jimi’s later years, this time is the appearance of an audience album that captures the 1967 stage that is the early stage of activity, which is the early stage of activity. The year of 67 years in Jimi’s career was an important time when it was a success, but it has attracted great attention and the number of sound sources tends to increase as the year progresses. The European tour, which started from the end of August, has a number of sound sources that capture the Swedish stage. The most famous one of them seems to be the radio broadcast in Stockholm on September 5th, but the sound source on the same day on the 4th the previous day was also well known among mania from a long time ago.
In addition, I have been on two stages this day, but there is an audience recording that captures both shows. It is a fact that is worthy of surprise, but it is even more so since both were recorded with surprisingly good sound quality for those days.

First live at the venue called “Stora Scenen”. The sound of Jimi’s guitar is caught with a tremendous sound pressure while the clear sound quality is here. Because of that, other instruments are pushed and it is a dignified balance, but it is Jimi who was able to tell everything with a guitar after all, it is a masterpiece that his terrific play approaches with sound pressure of the sound board class. Still, it seems that the play that is small in a good sense does not escalate to improvisation as much as the next year, and it seems that it is really 1967 again, and the pessimistic performance of the experience with him runs through the whole volume. The song that later evolved into “Lover Man” and became a standard repertoire was also played at this point in the original material “Rock Me Baby” style. The live show at the second show “Dans In” was recorded using a stereo microphone and what a very rare, lively and lively Jimi stage in 1967 You are
As such, since both were captured with astonishingly high sound quality for those days, it is also a sound source from which items have been released since ancient times. This high-quality sound source is released on a limited press CD based on the latest version uploaded by the familiar Krw_co. However, neither sound source is a rare sound source among traders at all, and the sound source of the info “2nd Gen Reel” has been around for a while as well as this time. Both shows are versions copied twice from the master cassette to reel tape, but the deterioration of the sound source is minimized because the dubbing via the cassette has not been made, and the freshness seems to be like 1967. It’s an unbelievably vintage audience.

Rather, the problem may not be the recording status of items that have been released in the past. Most of them were degraded sound quality versions based on the generational cassette, or were released with the pitch deviations that tend to be common to Jimi items being noticeable. In the case of him, the tuning of the guitar is lowered by half a pitch, and the pitch is easily lost. Furthermore, “Stora Scenen” has a problem with the recording status of the large book. It is the left channel of the stereo is off periodically due to contact failure, for example, in the “Foxy Lady” interval was recorded until the trouble that the left channel is turned off after the noise of the poor connection is entered .
So the past items have been released in the state of being made monolithic utilizing the undamaged right channel. Certainly there is no stress or stress to turn off, but as of 67 years the sound image with the widening of surprise has been admirably sacrificed. So this time, I dare to use CD in the original condition. A revolutionary release where you can taste the stereo sound of a different dimension for the first time from items such as “SWDISH ADVENTURE” from RATLE SNAKE released in the past, or “LIVE AT THE DANS IN!” (Here only for the second show) from SCORPIO It became Certainly the problem of the left channel could not be dealt with, but even then the sound quality is amazing. And when it appeared on the net, the pitch that had dropped considerably was also perfectly adjusted, and it is also the release that recorded the sound source of the two stages on this day with the accurate pitch for the first time.

As I mentioned at the beginning about the performance, the lively play is wonderful anyway. The greatness of Jimi’s guitar play can be clearly understood by comparing “Catfish Blues” played on either stage. Both are very intense play, yet the expression is completely different. His guitar bursts at each show, such as a first show that is pushed with a series of hammering, and a second show in which Jimi plays while holding down the wah pedal after Mitch’s drum solo ends. Moreover, the point of the audience recording that boasts the amazing high sound quality as 1967 is wonderful again.
And Jimi who won the stardom in the United States from the appearance after the United Kingdom and Montare pop festival appearance, but it is still just before the break here in Stockholm. Therefore, unlike in the United States, the stage with the sensible audience in front of it would also be a sound source that also has an astonishing ease of hearing while being a vintage audience. The first show that Jimi’s guitar is coming in, the second show with amazing stereo sound, the real document of the Stockholm performance in 1967 recorded in the state of both best, the soundability is also easy to hear unique to the initial experience!

