Jeff Beck / Tokyo 1980 Definitive Master / 2CD

Jeff Beck / Tokyo 1980 Definitive Master / 2CD / Wardour

Live at Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 17th December 1980


Play sample :

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Two major incidents of Jeff Beck’s visit to Japan will be released at the same time. Both of these two titles are new excavation masters of the 1980 performance in Japan, which are extremely popular. This second work is a shocking new recording that will be released for the first time in the world. Introducing the Press 2CD that permanently preserves that surprise.

[Sister work of legendary famous recording appears for the first time in the world] What is recorded in this work is a transcendental audience recording of the performance of “December 17, 1980: Nippon Budokan”. Not only will two works be released simultaneously from the same Japan tour this week, but in 1980 there will be three performances at Nippon Budokan alone. First of all, let’s organize the position of the show by the schedule together with our collection so far.

・ December 4 “TOKYO 1980 1ST NIGHT (Budokan)”
・ December 5 “DEFINITIVE OSAKA 1980 1ST NIGHT (Prefectural Gymnasium)”
・ December 8: Kyuden Memorial Gymnasium
・ December 9: Kurashiki Memorial Hall
・ December 10 “HERE, THERE AND BACK (Osaka Festival Hall)”
・ December 11: Nagoya City Assembly Hall
・ December 12: Miyagi Prefectural Civic Center
・ December 14: Prefectural industry co-promotion venue
・ December 16 “YOKOHAMA 1980 (Yokohama Cultural Gymnasium)” ← * Simultaneous release
・ December 17: Nippon Budokan ← ★ This work ★
・ December 18 “CYCLONE (Budokan)”
* Only representative works on each day.

As mentioned above, all 11 performances starting at Nippon Budokan and ending at Budokan. This work was the final stage, but it was also the concert the day after “YOKOHAMA 1980 (Wardour-467)”, which will be released at the same time. The show itself is a sister performance every day, but in fact the recording itself is also a sister work. It is the original cassette of the same recorder collection as “YOKOHAMA 1980”. Moreover, the taper is not free. In 1980, Jeff Beck was the person who recorded the masterpiece “NOW & THEN” among the masterpieces that cannot be avoided. “YOKOHAMA 1980” was an upgraded version of “NOW & THEN”, but on the contrary, this work was released for the first time in the world. This is a new recording that no one has ever heard.

[A beautiful recording of unparalleled density and luster] While being surprised at the first appearance over 40 years ago, the sound was superb, so it was a shock. It can be understood that it is an audience recording because it has a lively cheer, but the essential performance sound is like a sound board. The massive core reaches the ear without a sense of distance, and the details drawn with a clear outline are extremely delicate. And what is surprising is the luster. The core of this work is really thick and the attack is quite powerful, but there is almost no chattering component. If it is natural up to the peak of the drum hitting sound, the sound of the synth has a smooth shine like metallic luster. And Jeff’s guitar, which flies in between, never mixes with other instruments, even if it rampages around the ensemble.
In this show, the masterpiece “MIRACLE FINGER (Calm & Storm 037)” recorded by Miracle Man has reigned over the throne, but this work is not defeated at all. Is winning. Why have such recordings been kept secret for over 40 years? It is not a “masterpiece of the second day of the Budokan” but a “total new masterpiece of 1980”.
And the show drawn with that sound is also wonderful. As a matter of fact, Yokohama is said to be a better performer, but that is about accuracy. Certainly, in this work, there are some songs that have not been played, such as the riff of “Scatter brain” and “Too Much To Lose”, but the tension is high and the sharpness is good. In the intro of “Blue Wind,” she plays “She’s A Woman,” and “The Final Peace,” which she plays or does not perform on a daily basis, is also well shown. The feeling of fulfillment in the middle of the show where famous performances such as “The Final Peace”, “Cause We’ve Ended As Lovers” and “Freeway Jam” are gathered is considerable. Of course, you can also enjoy Jeff’s own vocals, which will be shown at the last “Going Down”, with the best sound.

In contrast to “YOKOHAMA 1980”, which lets you hear the legendary sound of the famous recording, this work is a new masterpiece that no one has ever heard. Jeff Beck is a beautiful sister who lets you experience the scene of 1980, which shines specially in the history of Japan’s visit, with transcendent sound. Even one of them is an absolute work with a brilliant sound, but the fact of new excavation itself is shocking if you take two works in a row. Please experience it with your sisters.

