Jackson Browne / Osaka 2023 / 2CDR

Jackson Browne / Osaka 2023 / 2CDR / Uxbridge

Live at Festival Hall, Osaka, Japan 20th March 2023

Play sample :

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Jackson Browne’s return to Japan that fans all over Japan have been waiting for. Even now, it continues to be highly praised in various places, but this time, we will release it immediately by taking advantage of the unique mobility of Uxbridge, which will be the beginning of the first day in Osaka.
The land proved successful, and the one who provided the exclusive audience this time was Osaka and this person, “West Japan’s Strongest Taper”.
The brilliant work at Bryan Adams’ “OSAKA 2023”, which was already an exceptional audience by him, is still fresh in my memory, but this time’s work is also really wonderful … It’s a quality that can be enjoyed by enthusiasts and beginners alike. .

[As if you could even hear the sound of a needle falling] On the first day that Jackson finally set foot in Japan again, the audience gathered at the venue that day literally held their breath and watched his every move. The sound quality that vividly captures the atmosphere and silence is as if you could hear the sound of a needle falling.
In such an excellent environment, Osaka, which Mr. “West Japan’s Strongest Taper” performed this time, is at a level that can be recommended to everyone with peace of mind, as mentioned earlier, and it is already a perfect press-level recording.
This time it’s a CD-R from the Uxbridge label in order to deliver it as soon as possible, but it’s really wonderful.
The sound image is also really on, and above all, it’s unbelievable that he and the chorus singing voices were so close and vivid. Let’s assert that it is exactly the quality “loved by everyone”.

[In memory of David Lindley] In such a recording state, what impresses me the most is Jackson’s undiminished singing voice, which is 74 years old. The joy of listening to this most attractive sorrowful singing voice with a super clear recording unique to Mr. “West Japan’s Strongest Taper”.
However, this visit to Japan made me realize that the slide guitar that can be heard in the interlude of classic numbers like “Rock Me on the Water” is not David Lindley.
No, it’s Jackson this time who didn’t stop walking and went on a tour precisely because of the timing. On the contrary, his first live performance this year is the performance in Japan this time.
Perhaps because of that, the guitar tech gave the wrong guitar, and the scene where the intro didn’t mesh with the band was rather like the first day of the tour. Jackson, who gives me a smile, is also indescribable.

Of course, I am aware that he is also on stage after Lindley’s death. In memory of him, it is very impressive that he performed “Call It a Loan”, which was not featured on last year’s tour.
Before Jackson actually started playing, he said, “I’ve played with him countless times, but this is one of the few songs I made with him.”
The first day in Osaka, where Mr. “Western Japan’s Strongest Taper”, who was confirmed as a masterpiece, showed off his skill just by saying that he captured such a scene with the best sound quality.
And most of all, to be able to listen to Jackson’s return to Japan, which fans all over Japan have been waiting for, with perfect sound quality…

★The recording was recorded from the 12th row, and the sound is clear with the high-quality hall sound that is unique to the festival hall. There is no singing voice nearby.

既に彼による別格の極上オーディエンスであったブライアン・アダムス『OSAKA 2023』での鮮烈な仕事ぶりも記憶に新しいところですが、今回の仕事ぶりがまた実に素晴らしい…マニアから初心者まで安心して楽しめるクオリティなのです。


だがしかし、「Rock Me on the Water」のようなクラシック・ナンバーの間奏で聞こえるスライド・ギターがデヴィッド・リンドレーでないという現実を思い知らされてしまう今回の来日。
そのせいかギターテクが渡すギターを間違えたり、果てはイントロがバンドと噛み合わなかったりという場面もむしろツアー初日らしく、一方で「The Load-Out / Stay」の最中に地名や会場名を呟いて盛り上げてくれるジャクソンがまた何とも微笑ましい。

もちろん彼もリンドレー亡き後のステージであることは承知の上。彼を偲ぶべく、昨年のツアーでは取り上げられていなかった「Call It a Loan」を披露してくれているのがあまりにも感動的。


Disc 1 (67:07)
1. Intro
2. Before the Deluge
3. I’m Alive
4. Never Stop
5. The Barricades of Heaven
6. Fountain of Sorrow
7. Rock Me on the Water
8. Downhill From Everywhere
9. Words about David Lindley
10. Call It a Loan
11. Here Come Those Tears Again
12. Linda Paloma

Disc 2 (79:57)
1. Intro
2. Until Justice Is Real
3. The Dreamer
4. The Long Way Around
5. Sky Blue and Black
6. In the Shape of a Heart
7. Doctor My Eyes
8. Late for the Sky
9. Band Introductions
10. The Pretender
11. Running on Empty
12. The Load-Out / Stay
13. Take It Easy
14. Our Lady of the Well

Uxbridge 1875

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