Jeff Beck / Sapporo 1980 / 2CD

Jeff Beck / Sapporo 1980 / 2CD / Wardour

Tsukisamu Green Dome, Sapporo, Japan 14th December 1980

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Jeff Beck The 1980 Japan tour has now made it possible to enjoy most of the performances with the best audiences due to the Wardour label’s masterpieces, but the nostalgia that quickly conveyed its splendor in the early days of the CD “GOING DOWN” which contains the Sapporo performance on December 14th. That is the shocking quality that was caught with the amazing sound image and outstanding freshness of the sound board. In fact, there were many maniacs who were reminded of the splendor of coming to Japan in 1980 with this nostalgic masterpiece.
Its amazing sound quality has not faded even now, but there is a reason for this wonderful recording. That should be it, this sound source is due to the same taper as the famous recording “SAPPORO 1972: 50TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION” of Pink Floyd’s Sapporo performance in 1972. As far as I remember, Floyd’s Sapporo was also released as a masterpiece “COLD FRONT” from the same APHRODITE STUDIO as “GOING DOWN”.

Rather, “GOING DOWN” was the only choice for the Sapporo performance, but in 2005, the title “LIVE AT SAPPORO GREEN DOME” was finally released, suitable for the new era. By using the same photo of Beck for the jacket, it was easy to understand that it was the upper version of “GOING DOWN”.
However, it was released in 2005, reflecting the historical background, and it was not a little equalized, and at that time, the sound of Simon Phillips’ cymbals was in a state of ear piercing. It was also pointed out among maniacs.
Surprisingly, Sapporo 80 items will not be released after this, and on the contrary, as I mentioned at the beginning, the shadow has faded as the best audiences of other performances comparable to this were discovered one after another. It has become an unthinkable situation from the situation where the name of the name sound source was desired so far. Also, while the sound quality is excellent, the fact that the final stage of the live is not recorded was also a factor that made it different from other performance items that appeared later.

However, Beck’s sudden death inevitably led to requests for this nostalgic masterpiece. Krw_co uploaded this masterpiece itself at that exquisite timing. Moreover, with the touch of “sound board”. Even he, who usually believes in raising the sound source, misunderstood it as a sound board and uploaded the nostalgic “GOING DOWN” itself, which reminds me of the greatness of this sound source.
This time, we carried out the latest overhaul based on the Krw_co update that appeared at the perfect time. Nearly 20 years have passed since the re-released version, and it is clear that with current technology, remastering that makes the most of the original sound is possible. As expected, the recording condition where the band performance tends to become saturated from the middle of the live performance with this sound source cannot be cured, but the condition where the bass tends to reverberate can be easily adjusted.
As a result of adjusting this for this release, Beck’s guitar and Tony Hymas’ keyboards are more fresh than the original “GOING DOWN” and the reissue, which is a favorable result. Among them, “Diamond Dust” shows this result greatly, and it sounds so vivid that it seems to be an illusion that “Sapporo in 1980 was broadcast on FM?”
However, among the bonuses included in “GOING DOWN”, it is clear that the session sound source of “Rock And Roll Jelly” is now unnecessary, so it is omitted.

In the first place, it is speculated that Sapporo was recorded in a fairly front-row position, so while there are places where the sound is saturated, the stereo emitted from the venue speakers at the end of the live “Blue Wind” It’s surprising because you can even taste the production of feeling. In addition, Mike Millard is also pale when it comes to the exquisite balance that cheers throughout the whole can be heard from behind. Indeed, it can’t be helped that Krw_co is misunderstood as a sound board.
And from “Scatterbrain” to “Blue Wind”, it is blissful to be able to listen to the tremendous interplay exchanges centered on Beck in the development from the middle to the latter half of the live with the best quality of a sound board. The recording state where the sound is saturated makes you feel as if you were actually there. Phillips’ drumming must therefore remain natural.
In fact, in the middle of the live, there are many scenes where he incites Beck, and the fact that the thrillingness stands out more than the other performances in Japan in 1980 is also a great attraction of this sound source. Beck’s relaxed phrase that responds to that, the high-mass keyboard that cuts even more, and the bass of Mo Foster, who supports them like a strong force behind the edge, is an unbelievable vividness of the band sound unique to the performance in Japan in 1980. Capturing the Sapporo performance, the release of the renewed version that maniacs all over the world have been waiting for has finally come true!