(Remastered note)
★ Fixed a pitch about 50% lower than semitones.
★ I made the omission better. (Tweak)

ジミ晩年の名演「MAUI 1970」から始まった彼のライブ音源リリース、今回は一転して活動初期に当たる1967年の瑞々しいステージを捉えたオーディエンス・アルバムの登場です。ジミのキャリアにおいて67年と言う年は成功を掴んだ重要な時期だった訳ですが、それ故に大きな注目を集め、音源の数も年が進むにつれて増えていく傾向にあります。中でも8月の終わりから始まったヨーロッパ・ツアーからはスウェーデンでのステージを捉えた音源がいくつも存在します。その中で最も有名なのは9月5日のストックホルムでのラジオ放送だと思われますが、前日4日の同地での音源も昔からマニアの間でよく知られていました。

まず最初の「Stora Scenen」という会場でのライブ。こちらはクリアーな音質ながらジミのギターの音が凄まじい音圧で捉えられています。そのせいで他の楽器が押され気味なバランスではあるのですが、何しろギターで全てを語ることが出来たジミです、彼の凄まじいプレイがサウンドボード級の音圧で迫ってくる様は圧巻。それでいて翌年以降ほどのインプロヴィゼーションへとエスカレートしない、いい意味でこじんまりとしたプレイがまた実に1967年らしく、彼とエクスペリエンスの小気味いい演奏が全編を通して冴え渡っています。後に「Lover Man」へと進化して定番レパートリーと化す曲もこの時点では元ネタの「Rock Me Baby」スタイルでの演奏。セカンド・ショーである「Dans In」という会場でのライブは何とステレオ・マイクを使って録音されており、1967年としては非常に珍しい広がりのある臨場感で活きのいいジミ達のステージが捉えられています。
このように、どちらも当時としては驚くほどの高音質で捉えられていたことから、古くからアイテムがリリースされてきた音源でもあります。そんな高音質音源を今回はおなじみKrw_coがアップロードした最新バージョンを元に限定のプレスCDにてリリース。もっともどちらの音源もトレーダー間では決して珍しい音源ではなく、今回と同じく「2nd Gen Reel」というインフォの音源が以前から出回っていました。どちらのショーもマスター・カセットからリール・テープに二度ほどコピーされたバージョンなのですが、カセットを介したダビングを経ていないことから音源の劣化が最小限に留められ、鮮度も1967年とは思えないほど見事なビンテージ・オーディエンスなのです。

むしろ問題は、過去にリリースされてきたアイテムの収録状態ではないでしょうか。そのほとんどがジェネ落ちカセットを元にした音質劣化バージョンであったり、あるいはジミのアイテムにありがちなピッチの狂いが目立つ状態でのリリースだったのです。彼の場合はギターのチューニングが半音下げということからピッチの狂いがおざなりにされやすい。さらに「Stora Scenen」の方では大本の録音状態にも問題があります。それはステレオの左チャンネルで接触不良によるオフ現象が周期的に起きていて、例えば「Foxy Lady」の間奏では接続不良のノイズが入ったあとで左チャンネルがオフになるというトラブルまで記録されていました。
そこで過去のアイテムは無傷の右チャンネルを活かしてモノ化した状態でリリースされ続けていたのです。確かにノイズやオフになるストレスこそないものの、67年としては驚きの広がりある音像が見事に犠牲となってしまった。そこで今回は敢えて元の状態のままでCD化。過去にリリースされていたRATTLE SNAKEの「SWDISH ADVENTURE」、あるいはSCORPIOの「LIVE AT THE DANS IN!」(こちらはセカンド・ショーのみ)といったアイテムとは別次元のステレオ音質を初めて味わえる画期的なリリースとなったのです。確かに左チャンネルの問題は処理しきれないものでしたが、それにしてもこの音質は驚異的。そしてネット上に現れた時点で相当に下がっていたピッチも完璧にアジャスト、この日二ステージの音源を初めて正確なピッチで収録したリリースでもあります。

演奏に関しては最初にも触れましたが、とにかく活きのいいプレイが素晴らしい。どちらのステージでも演奏された「Catfish Blues」を聞き比べればジミのギター・プレイの偉大さがよく解ります。どちらも非常に激しいプレイでありながら、それでいて表情は全く違う。ハンマリングの連発でグイグイと押してくるファースト・ショー、ミッチのドラム・ソロ終了後にワウペダルを踏みながらジミが弾きまくるセカンド・ショーといった具合に、それぞれのショーで彼のギターが炸裂しているのです。しかも1967年としては驚きの高音質を誇るオーディエンス録音という点がまたお見事。



Stora Scenen, Grona Lund, Tivoli Gardens, Stockholm, Sweden 4th September 1967 (Early Show)

1. Intro 2. Tune Up 3. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
4. Rock Me Baby 5. Catfish Blues 6. Hey Joe 7. Purple Haze

Dans In, Grona Lund, Tivoli Garden, Stockholm, Sweden 4th September 1967 (Late Show)

8. Tune Up 9. Killing Floor 10. Foxy Lady 11. Catfish Blues 12. Hey Joe 13. Fire
14. The Wind Cries Mary 15. Purple Haze

Jimi Hendrix – Guitar, Vocals Noel Redding – Bass Mitch Mitchell – Drums

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