・12月4日『TOKYO 1980 1ST NIGHT(武道館)』
・12月5日『DEFINITIVE OSAKA 1980 1ST NIGHT(府立体育館)』
・12月10日『HERE, THERE AND BACK(大阪フェスティバルホール)』
・12月16日『YOKOHAMA 1980(横浜文化体育館)』←※同時リリース
・12月17日:日本武道館 ←★本作★
 以上、日本武道館で始まり、武道館で終わる全11公演。本作はその終盤でありつつ、同時リリースとなる『YOKOHAMA 1980(Wardour-467)』の翌日のコンサートでもありました。ショウ自体が連日の姉妹公演ですが、実は録音自体も姉妹作。『YOKOHAMA 1980』と同じ録音家コレクションの大元カセットなのです。しかも、そのテーパーがタダ者ではない。1980年ジェフ・ベックと言ったら避けて通れない名盤中の名盤『NOW & THEN』を記録した人物なのです。『YOKOHAMA 1980』は、その『NOW & THEN』のアップグレード盤だったわけですが、本作は逆に世界初公開。これまで誰も聴いた事のなかった新録音です。
 このショウはミラクルマン録音の傑作『MIRACLE FINGER(Calm & Storm 037)』が王座に君臨してきましたが、本作もまったく負けていない……と言いますか、高密度なダイレクト感や光沢ではハッキリと勝っている。なぜこれほどの録音が40年以上も秘匿され続けてきたのか……。「武道館2日目の名作」ではなく「1980年トータルの新名盤」なのです。
 そして、そのサウンドで描かれるショウがまた素晴らしい。実のところ、定評としては横浜の方が名演とも言われていますが、それは精度の話。確かに本作では「Scatterbrain」のリフや「Too Much To Lose」など、弾き切れていない曲もあったりしますが、テンションは高く、キレも良い。「Blue Wind」のイントロで「She’s A Woman」をチラ弾きしたり、日替わりで演ったり演らなかったりの「The Final Peace」もしっかり披露されている。その「The Final Peace」や「Cause We’ve Ended As Lovers」「Freeway Jam」など、名演が集まったショウ中盤の充実感はかなりのもの。もちろん、ラストの「Going Down」で披露されるジェフ自身のヴォーカルも極上サウンドで楽しめます。
 伝説的に語られている名録音の大元サウンドを聴かせてくれる『YOKOHAMA 1980』に対し、本作は誰も聴いた事のない初登場の新名盤。ジェフ・ベックの来日史でも特別な輝きを放つ1980年の現場を超絶サウンドで体験させてくれる絶世の美姉妹です。片方だけでも輝きサウンドの絶対作ですが、2作続けて浴びると新発掘の事実自体が衝撃的。どうぞ、姉妹併せて存分にご体験ください。
★「1980年12月17日:日本武道館」公演の超絶級オーディエンス録音。伝説的名盤『NOW & THEN』を手掛けた名手の初公開録音で、本作もまるでサウンドボードな極上品。質量感たっぷりな芯が距離感なく耳元に届き、くっきりとした輪郭で描かれるディテールも超繊細。シンセの鳴りは金属光沢の如きツルツルとした輝きを宿し、ジェフのギターもアンサンブルを引っかき回すように暴れても決して他の楽器と混じり合わない美録音です。勢い余ったミスもあるものの、それほどまでにノッた熱演を極上サウンドで楽しめます。
Disc 1 (38:25) 
1. Intro
2. Star Cycle
3. El Becko
4. Too Much To Lose
5. The Pump
6. Cause We’ve Ended As Lovers
7. Space Boogie
8. The Final Peace
Disc 2 (69:01)
1. Led Boots
2. Freeway Jam
3. Keyboard Solo
4. Diamond Dust
5. Scatterbrain
6. Drum Solo
7. Scatterbrain(Reprise)
8. Blue Wind
9. Goodbye Pork Pie Hat
10. You Never Know
11. Going Down
12. Member Introduction
Jeff Beck – Guitar
Tony Hymas – Keyboards
Mo Foster – Bass
Simon Phillips – Drums



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