Jethro Tull / Flute Cake / 1CDR

Jethro Tull / Flute Cake / 1CDR / Uxbridge

Live at Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, CA, USA 19th October 1970
Taken from the original LP (Trade Mark Of Quality, 71044)

Play sample :

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The most famous big classic in the history of JETHRO TULL’s sound source … No, the most classic album “FLUTE CAKE”. The highest quality board is reprinted.
“FLUTE CAKE” …… It is a masterpiece that was once synonymous with JETHRO TULL live. It was a legendary live album that passed on “raw JETHRO TULL” to the world long before the official work “BURSTING OUT” was born, and passed down their sounds of the really amazing times to posterity. Its identity is a transcendental audience recording of the “October 19, 1970 Anaheim performance” (formerly known as the “18th Inglewood performance”, but is now corrected to the next day). No, when it comes to this dimension, the difference between the audience and the sound board is meaningless. It’s such a high quality record with such a historical weight.
Speaking of 1970, it was also the time when the two tours “STAND UP Tour” / “BENEFIT Tour” intersected, and now there are works such as “LIVE AT THE ISLE OF WIGHT 1970” and “LIVE AT CARNEGIE HALL 1970”. It is left. In order to understand the situation in that area, let’s look back on the schedule at that time.

・ January 16-February 21: Europe # 1 (8 performances)
《Join John Evan》
・ April 5-10: Europe # 2 (5 performances)
・ April 17-30: North America # 1a (9 performances)
“May 1st release of” BENEFIT “”
・ May 1st-June 6th: North America # 1b (23 performances)
・ July 3rd-August 17th: North America # 2 (28 performances)
・ August 30: Appearance at the Isle of Wight Festival
・ September 23-October 13: Europe # 3 (14 performances)
・ October 16th-November 15th: North America # 3 (27 performances) ← ★ Coco ★

This is the 1970 JETHRO TULL. They formed a five-member group with John Evan in the spring, and while releasing “BENEFIT”, they carried out an energetic tour. The Anaheim performance of this work is the fourth performance of “North America # 3” at the end of the performance. It was a concert between the Isle of Wight Festival (August 30th) and Carnegie Hall (November 4th). And, such a show was left with an audience recording of the best sound, and became known as the legendary LP “FLUTE CAKE”. This work is the highest peak that has been finely digitized from its original blue vinyl “TMOQ 71044”.
Actually, the sound is superb. Many LP-raising CDs have appeared so far, but this work is a brand that is particular about the LP that is the source and the digitization process, and the glossiness that one needle crack is not found is tremendous. And above all, the reproducibility of the details is intense. While each sound is beautifully separated, the rise is sharp, and even the moment when it disappears into the silent darkness is clear. Even though it is not processed by digital mastering, the vividness of the fine parts alone improves the thickness and adhesion of the sound. Traditionally it was recorded as if it were synonymous with “sound board”, but it has been reprinted with a transcendental sound that could surpass even the official traditional work “BURSTING OUT”.
It is said that the original LP “TMOQ 71044” appeared in 1972, and this year is strangely celebrating its 50th anniversary. This work is the highest peak board that was born in such a milestone year. It is not an exaggeration to say that the history of the sound source itself is a historical masterpiece. Please take this opportunity to thoroughly enjoy it.

★ Transcendental audience recording of “October 19, 1970 Anaheim performance”. JETHRO TULL A finely digitized piece from the most famous LP “FLUTE CAKE (TMOQ 71044)” in the history of sound sources. It is a brand that is particular about the condition of the sauce and the process, and the glossiness that one needle cracker is not found is tremendous. The reproducibility of the details is also intense, and while each sound is beautifully separated, the rise is sharp, and even the moment when it disappears into the silent darkness is clear. Traditionally it was recorded as if it were synonymous with “sound board”, but it is a legendary live album reprinted with a transcendental sound that could surpass even the official traditional work “BURSTING OUT”.