ジェフ・ベック1980年の来日公演は今でこそWardourレーベルの名盤たちによって大半の公演を極上オーディエンスにて楽しめるようになりましたが、その素晴らしさをCD黎明期においていち早く伝えてくれた懐かしの名盤が12月14日の札幌公演を収めた『GOING DOWN』。それこそサウンドボードまがいの驚異的な音像と抜群の鮮度で捉えてくれた衝撃のクオリティ。実際この懐かしの名盤で80年の来日の素晴らしさを思い知らされたマニアが多かったのでは。
その驚異的な音質は今なお色褪せていないのですが、この素晴らしい録音には理由がある。それもそのはず、この音源は72年ピンク・フロイドの札幌公演の名録音『SAPPORO 1972: 50TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION』と同じテーパーによるものなのです。実際フロイドのサッポロも『GOING DOWN』と同じAPHRODITE STUDIOからこれまた名作『COLD FRONT』としてリリースされていたのが懐かしい限り。

むしろ札幌公演に関しては『GOING DOWN』一択という状況が続いたほどだったのですが、2005年になってようやく『LIVE AT SAPPORO GREEN DOME』というタイトルが新時代に相応しいタイトルをリリース。ジャケも同じベックの写真を使うことで『GOING DOWN』のアッパー版であることを解りやすく知らしめてくれました。

ところがベックの急逝によってこの懐かしの名音源へのリクエストが寄せられるようになったのは必然。その絶妙なタイミングでKrw_coがこの名盤そのものをアップロードしていました。しかも「サウンドボード」という触れ込みで。普段なら音源を上げるのが信条な彼ですら、サウンドボードだと誤解して懐かしの『GOING DOWN』そのものをアップしたというところに、この音源の偉大さを改めて思い知らされます。
今回のリリースでここを調整した結果、オリジナル『GOING DOWN』や再発盤以上にベックのギターやトニー・ハイマスの鍵盤の鮮度が上がるという好ましい結果に。中でも「Diamond Dust」ではこの成果が大きく現れており、もはやサウンドボードそのもの…それどころか「80年の札幌ってFMで放送されてたの?」と錯覚しそうなほど鮮烈に聞こえるのです。
ただし『GOING DOWN』に収められたボーナスの内「Rock And Roll Jelly」のセッション音源に関しては今や不要なのは明白ですのでオミット。

そもそも札幌は相当にフロント・ロウなポジションで録音されたのだと推測され、それ故に音が飽和してしまう箇所がある一方、ライブ終盤「Blue Wind」に至っては会場のスピーカーから発せられたステレオ感の演出すら味わえてしまうのだから驚き。それに全体を通しての歓声が後ろから聞こえてくるような絶妙なバランスときたらマイク・ミラードも真っ青。なるほどKrw_coがサウンドボードだと誤解してしまうのも致し方がない。
そして「Scatterbrain」から「Blue Wind」にかけて、ライブが中盤から後半へと差しかかる展開でのベックを中心とした凄まじいインタープレイの応酬をサウンドボードまがいの極上クオリティで聞けるというのは至福ですし、少し音が飽和してしまう録音状態がかえってその場にいるかのような生々しさを感じさせてくれる。それ故にフィリップスのドラミングもナチュラルな状態を保たれなければならない。

Disc 1(49:46)
1. Star Cycle
2. El Becko
3. Too Much to Lose
4. The Pump
5. Cause We’ve Ended as Lovers
6. Space Boogie
7. The Final Peace
8. Led Boots
9. Freeway Jam

Disc 2(43:24)
1. Diamond Dust
2. Scatterbrain
3. Drum Solo
4. Scatterbrain(Reprise)
5. Blue Wind

Bonus Track
Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 4th December 1980
6. Going’ Down

Jeff Beck – Guitar
Tony Hymas – Keyboards
Mo Foster – Bass
Simon Phillips – Drums



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