Jeff Beck / Hawaii 1975 / 1CD

Jeff Beck / Hawaii 1975 / 1CD / Wardour
Live at Honolulu International Center, Honolulu, HI, USA 30th July 1975

Play sample :

Click image to enlarge

Even in Jeff Beck’s 1975 live sound source, there is no sound source that was eagerly awaited to be re-released on a limited press CD so far. That is the Hawaii performance on July 30th. As you know, Beck, who had a bad cold at the last show, canceled one show and headed to Hawaii earlier than planned. Although it was performed as usual, it was said that the cold came back again and the performance in Japan was splendidly swayed by the fact that it was carried out there.
“While the fact itself has been known for a long time, has it recovered to that extent?” The first thing that made it clear was a very valuable cassette that a Japanese student who participated in the summer training in Hawaii happened to participate in a live performance and recorded it. First of all, it was released on the nostalgic MASTERPORT CD-R “IN HAWAII 1975” and surprised maniacs all over the world. It was a great response that there was a Hawaii performance that had been heard only by rumors, and with such a good audience recording.
Therefore, in 2006, as a matter of course, it was promoted to the press board “HAWAII 1975”. A famous recording and performance was finally released on a limited press board! Sold shortly after receiving a big applause.
Out. However, ironically, the status of this recording has risen even more because the press release has become difficult to obtain, and the demand for “HAWAII 1975” has increased more than ever.

In order to respond to such voices, this time it will be revived as a bonus for the masterpiece “SAPPORO 1975”. Although it was in the form of a CD-R, it was rather popular because it was the ultimate coupling with Sapporo, which was the beginning of that turbulent visit to Japan next to the Hawaii performance.
However, in this day and age, “SAPPORO 1975” was finally sold out, and naturally the bonus Hawaii ended. Precisely because of such timing, it is not possible not to realize the press revival release of the Hawaii performance. The master cassette recorded by one lucky Japanese student was already in excellent condition when it was released on the MASTERPORT edition, so we decided to transfer from the master cassette again this time, but “GRAF ZEPPELIN” who was in charge of brushing up. The recording was so good that he said, “I kept it to a minimum correction.”
It’s true that the sound image isn’t close enough to be called “just like a soundboard,” but isn’t it rare to see an audience recording that has such a good sense of distance turned into an exquisite balance? Rather, such a positional relationship reflects the temporarily improved physical condition of this day and conveys the tremendous destructive power of Beck’s play, which is played in excellent condition. The expansive stereo recording that contributed to the realism is also good.

Thinking about what happened after this, why was the performance unfolding so sharply? It’s easy to guess. Beck, who had recovered as soon as he arrived in Hawaii, probably wanted to do a live performance himself, saying, “OK, I can go on stage with this,” or he wanted to do the stage as planned as a professional. In any case, the planned stage in Hawaii was carried out by being convinced of recovery. Beck, who went up to the stage in such a situation, had an unusually high tension from the finger break-in before starting the opening “Constipated Duck”. The joy of recovering physical condition is transmitted from such a place, but the intensity of the performance that unfolds from there is like a raging fire.
The performance that penetrates all the way to the finale “Diamond Dust” was such that a specialized magazine at the time of the release of “IN HAWAII 1975” said, “Considering the physical condition at the time, the performance was like a miracle.” Conversely, it is easy to imagine that he would have sweated considerably if he performed so intensely at the timing when he was about to get sick. It is also a convincing performance … ironically.
In the first place, more than two months have passed since the tour started in 1975, and the combination with the back members is solid. It was like it was promised that it would be a wonderful performance as long as Beck’s physical condition was good. A day of miracles suitable for just calling it a performance. On the contrary, even on the stage of 1975, the long-awaited revival will be achieved with the limited press CD that has been performed since 2006. Anyway, no matter how many times I listen to it, it’s a really amazing performance!

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(remastered memo)

★ Digitized again from Master cassette
★Since it was very good in a digitized state, I only corrected the pitch and phase shift.

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 その事実自体は古くから知られていたものの、それほどまでに回復していたのか?ということを初めて明らかにしてくれたのは夏期ハワイ研修に参加した日本人学生がたまたまライブに参戦し、なおかつ録音してくれたという超貴重なカセット。まずは懐かしのMASTERPORT盤CD-R『IN HAWAII 1975』にてリリースされて世界中のマニアを驚かせる結果に。今まで噂でしか伺い知れなかったハワイ公演が現存していた、しかもこんなに良好なオーディエンス録音で…と大反響だったのです。
 そこで2006年には当然のごとくプレス盤『HAWAII 1975』へと昇格。名録音かつ名演が遂に限定プレス盤でリリースされた!と大喝采を浴びた後にほどなくしてSold
Out。ところが皮肉なことに、プレス盤リリースが入手困難となってしまったせいでなおさら本録音のステイタスが上がってしまい、『HAWAII 1975』を求める声がそれまで以上に高まってしまったのでした。
 そんな声に応えるべく、今度は名盤『SAPPORO 1975』のボーナスという形で復活。CD-Rという形ではありましたが、ハワイ公演の次にしてあの波乱の来日公演の幕開けとなった札幌との究極カップリングということからむしろ大好評。
 ところがこのご時世で『SAPPORO 1975』も遂にSold Outとなってしまい、当然ボーナスのハワイも終了。そんなタイミングだからこそハワイ公演のプレス復活リリースを実現させない訳にはいきません。一人の幸運な日本人学生が録音してくれたマスターカセットはMASTERPORT盤リリース時から既に素晴らしい状態でしたので、今回も再びマスターカセットからのトランスファーを敢行したものの、ブラッシュアップを担当した「GRAF ZEPPELIN」をして「最小限の補正に留めた」と言わしめたほど良好な録音。
 この後の展開を考えると、どうしてこれほどまでキレッキレの名演が繰り広げられたのか?ということを推測するのはたやすい。ハワイに着いてみるみる回復してきたベックは「よし、これならステージに上がれる」と自身でもライブをやりたくて仕方がなかったのでしょうし、あるいはプロとして予定通りステージをこなしたかったというのもある。いずれにせよ回復を確信したことで予定されていたハワイでのステージを決行したのでしょう。こうした状況の中でステージに上がったベックはオープニング「Constipated Duck」を始める前の指慣らしからして尋常でないテンションの高さ。こんなところからも体調が回復した喜びがヒシヒシと伝わってきますが、そこから繰り広げられる演奏の激しさは烈火のごとし。
 フィナーレ「Diamond Dust」まで一気に突き抜けるような演奏は『IN HAWAII 1975』リリース当時の専門誌をして「当時の体調を考えれば奇跡のような演奏」とまで言わしめたほど。逆に言えば病みあがろうとしていたタイミングでこれほど激しい演奏をすれば相当に汗をかいたであろうことも容易に想像できるというもので、なるほど熱演が故に風邪がぶり返してしまったというのも納得の名演です…皮肉なことに。
01. Introduction
02. Constipated Duck
03. She’s A Woman
04. Freeway Jam
05. Definitely Maybe   
06. Superstition
07. Air Blower
08. Keyboard Solo
09. ‘Cause We’ve Ended As Lovers
10. Power
11. Got The Feeling
12. You Know What I Mean
13. Diamond Dust / Jeff’s Jam
Jeff Beck – Guitar
Wilber Bascomb – Bass
Bernard Purdie – Drums
Max Middleton – Keyboards


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