JETHRO TULLの音源史上、もっとも有名な大定番……いや、最定番アルバム『FLUTE CAKE』。その最高峰クオリティ盤が復刻です。
『FLUTE CAKE』……それは、かつてJETHRO TULLライヴの代名詞でもあった大名盤。公式作『BURSTING OUT』が生まれるより遙か以前から「生のJETHRO TULL」を世界中に伝え、本当に凄かった時代の彼らの音を後世にも語り継いできた伝説のライヴアルバムでした。その正体は「1970年10月19日アナハイム公演」の超絶級オーディエンス録音(古くは「18日イングルウッド公演」として知られてきましたが、現在では翌日と訂正されています)。いや、もうこの次元になるとオーディエンス/サウンドボードの違いも意味がない。それほどまでにハイクオリティであり、それほどまでに歴史的な重みの宿った記録なのです。
また、1970年と言えば、2つのツアー“STAND UP Tour”/“BENEFIT Tour”が交錯する時期でもあり、現在では『LIVE AT THE ISLE OF WIGHT 1970』や『LIVE AT CARNEGIE HALL 1970』といった作品も残されている。その辺の事情を理解する意味でも、ここで当時のスケジュールを振り返っておきましょう。


これが1970年のJETHRO TULL。春にジョン・エヴァンを迎えて5人編成となった彼らは『BENEFIT』をリリースしつつ、精力的なツアーを実施。本作のアナハイム公演は、その終盤「北米#3」の4公演目。ワイト島フェスティバル(8月30日)とカーネギーホール(11月4日)の中間にあたるコンサートでした。そして、そんなショウは極上サウンドのオーディエンス録音が残され、伝説LP『FLUTE CAKE』として知られるようになった。本作は、そのオリジナル盤であるブルー・ヴィニール『TMOQ 71044』から精緻にデジタル化された最高峰盤なのです。
実際、そのサウンドは超極上。これまでも幾多のLP起こしCDが登場してきたわけですが、本作はソースとなるLPにもデジタル化の工程にもこだわった銘品で、針パチ1つ見当たらない艶やかさが絶大。そして何より、ディテールの再現度が強烈なのです。1音1音が綺麗にセパレートしつつ、立ち上がりも鋭く、無音の闇に消えてゆく刹那まで鮮明。デジタル・マスタリングで加工しているわけでもないのに、微細部の鮮やかさだけで極太感や密着感まで向上して聞こえるのです。伝統的に「まるでサウンドボード」の代名詞のような録音でしたが、当のオフィシャル伝統作『BURSTING OUT』さえ凌駕しかねない超絶サウンドで復刻されているのです。
オリジナルLP『TMOQ 71044』が登場したのは1972年と言われ、今年は奇しくも50周年を迎えました。本作は、そんなで節目の年に誕生した最高峰盤です。音源史そのものと言っても過言ではない歴史的な大名盤。どうぞ、この機会にじっくりと味わい尽くしてください。

★「1970年10月19日アナハイム公演」の超絶級オーディエンス録音。JETHRO TULL音源史でもっとも高名なLP『FLUTE CAKE(TMOQ 71044)』から精緻にデジタル化された1枚。ソースのコンディションにも工程にもこだわった銘品で、針パチ1つ見当たらない艶やかさが絶大。ディテールの再現度も強烈で1音1音が綺麗にセパレートしつつ、立ち上がりも鋭く、無音の闇に消えてゆく刹那まで鮮明。伝統的に「まるでサウンドボード」の代名詞のような録音でしたが、当のオフィシャル伝統作『BURSTING OUT』さえ凌駕しかねない超絶サウンドで復刻された伝説のライヴアルバムです。

1. Introduction
2. Nothing Is Easy
3. MC
4. My God
5. We Used To Know
6. MC
7. With You There To Help Me / By Kind Permission Of…
8. A Song For Jeffrey
9. Sossity, You’re A Woman / Reasons For Waiting

Ian Anderson – Vocal, Flute & Guitars
Martin Barre – Guitars
Clive Bunker – Drums & Percussion
Glenn Cornick – Bass
John Evan – Keyboards

Uxbridge 1588

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